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Question 1:


. Whenever I stopped there was a silence

. There was an echo to my footsteps.

B. Tormented

C. (i) When the twig snaps, the narrator reacts by freezing or halting in response to the sudden
sound. This reaction is likely due to a heightened sense of alertness and potential danger from the
lurking shadows. The narrator's response is driven by a combination of surprise and the instinct to
assess whether the sound indicates a threat.

(ii) After halting, the narrator tries to identify the source of the sound and assess the situation more
carefully before proceeding. This suggests that the narrator is very cautious.

D. The narrator finds it difficult to speak at first due to their throat being too dry. This is likely
because they are frightened. When the narrator does speak, his voice is described as "croaked out."
This suggests that his voice is strained and hoarse, which could be a result of both his scared
emotions and the dryness in his throat.

E. In paragraph nine, the narrator's concerns about his journey to the beach revolve around the
potential threat posed by the lurking shadows. The narrator's heart is beating quickly, indicating a
heightened state of anxiety. The shadows are associated with an unsettling feeling, making the
narrator hesitant to move towards the beach through the area where the shadows are present.


(i) 'Unpleasant realisation' (line 20): This phrase refers to a realization or understanding that is not
positive or a good outcome. It signifies that the writer has come to understand that the narrator was
in danger.

(ii) 'Hopelessly perplexed' (line 22): This phrase describes a state of extreme confusion. The writer is
so puzzled that they feel helpless in trying to make sense of the situation or find a solution to the

(iii) 'Stealthy stalker' (line 22): This term refers to someone or something that follows or pursues in a
secretive and cautious manner. The unknown shadow figure can be a example of this because of
how he followed the narrator.

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