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B.Tech. - Biomedical Engineering

Ph: +91-8238762473
Vadodara, Gujarat, India - 391760


Parul University 2018 - 2022

B.Tech. - Biomedical Engineering - PIT | CGPA: 6.86 / 10.00

Pokhara secondary school, Pokhara 2074

12th | HSEB | Percentage: 68.00 / 100.00

Shree udhaya secondary school, POKHARA 2072

10th | SEE | Percentage: 72.00 / 100.00


Octopus medical technology Sept. 1, 2021 - March 31, 2022

Intern Biomedical engineer

Parul shevashram hospital Aug. 16, 2021 - Sept. 16, 2021

Jr. Biomedical engineer
Key Skills: Hospital equipment preventive maintenence, daily round, file


Low cost ventilator May 1, 2020 - Oct. 15, 2021

Mentor: Dimpal khambati | Team Size: 2

Key Skills: Pneumatics Mechanics Logic Programming

The aim of the project is to provide the low cost ventilator facility to the patient. In this we ise ambu bag and pneumatic pressure controller with the
time circuit to provide the ventilation to the patient . It is more similar to the BIPAP and CPAP .

Hand band March 24, 2021 - March 26, 2021

Mentor: Jayati vasavada | Team Size: 3

Key Skills: Cloud Computing IOT Biological parameter monitoring

In this project we design a prototype of the hand band which is able to tract the mentally I'll patients location and read the temperature, pulse etc and
send the data to the patient family. It helps in easy tracking of the patient and it a new things for the industry.

Dismunerria pain relifer Dec. 1, 2019 - May 15, 2020

Mentor: Dimpal khambati | Team Size: 2

Key Skills: Heat Treatment

This project is about the temporary treatment of dismunerria pain or menstrual pain by heat therapy . The heating element is present in the compatible
size like a belt .


Permaculture, book collection, playing guitar, cooking, playing football,

WhatsApp - 8238762473


Gender: Male Date of Birth: Nov. 4, 2000

Marital Status: Unmarried Known Languages: NEPALI, ENGLISH, HINDI, GUJARATI( beginner)
Current Address: 450, Parul Vip Boys Hostel, Parul University, Limda, Permanent Address: Machhapuchhre- 7 kaski ,NEPAL, Pokhara,
Waghodia, Vadodara, Gujarat, India - 391760 Gandaki, Nepal - 33700
Phone Numbers: +91-8238762473, +91-8238762473
Emails: ,

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