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The M.P. Accommodation Control Act, 1961 (a 41 of 1961 [scistarive msrony © Unstone agen aa sting aot accra pin let sen cs gone are aa ecg ot Ie wc sade ence erates ae i ae vase eae tora eee Pratininary 4. Shor tte, extent and commencement. (1) Ts Act maybe calles The Madhye Pradesh Acconmodtion Cone Act. 188 (2) Rextnds he whole of Wachye rosea (G) Te Achat ihe at esas, ben ren the ars specie the ISEHRAUR, 2a (SHTRITERE| in ier areas of te Sat on such des a the State Goverment ‘nt by nteaion apport ant itretdies my oe poses fr osternt areas and fo Sere powsione oe ck a ere th st Sahedl sh 2 befinions = nti Ac nies he cont tere requtes, (a) "seconmodolon" means any Buldng apa = baling, wheter eid or ronesiental annie, (yuna wren being usd tr agree papeses ih garden, grounds, gregs ad ov-tousos, ary appurenant such bulling or par of he Buln: (any tinge ataed o suc bate opt of a bung or be more benef ejoymens erect (any ura suppl byte ln for ue in sueh bud ope of buns (by tana means a person, wo, forte te bing. resng, ors ered te rece the ret of any accommodation, whshe on his own account or on acount fron Beal of ‘lr the bene ay eter person of 86 © use, guaran o rece’ fe any oer person af whe wld 0 Yodve Te fet ef be ante lo Fee the fet the econmedon ware lat otra andres eer person nal bing tenant wha om time oar dees lender a noe (c) Yaw neease* wears an nase In rnt pried under provisions of he Ac (6) Yeas" inlos a su teae (6) mombar of he fariy*n case of ay person means he spouse, Son, unnaied aaugha, athe, grander, motor, grandmother, bate, urmared ster, pateral unde, pater unl wile or wie, o baer Son a unmres augier ing ort wih, ray ater lan dependent on (0 Rent Centon Autor” means anoles appointed under Sacton 28 (ey epeadAe mean te Maya Pradesh Accommodation Contr Ac, 195 (XI 1955), repealed under Stn 51 (0 Standard at” tonto ary secormedaton means stra alfa ton Sacton 7 of whet the slarday fant Nas been evased nde Seeton 8, Sus nereased ant () "onan means a parson by whom oan whose szcount or Seal the fet of ary acconmodaton fo ul fo 8 canract express o impli, would be pyle for ary ‘sommedaton ard ices any person occupyng the acconmosaton a @SUD-‘enet an aso, ary poron conan npossesson afer ms trmraton of is nancy wether fore ore carmencement hi Ae, bul al nt nde ary person apn wham nye’ 2 dete or evo has been mde 2: Aetna to apply fo certain accommodations. (1) Nsthing in hie Ac shal app (e) eozoaradon whist be papery othe Gavertren. (b) accordion whic the propery of el authoty us excel forronresierta puposss, 12) Tha Goverment may by noeton, xem rom alo any ofthe srovsos ofA any aecanmeeaton whieh sone by any eaeabona, rlgius or chartale tition ory Provisions Regarding Rent 4. Provisions of the Chapter not to apply ocean accommodation for specifi period. -Novhngin hs Caper shal pry 9 any asaradsion orp ere canivcton of Scconmadelon sy amaustinexcose De dandar ot lhe secondo. ° {2)Any agreement orto payment ofrortn axcass of standard re sal be consued ast wero an agresmantfxthepayant fhe standard ent ony. €Untowha charges not ob calmed or vecelve. (1) Sublet the provicors of eA no peat shal am orev sy ron excess fhe sand ran cbt ny Syoarantt the ory {2} No person sal onsdraton of he gar renal or continuance ofa tenancy or ub anancy of any accomadation (a) clam orcave the payment of any sam as promiam opr claim oro any conseraton whalaovs cash on id, ado othe rent oF (by excest win he previous persion af tho Rant Cantoling Ahoy, calm or eceve he paymant any sum exceaing ene ants ret of such accommodation erent a (2) shal ret be elo tant or any tr paraon ang oF pupring oat on bal fhe erat a sara oim rrcnv ny pyrentin coir ofthe fanauishmene wastro ariganen ths tanancyosubanary. eth abe ry be, o ary acconmosstan (@) Noting nts Secon shal apt to any payer mado under an ereement by ey person alana forte purpose of Teaniate constuction of he whol or pa of any ‘cea alin kg ortega, Bard nett onset ogee ute cas apt hepa he Prove tat uch pant sal nat acre hears of aaron vrt 9 Sto ve Years of the whale or par ote geommacaton oe el sch ean. (5)Any payment rae uncer sa-teston (salle deemed tbe le pyran retin advance or such ped War ta conmrancemet of onary to wh treat 1 Sundar rent - Standard et heaton aay sosonmodtin maar (A) wher reasonable anual ar fart has bean fea bya camer auhory unde tha epeleg Acta rit othe cormorant of he repealed A, te case my Be, By ‘competent auhorty unr te eraciment for tera bing fore, such reason nua ent ora ek (2x1 wnor the accommodation was le out on er before he tt day of Janay, 1948, ad th easorable anual reno fr rom has nl beens ed, ont ha common ‘show nthe Munipel Assessment Ropero as wes Fela oe Tat day Jens. 194, whchove! alas of iy nare the accommodation was not eo o obo the 1s ay of January, 184, the rot ofthat accommodation as shown inthe Nunca Assssmort Royster or at ud be rela othe at day of Janey, $48, wchov® sn inroanos {a}in2e caso of resort accommodation and aczommsdaten usd fr eduction prpesas, by tive par cant such en (ine cate of thar acarmadsan, By Seventy pe ent of sh rent nd {e)n cate te terant not able o pay he music tax an there has bee any erase muna x subsequent ey of rus, 648, aR MSNA SS ‘such nase Proved tat he icease species pargrap() ans) shal bs pemisie only he acarimodton hasbeen kpln god ane antl ropa (3) e366 eeconmosatan et talig unde clause (1) or (2) above (o) time aecummodston is separtey assessed lo munipal assessment. heats en sozodn o Such assesses len pat cn aren, (0) ony 2 pa of he acconmodaton 50 assessed, te propartonate amount of te ancal et ore whale aozemmadston Becta 0 Such BSsessmant pis en per con eres (c)te ecommedaon not so assessed {she arnt ren clei wih reference to th rn gre upon between the anor athe nar: when ch aeconodton i st ou and has ot ee so etait sue emu or which sol be eto mesa afer fs constr was corp (6) he anual ent ealalte on be bei of sal pyran fan avaur ual 1 6% par cet pe num fhe spree oun fhe stu cst of contin and ro mara io ote br compre ne accanmosaton ot te eas ote cammorcemat fie corstucion 8. Lawful ineroabe of standard rent in certain cases and racovery of ether charges, (1) Wate alent hes, san Une, etre the commencement fh et who witout he Soproml ofthe tora sate the commereamar a his he ne wan aporval ts tannr rf oe Aan Coneling Aiko nscres exper Seay proven sen Uc ateaon othe accordion rol sing exoertue or acaaton or nara repair ecesbry unl such eacormedaon aco fat proven Scion oatraon sot bees keno oxen Sten te ena aesonenadasen er ey hwy merease he ened par year yan arnt mt Tan pay in vespac ote accammdton ay hare fr acti or wale consumed in th acorodston or ary che charge ved by aca autoty having inne aren wnich arenas paysote byte nar ne ay recover ram re en! he aman pyr, nhs lanl sl ot nee aprons nSaon 7 Tocoer frome nat win by aan oan tease orl orahenwse he aut of yt on bling los mpoaea fespect te atconmosatanocapad by es era. Provie tat ating hs sub-section shal fect tho tably of any tener unde an earee nt. whatar express oF mpl, o pay am be ote he encanto Sy uh ax 36 8. Note of inereuse of ent. -(1) Wher alan wes io inetease the rent of any acueradalion, ha sal ie te ana otc thi etn make ete and 0 fa 08 Sich mereasos dude hs At sabe eo ad ecoveral oh respect ote poro ha tenancy ar hs sx ty daye om Ie do wie he nef von, perry as er aan) ume tng ard a a te er an non ly eed fot rong unhurried 12, Reet Contoing Auory tf sandr rat 1) The Rt Cnring Atory ral ona applet deo ln bo (te stancard retin accordance wit a proven Secten 7 er (ithe incon, tay rf on Saco 8 ethers he andr orby te ena a ne {2 tng he stanara ort of ary acconmodaton orn ewulireease ret, to Rant Ganrlng Autory shal an amount wich appro #19 0 reasonable having rgard 16 {G) nf we stancara ert of ary aeconmosatan pr of whieh hasbeen avy subi, ba Rant Contollng Auherty may alo fae standart part sbi. {6} Wines or any ragon fe nt poste oSeemina ha andra rn ry aeeanmesaon onthe rns stor under Seton 7, te Ro Contraling Ash may fx such ent Scconmodetons he local Faun egora also oe sandr ror pay In espct of such accordions. (6) Tro sandr corsa be fed form tnancy of web monte {@ Inf he stancra re of ry accor under bis Secon, be Rant Conling thet sha he sacar ren harestin an nfamiahad eine and may le determin an {cational arg ob payable occa or any Kntue supped by th nd nd chat awl oe dro ecovr such adn charge Worn ar {mtn he stanara ert of ary aeconmosatan under ts Secon, ha Ren Coneoling Auhety shal spect a date om whch te sandad an ok shall deamod ts have Proved that ra case the dle so specie sal be ar than ity ays par tothe aa eng fe aplication fa he fran othe andre “. Fzation of interim ret. an apptcatn for ng to sanded rn or determining he ewulireeare of su rant meso nes’ Secon 10 he Rett CotolingAutoty sal, fanang fel decxon on he splat, mate, my exposcunly tx post,» powonal are spun ne smut fe i onto aw ena ae pd yh oho Ccontrot of Evition of Tenants “he provisos ol his Chaplet ela ole specily proven Chop IAs nat apy {0 Molnar dated 9 Sozton 24) {2 Restrtion on evieton of anata (1) Notstandng anything the carry conaneat nan tharlaw or cant. nos hb le in aryl Court agp ‘clon tom any aatommedalon exes on ov or mre ee atonsg grauncs ony, same (a) hatte tenart has nator pai nor trod the whole of te areas of he ran legal recovers rom hi win tas mans of be ete on which a notice of deans fhe ‘areas oferthes been serves on him y the ded in the presorbes manne (by tha te tenant has, whether stor o° afr the commencsmer: of his Ac, lity sub assigned or these pared with tho possession othe whee or ary pt of be (that th onan or sy person residing wits him has erste a nugance or has sone any el which ncn wih he purpose for which he was adel the onany fhe ‘stommedaton or which skal afect adverse ana suneantaly to neest of he ancora eran Proved tat the se by tans ofa poten af he s2eommedaon 2 hice shal nol be deamad 1 47s acansetent wih the purpose fr whieh he was ated tote tenancy, (e)ter me accommodation has not een used woul eesonable cause for whch Was, fora cortoueus ped Sk mors imadatly precdng te det of the ng of est forthe recover of possesion here {fo tat ho accommo torsional supoes is equreé bona by the lan er ccupaton 36a residence forms or fr any meer of is fai. ithe is the owner ‘here, oro ny person fr whaee bereft ne accommodation ald an thet andor or uch person hss no oer reasonably suitable esicari sccormozaton ois own ln ‘ns occupation inthe own concomed ; (0 that he secommedan ll or nanesidenalpupone unmarta Gaugrtrs fhe the owner haoa for any person for whose ore he accommodation isle and tha he Inner or seh person "esdenalancoaradation af is own ms oscupaton bec of own eanceed (o) bate accomadation has become untae, of unt or huran hbilaon andi eqited bona by te ned fo caing ou reps wich carnal be are at witht he ‘scomimadaton bang vate: (ry merine accanmadsion i required bnafeby he lend fr he pips bung oebuing or mang eres sry substan! atone ato and that such bulag ‘rr or atrasons cannot be eared ot wrote accanmodston beng acted equ boafie by the fro fr he purpose of canting olin his bushes otha fay fhe major tons or no other reasonatyror- (nate tenant has, whee baer of rte commencement fbi At, ul, acqutad vaca! posestion bach sted an accmmodaton sulle fois eine: (9 that he accorrosaton was lo he tear for use asa residence by reason af sting inte serve or employer’ ofthe landos and thatthe tenant has ceased, wheter fore or aftr be cormanoemant of hs Ack ten euch seoe or eploymant (0) at the loan as, whetarbalore a ar theconmancoment of hi Al, used o permite be cused sublanal daage lo the acaninotato; (are tanant nas gen tan nate to ul en in consaquance f hat ates, the landors hes contacted o sll he aczoneradson of has kan ay oer sep as ecu of hic his ares woul serovar the sno pain posteson otal accordion (rm) tt me tenant na, witout to wrtan pormsion of tha andod, ma or parted to be mae, any such consructon ab has mately atsred th accommodation othe ‘detimen ofthe nds itcet oi ly ts nish ils vale substan, (0) inte case of acconmosaton which open nd ta the nb requestor onsrcing a hous on (o} that he evant has witout th ton pasion the andlor ls taken possesion cf sch portion pation cf scconmedaton whichis tinued in he ccna le ‘to Him and which the tran ae no weeted pte of wren noe oh ancl in a ena (oy tat tenet ha ban conte under ay owfor a sig foe a an fnoe of ung the Bung or lowing th bldg tobe used orale egal puposes (2) Nord rhe eviton of antin any proceeding under su-eecin (1) sal bering on any sutarat eared ein Sacto 15 whos pe Ale of Ns subanan othe [Bree under to provsons of tht Secon. ress he subcanare made apa she proceed an the eae for oven e mde nang on Fn (@) Noord for he vitor ofa tanartshal be ec o he ground species clase (ao su-secon (1) he oan rakes pyran or dopost ss rquedby Sectan 13 Provided that lean al be ented othe bae'l under hs usec, Z having ead such Sell once In espe of ary arcormesan, Ne agin makes dean Be ise ee casas ees ‘oneecuve ors (8) here an ora fe he evn oa tanars mae on he around spel i aus (eof ub-secton (1. he landlord sal net be enti cban possession theroot befor the ‘rpimon afm peas aftao mons em he eas 3 he oer [6] vere an tr othe evn of ann is made ante ground specie ia clause sub-section 1), the nd sha nl be ented bin possesion tera" (a) tore ne wxpraton ofa pod of wo mont rm te dai ofthe rte and (0) tbe acconmadtion i shuson cles a Gvalor (dud Lathar ane Mor), doe, Uji, Rata, Shop Jabalpur, Repu, Ou or such abet towne cies spacey ‘he State Govrrernt oy 2 osiaton that boa nls ths larelrs pays to enn: such amount byway of compensation as maybe caval (0 cube amount oft annua ended rent ofthe acommadston nthe etowng cases, are (a) were he acconmodston has, fora pared oan yoars rms rocecing Ye dle on wich the ned fs sto postotsion thera, been used or busness Purposes ofr any ater purpose song wih such purposes, the nant who's beng eves (0) wera rng ha foes prod ten yr, ha ena cang on ay busines nb acomeodaton hase and he ene inmeltaly euoceedng has aud ‘Gabusnes oh presecneor ale iroagh ine" o note (pte eau of te onl sandad renin oer case) (7) ade forthe evicon oa tana shal be mad on he around scion claus (of s- Secon 1), unless the Cou i satis al he proposed reconstruction wil nol aay, ‘er he purge owt tha acnannocae was eto Da ral alton nb pu fest an hale lane ar esis lou acanasion have been bop areas ‘Sd at ncostary tunes he aupooe ae avalsble wih to lardloa (8) No ode for he eviton ofa tena shal be ade on he round specie n clause) of sub-Secton (1). any disput st whthe the lranthas ceased oe nthe serve or ‘Srolomert oft nalts s pening etre ary eur compan to dade Such Gaps {@) No oro for he eton oa tana shal bo ade on he around scion clase (eo sb-Secton (1). he tran win such be as maybe spocfed nis bah by he Gout ‘aris au ropa lo the damage cand ote satin ne Cou ays atlanta such eur by tay fcomponsan as th Cou ray rer {(0)No ear forthe avon of tenant shall be mace ane fcund specie clase (nf sub Secon 1), te tanar ibn seh ie as may be spaced nD aha byte Cour fests he accomodation fo ergalconesonar pays tte lndrd sich arnt by way of comgensaon a may Sra (3) No rae forthe evo aa ana shal be made a he round sede in clause (2) tub Sacto (1), ta ana wh auch Une a my be pec in thi beh by Be Court ‘ocess he peren or orton eecommedtor ot him ane pays tothe nr seh amount oy way of conaensaion as may dec 13. When tenant can get bent of protection agalnt eviction (1) On a suo ary one rocaoang bang id by alana cn any fhe grounds rf in Secon 12 orn {by appea er ary cle rocondng by aan gaa any detes ase fh evo. he ane shal win one anh othe serves wf summons noe ape ay ‘tor precoding, wi one meh retton of appeal or ryote receding by to tnan sts case ay bo. o win such ih teas he our may on a splaton mado {Bitatow ta bel, dopo in tne Couto pay tte enon scan calcu a the te tents which f we pf prod fo whch helper ry have rade ee” Ilia tho ood subsetuer ae up othe od of he mont revios to att wn tho dopasto payment mace: and shal arto cornet posto ay Moth by monty he 15a eacnscsnesng man sin saul oe rol nal aa Secaian of hes appeal or prcesesng, a the sas May 2. (2) nary sult pocending retard loin aub-Secon (1) herein ay ape aso te sraurt of rent payable by bs tenant te Goutal, on plea med te by landlord or tant Frat bel wrch sal be thon ao sees eppotuniy cra such su or rocegona ia raserabh proioa rman the scrormrdtn tobe Gaps or paid _ezundnce wth ne prose fs Seuion (1) an no Cou hal, enve for ease tbe ecTded Wha ena roe on Oe Scout a ry subcecuent sage), (3) many proceeding eared on ub-Secon (1, eels any dou as othe person of ersans whom he ers payable, he Cou may deat he feng aspos wth the Cout {he amount payee by him unr eubsSecron (1) su Seson 2), and such ace, ro person shal bee owitaw he aroun Gop nl ta Cour denies te espe ‘Shamaies anode arpayet lhe sane, (4) ft Court's sts'ed ta any dsout reerod ton sub-Sacton (3) has ban asad bya tenant for easons which a flor velous, the Cou ray ede the eafnceapanst ‘even oe sek stand proced we nema el (6) tena makosdoposto payment a requeed by sb section (1) or sub-Sacton (2), no dare or ede shal ba made by ne Gout fot tha recovery of possasson ofthe ‘scourdaton on he ground of fun spent of rely tert te Cour may allow sh cst ast may dee fe dod. io) tenan fasta depot ogy any aru a recaed by IN Sector, tre Cout may ade the dene apa evicon be sbuck clan sel sroeed wth he heat fhe Su, ‘Sopoa or roceadra, 9 he cate maybe) {WC Restreions on subeting.-() Noonan hal, wthouthe previous consent writng ofthe ae (a) suet ne wnoeo any sao he asconmesaton hls by nim astra or (ey tanetero assign highs inte tanacy ot in ry pa theo (2)No landlord sat cm or rcv he payment of any sum as promi or are or cain or eve any consieran whatsoever in cash orn kind fer ang Nis consent othe sub lating te ute or ary pa of be scarracton Mas on, 45 Nollee of creation and trminaion of aub-onancy-() Wha, fhe conmancerant fh Act ny sstonmadaton subst then whole arty th nant wh the ‘rons consent in wring of he lade th tran rhe subtorani ie wher he accormodaton set May. mo prsertaa manor ge rote foe lao of he reaton of {he abstenany win on ont of he dt of such subeing and nay De ena of such subenncy with ane man of uch lean. (2)\thre, beter mo corimancement = is Ac ary acconmosatan hes been lawful cube ether n whol on pa by the tenant lana he sub‘erantowinom re ‘cerrado a ro subtree ota dod tha rnin oh soy mt te one ‘he tamination of such subterancy wih anemorh of ouch ein. {3} ren any case montonea msu-Secton (2) he nab coress hat the arconmodaton was not lvlysubt a an apliaton I made oh Rent Canoing Ahoy in {histonall str y the lan ob Be sabsonan, wn two morta fhe dal athe acai te natant subang by he nr rho au a th aea by he ona ‘Suttnant she ase may be. te Rant Canoling Autor shall dels the depute 4. Substanant tobe tenant in certain cases, -(1) Whore an os fr acon in respect fay accomadation ema unr Secon 12 again a onan but rot agit a us nant Istered on Sec 13 ond a tole he auiency hasbeen ven lo De lan, De aber Sal wi let tom Be date af Be oer be eared lect a tar hale ‘rocly under he anlerdin espe! of re accommodation mnie cespatn ents sare toms and concen on WRch Be ona WoL havo hel om he nabs anancy haa (2ivere, bear me commencement of bis Ac he nates fe tenant respect fey azcommedaton Ras been detemined woul delrmiing te east of any suberant to whem {he aczamdstion stern whol oh pat hed be aly uth suena ha. wt fe om he at of he canmnorcamor ofthc be deme fo have econo aera Nidg dacty under ne landord onthe ureters snd canon on which he ena woul have hel Warn ihe nor Ue tansy had conte [17 Recovery of possession for occupation and re-entry. (1 Ware a endo recovers possession fan accormodaton From fo nar: pursuance of an order mde unr {his (oor dnuse (ht Secon (of Seaton 1 ha nr! shal at extapl win he permaslon the Rent Cantong sharysxained nthe pescbod maser, ee whole ‘ay barat hescconmodaton wii wo yosra fom te da of ale such poaestlon, end rang Sus perms, te Rent Carag Autariy may recs eal ob “uch onetd tanant in pssasson ofthe accormedator (2) Where ordered recovers posses cary sccnnodain a eres and te accommo i a ceed by ha land he hear hare by the peach fr whose Sseftineaeconmodaion srt, wsin two mene of blaring such pessessen, ote goconmedlon Paving sano crap, ay tne wit we yrs for hs data of 2otring possessor ret lo ary pean oe an the evcind tral wou otlog te pertain fhe Rox Corng Autoriy unger sub Secon (othe parson of uch ‘Suummédaton a Vastared ose person for easana wien dot spper foe ert Corrtng autory to be Bonafide. e Ren Craig AsooMty ay nan apoteaon ‘ade & ns oh by suc oved tras wien uch tre a8 may be peseribed, rect te nord pu tran sossesson othe aecanrragaton or Pay Mm Se ‘Drgarasion ae he Rent Conthing Auto sks {3) here hence makes ay payment ta tar by way compensation under sub-Secton 7) Sacton 12, the evicted tenant shane be lable eur he same othe [blr on being pats poseanon of he soeommedston sae ns Seato (i orale Seton (2) 14. Recovery of possession for repair and re bling an re-ey~(1) skng any oro te gourds speed caus go ous ho sub-Sactzn of Seton 12, he ear sal acorn fom te tnarr wether heats oe placos im aocupaton of na acammadsion af ar tel fom which hse Be owed ang, tho tant so esc, shal Iepreoe actn nes a chy Pech on brew eS a seston 68'S ee ers camer he a op or Groen dae pone a bli dls est: ngs ln ne empath wrk en rd er btng lc tran asabnt naman oe ete ym eS morn cane ch ore 6) fee trniva slvr pmsna one bre tm oatsmeso eo he andr corre wart ap rng tens itn ne manok SSetpesaa dori eonsn ts wona eens ne Savon computed wots ace en oan ne eesan naar wy MEG he Coctmm, onan plea tase ote aye eertet ease aye Pease ware acon spare wart scat oe Ssiannadtin op ret ort pay oe ona 02 corpoann oe Cot baa ‘2: Recovr a onensio! mene of nance forte erin doe tema wl at my cmon apa poe md ASE Shares puna te be th oer c's ty or eter ay Sv ode sacar Secon he pest mas eee a he Sctnnateton oat ret on renee far 0 pro ny bese wing eer ean dh ena are ten Gre ete rye 2a Fred scat tic acorn. ten certcaneny srry cata eden (ye bacen ter ney oberon te Satay satay te scant a tr nay oe ar wen stv at may eps pesado aba ponent i he scant a ethyl wnat a avy Sapo wry be Scsonn an season “iets epngomaso Sro iScn y sherinw tu Ct ay cn nee ho vests betty condor pce nde vor rosin of ‘str accnmbdoan etn ect veya pon aaa ov Songs Be tre Cas seat (shan nara wom scr scorers wre fre ar rai rs wran wae me ee orange th nb a case ba ch ance ‘er employment or (by that tenant has actos in contavenon of he es, oxo pig under whch he was authorises fo occupy sich accommo: or (ch mat any oma persan in unauitases cccuaton of such acconmodstn; 2 (oy that me accanmodaten it aguas Bona by he publiineetin fr th utharance ais ets Explanaton. Forth pupses of is Secten, “publ institoincudes ary educator nso teary hosp and chertabe spear. 2 Pormission to construct ational stuctres- Whee te arlors proposes oak ary inprovront nor const any aderal ere on, ay bung whn has boon to Stora andor flea alow the noes mate auch improvement cont sun adsional secure athe Ren Caeaing Auto onan applacn made lat he Sahar tye lansor isso at ner ready ana wlng fo conmanca tha work anda suey work wnt cass ary anda narsnp strane Rens Conran 22. Spacal provision regarding vacant bling sles, -Newitwlanang eng coratadin Sesion "2 where ay accownadatn wc hs ben corpses vacarard upon “tenn parmnnble se" he bsg regions o rea ye bang mfr, trek ylang whetor sono as 9 esdence af" ty Ser prpore nh he into’ poponing sea! sh Bldgs unbl ban oaressan othe na fay any aaron wih i ar ha Rent Contalng Autor on apples ase ol {hsbenatoy he nl, 2 sated mat the nerd recy era wing a eammenc he wor arta he severest vaca an om ha athe aeeammaeston wl net {hus undue Nrteip ihe onan the Rent Coraing Abo ay (@) eet such eoverancs (0 lace te anon possassn of the vacate (©) determine tore payable byte tena n respect fhe ost fhe acconmosaton; and (ey ake auch her cera 05nk Min the ceertances of he se 23, Vacant gotsaion ons. tintancng ytng citi ar sh: wha ee oa ran ay scanner ary akon aor trang onal persona wne may be In osupatan othe scsonmnodaion an var osserio iret sabe gen oe eno by ving al uch peaore eer Provie tat tng nhs Seto shal app Ie ay person who hes an independent il fo son aocomedaon, Eviction of tenants on Grounds of Bonafide Requirement 23 Special provision for evetion of tenant on ground of bonade requirement. -Neistanding ann crtoad in any othe or he tine beng in force of corsa he Eansay a lanairs my sub an soplesonstgrad ara vee na rinsnerpowdoseRlos tu and #9 of Gre Vl ofthat Seoul ote Cos Ca rosea 1508 (oh $30 ast wore eas fe Ren Cooling Auto on ane mote! allowing gounds ar an ore Grech tears ul he nar possesion a he acearodaon, ranety = (a hate accommodation leo resdentalpupose i requ ‘Boney ne andor or oecpaton as resdence or hm oan ember ayo for ay person for ‘ahase Bare, the arcormosstn ald an ta he nerd sac parton has ne lh: reasonasly sue resientl accommodation his oan mht accutane yo (sy accommadaon whch Having ben ll rus a racenon tow te pens cone oth andor, ued wall or pay fr any nreaiseta purpose any accommodation whica nas not vn lt under an exes proven of contactor nonescertal pups (by tht be accommodation efor nonin purposes egies “ona by tered for he pupae of continuing or lating his using or ha af any of maison ‘amarad davahters, fb isthe owner hare! ofr any peren fo whose benef he aeormodton hal and tat he nos or sch parson has noone rasonatly stable tervtesenlaccormodaton of aon nie ocean in he ly tw cooered ‘238 Rent Controling Authority to aauesurnnons in rlavon lo every applcalion under Seton 2-6-1 Te Rak Cntling Ary ha suet the nt a urns ‘esionta every apolnton reste tein Seton 2.4 rhe form species ie Sevan Senet (2) Save e theron provided 1th Act, the proviors of Order and Gre: ¥ at he Pat Senet othe Code of Ci Procedure, 1908 of 1908) epedng ies and service of Stare oe de'enden’ ond sunmanta ag elondance of wereses fo ge ehidance of pteducecocurers hal app mutate mula oss end sere any Suman to ® {onan oroppste par oro wines 9 ge eencs Sp prace dacimerss nan nai ox proceeding ser bis Crapo. 128 Tenant nt ened to contest except under certain ccumstances =) The ear on wr he surmona saved the form specified nthe Sacond Schl sha ct Eerie! rae" for evecton fom We ecconmosston ures hes win een days fom the dato of ence ote summons, an epalcaon spore by an fhdevt sna ne Bursuates ote sunmene of default Ns soaring suc ave of such leave seed the salar made Oye lanod ne aplaton fa evctn shal be daered be cited by enn The Fert GonvlngAthory soln sucha cave pase orar cf even of tetra tm fe aecarmodao Prove at Rot orn ory ay. ner cir ao ye ane eine ey of arate spp 2p haved (2) Te Rar Convotng Arty shal thn ove month of e dt fecal of aplcaton, vt the aan necessary eave lo canes he applet te applcasn spared by Satie ed by te erat ssseoes sua as ou auld doen he landor fem caning nator te eavey a porcesiono the czoreadaon an he Gourd epecieg Secon 2 230 Procedure tobe flowed by Rent Conroling Authorty or grant of eave to tenant to contest (1 Yor avo 6 arated fo ho tnant cones he eppaton he Rers Eancling Aust a sommance he Seng of fe appeston stanky br poceate an desde hs tre, nr Seay be, wine oxo ha ae gang eve he ‘nant ora poston (2) Te Rant Convoing Auharly shal whl hong an enaury na proceeding o which hs Crapo: soles, low as fa s practbl, he rece ans pcos ofa Court Sal dees eng th recording fei nce the Ponsa Smal Cause Cours A 17 (a 1887). The Ren Canbaing Aural shal ef a pounbe, proceed wih baat ‘te apateabon fom ceo 2BE. vision by gh Gout. (2) Te Hah Cout nay. any tne suo mata on the apaeaton of any person aggved ha purpose of sling is othe galt, propo cvectnss of any ere passa Eiorss tothe replay of he procsosngs ofthe Ret Corsling Aubrey, a for an xarine the record af he case penn bloe er epased By sch ver infeveonntteance rata sol nk and save a ates prove by bi Seton, m dept fy revcan unr bs Saran, tha gh Cur {xarce he sae aowors aa foam tha sume arocedute sl estar depose! a ovo under Saeton 118 ol ha Cade of Ci rece, 1008 V of 1908) a any such procesleg Provided that ro powers of rvsn ath nance of peracn egpreved sha be execieed ules an pplean presen wt isy dys he date of be order sought to be eve ton of stay Tha saya he operate of he order! elton passed by @ Rens Conrling Auer ory he righ Cour sha ot enter e sa porad of mae an sh 1) Nowetstandnganying orton acon 31 or Sacton 32, no appeal shal om any order sasod by o Rant Canteling Aton under his ery of possession for occupation and re-entry (1) Wate anode fr he avon of tenet a mad on he ground species inca (af Secon 20, the and thal note ated atta portoseon hea ofr he exratn of prod of wo mors om to dao of he ore {2)Whare snore tx the even os lena tae on the grounds spied ncaa @) Secon 22, the ard hal rt been olin pssession here (a) store the expan of prod of wo mors rom te dt ofthe ore and (0) itn accommodaton state ios of Gwalr (lung Lashiar ard Mora nor, Un, Raa, Bhopal Jabalpr, Rap or Dag osc ther tows rcs specif by ‘he Sate Gavareranty rvtaton that baat unless te arelrs pay toe en: such amount byway of compansain as may Be equal (0 couble he aroun of te ann end r of he aconmadon nthe obowng eae: (a) where he accommodation has, fra parodof ten comylae years mediately rocsing the dale on whic te ln lesan aplication for possession tharos, been hos far buss pupose any ir prponer length suc" purpose, by De anal wh bea wed (0) ware ring he sored pred en youre, te tenant caring on any busines the accommodation has ean he ena imme succeeding has acqured ‘Pobusnes of his prodecsteor athe raugh vane’ estes, (oye srount of the al sandal oer cases (2) ere alr recovers sossesson of any accommodation fom the torant im pursuance of an orcr wade under caus (aor aus (bof Sacton 22-8 the andr sant. "icon with na permanion the Rent Corating haar obane n te pesesnes maner eil ha whale” ey pat! be seconmosaton itn twa yea am te ae of tining Stok possesin andin granting such pemision te et Consol Aubry may aes te blots to pu such aed tna n possesion ot accarmecaon, {a} Whore ancl razors posseazon of any aesommodatin ae arena nd ne aceonmagason at one by lar ef ha owe theres oy he parton for whose Sfttheacsonmacsin sal, wh two nse of alaning such possesaon, othe soronmadalon having ben aa ump, ry tne win va yore fora data ‘Soting possesion reve ay parson oer han te oved nar ioc bing te parmison fhe Rent Cotoing Auory unde su-Secon (aa poseetton of uch ‘Scconmosrtons arsed toon person fa reson whic do nol meer oe Rat Gonrang Autaty ray, be Font, the Rar Cottaing Auaoy rayon an aptcaon tcc con nd secant ac a i et Sn aha al orby Ran Carbon Achony inde Sacson 25-6 @ ude Sesion Bra send optus penn ert rer asg cts esr veSacn 22 erat ek ane emisan 2 ta apse For he purpose of he Chapa anser mean aor who = () tte servant of any Goverimantinctuing tied membre elonce Services; (Wa reted servant of cumoanycnnad or conto ter bythe Cena or Stale Goverment or ja widow adored ie; oF (hphysieatyhanleapes porson: or (0) #sonant of sry Goverment incang a mamber of dtonce sonics who, scoring to his sence contin at ened o Goverment sezommedaton an his posting to # flac nner owns anos rs rile to euch aecormmosatn ory on payment open renton his posing to umn a lace.) Deposit of Rent 24 Recolpt tobe alvan for rnt pala vary tana sha py rant wh heme hes by carat rn tho absence such cont, by to Hoenn day of he month next folowng (2 Every ent wo mes payment tren oe anc Send by te lindo re auhorsed ape {G) Filan on autor ages retuses or naglect olive tthe loan cep refered a sb-Sacton 2), ue Ran Calg thon may, oh an ppeaton made ot Schatten win wo mrs rote dao a afr Parag Me adr orn oranda yO eta nab rh sore ane 90 faepect of te ret pad 25 epost orn by nant. (1 arene nord ost cpt arene tnt wit eb efare n Seston 24 oe oreo der rac (2) Te dost shal be accompanios by an sppion oy to tran ontanng th folowing parila, namely (a) the eozormodation for io he ets depoatad wn dscpon scent er denying he accommodation: (0) the patie fr whic he rents deposited bs and bin for rom lnc or ahora agent. wan eee rte aroun pad hi, (c)me name and aaress oo tno oe petsn or person laming tobe ie 0 such nt (cite eaton and etcatancs for which ho apples fr deposi tern mate (ej seh ote parts 38 maybe poser. 2 onsuc coor overs bng made, te Rent orting tot sh tra te raed mara op coi oe appcan the nd rps caning a be {@) an appteabon sade fore wharf any dopo orn the Rent Conaling Ahoy sal satis at the applcant se porsn anil rcs he rn peat, tert amount ath rt obo pad ah te faa resi ah a ppm ni shalbee hl ache a he Rant Caratng Autor or al hay pay ret oe tance Prove that no oreo payert of any deposi of al sale made he Reet Cartting Autor under hi ub.Sctn without ging al prea ned bythe onan is splaton unde ub-Secs00 (2 at clang tobe etd opyrnant of sch et, an opportunity of ing haar and sch dar sal be whould tthe fh auch pean 2 faealv sn rn bog oced by 3 Cou compat jeer. (5) atthe ime of tng be apatiaton unde autSocon (i), Sunt ater te exp of ty dys ram recon he nae fdas the nro he person ot prsane liming obo frtted oth rent corolans or coma ote Rant Cantolng Autony ie to ssl inthe ora apolcatan ofthe reason and oroumstancse whch Id ho dps oe ent Corotng Autry ested bated stents wer erly Larue aay cde et um aut rte fe reaend be pi ath andor compensa, (6) The Rant Convoing Austoiy may, on he cova of he tena ana st ga an erserunty tothe lanl of bea hor, lyon to nerd a fe whch ay exe oan ‘Sraurcomca te wo month rank te Fen Conelng Adonty sated tat tetardord wifst any easrasie ause,rehied accep tort ough tendered far wn feared om Secon 24 ad may lures eae that sum ou a here realeed be poe Tanto cmpersator. 26 Time limi for making depo and consequences of incorrect parialars i applestion for depec. (1 No rent epost’ unde: Sarton 25 she considoeaihave bean “ata deposteduncr at Seeton, ules the depots nade wintery one Jaye the melee to Secon 2 fr parakeet. (2) Na sue copost nal be consdered o have ean valely mace, io tert wil makes any fae satarertin is apcleaton or deposieng he ot ules to lnaor has (@) ina nti posted withthe ie mertanea sus sacton (1) and dove not case to be a val Gepost rh ston manson in sub-Sactn 2), te depod sal ca fare oanntnelnrlot patho aout dopast’ had poe aly onde, 7. Saving at to scoptance of ron and foteltur of rertn depost.-(3) The wikrwal fren deposited undo Secon 25n fe mane provided thei shal nal aprate a8 an nto ren sar le sarees er, ted ora ee eo ry facts adn ear ephaionfaptig (2).Any retin dos whic ot widtawn bythe nr ot by te persen of pers endo recave auch et shel be feted to Govrrvan bya ade made bythe Rank onling Athy its nt wehaawn bfre te sxprabon oe oss fom dee of posing oto note of depos (0) Bofors pating wr eda te Rar Conrong tory shal gv noes tthe urs othe perean oF prsons oie reeve he renin dept by registered post ‘Sirona reat ade etn fon © urs sala pasah ences he so ta esac a eee Mae apes a ‘Appointment of Rent Controlling Authorities, their Powers, Functions and Appeals 28, Appointment of Rent Conroing Autherty.-(* To Cllr shal wt previous approval the Ste Government appaint ano faite Ron Conallng Auton forte area wit ines owiehe At ape. {gts Colco ay. wn revs spa ate Sie Grier got. on arora izes, ebb nk a8 Denty Cote ow oo Rant Cotaing ‘28, Pomers of Rent Contoling Autor. (1) The Rent Cont Auta sal have te sare poware a ae vsled na Chil Cout de the Coe of Ci Pred, 1908 (Vat S08) nary poeaesing How in ospe oe falling maton, namely (9) sunmening an enforeng te examinng hin o ath; (by raqueing tne dscovery and producton of documents (c)esuing commision fr De (6) any otter mater wren may sd any proceesig blore the Rent Contraling Auaty sabe des o be jul proceeding wii the meaning of Sacton 189 and Sactn 228 of the nin Pana Cade, 860 Ba os dn Rant Cneng hsb dorasobe nt Cth mma satan sana Ssien ane ea (2) Forte pupae of halig ny nguy edscarging ay ty under is Ac, th Ren Cooling Aten may (a) ster ving notte han wentyfow Mou nota wig, rer abd nape any acconmadlin at ay me between sans and sna: (0) 57 writen oer, equ any person to produce fr hs inspcton al such asouns, books or cher documents rear oe iguy et sch rs and at such pace as may be spect a te eae 38, Procedure tobe followed by Rent Control Author. (1) Ne ose hich prude any garson shall b made byte Ror Gantling Auton under At wehaut Ging tana fsacnaecopetiay af shown eae spa he oder roped be ade aid nbn cea fay, an ry evonce he way Pecuce Mapp ot Be ere, have China gouges art Coren ito shal corte nso ot av aah cto rap ay py ta Rt Cantong Ahoy ose lo Dlsriet Judge or Additonal District Jud 2 oom vary order fhe Rot ContotingAutorty rade undo is Act oto Diet dye or an ct Jue nova frre tatcton reser rrr oe fe age) a the Stason lhe sprees Ga al be ua a- Secon (1) ale peered wn Pty days tr he dal th ardor made by te Rent Canolng Ahoy. Prove tat i comutng he pees ity cays to arog requis or obainng @ copy ofthe acer sallbe excused (tate decison scorn tlw orusage nang the fre of nw (Wher te decison has fated detarmine come mater sue ot oF (i hat tnore nas boon a subctatal oro doc nthe proceso as peserbed by is At whch may posy have reduce ea or fect inte dessin ofthe case upon mers 38 Amendment of des. Chiao artvacal mistake in ay order passed by a Ret Coal Autos ot he Juéne of eras asin heen rom ary eel stp onsion ‘may my tna crest te er Conrobng Aor ox‘heJeage ont aplearon reseed in tvs sahak tam any fhe partes or ae. 54. Rent Contrling Author to exercie powers of Magia for recovery of fine. - ay ne pode bys Reh Carling Atty nde ths cl shall be paid bythe prs ed, spore tram orc ent Conon unten en Comair Liem i guns wr uct wen are eae ce of poe ‘avo as cera provides im Sacton 34, an oder macy the Rent Conan ‘uot oan oder passed sppel unser tis Crapior ox nrovson under Chater I-A eal be sxaetnle by the Rant Conaing Ary se 8 cere of 9 Cl Coa ar fr ik purpose be Reve Carling Autry shall hee ale powers of@ Cl Gout] 5. Finaty of order «Sav a terse oxreshproiodn Ds Act. evry rer made by the RoriCanioting Autory skal subject o econ n appeal, be ral and shal no be {siedinqustinn ary orginal eu ppleabon of breslon graced ‘Provisions Regarding Special Obligations of Landlords and Penalties 17. Landlord's ety to keep accommodation in good ep. (3) Every larlors shal be bond eke the sesamin in gp08 an tenant ropa, (2 Winelands nagiacs ool to make, th a easonble ie lhc wing, ropa which hes bound lo ake de ub Sort (1 be tant may make sae rsa and duct ne expanse f such ena fom he onto aera recover Dem Por sandr Proved tat te aint a desea a recverabe hay yer sal ot excaes orev he opal by the tant fr nat yar (Gyre any pare witout whic he soconmodaton nt habitable usable eco wi ue ncrvanonc area ae Maes landrdnaplet alo make hen fer fate wan, he tera ray apt fo he Ren Conlin Auoty orpermasio fo meke such feparshimel an. mey suorao the Ret Contoling autor an estvata of he cost, Indus ao nay conser necessary, by an rae n wing, orm he nano make ust reper at cUch cst a mayb sbectiod Inte ofa eh shes eos be fl ore {etanto mate such pars meek aris sete he oa ares ney sain no cae exceed he maura spanked fhe enor ober recover trom Me nr Proved that the amount o dasa a recoverable hy yor sal ol excao raha te fr poyasoby ta ana er a oar Prove futar Bal ay feats ol ovared bythe sad aunt are raceesary nthe oplnon oe Rent Cooling AoA. id he tran og Rem Corrtng Autor may permenant maka such apse 13. Culting off or witolding easel supply or eerie {1 No endo ler Nese ort ay arson purporting oat on i ha sal wihout jue and wc cause et ‘Sor wena ay osantal suelo" servos enoye oy the taant respect to ecormosabn toi (2) Wataraors orravanes te proviso ut-Socbn (the lara may make wy appeston othe Ren Contig Auorty compan sch canravenson (tthe Ran Conlin Aunty on qty fal ha eos auply tere nye by Ue art in eapect oe accanmosaten wa 2 fwd by he ne without [stand sufteor cause, sel make an oeadestng te nabs rese such Suppo” sooo. (6) Tre Rent ConvoingAustary may ne esroton det al sorpenaaion na exceeding fy ropes (@) 8 pais to toler by he tran he apptoton undar sb-Socton (2) ws mace fous OF vaatousy (670 pais to tho tenant by tolls, he ln had ct fo wit to upay ose wits and sucon cau xplanaten | -nhs Sect, sso supply or seis” ndos sul of wae, ry Its in assepes and on laases, conservancy ad santa sericos. Exptanaton i -Forthe prpoes of ie Seran weholang ary esse uzply or sevice aval nla ce sion irtdabe ote lnrlos an aecaum of wich ha ascot ‘toply or sev eu ey loa uary or any ae competent xa 38. Cont of ting =) The Coleco sah ear Ofer na Blow tho ak of @Dapuy Coleco as maybe auhstée by hin nts Sohal haronar refered on hs Chaser a {he satnrsed ote ay an his aon moon on appleavon mace fo nfs Beal by gent specal ore regard e ge sarmson wing rv acconmocatan atch he alr vests hay ofa vaca and als eae he llr hots such ascormodabon except azzaraare Wi fh eer she may ge in nocoranca wih re proven his Crapo. (2) tary accommaahton wich nas allen vacant okay at vacant reso for acipaton by ay peren llng a es of prot nde the Uric of Site Goverment 2 fersn'h he orice ofa val anny ne Wachys ages icy Soars Sado Sacansay Secon, ya Pages ech 93 espected by {fe'Smte Coverment oy sratacaon tne Garth ne Claro ore sunaad oc, may, solo rower! Serson 20, ainda io dae eco SNnG to bear excite cost Neale by oro atte eazommedaton © any such person as maybe specie by nm nth ode and [Sree nora pa mn porseusa of ha acconmosion ae the nner a pice n poatessin medal fie vocow br so a aecomes Yan Provide ta he andre ha ted Wal na needs he acconmadaton tN oa occupation, the (olocor ote auhensd ofa, ral, stfoe str ue nqury ale accommoaston Se reeees, Pe hs nro occby to sae Proved fther bal ange aecommodalr Io ay person user Mis ut Socton ue earl bana a 5 ihe wi fataon to whom Be eccommodston may bo alte os may beinsted 2h £2) Fo ovorispasas ana seed upon to lors whi te aris spaced i ub-Secvan (2) He shal boot he vacant scrormedabon a ary pszon Frovied ta in can ning unde tha a provanosu-eocion (2 he pated spent an enya be excded (@) Te Calero the subarea oct may ake case to bo kan such sane ed Ue case Lae Used such minum fc nung pote fre 9 may nis pone Feazorale for secur ne complanes wh or or pravening c= feying coraventin ote At ibs ereunae ofr h ees seas of Such POR. (5) Noting inthis Seaton shal apt. (a) any aocommedaton usd or resdental purposes to many ror of wich doesnot exceed wert vere (by any aczeneradaton used or norresicantal purposes he mori ret of wrth does not exceed fy rons, (@)anyaccommesaton wich has fal vacant pursuance ofan order passed under his Act for te purpose of aenupation by he end (ci ny szoeradaon belonging eal auboty, Company ot Fim and Bor Se inland oly or te oecupatn offices, servants and aan 49, Allotment of accommodation - The Colecr [eth ton HE! shal as far as possible at cconerdaton under suSacton (2) of Secton 39 ozardance wh he (1) The aosommodaton stall be aot nt flowing onder of prot: (parsons noting feof rot une he Union of We ist Goverment. i persons nthe serve ofa tect auhrty, Madhya PredoshElecily Boor, Soar o! Secondary Education, Madhy Prades, or such other body coporte es may be spoctad oy ha Ste Government y rato (2) escormedaion was occupy asersonNalng an feo rot fot he Union a the Slate Goverment, sha be alla i hi sucesso Provided tha for ean fo be roared in ng. ileny be lid to any oer person ois ala succes fh previous coca (@) nies Secon rocamain ot Emergency means a Pretaton isu under clase) of Atle 262 of ne Constuten he ln a ropa ne ype oe cis (2 Dring he poriodaProlanaton of merger roms in ote he members of he fay (2 menber fhe naval lary, fhe area fees othe Un or ave iyo (iy eit Goverment sean who, sing sich pod, aks up sone inthe aforesaid forces, may olnithtanding anting: contained in htc. bested aecommodon 9 Face tobe spetod by the mambar of he sas foros or he ct Gavernent svar, 35 he case may be, by he Coleco’ having rsdn ove" He sa laco othe auhorsed ‘eat te sccammesan vaca or lt fal vacated the asd lec cr heared fice, a the ce ay be ay Sect helena ul he members of the {amis in wnoe ovr te accomadation nas been alaed in poseessan of sch acammadaton and tne landloshal places morbors of to fay in possasion eek immedi, Ne acsanmadsion s vacet os soo 6 Becomes vacant (2 Tenancy tay parton whos been allated accommodation under is Section shal emt on heey of psa fone yr nthe date, te Proclamation of Ernerpency Sesssetn bene 41, Llabilty of person lotta accommodation to ay ren hor an acommodaton is altod torso unde SUS LAT SEEESN SH SHRHONADIA] he she be deemed {oke' tonto nas of uch socormosaton pe sabe Ilo py tert fam Ie ase te acabon of We acconmoston (ey wnero the ecomimotaton bees became vacant wasn cespatn ot tna, th rot payee by such erat (by whore the accommodation wasn prev in ocupation of foant sch rant as ay be detemined by Rent Cotoling Aor In acaréance wth the pil spected n ‘ectan 7 Provided that where nconsequnce of any procedings unde the fra rove lo subaclon (2) of Seton 28, the secondo eins unoccupad by he aloe fr a ptod ‘xcoadng sen cays Fore dete of vacton tara, alse shal b litle fay rent any ora period Reon day oto he pred dre wich reraned so uneccpod. {2 Teint tracy Teor of any amen wo arm ald scx we of nse wa on ion ch cares ovals ch ee ‘Shacsutttrenter tetramer’ or arse ahdthe sd peaon shal vacate such ecconmodabon hn sven Gaye such dle Provided tat the Conoco rn authored fer may "reasons obo records wring, ead the pred er vacaing te accomadation by 2 ura ard not excaeang our 1 Penalties - (1) tary person caves ary rent exces of he tnd ret os spacedin clause (1) of Secton 7 oa bythe Ren Conating Aubort under Secon 1, Ne ‘fal be ponanab ws simple mprsonnt 3 oem whe ry exons o tee monte orth te neh may econo 4s ao excead ha urn hang Gere or rcaed ‘ouseor athe starr fot by re hasan ropes" wth bah (2) ary person conavones any te prowsins of subsecion 2) or ub-ecen 3) of Secon 6, he habe punishable wh simple imersorment fo tym which may axtnd 0 Imo or wie wich may exend tain whch exceeds he srout ova flew ehatge chimes soca unsere sss Secon) orsusncon 3), ee eae mob. by fe thousand oes, fw Bab (3) amy tenar subsets, aseane or terns carts wih to possesion of whol or pa of any accememadaton in conravorton of the provisions of lus (bf sb-scton (1) 0 Slckar ter he thal be pussuble wth io wich nay exten to re usar noes, {5} anylororssontavenes the presane of subeacon (1) of Stor 38 he shall be pnianace win mpizonment fr 8 em whieh may ean lo ree mens, or wi fie wien ay ‘endo oe rousund pace, th bo (6) any porson conavanas ho provons of ube Vor subse) ot Seton 6 SUSSeGtonWIGESEEIONAU:As shal be puishaco we sineoimprseamens er {4 Cognuzance of eences-(1)No cout infant thal of @Magata of the Fst Chas hay ary ofence pushabl unde hs Act (2) No Court sa take cognizance ofan fence punishable under his Ac urlss the compat in respect he olen has boon made Wn bree mens om the dae oho (G)Natatanaig ann contend in Sactn 32 of he I salle tt for sy Magistrate of he ist Css to passe sentence or fae ‘xcoadng wo osand raps ona porsan cme ofan oFence puis unes hs A. IMiscotsneous 45. Jaton of cv Courts barred in respect of certain maters.- (1 Save as oer excressy srovéd in is A, no iv Cou shal antenan any sult roaoeng os fat Slt tthe uation o standard ror reo any acconactn fo sr hs cl apples ot aroha ate wh ha Ret Carcrg Auhory fe erpewe yor wot {hs Aato dea, andro bjunan espe ary scr laken oo be ken by te ar Calin AsDent anes es Al sale ania by ary Ci Cour o abe aon {2} Nonna in su-scon hal be const a preva & ilo rm eioning any soto paca te lon ot ny ston a is ay acres owen ‘4 Abeimont of concovatonpuiahale au corraverio, ey parton ao spa cotovaneo al he craven yore pied x dred io have np Sheers hese deones have convenes i er ‘E Luvityofcontavenon cae of company, fr 1 he pron vbw cntaveres any ore ma or eave een ae nde la cary, par ‘ior ce oy cpus sary reson pater nara’ xc a ar eno spaitheret sar, ares he oven at he conrveron oe pos woatie roweep {imho otecud st gene proven tach arena Se demas gay offic arenas ‘2 Rert Gontoting Ahoy tobe publ servant eave ‘Somes isbn pbc oren mntre mango seen one oan Pent Coes 890 pe = TD). {Protection of ston akon good faye nt posesen or aes legal raeesng ha a not ‘étecaransorsubsecion(i}atSueion 39} renpet t eying wich nin goats soe ntndad abe done pursuance of hs Ae 50, Powerto make rts, -() I» Sita ovement noemanin te On Gare. ake so sany steppe ec {2 nparcatn and wn rae ate gray he regang power ston es ey poi oma any ae lawns ters rely {shhetom ad mannarn wih, nate pris win an an soplstion ay ba nade a Ret Cann tony (brthe manner in whic a Rent Contoing Ahoy may Rel an nq under at (che pomes of te it Cout wren ay be vested in Rent Coneling Athen (o)the mane: of seve of mata under Ac (eh any omer mata which ne ob, or my be, preted. (2)Al rules de under hi Sacton stb it on te tbl of he Ase. (1) The Moahye Pradesh Accommodation Conzl Act, 155 XK of 1266) neeby repeats. seh epaal alse and he proseange under te eld Ac pending athe conmancao’ oh ole any Coit ihr athe shal be conte and dance with prov ofa ed At a te sd Act had Grtnued freeads At hd et Det peed ata provost sppedl unde ta sad Ac shad “orem in force in esc’ of su nd prossongs disposed of Mereuner sue, rowan tots conn that no Cau fo hal be deducted by the Cau a fequr by sub-sector (3) SFSeton Sere sae he SNo. Name ofDistict Area o @ o ‘Gwalior Divison 1. Calor Gnalor Corporation rea Dabra Municipal Ara eethoro Municpal Arca Morena Shiv Data Manda Bhande: Manipal Area ‘Bring Mural Area (Gohad Manipal Area Mehgaon Municipa Area aa Manipal Aves ‘Ambah Munlepat Area ‘Sebatgarh Manipal Area Blaipur Manipal Area Morena Muriel Area ‘Shoopur Municipal Ara aura Manipal Ara _Sevpur Municipal Area Kolar Municipal A Kara Mancpal Reo Prehhore Vilage Aes onan Vilage Area Chacrora Manipal ea (neksng Blnagen) Ashokanagar Munipal Area ‘Mungaol Muni Ara (Guna Muricpal zea FRaghograh Municpal Area Data Murcipal Area Jabalpur Division Mandia Manica Ae 10. 1 2. 14 Narsinhapur Cchindwara Damon sbatpur Bateghat Nanpur Tow Area indo Town Aron {Gatogaon Municipal Area Narsingnpu Muricipal Area Kart Manipal Aveo CGadarwara Munlepat Ares CChindvara Municipal Area Jamal Munipal zea ‘Sersar Munical Area Panahurna Municipal Area Amarwara Vigo Area ‘Damo Muricpal zea balpur Corporaton Kate nical Area ‘Sor Munilpal Aveo ‘Salghat Munipal Area Werasson! Municipal Area etangi Muni Area ‘Seon Municipal Area ‘Sagar Municipal Ace CGarhakota Municipal Area oor Muna Awa Bina Marcial Area HowaiManciplAvoa Bispur Raipur Bilaspur Division Bilaspur Municipal Aroa ota Municipal Area ‘Sigil Rovense Vilage ‘Sakanda Revenue Vilage Aces “Tonwa Revenue Vilage Area Tapa June Bizspur Revenue Vilage A723 CGorata Revenue Vilage Ares ‘Mungo unico Ara ‘Sat Municipal Ara Charge Municipal Arca ‘Tokssipur ram Panchayat Aes ‘ila Revenue Vilage Noa Raigarh Municpa Ae aria Muncpa Area ‘Sarangam Municipal Aveo ashpunagar Manipal Area ‘Ambikapur Muicpal zea Baiunthou Municipal Area ‘Mahenéragarh Municipal Area Ramanvigan Municipal Area {hemi Town Aral Raipur Division pur Manipal oa 2. bug Bastar Raison Dhara Manipal Ara Batota Bacar Gram Panchayat Aroa -Manasamund Gram Panchayat Aca (Bhatpara Manipal Area) ‘Dury Murepa As Kamardha Mune! Ares ‘Rojanandgaoan Munics Area oargarh Manipal Area emotra Notes Area (Dongargarh Municipal cea) Jagdalpur Mnial Town arker Muricpal Town ‘Bhopal vision ‘Bnopal Marcial Aveo ‘Sehore Murlpa 22a Saragarh Noted Aa (Asia, lchhawar and Berasia Mune rea) Raleen Town ea Begumgan) Tow Area ‘Sivan Town Aroa Barol Ton Area Usipura Tows Aros ‘Obedutagan Town Area ‘chovatganj Gram Panchayat Aveo 2. 2, 2. 2 Hoshangabod Bet vessha Rajaor ‘shajpur Goharganj Gram Panchayat Ara ara Mung Ara Hoshangabad MurcipalAvea ars Municipal Aron ‘Sohagour Manipal Area para Municipal Area ‘Seon Mawa Muni Area Panchmarh Town Aces Betul Municpal Area Mula Muricpal Acea ‘Botul Bazar Municipal Aroa ‘amla Gram Panchayat Aco Viisha Municipal Aros ura Municipal Area ‘asada Muna A (Sion Town Ares) (Later Tou Aces) ‘ehipur Municipal Aroa FRjgarh Municipal Ara Balora Muricipal Arca Narsinghgarh MricipalAvoa ‘Sarangour Murcipal Ava ‘Shalapur Murlpa 20a ‘ga Municipal Area 4 Dewas har snabua snancwar ‘Susnor Muncal Area ‘Shujaur Murcpal cea Indore OWviston Indore Manis Ao epaipur Municpal Are Sawer Municipal Area owas Municpat Area ‘Sonkacnna Munclpal Aces Bagh Manipal Ara onnod Municipal zea atogaon Muniopal Ara ‘har Muripal Area ‘Manawar Mural Ave Sardorpu Municipal Aveo Ki Muna Are adrewar Muniegs Ares (Dhamnod Municipal Ara) Jnabua Municoa Ara ‘Tanda Municipal Aroa Potiawas Municipal Ara Jobat Murcpal zea ‘Aeaipur MuriciplAvoa vandal Area Bumanpu Municipal Aveo 33, Kargone 35. Ratlam arses Muricipal rca ‘Sonarwa Municipal Area pur Municpa roa ‘Sarwan Municipal Area nargone Manipal Area ‘Snxangaon Muniepal Awa Kesrawad Municipal Asa ‘Saraahe Munical Area Manestwar Municipal Aroa Mandlosswar Municipal Aroa ‘Sarawad Municipal Area Anjo Marcial Area {Khoa Municat Area) Mandsau Murcipl Aves ‘Stamau Munilpal Aveo ‘Garth Muniopat Area ‘Bhanpure Manipal Area Malnargath Municpa Ara Manasa Municipal Ara Noorruch Municipal Ara awa Murcipal Ava Falta Municipal Awa ora Municpal Area Sailors Manipal Aveo ar 2. 2. iin ews ‘Alo Municipal Aroa jin Manica Ara ‘Barnagar Muriipal Area oachaud Manica Ar Mahidpur Municipal Ae “arona Munlopet Area Rewa Division FRowa Municipal Area ‘Satna Munical Area Mainar Municipal Aroa ‘Amarpatan Revenue Vilage Nagod Roverve Vilage -Amapatan Gram Panchayat Ae ‘Uerera Gram Panenayat ea atwara Gram Panchayat Area Madhogarh Gram Panchayat Area ‘Shandol Munilpal Area ‘Umar Municipal zea ‘aumae Tow Aces a Town Aros tna Town Aro Kolm Town Aros ‘8h Town on Venkatangar Tows Noa ‘Aruppur Town Arca 40. Ghhatarpur (Chhatarpur Murcpal zea Nowgong Muricpa zea (Warpatbur Revenue Vilage Area) 41, Thamgarn ‘Taamgam Municipal 0a stra Gram Pancayat res ‘Newar Gram Panenayet Area 42 Panne Panna Municipal Area 2. Sav (Sidi unica Are) (S00 Secton 2.8) ‘Form of summons ina cate where recover of possession of sccommodston I prayed fron grounds of "bona ide“requieme (fc ofthe Rent Cotaling thors Phe, Eviton case No. irons St... led an apleion (copy of which anno) for yo ecto om ae ns he parts of he acsommdn on the runs pected in has (Shure) Secon 2-4 ote Maan Praeah Accanmaaatan Corto fe, 95" [No 91981. ‘eu ae hereby surmonadt appear etre he Rant Cantona Auhorty wii fReen day fhe serve for hearin and to obi the ave ofthe Rent Cowon Autor t corset ‘he aplonion or own one roe afresnddaaut where! he appar wi be tinea any nerfs xp fe ei prod of fees Gaye oobi tn Osa our ‘Svan fom be sls escormedaton Saja ab sloesals he das lr soceeig hal be {eae to apesar and cores! tre aplaton maybe esaned onan splint Rent Canrelng sory suppored oy an afdave a refered on Secon 28-0 Gen under my Thay O20 Rent Gonroing Atonty ottestons Inox the poms coneed by substton (8) Scton 1 of the Mays Pradesh Acconadton ‘Corea Act 11 (No 41 of 961) te Sats GovoreTartneebysppemt he 15 Auge, 18836 he cats on ween to sae Aa shal os ores n Hatplpr lage Chap in exer of ha powers cones by subsection (3) of Section 1 oft Madhya Prades Accommodation Contol ‘at 9 fo. 180), he Sate Govommartherby appa ha Te! March, 1058, eho cate on when te sad Aa sls moore m Rhea Msvepel ren of Sarde Teel Date Kargane wae Mina) In exarcisoof he powors canard by sub-socton (3) of Secon tof he Maya Pradesh Accommosaton Convel ‘al 196 (a4 195), he Sate Govemmert herby parte Shy Agu, 1989, a he les ch be sid At hal coral oes Ala, enowar a Bora Manipal ‘Seas ot Sere Dates ‘sexo ofthe powors anor by su-tcton (2) of Seton fhe Mya Pradesh ‘Accarmadaton Conta Aa 1931 (Noto 18"), he Sate Covertenen Meret appants he de ot pascaon of ve Noieaon i the Meda Pradesh Gaza se dali on WNch ‘he sn Se nal come no fre in the Dharmas huni res Dar Dirt -n xarce ofthe powers anf by sb-sctan (2) of Seton tf he Maya Praaoah ‘Assonmodaton Conta Act 1981 (No 81 of 198%), he iste Govern Needy appants he de platen oe hotiton tha "MadyaPraest Rapa se sts on which ‘he ane na come io frei he ares campriea nthe Dongrgey Ways Ratanagpon aie oar On, are Ace Live

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