Law Proposal To Ban The Centralized Temporary Nuclear Waste Storage Warehouses in Catalonia

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Newsletter N.




On the 21st of December 2004, the Spanish Deputy Congress' Energy Address agreed unanimously to ask the Spanish government to manage the high intensity radioactive waste from nuclear plants in Spain through a centralized temporary storage warehouse. ENRESA, which will manage the future centralized temporary storage warehouse, in collaboration with the Spanish government, has established some criteria to determine the location conditions of this facility, giving priority to the option of locating it in municipalities with nuclear power plants or near them. Nevertheless, both ENRESA and the Spanish government, have committed themselves to make the decision conditional on a broad territorial and institutional consensus to hold this facility without imposition.

Even though Asc's city council has offered to accept the installation of the centralized temporary storage warehouse in its territory, it has caused a disapproval and social alarm in Terres de l'Ebre and Camp de Tarragona by most of the town councils, in motions passed by the plenary sessions, six regional councils, entities, agriculture organizations, unions, financial sectors and citizens. The 11th of March 2008 was passed the Ruling 150/VII of the Parliament of Catalonia, published the 17th of March 2008, which rejected the installation of the nuclear waste centralized temporary storage warehouse and requested the state to reject the location anywhere in Catalonia. There are currently three operating nuclear power plants in Catalonia, located in Terres de l'Ebre and Camp de Tarragona. A centralized temporary storage warehouse also sentences it to hold all the nuclear waste from Spain which will emit radioactivity not only during the present generations but the future ones. Catalans can't be subjugated to the decisions that Spain make about their future against their will. Spain is not the owner of the Catalan nation.

Single article- The installation of the nuclear waste centralized temporary warehouse in Catalonia is totally banned as well as the disposal of radioactive waste produced in nuclear power plants located outside Catalonia.

Toni Strubell condemns the attack against renewable energies

21th January 2011 Girona's deputy of the SI appeared today before the media with the leader of Els Verds-Alternativa Verda, Pep Puig, to condemn the Royal Decree-Law 14/2010 that will ruin the investments made by little company owners. The independentist deputy Toni Strubell condemned today in the press conference that the last 23rd of December the Spanish government passed the Royal Decree-Law 14/2010 in which, among other anti solar-PV measures, established a 3 year retroactive cut to the bonuses given to the solar kWh sold and after that it will continue as a time cut. Strubell, accompanied by the leader of Els Verds-Alternativa Verda, and exalderman of Barcelona's city council, Pep Puig, and has highlighted that this cut will mean a serious income decrease (between the 15% and the 30% aprox.) during the next 3 years and will ruin a lot of little investors (15.000 in Catalonia according to the Coordinator of Agriculture and Livestock Farmers Organizations) that may be incapable to pay the loans they asked for in the past. The affected PV factories in Catalonia (which represent an output of 170 MW) could notice a decrease of about 60 millions of euros in 3 years. This will put in serious risk the future of the solar energy due to the possible bank's refusal to fund it or the demand of excessive additional conditions to do so. This important factor should be considered

in addition to all the added difficulties by the rate and production quotas cuts, enforcement of guarantees, etc. Strubell reported that "this measure guarantees the general attack of the State against renewable energies (mostly PV) which now are falsely accused of expensive, not efficient enough or guilty of the deficit" and he also stated that "we are in a crucial moment of the debate between the centralized and not renewable energy model and the decentralized renewable and distributed one". And according to the different positioning in the history of the Parliament of Catalonia in this field, which have been in several occasions of support and investment in the renewable energies model that makes easier the path to energy independence in our country, Strubell has announced he will promote a law initiative in the Parliament and will look for the support of other parliamentary groups to cancel the 3 year retroactive cut in the bonuses payed by the kW sold like the Royal Decree-Law 14/2010 of the Spanish government establishes.

Relacions Poltiques Internacionals de Solidaritat Catalana per la Independncia

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