Jordi Miró, Belonging To Catalan Solidarity For Independence, Took Part in The IRS's National Assembly On January 9 in Nuraghe Losa-Abbasanta

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Jordi Mir, belonging to Catalan Solidarity for Independence, took part in the IRSs National Assembly on January 9 in Nuraghe Losa-Abbasanta

SI - Catalan Solidarity for Independence, greeted the IRSs National Assembly on January 9 in Nuraghe Losa-Abbasanta
Comrades of IRS, From Catalan Solidarity for Independence we warmly greet your struggle for the independence, and by extension, the whole Sardinian people that is fighting for its national and social rights. As you know, SI is a new political formation, started nearly half a year ago. It was started because of the political obstruction to the national aspirations aroused from the autonomous government system and also because of a process of convergence of different pro-independence and pro-sovereignty groups. It is a very positive experience by which in a short time we have obtained 4 representatives in the Catalan Parliament and more than 100,000 votes. IRS has been for us one of the main references of fight for freedom of Sardinian people. For this reason, some years ago it began a fruitful and friendly collaboration between us. We want to thank publicly the availability and the solidarity of Gavino Sale and the IRS activists, and also other organizations in Sardinia, for their support to the Plebiscites for the Independence carried out last year in Catalonia. Catalan pro-independence movement wishes to fully support this IRSs National Assembly. We believe that it open up a new political scenario for Sardinian proindependence movement, from a wider and non-sectarian view, with the wish of adding and creating new processes of political intervention from a Sardinian national approach in which different pro-independence feelings may participate, and going back to IRSs basic principles such as the political activity based on denunciation and the full solidarity with social struggles. Hurray for Catalonia! Hurray for Sardinia! Jordi Mir.Solidaritat Catalana per la Independncia

Saludu de SI-Solidaridade Catalana pro s'Indipendntzia a s'Assemblea Generale de IRS su 9 de ghennrgiu in Nuraghe LosaAbbasanta
Compngias e cumpngios de IRS,

Retzide unu saludu de coro dae Solidaridade Catalana pro s'Indipendntzia a gherra bostra pro s'indipendntzia, e finas a su ppulu sardu chi est gherrende pro sos deretos natzionales e sotziales suos. Comente giai ischides, SI est una formatzione noa cun prus pagu de mesu annu de esistntzia e chi nschet contra a su blocu polticu a sas aspiratziones natzionales chi nos at batidu s'autonomismu, comente protzessu de confluntzia de diferentes setores de s'independentismu e de su soveranismu. SI est un'esperintzia positiva meda chi nos at cunsentidu, in custu de tempus curtzu, de tnnere 4 deputados in su Parlamentu de Catalugna e prus de 100.000 votos. IRS at istadu pro nois unu de sos referentes prus importantes de sa gherra pro sa libertade de su ppulu sardu e est pro custu chi, dae unos cantos annos, intre nois esistit una collaboratzione de profetu e de amighntzia manna. Bolimus torrare grtzias publicamente pro sa disponibilidade e solidaridade de Gavinu Sale e de sos militantes de IRS, e gasi etotu finas de teras organizatziones de Sardigna, pro su suportu suo a sas Consultatziones pro s'Indipendntzia chi amus fatu in custu rtimu annu in Catalugna. S'Independentismu catalanu bos bolet dare su suportu prenu a custa Assemblea generale de IRS, chi cremus chi abrgiat sa ghenna a uniscenriu polticu nou pro s'independentismu sardu, cun una una visione prus aberta e non setria , cun sa voluntade de summare e de creare mecanismos noos de interventu polticu in crae natzionale sarda, in ue potzant partetzipare sensibilidades indipendentistas diferentes, torrende a sos printzpios fundatzionales de IRS, comente sunt istados e sunt galu s'ativismu de denntzia e sa solidaridade prena cun sas lutas sotziales. Bivat sa Catalugna, Bivat sa Sardigna Jordi Mir, Relatziones Polticas Internatzionales de Solidaridade Catalana pro s'Indipendntzia Pasos Catalanos, 6 de ghennrgiu de su 2011

Relacions Poltiques Internacionals de Solidaritat Catalana per la Independncia

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