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Statement of the Problem

This study primarily aims to examine whether the educational gamified activities (EGA)
developed within the lessons of Random variable (Discrete and continuous) in the grade 11
Probability and Statistics subject affects the students academic achievement . Specifically, this
study seeks to:
a) Determine the significant difference between the academic achievement pretest scores of the
control group and the academic achievement pretest scores of the experimental group.
b) Determine the significant difference between the academic achievement post-test scores of
the control group and the academic achievement post-test scores of the experimental group.

III. Methodology

Research Design
This research will utilize a true experimental design in regards to a Quantitative approach
using comparative analysis with a pre-test and post-test control group to address the main
research problem and its subsidiary questions. The comparative design group will be formed by a
Random Sampling Technique, which is recognized and dependable model for evaluating cause-
and-effect relationships (Büyüköztürk et al., 2019). Focusing on incremental progress, the
Control Group (CG) will receive instruction in Probability and Statistics using the establish
Senior High curriculum, while the Experimental Group will receive instruction using five(5)
Educational Gamified Activities developed by the researchers. An Academic Achievement Test
(AAT) will be devise to address the main research problem and subsidiary questions.
The current study will cover one public high school in the vicinity of Siaton 1
school District under the School Division of Negros Oriental, namely: Sumaliring
High School. The selection of school will be base on the following criteria: (1)
School’s accessibility to the researchers, (2) the school is offering academic
strands that includes Probability and statistic subject, (3) willingness of
stakeholders and school professionals to participate in the completion of the study,
(4) student’s willingness to cooperate in the study,and (5) it has evidence of low
academic performance of senior high students when it comes to probability and
statistics as per data from the semestrial periodic evaluation.


The participants of this study is comprise of 40 randomly selected Grade 11-

HUMS students, which are taking Probability and Statistics subject under second
semester of the current DEPED senior high curriculum. Upon analyzing relevant
literature, some studies showed that a variety of game based teaching practices
which are conducted experimentally in different curricula showed positive effects
on students academics achievements. Thu, only few researches are only focus on
Grade 11 Senior High School students, specifically, emphasizing active learning in
Probability and Statistics.

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