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Flipped learning

Next week, ie, on 31st October, 3rd and 7th November, 2023 all the students are
to give a presentation on the given topics as an exercise of flipped learning. The
presentations are to be given as a group, and they will be evaluated individually
for the same as a component of the CIE evaluation. So, everyone should take it
seriously and remain present on the aforementioned dates.
The students may make a PowerPoint presentation on their topics or they
make also use the chalk and talk method of lecture delivery.
The students are to form a group of 5 students each in the 1 st 7 groups and
group 8 and 9 are to have six students respectively. The groups are to be
formed as per their roll no.

Flipped learning topics

1. Introduction to ARM7 (Salient features, characteristics etc)
2. ARM 7 Architecture (Pin diagram and functional block diagram)
3. Register architecture, (different registers,SP,PC,CPSR,SPSR, Register
banks etc, their difference with xx86 microcontrollers)
4. Overview and features of LPC 2478.
5. Pipelining in ARM processors, Pipelining in ARM7
6. Instruction set of ARM 7( different instruction types)
7. Addressing modes in ARM7
8. Interrupts and exceptions in ARM7
9. Case study on embedded system: Washing machine, Microwave oven

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