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COURSE : Local Self Government

SEMESTER : Fall Semester 2023-24

REG NO. : 19BLA1054
FACULTY : Prof. Karthik Shiva

Local Self Government in my area,
Komarapalayam – An Assessment



Historical Background of PRI in TN

Legislative Background of PRI in TN

Local self government in Komarapalayam

Details of my ward and ward member

Initiatives and best practices in my area

Role of LSG in my area during COVID 19

Challenges and issues in my area

My Overall Analysis


Historical Background of PRI in TN

The Panchayati Raj system in Tamil Nadu has a rich historical backdrop, deeply
embedded in the larger Panchayati Raj movement in India. The roots of this system
can be traced back to the 73rd Amendment Act of the Indian Constitution, which
came into effect in 1993. This constitutional amendment marked a important
moment in the history of local self-government in Tamil Nadu and the entire country.

Before the 73rd Amendment, Tamil Nadu had a decentralized but somewhat
fragmented system of local governance. The state comprised various local entities,
such as Panchayats, Municipalities, and Municipal Corporations, each with its set of
responsibilities. However, the 73rd Amendment Act provided a legal framework for
the establishment and functioning of Panchayats at the village, intermediate, and
district levels.

One significant historical fact is that the 73rd Amendment Act led to the
formalization of elected Panchayats in Tamil Nadu. Prior to this, local governance
was largely influenced by traditional village councils and administrative bodies.
With the amendment's implementation, Tamil Nadu saw a shift towards democratic
and decentralized governance.

By 1996, Tamil Nadu had successfully conducted its first-ever Panchayat elections,
empowering local communities with the right to choose their representatives. This
marked the beginning of grassroots democracy, with thousands of Panchayat
members elected across the state.

Over the years, Tamil Nadu has witnessed remarkable progress in local self-
governance. The state government has consistently allocated a significant portion of
its budget for decentralized development. For instance, during the fiscal year 2020-
21, Tamil Nadu allocated approximately 20% of its state budget to local
governments, demonstrating its commitment to strengthening Panchayati Raj

Tamil Nadu has taken steps to enhance women's participation in Panchayat elections,
which is a significant milestone in the state's history. The reservation of seats for
women in Panchayats has empowered women to take on leadership roles at the
grassroots level.

Today, Panchayats in Tamil Nadu, including those in Komarapalayam, actively

engage in various development activities, such as infrastructure development,
education, healthcare, and social welfare programs. These initiatives have
contributed significantly to the state's overall development.

Legislative Background of PRI in TN

The legislative framework governing Local Self Government in Tamil Nadu is

primarily guided by the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994, and the Constitution
of India, specifically the 73rd Amendment Act of 1992. These legal instruments
have played a important role in shaping the operation and structure of Panchayati
Raj institutions in the state.

The Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994, serves as the foundation of local self-
government in the state. This act was enacted to provide for the establishment of
Panchayats at the village, intermediate, and district levels, aligning with the
provisions of the 73rd Amendment Act of the Indian Constitution. The act outlines
the powers, functions, and responsibilities of these Panchayats and the election
process of their members.

The 73rd Amendment Act of 1992 to the Indian Constitution was a landmark
development. It introduced provisions for the establishment of a three-tier
Panchayati Raj system in India, including Tamil Nadu. This constitutional
amendment mandated the creation of Panchayats at the village, intermediate (block),
and district levels and emphasized devolution of powers and responsibilities to these
local bodies. Tamil Nadu, like other states, had to amend its state laws to align with
these constitutional provisions.

A important aspect of the legislative framework is the reservation of seats in

Panchayats for Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), and women. This
reservation system aims to ensure adequate representation of marginalized
communities and women in local governance, promoting social equity and

Financial provisions are also a key component of the legislative background. The
framework defines the sources of revenue for Panchayats, including grants from the
state government, local taxes, and funds from various development schemes. The

act outlines how these funds should be utilized for local development, ensuring
transparency and accountability in financial management.

The Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act details the roles and responsibilities of Panchayats.
This includes functions related to education, health, agriculture, sanitation,
infrastructure development, and social welfare. It delineates their decision-making
powers and establishes processes for planning and executing local development
projects, empowering Panchayats to address the specific needs of their communities.

The legislative background also encompasses the election process for Panchayat
members. It outlines the reservation of seats for women and marginalized groups,
ensuring their adequate representation in local governance. Additionally, it
establishes the term of office for elected representatives and specifies the procedures
for conducting Panchayat elections, promoting democratic principles at the
grassroots level.

Understanding this legislative background is essential for comprehending the legal

framework within which Panchayats in Tamil Nadu, including Komarapalayam,
operate. It ensures that local self-government institutions function in accordance
with the principles of decentralization, democracy, and empowerment as envisioned
in the Indian Constitution and relevant state laws.

Local self Government in Komarapalayam

Komarapalayam is a Urban Local Body of type Municipality in Namakkal district

of Tamil Nadu state.

Urban Local Body Name Komarapalayam

Urban Local Body Type Municipality

District Name Namakkal

State Name Tamil Nadu

LGD Code 252499

Pincodes 638183

Komarapalayam is a Taluk of Namakkal District. Namakkal District is a newly

formed district from Salem District. It is functioning from 01-01-1997.It consists of
8 Taluks namely Namakkal. Rasipuram, Tiruchengode , Paramathi Velur,
KolliHills, Sendamangalam , Komarapalayam and Mohanur. The district is bounded
by salem on the north, Karur on the south, Trichy and Salem on the east and Erode
on the West. For Administrative purposes the district has been divided into 2
Revenue Divisions, 8 Taluks, 30 Revenue firkas . For local arrangements, the district
has been divided into 5 Municipalities, 15 Panchayats Unions,19 Town Panchayats
and 322 Village Panchayats.

In 1978, Kumarapalayam town was upgraded from the status of town Panchayat to
Municipality and is now a taluk. It has a population of 71,594 and an extent of 7.10
km2., as per Survey and Land records. The town is divided into 33 wards.

The Municipal Council, composed of 33 ward councillors, is headed by a

chairperson who is elected by voters of the town. The councillors elect a Vice-
Chairperson from among themselves. The executive wing is headed by a
commissioner, and he is assisted by a team of officials including a revenue inspector,
sanitary officer, manager, municipal engineer, town planning inspector and other

Komarapalayam town was upgraded as third grade Municipality from the status of
town Panchayat on 30.03. 1978 and subsequently upgraded as Second grade
Municipality from 17.04. 1984. Now it is functioning as First grade Municipality as
per G.O.M.S.

Details of my Ward and Ward Member

My Ward Name Ward Number LGD Code

Kumarapalayam (M) – Ward No.33 33 40227



My ward member, Mr. Vijay Kannan is also the councillor and the chairman of
Komarapalayam. He has done tremendous services to my area.

Initiatives and Best Practices in my Area

Installation of camera in and around area

In our ward, one of the great things our ward member did was install cameras all
around our area. These cameras are there to make sure everyone feels safe and
secure. They act as a deterrent for criminals because they know their actions are
being recorded. This has helped reduce crimes like theft and vandalism in our

Not only do the cameras prevent crime, but they also help with traffic management.
By monitoring traffic flow, the local authorities can figure out where there are traffic
jams and take action to fix them. So, it's been really helpful in making our area safer
and more convenient for everyone.

Reconstruction of roads in our area with my ward member’s own expenses

Another commendable initiative in our ward is the reconstruction of roads by one of

our ward members using their personal expenses. Recognizing the poor condition of

the roads in our area, this proactive individual took it upon themselves to make a
positive change.

Our ward member selflessly invested their own resources to fix the deteriorated
roads that were causing inconvenience and discomfort to residents. By taking this
initiative, they demonstrated a strong commitment to the well-being and quality of
life for everyone in our community.

The reconstruction of these roads has had a significant impact on our daily lives. It
has improved connectivity, making it easier for people to commute and travel within
our ward. Additionally, it has enhanced the safety of pedestrians and motorists by
addressing issues such as potholes and uneven surfaces that posed risks to public

This self-financed road reconstruction initiative sets an inspiring example for other
public representatives and community members, showcasing the power of individual
action in bringing about positive change. It reflects the dedication and sense of
responsibility our ward member has towards improving the infrastructure and overall
livability of our area.

Comprehensive mosquito control program

Another noteworthy initiative in our ward is the implementation of a comprehensive

mosquito control program. While many areas conduct weekly mosquito sprays on
roads and public spaces, our ward has gone the extra mile by ensuring that the
municipality workers enter the premises and spray the outside corners of each house.

This personalized approach to mosquito control reflects the municipality's

commitment to safeguarding the health and well-being of the residents in our area.
By targeting the specific areas around households, where mosquitoes tend to breed
and thrive, this initiative aims to minimize the risk of mosquito-borne diseases and
create a more comfortable living environment for all.

The weekly three-time mosquito spray schedule is a proactive measure to control the
mosquito population and prevent the spread of diseases such as dengue fever,
malaria, and Zika virus. By focusing on the outside corners of houses, where

mosquitoes often find breeding grounds, the municipality workers ensure that the
treatment is effective and tailored to the unique needs of our ward.

This initiative not only demonstrates the municipality's dedication to public health
but also encourages a sense of responsibility among residents to maintain cleanliness
and eliminate potential mosquito breeding sites within their premises. It serves as a
reminder that collective efforts are important in combating mosquito-related health
risks and fostering a healthier community.

Role of LSG in my area during COVID 19

Our local self-government, led by our amazing chairman, really stepped up during
the COVID-19 pandemic. They worked their socks off to help our community deal
with the situation and provided us with all the support they could muster. I mean,
seriously, they were like superheroes in action!

First things first, they made sure our health and safety were a top priority. They kept
us in the loop by regularly sharing information about COVID-19 precautions like
wearing masks, keeping our distance, and washing our hands. It was like having a
personal health coach right in our neighborhood!

They made sure we had access to all the essential stuff we needed. They teamed up
with local businesses and made sure that we never ran out of groceries, medicines,
or other important items. They even organized relief efforts to help out those who
were facing tough times. No one in our community was left high and dry, that's for

Our chairman also went all out to support our economy. They fought tooth and nail
to secure financial assistance for individuals and small businesses that were hit hard
by the pandemic. They worked hand in hand with government agencies, non-profit
organizations, and local leaders to make sure we had jobs and opportunities to get
back on our feet.

And let's not forget about healthcare. Our local self-government teamed up with
healthcare providers to set up temporary medical facilities and testing centers right
in our area. They made sure we had access to testing, treatment, and vaccines. I
mean, they practically brought healthcare to our doorstep!

All in all, our chairman and the local self-government really pulled out all the stops
during the COVID-19 pandemic. They were like the backbone of our community,
going above and beyond to keep us safe, provide for our needs, support our economy,
and ensure we had access to healthcare. We couldn't have asked for better leaders in
such challenging times. Hats off to them!

Challenges and Issues in my area

If I were to think about areas where our local self-government could potentially
improve, I'd say there are a few things that could be taken into consideration. Please
note that these are just suggestions for further enhancement, as our local self-
government has already been doing a commendable job overall.

One aspect that could be given more attention is the promotion of community
engagement and participation. While our local self-government has been proactive
in providing support and information, it might be beneficial to encourage more
involvement from residents in decision-making processes and community
initiatives. This could be done through regular town hall meetings, community
forums, or even online platforms where residents can voice their opinions and
contribute their ideas.

Another area that could be focused on is strengthening communication channels.

Our local self-government has been doing a good job of keeping us informed, but it
would be great to explore additional avenues for communication. For instance,
leveraging social media platforms or developing a dedicated mobile app could
facilitate faster dissemination of information and improve accessibility for residents.

Promoting sustainable practices and environmental initiatives could be an area of

growth. Encouraging waste management, promoting recycling programs, and
implementing renewable energy solutions are just a few examples of how our local
self-government could contribute to a greener, more sustainable community.

Lastly, it would be beneficial to continue investing in infrastructure development.

While our local self-government has reconstructed roads and taken other initiatives,
there may still be areas that require attention. Improving amenities such as parks,
playgrounds, and community spaces can enhance the overall quality of life for

My Overall Analysis

After analyzing the various aspects covered in this assignment, I must say that the
local self-government (LSG) in my area, particularly in Komarapalayam, has
demonstrated commendable efforts in promoting community welfare and addressing
local needs. The historical background of the Panchayati Raj Institution (PRI) in
Tamil Nadu, combined with the legislative background, has laid a solid foundation
for the effective functioning of the LSG in our region. The initiatives and best
practices implemented in my ward have showcased the proactive nature of our ward
member and chairman. From installing surveillance cameras for enhanced safety to
personally reconstructing roads, their commitment to improving the quality of life
for residents is evident. Additionally, the weekly mosquito spray program, with
special attention paid to the corners of houses, reflects their dedication to public
health and safety.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the role played by our LSG was exemplary. They
prioritized health and safety, disseminating important information and ensuring the
availability of essential services. The establishment of temporary medical facilities
and vaccination drives demonstrates their commitment to public health.
Furthermore, their efforts to support the economy and provide relief to those in need
showcased their proactive approach in mitigating the pandemic's impact.

While our LSG has made significant strides, there are areas where further attention
could be beneficial. Encouraging community engagement and participation in
decision-making processes would foster a stronger sense of ownership and
involvement among residents. Strengthening communication channels, embracing
sustainable practices, and investing in infrastructure development are additional
areas that could be explored for further improvement.


In conclusion, the overall analysis of the assignment highlights the positive

contributions and dedication of the LSG in my area. The historical and legislative
background, combined with the initiatives and best practices implemented,
showcase their commitment to community welfare. The role played during the
COVID-19 pandemic further solidifies their importance in ensuring public health

and safety. While there are areas for potential improvement, the overall efforts of
our LSG warrant appreciation and commendation.

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