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This specification covers general criteria and requirements for design, material, installation and
disassembling of formwork and false-work.

Before erecting formwork, the Contractor will submit details to the Engineer of the systems of
formwork he proposes to use for all main structural members.

If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the proposed system is in any way unsatisfactory, he will
instruct the Contractor to have it modified and the Contractor will bear the cost of any such
modifications. The review of the formwork design will not relieve the Contractor in any way
from his responsibility of providing a system which is safe and adequate for the intended use.

No metallic part of any device used for maintaining formwork in the correct location will remain
permanently within the specified concrete cover to reinforcement.

In watertight construction, methods of fixing formwork that leave openings through the
concrete section when the formwork is removed will not be used. All wall ties will have water
baffles and wall kickers will be cast monolithically with the base slab.

Where the support of formwork is provided by the permanent structure, the adequacy of the
structure for this temporary role will be checked and approved.


The Contractor will be responsible for the provision of all necessary temporary works and safety
measures in accordance with the local regulations and by laws.

The contractor will employ a Professional Engineer who will be fully responsible for the design
and supervision of all temporary works to ensure complete safety for both temporary and
permanent constructions.



When selecting materials for formwork, its strength, stiffness, durability, workability and its
effect on poured concrete will be considered.


Partially broken or cracked waling of formwork shall not be used.


Damaged formwork will not be used. Repaired formwork will be rejected if, in the opinion of
Engineer, the repair may impair the surface appearance of the finished concrete. Formwork



judged by the Engineer to unsuitable for the Works will be removed forthwith from the Site to
prevent accidental re-use.

Rusted surface of steel framework shall be polished with wire brush or sand paper and shall be
coated with form oil.


When selecting materials for supporting post, its strength, stiffness, durability, workability and
its effect on poured concrete shall be considered, and the followings shall be observed.

Post with apparent damage, deformation, corrosion or deep knot shall not be used.

Bended or twisted rectangular lumber or steel post shall not be used.

Post material assembled of steel post and beam with load exceeding the maximum allowable
load shall not be used.


Connecting materials shall have the following properties;

Shall have precise and sufficient strength

Shall be easily disassembled and draw back

Shall be of few number of parts

When use of other material is necessary, the contractor will receive the Engineer’s approval on
the use.



Formwork shall include all temporary moulds for forming the concrete. False-work shall include
all temporary constructions required to support such moulds, the weight of the concrete and all
other applied loads.

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval at least 1 month before commencing
work, details of the proposed system of false-work, with the drawings and calculations. False-
work shall be capable of withstanding temperature changes without causing damage to the
concrete. The Engineer will refuse permission to proceed with the Permanent Work if he deems
the false-work unsafe or inadequate to support the loads to which it will be subjected.

Approvals of false-works design by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility
for the adequacy and safety of its design, manufacture and assemble.

False-work and centering shall be designed and constructed to provide the necessary rigidity to
support all loads placed upon it without undue settlement or deformation.



False-work columns shall be supported on bases not on any part of the structure, except the
permanent foundations.


The materials for construction of formwork shall be in accordance with the requirements of
specification stated in the Code and Standard.

Formwork shall be rigidly constructed, true to the shape, alignment and dimensions in
accordance with structure figure. Formwork shall be braced and strutted to prevent deformation
under the weight and pressure of the unset concrete, its own weight, constructional loads,
wind, and other defects. The Contractor will estimate and allow for the form settlement and
deflection so that when it occurs, the Contractor shall provide means of accurately measuring.

Faces in contact with concrete shall be free from adhering grout, projecting nails, splits and
other defects. Joints shall be sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of cement grout and to avoid
the formation of fins or other blemishes.

The formwork shall fit correctly and be sealed at construction joints so as to prevent loss of
grout and ‘curtain’ run downs the faces of previously cast work.

Openings for the inspection and cleaning of the inside of formwork shall be formed and
constructed so that they can be conveniently closed and properly sealed before placing of
concrete. The Contractor shall submit samples and manufacturer’s specification to the Engineer
for prior approval of the proposed formwork system.

Unless otherwise directed, all formwork to suspended beams and slabs will be constructed with
the following upward cambers:

f= 3L/1000 - L: span (m)


Forms shall be maintained after erection to eliminate bending, warping and shrinking. They
shall be checked for dimensions and conditions immediately prior to the placement of concrete.
The Engineer may at any time refuse permission of concrete within the forms until they are
satisfactorily constructed. If at any period of the work during or after placing the concrete, the
forms show signs of sagging or bulging, the concrete shall be removed as instructed by the
Engineer, the forms brought to the proper position and new concrete placed.

Metal forms shall be of such thickness that they remain true to shape. Bolt and rivet heads shall
be countersunk. Clamps, pins or other connecting devices shall be designed to hold the forms
rigidly together and to allow removal without damage to the concrete. Metal forms shall be free
from rust, grease or other foreign matter.



Formwork (including supports) will be sufficiently rigid to maintain the forms in correct positions
and to correct shape and profile so that the final concrete structure is within the limits of the
dimensional tolerances and deviations specified. The supports will be designed to withstand the
worst combination of self weight, form work weight, formwork forces, reinforcement weight,
and wet concrete weight and construction loads, together with all incidental dynamic effects
caused by placing, vibrating and compacting the concrete.

Allowable dimensional tolerances and deviations for formwork

(Table 2)
Dimensional tolerances and deviations Allowable levels
1. Distance between piles supporting formwork, bending structure and
distance between piles supporting stable braces, anchors and
supporting piles compare with designing distance;
a) per each long meters ±25

b) per whole span ±75

2. Tolerances and deviations for surface of formwork and their

intersectional lines compared with designing vertical and slope.
a) per each long meters 5

b) per the height of entirely structure: 20

– Foundation 10
– Wall and pile supporting floor slab in blocks below 5 m in the height 15
– Wall and pile supporting floor slab in blocks above 5 m in the height 10
– Beam framing pile 5
– Beam and arch
3. Tolerances and deviations of formwork axis compared with the
design: 15

a) Foundation 8

b) Wall and pile 10

c) Girder and arch beam As design specified

d) Foundation below steel structures

4. Tolerances and deviations of sliding, climbing and moving formwork 10
compared with construction axis


Internal ties may be used subject to the approval of the Engineer. Form bolts, rods or ties shall
be made of steel. They shall be the type which permits the major part of the tie to remain
permanently in the structure. They shall be held in place by devices attached to waling capable



of developing the strength of the ties. The ties shall be removed on all surfaces to a depth of at
least 50 mm below the concrete surface or a specified cover where this is greater. The cavities
shall be filled with cement, mortar and the surface left sound, smooth and uniform in color, so
when dry it will match the surrounding concrete. Wire ties shall not be used.


All formwork faces which are to be in contact with fresh concrete shall be treated with an
approved non-stick compound before each usage in order to prevent adhesion of the concrete.
Such compounds shall be suitable for the material of the form face in use (whether steel,
timber, plywood) and shall be applied carefully so as to avoid any contact with either the
reinforcement or previously placed concrete.


Before any concrete is placed, the formwork and concrete spaces shall be thoroughly cleaned
and blown out with clean (oil-free) compressed air in order to remove dirt, dust, shavings, nails,
tie-wire clippings and all other foreign matter. All free water shall be drained or blown out of
the formwork spaces.

Under no circumstances shall be the placement of concrete proceeds before the finished and
cleaned formwork has been inspected and approved by the Engineer.


Formwork shall be removed only with the permission of the Engineer and after the receipt of
such permission, the work of striking (dismantling) the formwork shall only be carried out under
the personal supervision of a competent foreman. Great care shall be exercised during striking
to avoid shocks or reversal of stress in the new concrete.

The Contractor shall refer to the following table for selecting the most suitable time of removing
formwork from concrete, corresponding to compressive strength of concrete.

The minimum intensity of concrete of removing formwork and forcing scaffold (%

R28) without loading materials (Table 3)

Minimum intensity of Intensity of concrete at suitable time

concrete of removing of removing formwork in seasonal
Type of structure
formwork, %R28 and weather areas- Concrete
Plate, beam and arch 50 7
having span less than 2m



Minimum intensity of Intensity of concrete at suitable time

concrete of removing of removing formwork in seasonal
Type of structure
formwork, %R28 and weather areas- Concrete
Plate, beam and arch 70 10
having span from 2 to 8 m

Plate, beam and arch 90 23

having span greater than 8

With structures having the span less than 2m, the minimum intensity of concrete of removing
formwork is 50% R28 but having not less than 80 daN/cm2.

When removing formwork and scaffold in block concrete floor slab of story-building should carry
out, such as:

 Keeping all scaffolds and supporting piles of floor slabs lying closely below
adjacent floor slab which nearly pours concrete.

 Removing partly formwork members of lowing floors and keeping 3m distance

of “safety” supporting piles below beams having span greater than 4m.

When formwork and false-work are removed from the structure on which dead load accounts
for large portion of total design loads, the concrete members generally take most of the design
loads. In such case, there may be need for leaving the formwork and false-work longer beyond
the corresponding compressive strength specified in the above table. Therefore, the Contractor
shall take special attention on the above mentioned circumstance.

The making and testing of cylinders to establish the period before striking will be at the
Contractor’s own expense. These cylinders will be stored and cured in a manner that stimulates
the curing of the concrete used in the Works.

Order of removing formwork is that the members of framework supporting relatively low load
are removed first, and then the other members are removed.

It is general practice to remove vertical members from the formwork prior to removal of
horizontal members. But, members of formwork may be removed form both sides of girder
before removing the bottom member.

Structural props will be retained in position until new construction is sufficiently strong to be
self supporting as well as carry all other additional loads to be placed thereon during the
construction period.



In cases where the Engineer considers the Contractor’s request to strike and remove formwork
to be premature, either on account of the weather or for any other reason, he may order the
Contractor to delay such action and the Contractor will have no claim for delay or costs in
consequence thereof.

Notwithstanding any device, permission or approval given by the Engineer, the Contractor will
be entirely responsible for any injury, damage to the work and any consequential damage
caused or arising from the premature or incorrect removal of formwork.


In case false-work is made of timber, timber will be straight, sound wood, and free from
defects. Ends of the vertical members shall be cut square for full bearing to preclude the use of

If vertical splices are necessary, the abutting members shall be of the same size, the ends shall
be cut square for full bearing.

Long, tapered hardwood wedges or screw jacks shall be used in false-work construction and
shall be so placed that they can be adjusted to give proper form alignment. The Contractor
shall, if required, by the Engineer, provide means for adjusting forms to offset any excessive
settlement. If screw jacks are used they shall be adequately braced and screwed.


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