TCH Treats

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Marijuana lollipop sucker TEK

Makes approximately 10 lollipops

THC can be extracted by making keif the easy way or tincture the more professional way
To make kef simply rub product over very small screen collect remnants
It can be frozen frist to aid in forming thc crystals
rub it gentley only 10% dust should be collected

To make tincture
Mix 4 parts alcohol with 1 part ganja.
brandy or ethyl alcohol from the pharmacy, 40-70%)

Takes 10 days store in dark place filter with coffee filters or sieve, shake once a day or every couple days. Wait until
alcohol evaporates.
Rasta grass, ganja , sticky icky icky

Marble slab/cookie sheet, (something that won’t melt and is sanitary

cover with tin foil or coat with oil

Sticks, to hold candy

Cookie cutters (used as mold)

Oil/grease/butter, (to grease inside of cookie cutters to aid in removal)

Special cookie cutters molds can be purchased, they must be secured to

To make them look professional a hole can be cut in side of cookie cutter from top of cutter to about half way. Stick can
then be placed should be placed well enough to hold candy
1 cup regular sugar

½ cup water
1/3rd cup white corn syrup.

½ a teaspoon of flavoring
Food coloring (optional)

Citric acid (optional for flavoring)

Mix ingredients in small pan (sugar , water, corn syrup)

Turn oven on sugar needs to reach 300 degrees

After mixture reaches temperature let cool until bubbles subside (at around 250?f)

Mix flavoring with tincture

Now is the time to add flavoring

Stir minimally only enough to mix flavor

stir or shake bowl side to side or distribute evenly

If binding issues occur the tincture/candy a small amount (1 teaspoon powdered sugar can be added to kef/mixture

Mix about 1 teaspoon per cookie cutter if small 1 tablespoon if large.

Takes about 10 minutes

Can also be made with one of those electric micro ovens American’s use
Put ingredients in glass/Pyrex, microwave 4 minute intervals‘, stirring
Do 3 or 4 times until reaches temp

Pour candy into molds (should be poured at around 265 f)

After molds are poured items can be added to candy, sugar, gumdrops, nerds, nuts, decorations, frosting, ect.

Takes about 5 to 8 minutes to be ready to remove from mold.

Play around with flavoring

Dosage should be about 50% more than if material was to be smoked

Between 1 and 4 suckers.

Can end up being fairly strong be careful

Also any ingredients that do not break apart under 265 degrees can be added.

Butterscotch Space Pops

1 cup sugar
1/4 cup light corn syrup
2 tablespoons water
1 1/2 teaspoons vinegar
1/4 cup butter
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 tablespoons cannabis tincture

Line several baking sheets with waxed paper; set aside. Use butter to grease the sides of a heavy 1-quart saucepan. In
the saucepan, combine the sugar, corn syrup, water and vinegar. Cook over medium-high heat for about 5 minutes, to
boiling, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon to dissolve the sugar. Avoid splashing the mixture on the sides of the
pan. Carefully clip a candy thermometer to the side of the saucepan. Cook the mixture over medium heat, stirring
constantly, while adding the butter (cut into 8 pieces), 2 pieces at a time. Continue cooking the mixture over medium
heat, stirring occasionally, until the thermometer registers 300º F, hard-crack stage.

The candy mixture should boil at a moderate, steady rate over the entire surface. Reaching hard-crack stage should take
25 to 30 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the heat; remove the thermometer. Stir in the vanilla extract and cannabis
tincture. Cool for 5 minutes. Pour the mixture, 1 to 2 tablespoons at a time, onto the prepared baking sheets. The
mixture will make 2 to 3 inch circles. Quickly place a lollipop stick into each piece of candy, twisting gently to cover with
the candy mixture. Let the lollipops harden. Wrap the lollipops individually in clear plastic wrap to store at room
temperature. Makes 12 lollipops. Four lollipops will have about a tablespoon of cannabis tincture in it.

*in case you need this recipie too*

Cannabis Tincture

1 ounce cannabis
1 pint 95% ethanol (190 proof)

Place the cannabis and ethanol in a large glass Mason jar. Shake at least once a day. Place the jar in a brown paper bag.
Leave in a warm spot, like near the window, for 30 to 60 days. The mixture should turn a very dark green. Strain with a
cheesecloth, making sure to squeeze any excess liquid. This tincture has a nasty taste, but it is very powerful. It may
upset fragile stomachs. You should take the tincture orally in cranberry juice or coffee with sugar. Store your tincture in
a light-blocking glass jar in a cool, dry place, like the refrigerator or freezer. You can keep the cheesecloth in the freezer
as well and apply it over an area of the skin for a few minutes with gentle rubbing.


This takes about 20 minutes plus cooling time. Easy to make in the microwave

1 cup sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
Food coloring
1/2 teaspoon flavoring oil of your choice (cinnamon, watermellon, apple, etc)
Kief, Hash,or Hash Oil

Mix the sugar and light corn syrup in a 4-cup microwave-safe glass bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and microwave it on
high for 2 minutes. Take it out of the microwave and revmoe the plastic wrap.
Quickly stir the sugar mixture and then cover with a new sheet of plastic wrap. Microwave it again on high for 2 minutes.
Again take it out of the microwave remove the plastic and stir.
After it has stopped boiling, stir in the coloring and then flavoring. Add Your kief, hash, or hash oil. Pour the syrup quickly
but carefully onto a lightly greased baking sheet (use pam spary or olive oil spray).
Take a sharp knife and score it into squres of bite size candy. When it has cooled, break it into into pieces. (*tip you can
dust it with confectioners sugar and it will prevent it from sticking) All done! Keep in air tight containers.

This one is a little more complicated, but well worth the effort. The increase in sub-lingual absorbtion (if you suck on it)
means it enters the body much more quickly than regular pot food. I’ve also moved away from using sticks, because
lozenges give me a larger dose and better effectiveness.

½ cup Lt. Corn Syrup
¾ cup White sugar
¼ cup Pot butter
¼ tsp. salt
1 packet Kool aid drink mix (flavor of choice)
Few drops of Food coloring
Sticks (20 of them, I use bamboo kabob skewers cut in half)
Candy Thermometer

Combine sugar, salt, corn syrup and butter in a medium saucepan bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring
constantly. Then lower the heat and keep heating until candy thermometer reads 270OF. At this point in time add the
kool aid and the food coloring and mix them in well. Use a spoon to drop the candy out on a greased baking sheet. If it
starts too cool off to much heat it up with medium heat. Should make 20-30 lollipops or lozenges.

You should make the Pot butter strong for this..

Candy Butterscotch Lollipops

1 cup granulated sugar

1 cup heavy cream
3 tablespoons light corn syrup
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
12 lollipop sticks
12 shot glass- size molds

Combine the first four ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir until the sugar has dissolved. Let the mixture
boil until it reaches 310ºF on a cooking thermometer (this is called the hard-crack stage), or until a small amount
dropped in cold water separates into hard, brittle threads. Stir in the vanilla, then remove from the heat.

Coat the molds with nonstick spray and pour the mixture in. (If you are using shot glasses, be sure to cool the mixture
first so that the glass won't crack.) Place a small piece of aluminum foil over each mold and press a lollipop stick or
popsicle stick in the center. When cool, remove from molds.

Makes 1 dozen lollipops.

Dark Chocolate Suckers

1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips

1/4 cup cannabutter
1/4 cup cocoa
1 tsp pure bourbon vanilla extract
1 tsp pure almond extract
(1/8 cup of duff optional)

mix all on very low heat to combine then pour into moulds and insert lollipop sticks and chill to set. About one hour in
the fridge to come out of the mould clean. Place into ziploc snack bags and store in the freezer in a large ziploc bag to
keep fresh.

For milk chocolate simply substitute with milk chocolate chips and use a lighter cocoa or duff and no cocoa if you like the
taste of duff.

For variety you may also add almonds or rice crispies at the last minute before pouring.

Hard Candy Making

Making Hard Candy - - - - -  It's a "piece of cake"!! 

<Hard Candy Mix & Hard Candy Making Kits>

- - - - - - - -What you will need - - - - - - - -

2 cups granulated sugar

2/3 cup light corn syrup

3/4 cup water

1 tsp. (1 dram) Lorann Flavoring (or as desired)

1/4 tsp. coloring

Candy Thermometer

An appropriate Hard Candy Mold (NOTE: you may also use a cookie sheet for
irregular candy pieces, if you prefer)
- - - - - - - - How To Do It - - - - - - - -
In a large saucepan, mix together sugar, corn syrup
and water. Stir over medium heat until sugar
dissolves. Bring mixture to a boil without stirring.
When syrup temperature reaches 260o F, add color.
Do not stir; boiling action will incorporate color into
syrup. Remove from heat at 300o F or when drops of
syrup form hard brittle threads in cold water.
(Temperature will continue to rise after removing from
heat, so remove precisely at 300o F). After boiling
action ceases, add flavoring and stir. USE CAUTION
STEAM. Pour into lightly oiled [vegetable oil] candy
molds (not chocolate molds), or onto greased cookie
sheet and score to mark squares. When cool, unmold
or break into pieces. You can also dust with
powdered sugar to prevent sticking. Store in airtight
- - - Guidelines for candy temperatures - - -

Thread stage (Syrup) 230o to 233o F

Soft -ball stage (Fudge) 234o to 240o F

Firm-ball stage (Caramels) 244o to 248o F

Hard-ball stage (Marshmallows) 250o to 266o F

Soft-crack stage (Popcorn balls) 270o to 290o F

Hard-crack stage (Hard candy) 295o to 310o F

Makes 15-20 lollipops

1/4 cup butter, Land O' Lakes®
3/4 cup sugar, C&H®
1/2 cup light corn syrup, Karo®
1 box (3 ounce) cherry gelatin dessert, Jell-O®
Non-stick vegetable cooking spray, PAM®
Special equipment: Twenty lollipops sticks, Metal tablespoon
measure, Candy thermometer, Metal sandwich spatula

Prep time: 8 minutes


 Butter two cookie sheets.

 Arrange half of the lollipop sticks on each and set aside.
 In a small saucepan over low heat, stir butter, sugar, and corn syrup together until sugar has dissolved.
 Slowly bring to a boil, stirring frequently.
 Insert a candy thermometer into syrup and continue cooking until temperature reaches 275 degrees.
 Stir in gelatin until smooth.
 Remove from heat. (This sugar syrup is very hot and can cause a painful burn!)
 Using a metal tablespoon and working quickly, drop heaping spoonfuls of lollipop syrup on end of each
lollipop stick.
 Flatten into a circle shape with metal spatula sprayed with cooking spray.
 Cool completely.
 Wrap each sucker in plastic wrap and store in an air tight container.
Peanut Brittle Ingredients
To make peanut brittle you'll need:

 1 cup water
 2 cups sugar
 2 cups roasted peanuts
 1 cup light corn syrup
 1/2 cup peanut butter
 1/4 stick butter
 1 teaspoon salt
 parchment paper
 1/4 teaspoon baking soda

In addition to the handful of ingredients you'll need to make peanut brittle, you'll also need one specialized
piece of equipment - a candy thermometer.

Combine Some of the Peanut Brittle Ingredients

First combine the sugar and water in a heavy saucepan over medium heat. Stir the mixture until the sugar
dissolves in the water, about five minutes.

Next, add the corn syrup and salt, and keep heating until it starts to boil.

Monitor the Temperature of the Mixture

At this point, you'll want to add your candy thermometer, and while continuously stirring, monitor the
temperature of the mixture.

Don't let the tip of the thermometer touch the bottom of the pan, since that's hotter than the mixture.

Add the Peanuts and Other Ingredients

When the sauce gets to between 225 and 230 degrees Fahrenheit, add the peanuts and keep on stirring.

Keep heating, and when the temperature gets to 290 degrees, remove it from the heat.

Add your remaining ingredients - the butter, baking soda, and peanut butter - and stir until the butter is melted.

Let the Peanut Brittle Cool

From here it's really simple: pour the mixture onto a parchment paper-lined cookie sheet and spread it around
with a spatula. Once it cools, you've got peanut brittle. Now that's great brittle.
El chocolate comercial tipo paladín, tiene un 37.9% de grasa, por lo que en teoria tendria que poder disolver el THC, pero
tampoco lo he probado....

Lo que si que he provado, es hacer un chocolate normal, y añadir una cucharadita de café de extracto de cannabis. Muy
rico y fuerte, hos lo aconsejo.

Por otro lado, queria comentar que en el libro La cocina de la marihuana he encontrado una receta de chocolatinas, que
supongo que tomandola caliente en vez de dejarlas enfriar seria algo parecido:

500 g de chocolate fondant negro o con leche fundido a fuego muy lento o al baño maria.

14-56 g de harina de hojas de marihuana (o la parte proporcional de cogollo)

1/4 de taza de mantequilla fundida

1/4 de taza de leche o mitad leche y mitad condensada

Mezclarlo todo bién y calentarlo a fuego lento durante 5 min.

En teoria esta receta es para 28 chocolatinas.

Respecto al tiempo ce cocción, con 5 minutos hay suficiente. Recordad que el thc se degrada mucho con la temperatura.

Un saludo

Chocolates con thc

primero envuelvo la marihuana en un panuelo o en un trapo pequeño (deve estar bien limpio) y bien amarrado para que
no se riegue. luego hechas el embueltico en un posillo de leche y lo pones al fogon como haciendo una aromatica sacas
el envueltico y lo escurres y lo vuelves a meter yo lo escurro con un esprimidor de limones puesto que esta caliente;
repites esta operacion hasta que le saques toda la substancia a la marihuana luego derrites el chocolate y lo mesclas con
la leche que preparaste debe ser mas chocolate que leche y lo dejas hasta que coja consistencia unos 5 a 10 minutos lo
pones en moldes y lo dejas enfriar y... disfruta de los maravillosos efectos

Dulce Asesino
Derrite y mezcla a fuego lento todos los ingredientes.

Extiéndelo en un molde de horno poco profundo, déjalo enfriar y córtalo.

1/3 de taza de mantequilla de marihuana.

250 gr. de chocolate fondant negro o con leche.

1 taza de azúcar.

1/2 taza de leche.

1/4 de taza de cacao.

1/4 de taza de nueces picadas

A tincture is an alcohol-base solution of a non-volatile medicine (in this case cannabis). In this case alcohol is
not only the solvent used to separate cannabinoids from the plant matter, it is what makes this type of
application (particularly in fine-mist form) more bio-available and therefore effective.
In whole-plant cannabis, THC content is expressed as THCA (tetrahydrocannabolic acid) prior to
decarboxilation into THC, which takes place when cannabis is heated during cooking, and smoked or
vaporized ingestion. THCA is a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory but does not have good affinity with our
CB1 receptors, so in order to make a THC-rich tincture that has many of the same therapeutic effects as
smoked ingestion (including rapid absorption, quick relief and ease of self-titration), we must convert the THCA
in the plant matter into THC prior to extracting it through an alcohol soak.
Below are detailed instructions based on a unique VICS research project that will allow you to convert the
THCA from your bud or high quality leaf material into more usable THC with very little loss through
Dry heat conversion of THCA into THC:
Preheat oven to 325°f exactly (purchase an oven thermometer if you're not sure).
Take cannabis leaf or bud and spread in a thin, 1 inch layer on a clean cookie sheet.
Put in the oven for 5 minutes exactly, remove, and transfer to glass or ceramic container to cool.
Tincture/Cannamist Recipe:
Pack a mason jar loosely but completely with converted cannabis product; add a few sprigs of fresh organic
Add alcohol (50% is preferred, but 40% vodka works just fine) until the jar is full.
Seal, shake and put in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks.
After 2 weeks, strain mixture through fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth. Add 2-4 tablespoons of organic honey
(to taste, but without over-sweetening the mixture).
Pour into bottles fitted with fine mist spray tops.
Initial Dosage: Spray two times on the inside of the cheek, and wait 30 seconds before swallowing. Wait ten
minutes and if desired effect has not been reached, repeat on the opposite cheek. Wait ten minutes, and
repeat until desired effect is achieved. Dosage will vary between users, but should remain fairly constant once
Effect will last for between 1-2 hours. Repeat use as needed.
If you feel dizzy or disoriented, immediately discontinue use. Do not operate heavy machinery or drive during
use of this product.

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