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‘Accessed by KIV (Kelog Joint Ventute) on 17 Ose 2001 AS/NZS 3750.3:1994 Australian/New Zealand Standard Paints for steel structures Part 3: Heat resisting—Exterior ‘Accessed by KIV (Kellog Joint Venture) on 17 Dec 2001 ASINZS 3750.3: 94 ‘This Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard was prepared by Joint Technical Committee CH/3, Paints and Related Materials. It was approved on behalf of the Councit of Standards Australia on 24 June 1994 and on behalf of the Council of Standards New Zealand on 4 July 1994. It was published on 15 August 1994. ‘The following interests are represented on Committee CH/3: Australasian Corrosion Association Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Australian Paint Manufacturers Federation AUSTROADS Department of Defence Government Paint Committee National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia Railways of Australia Committee Retailers Council of Australia Telecom Australia Additional interests participating in preparation of Standard: ‘New Zealand Manufacturers Federation Telare New Zealand Review of Standards. To keep abreast of progress in industry, Joint Australian/New Zealand Standards are subject to periodic review and are kept up to date by the issue of amendments or new editions as necessary. It is important therefore that Standards users ensure that they are in posession of the Ines edition, and any amendments ereto. Full details of all Joint Standards and related publications will be found in the Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand Catalogue of Publications; this information is supplemented each month by the magazines “The Australian Standard’ and ‘Standards New Zealand", which subscribing members receive, and which give details of new publications, new editions and amendments, and of withdrawn Standards. ‘Suggestions for improvements to Joint Standards, addressed to the head office of either Standards Australia or Standards New Zealand, are welcomed. Notification of any inaccuracy or ambiguity found in a Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard should be made without delay in order tha the mater may be investigated and appropriate ation taken, This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 93014. -Acoassed by KIV (Kelog Joint Venture) on 17 Dee 2001 AS/NZS 3750.3:1994 Australian/New Zealand Standard Paints for steel structures Part 3: Heat resisting—Exterior First published Joint Standard ASINZS 3750351994 PUBLISHED JOINTLY BY: ‘STANDARDS AUSTRALIA 1 The Crescent, Homebush NSW 2140 Australia STANDARDS NEW ZEALAND Level 10, Standards House, 185 The Terrace, Wellington 6001 New Zealand SBN 0 7282 01929 ‘Accesses by KJV (Kellogdoint Venture) on 17 Dee 2001, ASINZS 3750.3:1994 PREFACE ‘This Standard was prepared by the Joint Australian/New Zealand Standards Committee CH/3 on Paints and Related Materials, under the ditection of the Multitechnics Standard Policy Board. It forms part of a series of product Standards for paints referred to in AS 2312, Guide to the protection of iron and steel against exterior atmospheric corrosion. ‘The following Standards in this series have been published: ‘AS 2364 Paints for steel structures—High-build epoxy (two-pack) AS 2602 Paints for steel structures—Full-gloss polyurethane (two-pack) AS 2603 Paints for stecl structures—Full-gloss epoxy (two-pack) AS 2672 Paints for steel structures—Chlorinated rubber, high-build AS 2673 Paints for steel structures—Alkyd/micaceous iron oxide AS 2674 Paints for steel structures—Epoxy primer (two-pack) ‘AS 3884 Etch primers (single-pack and two-pack) for pretreating metal surfaces AS 3885 Paints for steel structures—Galvanized and zinc primed—Latex ‘AS 3886 Paints for steel structures—Vinyl paint—High-build AS 3887 Paints for steel structures—Coal tar epoxy (two-pack) AS 3750 Paints for steel structures AS 3750.1 Part I: Epoxy mastic (two-pack)—For rusted steel AS 3750.2. Part 2: Ultra high-build paint AS/NZS 3750.4 Part 4: Bitumen paint The terms ‘normative’ and ‘informative’ have been used in this Standard to define the application of the appendix to which they apply. A ‘normative” appendix is an integral part of a Standard, whereas an ‘informative’ appendix is only for information and guidance. © Copyight ~ STANDARDS AUSTRALIA/STANDARDS NEW ZEALAND ‘Users of Standards are remind that copyight subsists in all Stadards Awialia and Sandans New Zealand publications and software Except where the Copyright Act slows and except where provided for he’ o puicatons ex cftwnre prosuced by Sandan Austala ‘gr Sardats New Zentand ray be reproduce, red 3 eareva sytem may fr or wansmiveby ary means whet prior ermsion fh wating rom Standards Austala or Standards New Zealand. Permsnion may ve conditional onan sppropra aya payment. Assan regums for pemsion and inforation on commercial aafvare royals shou be deta fo tho wee af Sandards Auslia New ‘Zaland roqlestShod be Geta 0 Standards New Zealna {Upto 10 percent of ihe weical content pags of a Standard may be copied for use exclusively inhouse by purcascis of the SGndard wiht payment of s voy or advice to Stags Ausaia of Sanda New Zealand Incuson of copyright mate incompuer software programs is so permed wit ayy payment vid Such og re ised eachsivelyrbuue by the creatas of the pogat ‘Cae shold be ake ensue that mate wedi rom the caret ein of he Stn and ta its pated whenever the Standard [Simed or enised. Te number ad dat of the Standard shou Were be cea serie. ‘The use of maria in prict fn or in compute software programs to be used commer, with of without payment or in commercial consis Subject tothe payeven ' oyaly Tas policy may be varied by Stndarés Atala Or Stneards New Zealand a any tre Accessed by KAV (Kellog Joint Venture) on 17 Dee 2001 3 CONTENTS Page SECTION 1 SCOPE AND GENERAL 11 SCOPE ...... Se eseeeecestede ta 4 1.2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS |... : 4 1.3. DEFINITIONS ....... Si 4 1.4 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS faethe 5 SECTION 2 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS 2.1 GENERAL ...... 4 22 CONDITIONS OF TEST 23° LIQUID PAINT . Reeser 244 APPLICATION PROPERTIES 2 22222.0202002.11 2.5 APPLIED FILM a Nacaa SECTION 3 PACKAGING AND LABELLING 3.1 PACKAGING 3.2 LABELLING . APPENDICES. A PURCHASING GUIDELINES ... . B GUIDANCE ON THE USE AND APPLICATION OF HEAT RESISTING PAINTS - u MEANS FOR DEMONSTRATING COMPLIANCE WITH THIS STANDARD 13 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS... 6.600.600 00s 0e0000+ 218 PREPARATION OF TEST PANELS... sso ss sc cscs .17 moo -Aczested by KIV (Kellog Joint Venture) on 17 Dee 2001, ASINZS 3750.3:1998 4 STANDARDS AUSTRALIA/STANDARDS NEW ZEALAND Australian/New Zealand Standard Paints for steel structures Part 3: Heat resisting—Exterior SECTION 1 SCOPE AND GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE This Standard sets out requirements for singke- and multi-component primers and finishing coats For the protection of steel against atmospheric corrosion at elevated temperatures. Paints specified in this Standard include those described as Paint References 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 35 in AS 2312. Temperature resistance, colour range, gloss level and drying times vary significantly according to type. These products can normally be applied by brush, roller or spray although airless spray application is not suitable for some types. Abrasive blast cleaning is the preferred method of surface preparation, however hand or power tool cleaning may be acceptable for some products that are exposed at lower temperatures. Some products require the application of heat to achieve their full resistance properties NOTES: 1 These paints may be used for the appropriate systems detailed in AS 2312. 2 Appendix A provides recommendations on information which should be provided by the purchaser at the time of enquiry or order. 3. Additional information on the use and application of heat resisting. paints is contained in ‘Appendix B. 4 Means for determining compliance with this Standard are given in Appendix C. 5 Some products covered by this Standard may be particularly prone to discolouration or damage due to atmospheric contamination where there are acid or alkaline conditions, and the manufacturer's advice should be sought 1.2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS A list of the documents referred to in this Standard is contained in Appendix D. 1.3. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Standard, the definitions given in AS 2310 and those below apply. NOTE: In New Zealand, NZS 2154 should be referred to in lieu of AS 2310. 1.3.1 Heat resisting paint—a paint which provides decorative appearance and corrosion resistance to exterior steelwork which is subjected to sustained heat that may range from 100- 600°C. 1.3.2. Type 1 produet—a single-component silicone acrylic paint, classed as Paint Reference 27 in AS 2312, which is available in a limited colour range and intended as a finishing coat over inorganic zinc silicate primer. It provides a decorative appearance with heat resistance to a continuous temperature of 200°C and for limited periods at 230°C. 1.3.3. Type 2 product—a single-component coumarone indene/oleoresinous aluminium paint, classed as Paint Reference 28 in AS 2312 intended as a finishing coat for application in two coats over oleoresinous zine dust primer (see Clause 1.3.4), providing weather resistance and heat resistance 10 230°C COPYRIGHT Accessed by KV (Kelog Joint Venture) on 17 Dae 2001, 5 ASINZS 3750.5:1994 1.3.4 Type 3 product—a two-component oleoresinous zine dust priming paint, generally of grey colour, classed as Paint Reference 29 in AS 2312, for use under aluminium paint (sce Clause 1.3.3), providing corrosion resistance and heat resistance to 230°C. It may also be used as a two-coat system without a topcoat. NOTE: Under some circumstances it may be used over hand or power tool cleaned surfaces. 1.3.5 Type 4 product—a two-component oleoresinous zinc dust graphite paint, generally of grey colour, classed as Paint Reference 30 in AS 2312 for use as a two- or three-coat self- finish system, providing both corrosion resistance and heat resistance for operating temperatures up to 450°C. It may require heating to achieve full cure. NOTE: Suitable for application to power or hand tool cleaned substrates but not suitable for acid ‘or alkaline environments. 1.3.6 Type 5 product—a single-component silicone paint, classed as Paint Reference 31 in AS 2312, available in a limited range of colours, usually aluminium or black, for application in one or two coats over inorganic zine silicate primer, providing heat resistance up to 480°C. Following normal air drying for 6 h, it requires the initial application of heat to ensure proper hardness and weather resistance, following which it is suitable for temperatures up to 480°C. NOTE: With the exception of aluminium, such paints have a good resistance to acid and alkaline environments. They may also be applied over silicone-based primer. 1.3.7 Type 6 product—an aluminium pigmented butyl titanate paint classed as Paint Reference 35 in AS 2312, for application in two coats over inorganic zinc silicate primer, providing heat resistance to 480°C. It may also be applied over aluminium metal spray for heat resistance up to 650°C. 1.4 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS As these products are intended for industrial use, reference to the appropriate regulatory requirements is necessary, particularly forthe packing, labelling and use of the product. NOTE: Appendix B Paragraph B3 provides additional information on safety precautions. COPYRIGHT ‘Aonossed by KJV (Kllog Joint Ventre) on 17 Dee 2001, SECTION 2 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS 2.1 GENERAL The paint shall comply with the requirements detailed in Clauses 2.2 to 2.5. These properties and requirements are summarized in Table 1 2.2 CONDITIONS OF TEST Unless otherwise spe test conditions apply: (a) The test panel material and its preparation shall be in accordance with Appendix E. (b) The size of test panels shall be as specified in Table 1 (©) Conditions for testing shall be in accordance with AS 1580.101.5, (d)_ The spreading rate of paint shall be such that when applied by conventional spraying it shall result in a dry film thickness specified on the manufacturer's data sheet for that product, as determined by either AS 1580.108.1 or AS 1380.108.2. (e) Conditions for air drying shall be in accordance with AS 1580.101.1 ied in this Standard, the following 2.3 LIQUID PAINT 2.3.1 Condition in container When examined in accordance with AS 1580.103.1 at the time of delivery from the manufacturer or supplier, the liquid components of these paints shall be free from gel, coarse particles, skin and foreign matter. They shall readily yield a product of uniform consistency when manually incorporated in accordance with AS 1580.211. 2.3.2 Density When determined in accordance with AS 1580.202.1, the density of the paint shall be within 5 percent of the value of the manufacturer's specification. 2.3.3 Consistency When determined in accordance with the appropriate method chosen from AS 1580.214.1, AS 1580.214.2, AS 1580.214.3, AS 1580.214.4 or AS 1580.214.5, the consistency shall be within 5 percent of the manufacturer's specification. 2.3.4 Storage properties 23.4.1 Degree of settling When stored under cover in the original unopened containers for 12 months from the date of manufacture, at a temperature of 23 43°C, the rating for settling of the liquid components, when determined in accordance with AS 1580.211.1, shall be not less than 6. 2.34.2 Re-incorporation afier storage When stored under cover in original unopened containers for 12 months from the date of manufacture, at a temperature of 23 +3°C, and tested in accordance with AS 1580.211.2, the liquid components shall be readily re- incorporated, produce a paint of uniform consistency and be free from lumps, gel and other defects. 2.4 APPLICATION PROPERTIES 2.4.1 General The applied film shall be free from defects when applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended methods of application. (See Clauses 2.4.2 to 2.4.4.) 2.4.2. Brushing When applied to a vertical test panel in accordance with AS 1580.205.1, the test paint shall exhibit satisfactory brushing properties and be free from visible defects. 2.4.3 Rolling When applied toa vertical test panel in accordance with AS 1580.205.3, the test paint shall exhibit satisfactory rolling properties and be free from visible defects. ‘COPYRIGHT ‘Accoseed by KIV (Kellog Joint Ventre) on 17 Dae 2001 ’ ASINZS 37503:1994 2.44 Spraying When thinned in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and applied to a vertical test panel in accordance with AS 1580.205.2, the test paint shall exhibit ‘00d spraying properties and be free from visible defects. 2.8 APPLIED FILM 2.5.1 Surface dry time When the paint has been applied to a steel test panel at the appropriate dry film thickness and tested in accordance with AS 1580.401.1, it shall have a surface dry time appropriate for the product type (refer to Appendix B). 2.5.2. Hard dry time When the paint has been applied to a steel test panel at the appropriate dry film thickness, and tested in accordance with AS 1580.401.5, it shall have ‘a hard dry time appropriate for the product type (refer to Appendix B). 2.5.3 Heat resistance—Slow cooling When the paint or paint system is applied to a steel test pane! at the appropriate dry film thickness and tested in accordance with AS 1580.407.1, modified as stated below, at the maximum recommended temperature for that product type, there shall be no cracking, pecling, flaking or other defect upon cooling. For the purpose of this Clause, the oven heating period shall be increased from 4h to 24h, and the bend test from AS 1580,402.1 is not required. NOTE: Due to the characteristics of some of the paints included in heat resisting paint systems, the bend test requirement of this test is not appropriate to most of the paint systems involved in this Standard, When the treated test panel is tested in accordance with AS 1580.408.2, a rating not greater than I shall be achieved NOTE: A rating of 0 implies no loss of adhesion When tested in accordance with AS 1580.601.1 after completion of the heating period, the test panel shall exhibit an approximate match to an unheated coated reference pancl. 2.5.4 Heat resistance—Thermal shock When the paint or paint system is applied to @ steel test panel at the appropriate dry film thickness and tested in accordance with AS 1580.407.2 at the maximum recommended temperature for that product type. there shall be no cracking or other defect upon cooling. For the purposes of this Clause, the bend test from AS 1580.402.1 is not required. NOTE: Due to the characteristics of some of the paints included in heat resisting paint systems, the bend test requirement of this test is not appropriate to most of the paint systems involved in this Standard. 2.5.5 Resistance to weathering The paint shall have a satisfactory resistance to weathering. This shall be clearly and adequately demonstrated, by at least two documented case histories that confirm satisfactory performance for a minimum of four years, at or near its recommended maximum temperature, in a moderate or more severe environment, A satisfactory performance is one where the paint (system) has not allowed any integrity failure, i.e. no cracking, flaking, blistering or rusting and in a visual assessment of erosion, there shall not be any grinning through. In addition, the general appearance, when assessed in accordance with the intent of AS 1580.481.1.1, shall not have a numerical rating greater than 2 NOTE: Because of the specialized performance characteristics of these paints, weathering tests in accordance with AS 1580.457.1 are not considered appropriate due to their inability to simulate the high temperatures involved. 2.5.6 Finish When a steel test panel prepared in accordance with Clause 2.4.4 is allowed to air dry for 7 d and is examined in accordance with AS 1580.603.1, the film shall be of ‘uniform colour and appearance and be free of film defect. coPyRIGHT ‘Accessed by KJV (Kellog Join Venture) on 17 Dee 2001 ASINZS 3750.3:1994 4 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS FOR HEAT RESISTING PAINTS, Typical tot pane Clause] Property | acceptable performance | ‘Test method Minimum Peer oe Material | dimensions ‘om 231 | Condon in | Free oF ge ecuse pares, | AS 180.1081 container” | shin and foreign mater Unierm consistency afer raoul veincorporaion | AS 15802112 Nat 7 232 | Deni Within 5 percent of 1S 15802021 NAT = manufacture’ specication 233 | Consiseney | Within 5 pereem of Aas 15802163 NAY - mnaufacre’s specication | AS 18802142 fs 15602143 as 15602144 As 13002145 234 | Senge Seulemen 26 as 154021141 NAT 7 propeics | Uniform comsnency fee of | AS 15802112 {1z'monisy | humps glad ter defects 2 Appticaion | No mins, sca as ise02051 | seed | 800.300 roreries | excessive soughnes, or | AS 15802052 eiuiness AS 15802053 251 | sorte dry | Refer append B as tssoor1 | sweet | 130100 252 [Hard doy ine _| Refer appenei 6 as isoaois | ster | 150x100 253 | Hea resnance | No cracking. aking asiswoaors | seer | tooxso slow cooling | peeing oF other defect aaveson | £1 As tsa04082 Color Approximate match AS 15306011 254 | Hearrexitane | No cracking, aking asisnaora [sect | 100%50

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