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Sentence Improvement

1. You should not boasting of your achievements.

(1) boast for (2) boast off
(3) boast of (4) No Improvement
2. Will you type these letters now?
(1) Could (2) Can (3) Shall (4) No Improvement
3. It took a long time for him to realise, what was truth.
(1) what is truth. (2) what was the truth.
(3) what the truth was. (4) No Improvement
4. What does it matter most is the quality of the goods that we
(1) What it matters more (2) What does it matter more
(3) What matters most (4) No Improvement
5. I used to have very thick hair.
(1) use to have (2) used to having
(3) used to had (4) No Improvement
6. I asked the traveller where is he going.
(1) where he is going (2) where was he going
(3) where he was going 2
(4) No Improvement
7. They could not tell me why did he not eat his lunch.
(1) why not had he eaten (2) why he did not eat
(3) why had he not eaten (4) No Improvement
8. The Centre’s bid to dispel the pall of gloom over the economy
have been helped in recent weeks by a rating.
(1) had been help (2) has been helped
(3) have been helping (4) No Improvement
9. The pedestrians ‘should to be’ cautious while crossing
the road.
(1) must not (2) should be (3) should not (4)3No Improvement
10. The gas ‘is being seeping ‘ out of the rocks.
(1) is seeping (2) is seep
(3) was being seeping (4) No Improvement
11. The decision “ will leaving her” in a peculiar predicament.
(1) will left her (2) will leave her
(3) leave (4) No Improvement
12. The conference “will been a” celebration of women’s
(1) will be an (2) would be an
(3) will be a 4
(4) No Improvement
13. She and Dad would has had loved Amit.
(1) has loved (2) have loved
(3) to loved (4) No Improvement
14. You will have to return my Mac book whenever I ask for it.
(1) should (2) will have
(3) would have to (4) No Improvement
15. Swift time bound resolution or liquidation of stressed assets
will be critics for delogging the balance sheet.
(1) will be critically (2) will be criticism
(3) will be critical (4) No Improvement5
16. I absolutely must seen him, however painful it may be for me.
(1) saw (2) seeing (3) see (4) No Improvement
17. Why should we bothered ?
(1) bother (2) bothering
(3) to bother (4) No Improvement
18. She is not used to sleep for so long.
(1) to be sleeping (2) to sleep
(3) to sleeping (4) No Improvement

19. He could not be able to think logically because of his illness.
(1) was not able (2) cannot be able
(3) can be unable (4) No Improvement
20. Tax-payers are to be conscious of their privileges.
(1) might (2) have to (3) could (4) No Improvement
21. Who you said was coming to see me this morning?
(1) You did say (2) Did you say
(3) Did you say that (4) No Improvement

22 .Internet providers would not block content because it would
not to be make economic sense and consumers would not stand
for it.
(1) not be making economical sense
(2) not be make economical sense
(3) not make economic sense
(4) no improvement

23. We have made progress in our development journey,
and people came out in large numbers to vote for
(1) had come (2) coming
(3) will come (4) no improvement
24. It is been seen as a “ prestige battle” for the PM and a
litmus test for the president of the opposition party.
(1) It have been seen (2) It is being seen
(3) It had being seen (4) no improvement
25. The duo’s network was (made to learn identify) true signals
using previously vetted signals, they then studied the weaker
(1) made to learn to identify
(2) made to learning to identify
(3) made learning to identify
(4) no improvement

26. It also indicates the caveats and failure modes in the model
need to be improved before (been used independently) .
(1) been using independently
(2) being used independently
(3) been independently
(4) no improvement
27. The Centre’s bid to dispel the pall of gloom over the economy
(have been helped) in recent weeks by a rating.
(1) had been help (2) has been helped
(3) have been helping (4) no improvement
28. One to spearhead this campaign is an IT professional, known
for (having working) on net neutrality and founded internet
Freedom Foundation.
(1) having work
(2) have working
(3)having worked
(4) no improvement

29. This idea of the impossible (became) even more relevant
when we come to the individual, who might consider certain
accomplishments impossible without realising that with persistent
effort and determination they could be achieved.
(1) becoming (2) becomes
(3) was became (4) No improvement
30. I wouldn’t abase myself (by get) into an argument with him.
(1) on get (2) in getting
(3) by getting (4) no improvement
31. His decision (will be fair) to everyone as he is the most
disinterested party in this controversy.
(1) fairing (2) will fair (3) had fair (4) no improvement
32. She dithered every time she (make) a decision.
(1) makes (2) had to make
(3) will make (4) no improvement
33. She emanated ebullience as she (learn) about her first
rank in the exam.
(1) learnt (2) learning
(3) had learn (4) no improvement 14
34. The unpleasant feeling (passes) and she glanced guardedly
up at him.
(1) passing (2) has passed
(3) passed (4) no improvement
35. The chairman (send in) all the right signals and we can only
hope that his trip will result in rich dividends.
(1) send out (2) sent of
(3) sent out (4) No improvement

26. The telecom sector is the backbone to the Digital India Vision
and it deserves an (enabled) regulatory environment.
(1) enabling (2) enable
(3) able (4) No improvement
27. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) (has
decreed) that all MF schemes must adopt the Total Return
variants of their chosen benchmarks to measure and disclose their
(1) is decree (2) have decree
(3) has decreeing (4) No improvement
Direction: Spotting Error
1. Our sole prayer should be to be blessing with (1) /a spiritual
awakening that is the real (2) /source of peace, bliss and
contentment. (3) /No error (4) /
2. When a student works on a mathematical problem, (1) / he
comes to a stage beyond which he do not (2) / know how to
proceed, and where he is in doubt and perplexity. (3) / No error (4)
3. Looking forward to something (1) / in anticipation is what helps
us (2) / moving forward in life. (3) / No error (4)

4. Character build should be an integral part (1) / of every aspect
of schooling and learning as it (2) / equips one to find long- term
solutions to life’s challenges. (3) / No error
5. Character build should be an integral part (1) / of every aspect
of schooling and learning as it (2) / equips one to find long- term
solutions to life’s challenges. (3) / No error
6. Problem-solving, decision making and conflict (1) / resolution
are all important processes (2) / to developing good moral
character. (3) / No error (4)

7. All they need to do is feed their contact (1) / details, feed the
IMEI number to receiving (2) / an OTP on their mobile. (3) / No
error (4)
8. Good role models in classrooms and in communities are the
most important (1) / part of getting educate as the actions and
decisions (2) / of role models impact the behaviour of others. (3) /
No error(4)
9. The aroma of the invigorate morning cup of tea comes (1) /
wafting up the stairway and soon I am (2) / sipping it slowly and
reverentially without rushing. (3) / No error(4)
10. Our school administration should seriously consider (1) / given
students more responsibility and empowering (2) / the student
council to play more than a symbolic role. (3) / No error(4)
11. Many of us have striving to produce (1) / a blend of all cultures
that seem (2) / today to be in clash with one another. (3) / No error
12. When the business is ran smoothly (1) / directors are more
than happy to pick an experienced insider, (2) / who will continue
along the present path. (3) / No error (4)


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