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This specification covers materials, execution and acceptance for temporary works.


Prior to commence main constructions, preparation works must be completed including

preparation methods on organization, constructing co-operation, preparation works for inside
and outside of the site.

Preparation methods on organization, constructing co-operation including:

 Agreements with relating authorities on combining usages and energy of

construction device, local manpower and construction facilities, existing utilities
under operation nearby the site in order to apply for construction of infrastructure
system (road system, transportation, power supply system, water supply and
drainage systems, communication system, etc) industrial factories under
constructions and local energy supply facilities, etc).

 Solutions on taking maximum advantages of available building materials

in locality.

 Specify organizations who will take part in construction field

 Sign handing-over and receiving tender contracts of constructions as

regulated in Government’s written letters of handing over and receiving tenders of

Prior to decide preparation methods on organizations, constructing co-operation and other

preparations, it is required to study approved specification, cost estimation, and specific
construction conditions in locality. Simultaneously, setting up design, construction organization,
and construction design have to be done.

Preparation works for inside of the Site including:

 Specify basic positioning benchmarks for constructions

 Site clearance: clearance of trees and scrubbings in the scope of regulated design,
demolish facilities that can not be used for construction inside of the Site.

 Prepare surface of the site: filling and back-filling of the site, ensure the drainage,
temporary and permanent roads inside of the site, installing power lines, water
supply systems used for constructions, tele- communication systems and radio, etc.

 Build workshops and serving facilities such as storages, assembly yards, combination
of structures and equipment, batching plants, steel reinforcement yards, casting


yards for structural reinforcement, re-bars, carpenter’s workshops and formwork

processing, construction machines, mechanical repairing workshops, car garages,
petroleum station, etc…

 Build temporary housing for constructions: in case that it is allowed to use housing
and facilities specified in the design, they have to be constructed firstly in order to
combine usage of them during construction.

 Ensure the water supply system for fire prevention and firefighting equipment,
means of communication and firefighting horns.

Locations of temporary facilities are not located on the positions of main facilities causing
obstacles for constructing main facilities and its calculation on economic efficiency. Temporary
facilities are ensured to use for all stages of constructions. By all cases, it is required to study
how to use the maximum of main items for constructions in order to save economically
investment capital for constructing temporary facilities and shorten times for construction of
main facilities.

The Contractor must provide housing for workers at site, WCs for workers, storage, workshops
and construction yards built as temporary housing types that are easily installed, removed or
demolished, auto-mobile, and also maximum usage of existing facilities located in locality. For
housing for supervisors and the Employer, there are 40-feet container for supervisors and 40-
feet container for the Employer with installed air-conditioning system and WCs.

For roads used for construction, firstly, existing and permanent roads inside and outsides of the
site are used. In case, these permanent roads are not convenient or grade of these roads are
not ensured for transport all kinds of vehicles for constructions, new temporary roads will be
made. For roads or infrastructures specified in the design, they should be permitted to combine
preparation and commence the construction early. The construction unit must maintain roads in
order to ensure theirs usage during construction.

Power source used for construction is taken from existing power lines or combined by using
permanent power supply facilities specified in the design. Temporary power sources (auto-
mobile power station, diesel generators…). They are only used for commencing the construction
works, prior to put into usage and operation of the official power supply items

It is required to lead power lines in the air from temporary high voltage and low voltage supply
nets. It is only installed underground power cables in case that the high voltage power lines are
not safe and cause obstacles for construction works. It is necessary to use mobile-transformers,
transformers placed on the poles, mobile-column types of transformers.

To water supply systems for construction, firstly, all existing water supply systems which are
near the site will be used.


When to establish temporary water supply system, firstly, it is necessary to establish permanent
water supply lines specified in the design in order to combine their usage for constructions.

Quantities of main facilities of the Works are only constructed when necessary preparation
works used directly for construction are completed and ensured to have sufficiently procedures,
papers as the Government regulations.


Prior to survey the construction site, it is required to study general map, check detailed
drawings used for setting out facilities such as: distance among axes, general layout, co-
ordinates and elevations and they are approved by the technical supervisors of the Employer.

Prior to set out the site, the Contractor needs to re-check benchmarks of controlled gridlines for
the plan and elevations, and then the Contractor will report the result of rechecking to the

Ordinal arrangement will be conducted as follows:

 Set up the gridlines of the Works

 Locate the Works

 Transpose axes of the Works to the existing ground and chamfer the

 Arrange sub-axes of the Site based on the data of the main arranged axes

 Arrange details of vertical and horizontal axes of all items of the Works

 Transpose the axis and elevation to the constructing floors

 Arrange details of the Works based on the detailed design

 As-built survey

Surveying tolerance for setting out axes inside and outside of the facilities or Works and other
arrangement tolerance are divided into 6 grades depending on the height and numbers of floors
of the building, structure features, construction materials, ordinal sequence, method
statements. Allowable average tolerance when setting out the gridlines of the Works stated in
the table 3

Transmittal tolerance and elevation from all points of basic gridlines to construction floors
specified in the table 4.

Standard errors when setting up the gridlines of the Works – Table 3

Accurate Features of buildings, facilities Average error when setting up the gridlines of
grade and construction structure axes and tolerance of other arrangement
Side survey Angle survey Specify different


elevation at
machine station
Grade 1 Metal structure with connection
surfaces, reinforcement
concrete structures are
installed and assembled by
methods that
are self-positioned by points of
bearing force for facilities with 5 1

its height from 100m to 120m

or aperture from 30m to 36m.
Grade 2 High buildings with over 15
floors, Works or facilities with
their height between 60 and
100m or their aperture from 10 2

18m to 30m.
Grade 3 High buildings between 5 floors
and 15 floors, facilities/works
with the height from 15m to 20 2.5

60m or aperture under 18m

Grade 4 High buildings under 5 floors,
Works/facilites with the height
< 15m or aperture < 6m. 30 3

Grade 5 Wooden structures, structural

gridlines, roads, leading
undergrounds 30 5

Grade 6 Soil structures (including

vertical planning)
45 10

Standard error for transferring axes and elevations to the construction surface –
Table 4

The height of the construction surface

Tolerance (m)

<15 15 ÷ 60 60 ÷ 100 100 ÷120

Standard error for all points, axes in the 2 2.5 3 4


The height of the construction surface

Tolerance (m)

<15 15 ÷ 60 60 ÷ 100 100 ÷120

vertical direction (mm)

Standard error for determining co-

ordinates of construction surface in 3 4 5 5
comparation with original surface (mm)

During construction, it is required to check accuracy of setting out based on the basic surveying
points. Allowed and limited deviation of setting-out works is calculated by following formulae:

= t.m

Of which:

t – having value of 2; 2.5; 3 and previously specified in construction design or detailed

surveying drawings, depending on the important features and complication of the facilities

m – standard error taken from the tables 3 and 4



Scaffoldings must have sufficient bearing force but can not be damaged by its self loading
capacity and at least 4 times of calculated force. For safety handrails, hanging cables and
wooden structures, they will be applied separately:

Grades of loading forces: loading forces are classified as follows:

 Heavy loading force: applied for scaffoldings with working load of 375kg/m2 for
building bricks, stones, and materials placed on the scaffoldings.

 Medium loading force: applied for scaffoldings with working load of 250 k g/m2 for
people and mortars

 Light loading force: a pplied for scaffoldings with working load of 125 kg/m2 for
people and working equipment.

Requirements on loading force of peple: Design loading force for scaffoldings is calculated
basically on one or more than one persons with the weight of 75 kg and 25 kg of working
equipment for each person. Each working platform must have capacity to carry at least one
person as below regulation:


 Working platform used for one person is sufficiently designed and installed for
supporting 100kg weight place in the middle of working platform.

 Working platform used for two people is sufficiently designed and installed for
supporting working load of 200 kg, of which 100kg is placed 0.45m from the left
side and the rest of 100 kg from the right side of the center line of working platform.

 Working platform used for 3 people is sufficiently designed and installed for
supporting 300 kg, of which 100 kg is placed 0.45m from the left side, 100 kg in the
middle and the rest of 100 kg from the right side of the center line of working


All kinds of scaffolding used for construction must be ensured to meet requirements of design,
structure, assembly, operation, remove specified in the specification and instructions issued by
manufacturers. It is not allowed to install, use or remove the scaffoldings without following the
above mentioned instructions.

Components used for installing scaffoldings must comply with specification and regulation of
this standard, ensured to meet requirements on strength, dimension and weight. Scaffoldings
must be designed and installed with sufficient safety force following design load.

In-charge workers for installing and removing scaffolding shall be trained and followed this
required procedure. They are equipped safety uniforms.

It is not allowed to use scaffoldings in followings:

 They do not meet requirements on technique and safety specified in design

documents or instructions of manufacturers.

 Un-appropriate functions for each work

 Components of scaffolding are deformed, cracked and rusted.

 Distance from limited edge of scaffoldings, supportings to adhesive edges of small-

size vehicles is less than 0.60m

 Columns of footing frame placed on unstable bases (soft soil, non-drainage,

exceeding settlements allowed by the design…) are possible to slip or placed un-
stable parts or structures where they are not calculated for ensuring stable force of
main parts, structures and columns scaffoldings and supporting frames.

It is not allowed to put load exceeding calculated loading force. If pre-cast scaffoldings are
used, they will follow instructions of manufacturers.

It is not allowed to move scaffoldings horizontally or change structures of scaffolding system

during constructions, exceptionally, special scaffoldings are designed for the above purposes.


It is not allowed to install, remove or working on the scaffoldings during bad weathers such as
thunders, storm, dark time, heavy rain, and winds over 5 grades.

Scaffoldings and theirs accessories are not used in corrosive places and to have
countermeasures to protect scaffoldings in order to avoid damage following instructions of

Remove or dismantle scaffoldings must follow instructions from the design or manufacturers
and beginning from the top of scaffoldings.

 Components and connection after removing must be lowered safely, not drop down
freely. It is required to maintain stably un-removed parts until completion of the

 In removing areas must have fences, sign to inform people and vehicle passing
through. It is not allowed to remove scaffoldings by pulling.

When installing/erecting or removing scaffoldings near power lines (under 5m including low
voltage lines) needs to have safe countermeasures for workers about electricity and approved
by electricity and wire management organizations (switch off when installing/erecting
scaffolding, nets….)


Footings of scaffoldings must be firm and sufficiently strong for the maximum calculated loading
force. Undurable devices such wooden boxes, carton boxes, rubbles, or free blocks are not
allowed to make footings.

It is ensured that supporting columns, footings or vertical bars of scaffoldings are vertically as
strutted, connected with the foundation in order to avoid rotate or remove.

All kinds of cables used for hanging scaffoldings must have the minimum bearing capacity
which will be 6 times of design load.


Working platform must be firm, strong for calculated loading force. Selected mterials shall be
sufficient strength and meet actual requirements, chemistrically un-crossive and eroded by

Note: pre-cast plates and working platforms include wooden plates, scaffolding plates and
formed slabs.

Working platform (exclusing struts or anchorages) must be long enough over horizontal
supporting bar not less than 0.15m from its heads.

Wooden plates:

Wooden plates are designed in order to have sags in the middle span in compliance with


calculated load less than 1/60 scaffolding span.

 The maximum span of wooden plates follows the design and manufactures based on
the basic calcualations to wooden slabs.

 Wooden plates are used in dry and good-air places. If the wooden plates are fresh
or in humid conditions, pre-stressed calculation and checking must be following
above mentioned conditions and also included the humidity of woods.

Pre-cast scaffolding plates: the minimum width of the plates is less than 0.3m; standard length
is between 1.8m and 3.0m.

Width and length of plates and pre-cast scaffolding plates follows regulations stated in below
table 1




(Kg) (m) (m)

Wooden plate with 110 7,2 0,5 0,3


Scaffolding plate 220 9,6 0,5 0,3

Plate with girder 220 12,0 0,75 0,5

Formed slab 330 12,0 0,90 0,5

Note: Type 1 is not applied for scaffolding plates

Each pre-cast scaffolding plate must have supporting hangs and hinges attached to supporting
components of scaffolding. Hangs must be tightly in oder to keep the scaffolding plates not

Types of scaffolding plates: solid type, bar type or net type. Surface of scaffolding plates must
be held tightly to edge bars or crossing bars.

 Gaps among scaffolding plates: maximum gaps among scaffolding plates to each
edge bar and among plates are less than 1cm.

 Surface of scaffolding plates can be under the surface of edge bars. Metal surface of
scaffolding plates must have countermeasures to avoid slip.



It is required to install safety balusters in gaps or last parts of working platforms over 3.0m in
comparation with the surface of the ground or base slab, exclusively for following cases:

 During installing or removing scaffoldings

 When scaffoldings are installed in-door, areas surrounded by walls, no open-airs or

holes for staircases or elevators;

 When using safety wires or safety cables for people for hanging girder-scaffoldings,
hanging chairs, scaffoldings like staircases

 When using freely vertical staircases supporting the scaffoldings

Handrails must have height from 0.9m to 1.15m in comparation with surface of slabs.

Supporting columns for handrails are placed among 3.0m.

Footing struts are made of sawn timbers or corresponding dimension of 0,025m x 0,1m, placed
over from 0.04m the surface of the slabs. Footing struts must be independent on baluster
systems for opening parts and the end of scaffoldings where working people go passed or work.

Crossing struts can be used for replacing the middle bars of handrails when intersection of two
bars is in the minimum place of 0.5m and less than 0.75m from working slabs.

If the height of stored materials is higher than the struts where people are working underneath,
safety protective curtain are installed between footing struts and handrails. If steel curtains are
used, the struts in the middle can be eliminated.


It is required to create safety paths/roads for working platform of scaffoldings following one of
followings, exclusively during installation or remove:

 Using wooden, metal, plastic ladders that are pre-cast or applied for current relating

 Using connecting staircases with footing scaffoldings, the maximum distance of

frame steps is less than 0.4m, length of steps are not less than 0.25m.

 Using elevators with hang or metal elevators installed by appropriately designed


 Gates that are directly connected from next structures or from lifted equipments.

When scaffolding over 12m must have staircases in the hold of scaffoldings. Slope of elevators
is less than 600. In case, the scaffolding is under 12m, it can use against staircases or rope

Ladders are located firmly, not displaced. People going up and down must use handrails
attached to structures and not let oil/grease or mud adhesive to hands or shoes. It is not


allowed to use inclining struts as means for going up and down the scaffoldings.

Paths under the scaffoldings must have protective equipments over people’s heads.

Places where people and vehicles transport frequently must have clear signs, barricades or
border ropes surrounding the scaffoldings.



The Contractor must buy insurance for workers, employees, equipments of the Contractor and
then submit them to the Engineer prior to commence constructions.

Workers who work at Site have met sufficiently following requirements:

 Old enough as regulated by the Government for each career.

 Good health certificates are issued by authorized health organizations as required.

They are checked health periodically at least once per year: in case they work in
height locations, water, hemetic tunnels, or dust and hot places, harmful places,
they must be checked health by regulated health organizations. It is not allowed to
assign women having pregnance or babies under 9-month age, people being sick
(heart, deaf, bad-eyesigh….) or under 18-year-old chidren for above mentioned

 Have training and testing certificates that prove their achievements on safety in
compliance with each careeer and approved by the company’s directors.

 To be equipped sufficiently personal protective equipments/devices as regulated by

working procedure.

It is forbidden to drink beer, alcohol before and during working. When working in high locations,
deep tunnels or harmful places, it is forbidden to drink beer, alcohol and smoking.

Workers working in high locations and in deep tunnels must have tool bags. It is forbidden to
throw tools, devices to the ground.

Only workers who can swim, are allowed to work in river and sufficient boats, lifebuoys and
necessary apparatus for first aid as regulated working procedure.

For divers, it is required to implement sufficiently procedures on working, compensating,

allowance and health regime.

All boats, lifebuoys and other health apparatus must be inspected in order to ensure the quality
prior to use them.

Workers working at Site must use appropriately all personally protective equipments granted. It
is not allowed to go by sandals, or wooden shoes and they must dress neatly.


When working in over 2-meter places or not reaching that height but many obstacles
underneath, workers must be equipped safety ropes or safety protective net in case that there
is no working slab with safety baluster.

Construction technicians must instruct how to hang safety ropes for workers. Workers are not
allowed to work if they have not been attached with the safety ropes.

It is not permitted to construct on two or more floors in the same vertical directions if no
protective equipments are installed for workers underneath.

It is not permitted to work on scaffoldings, chimmeys, water caps, electrical columns, bridge’s
piers or girders, roof of two-storey buildings, etc, when it is dark, heavy rains, rainstorms,
thunders or over 5-grade winds.

After each storm, strong winds, whirlwinds or after suspending constructions for many
continuous days, it is required to check safety conditions prior to re-start constructions,
especially dangerous places that accidents may happen.

Lighting systems are arranged sufficiently on site for transporting roads, paths and areas that
are constructed in the night time. It is forbidden to work in areas that are not installed lighting

When constructing high-location projects, it must have anti-thunder bolts following current

On site, there must have enough facilities for daily activities, sanitaries for workers such as
dispensaries, dining rooms, napping tents, shacks, shelters from raining and shining, places for
taking showers, going to stools, monthly periods, etc.

It is required to provide drinking water for workers on site. Drinking water must be met hygiene
requirements. Water tank must be tightly covered, faucets or separate water ladles, and
drinking glasses or cups .

It is required to have safety diary recording all incidents, accidents, overcoming

countermeasures and solutions during constructions, proposals for safety instructed by labor
members and investigation members, site safety supervisors’ in order to implement strictly site
reports, statistics on labour accidents, occupacional diseases.


Surrounding the site, it is required to have fence and guard house so no fuctional people can go
into the site. In case that public roads go through the site, another new roads or paths have to
be set up (after receiving an approval from relevant authorities). If new roads/paths can not be
set up, clear signs have to be hung up in order to inform all vehicles to slow down their speed
when passing through.

Each site has to get a notice board containing following informations:


Location of main project, sub-project, temporary project.

Locations of processing workshop, storage, assembly yards for structures and equipments for

Locations for arranging materials, scraps, pre-cast concrete structures

Housing areas, working areas, dining rooms and sanitary tools for workers, employees

Routes, roads for all kinds of transpoting and construction vehicles.

Power and water supply systems for constructions and daily activities.

Site surface and construction areas have drainage system in order to ensure that construction
works are conducted in dry and clean places. Water is not allowed to stagnate on surface of the
site or run into the foundation holes.

For sites near seas, rivers, streams, they must have methods for preventing floods

For projects built on dams, pumping stations, hydro-electricity stations….with big underground
flow, it is required to have firm and small dykes and drainage systems in order to ensure safety
for all circumstances.

Under-construction sites must be neat, clean, waste objects and obstacles must be arranged

Wells, trenchs, holes on the surface of the site and gaps on floors are surely covered for
walking people or certain fences.

Trenchs, foundation holes near transportation routes must have barricades over 1m high, red
lights in the night time.

When transporting surplus materials, waste materials from high positions (over 3m) to lower
positions, it is required to have slipping gutters or lifting equipments. Bottom ends of the
gutters must be put less than 1m from the ground. It is not allowed to pour waste materials
when there is no barricades, signal boards, alarming peoples underneath.

Dangerous areas where materials can fall down freely from the high locations, it is required to
have barricades, signal boards, or protective curtains. Limitation of dangerous areas is
determined in the table 1

Limitation of dangerous areas

Height where the

For houses or under For areas that load force is moving
materials can fall
construction projects (from (from the projection following the
freely (m)
external perimeter) maximum dimension of moving load
force when it falls down)


To 20 5 7

From 20 to 70 7 10

70 – 120 10 15

120 – 200 15 20

200 – 300 20 25

300 - 450 25 30

For areas where the scaffoldings, formworks, old construction projects, reinforcement yards,
installing machines and big equipments, harmful areas, cross-section roads … are under
removing, there must be barriers or signs (the barriers’ structure must be suitable for the
current site fence standard and the construction area standard); there must signing red lights at


At the main routs of traffic on Site must have the diagram with specific instruction for the kind
of means of transport of both mechanical and manual type. On the main road of the Site must
have the system of signs of transportation

The width of car road must be at least 3.5m for two ways street and 6m for one way street.
The minimum cirlce radius is 10m

When displaying the road of transportation through the positions, constructions where the
execution team is working on or having the on-operation machine under which the protecting
floor must be done.

Electric wires covered by rubber accross the road of transportation shall hang up a high place or
slip into the security pipe fixed in the ground at least 40 cm. The pipes of water shall fix in the
ground at least 30 cm.


Stores and storing bank shall be arranged and keep materials, components and equipments in
good condition intended before on Site with the necessary quantity for works. The location for
these areas shall facilitate for the transport and loading and uploading

It is not arranged any things into the components of contrucstion those are not stability and

In the stores containing the raw materials, fuels, components, equipments shall have the road
for transport. The width of the road shall be suitable for the dimension of the means of
transport and the equipments for loading and unloading. Among heaps of materials shall have
path for persons, at least 1m of the width


Between the material piles must be left the path for people and minimum 1m wide.

The raw materials, fuels, components, equipments shall be placed away from the motorway,
railway of crane at least 2m counted from the nearest roadside to the latest exterior roadside of
materials (near the road)… Forbid to place and arrange on the traffic lines

Loosed and separated materials (sand, stone, macadam, gravel, slag…) shall be poured into the
mass but it ensures the stability of natural sloping roof

Flamable and liquid materials (gasoline, oil, fat…) shall maintain in the specific store conformed
with the regulations of current fire-fighting

All of acids must be kept in the closed container made from porcelain or glass and must be put
in the ventilated separate room. The acid container should not be piled on each other. Each
container must have lable written clearly acid name and date of manufacturer.

Harmful and dangerous substances, explosive materials, equipments bearing compression shall
maintain, transport and use in accordance with the technical codes about the safety for those
existing substances, materials and equipments

Spliting stones, paved bricks, tiles shall arrange into every squares which are over than 1m of
the height. The building bricks shall be arranged and laid which are not over than 25 rows of
the height

The pieces of floor and roof shall be arranged into the heaps which are not over than 2.5 m of
the height including the thickness of the buffering layer

Walls shall be arranged among the supporting frames upright or supports of letter A. The
stopping walls shall be only placed in the supporting frames in the upright position

The blocks of foundation, wall of cellar, the concrete blocks and the pieces of sanitary
technique, unit of discharging garbage shall be arranged into mass which are not more than
2.5m of the height including the thickness of the buffering layers

The column and beam are loaded into the pile not over 2m inclusive the buffer. The girders are
arranged in one row in accordance with their working position with supporting timbers, the
distance between them is not over 1/5 the girder length from its two ends.

The other block and plate types must put into pile but not over 2.5m in height inclusive the
buffer layers.

The insulating (heatproofing) material is put into pile but not over 1.2m ub height and
preserved in the hermitic and dry store.

The varieties kinds of steel pipes with diameter of 300mm must arrange into each layer not
over 2.5m in heigh and must have the propping piles to keep them firmly.

The steel pipes with diameter above 300mm, the cast-iron pipe wil be arranged into layer but


not over 1.2m in height but must have the propping piles to them firmly.

Plate steel, shaped steel, angle steel will be put into pile but not over 1.5m in height.

The steel with small sizes will be arrange into props with similar height; the load of steel loaded
on the prop must be less or equal to the prop’s allowed load.

Rough timber will be load into piles with the prop underneath but not over 1.5m in height.

The height of the rough timber pile must be less than its width and need to have the stakes
keeping its two sides. The sawn timber must be put into pile not over ½ of its width; alternated
put horizontal and vertically is not over its width inclusive the thickness of buffering layers.

Glass for making trunk is put in the upright frame support. Only load one layer, not one layer
over the other.

The machine equipments, parts are only allowed to load one layer


The electrical workers as well as the electrical equipment operators must learn, join the
examination and receive the electrical safety technique certificate. Where the electrical workers
work at site, they must have a thorough grasp of its power supplying layout. The staff on power
duty for the electrical equipment voltage up to 1000V must have the electrical safety certificate
from Scale 3 upwards.

Using power at site must have the layout of electrical network, the general switch and segment
switch in order to cut off the whole or each separate construction as necessary. Dynamic and
lighting power system must be separated into two distinct systems.

The installation and usage of radio broadcast power network must follow the current
regulations on safety technique radio broadcast communications

The exposed conductive parts of electrical equipments (cable, leading bar, contacting of switch,
fuse, the poles of electrical machines and tools …) must be covered by insulator or put in the
high position to ensure for the safety & convenience of operation.

The cable ends, opened cables must be insulated, covered or hung in the high position

For the opened conductive sections in accordance with the requirements of the designs or
structures must be hung at high position, get barriers and signs.

The cables for constructing in each area of construction must be the insulated coating cable.
These cables must sling on a firm pole or support at the height of minimum 2.5m for the
constructing surface and 5.0m for the place where there are vehicles passing. The cables which
have got the height below 2.5m from the floor or operating floor surface must be the type of
insulated rubber.

The cables used for the mobile axial machine must be winded on the tangent or slid on the


cable slot. Do not allow to rub the cable on the surface or let the vehicle run over, or let the
other structures lean against the cable.

The lights which have got voltage greater than 36V must be hung minimum 2.5m away from
the operating floor.

Do not allow to use the power networks, distributing structures of electrical boards and their
shunt branch which arise during the installation to replace for the electrical network and
temporary electrical necessary for the usage at site.

The electrical on-off equipments used for the on-off function of the general network and the
segment lines supplying power for each area of the construction must be controlled strictly so
that the people without duty can not turn on and off the power.

The power feeding switches for each equipment or group of equipment must have securely lock
and convenient for operation and problem handling.

The power on-off equipments, switches … must be put in hermetic box, dry places, safe and
convenient for operation and problem handling.

When cut off power, need to ensure the switches and other power on-off equipments can be
self closed circuit. In case that the power is out, need to close the switch to prevent the
electrical motor from re-starting suddenly as the power is on again.

There must be necessary methods to avoid closing wrong line, wrong electrical equipment.

Sockets and plugs used for mobile electrical equipment must specify their maximum capacity.
The structure these sockets and plugs must have the contacting so that the pole of protective
cable (earthed or aired) can contact in advance with phase cable when close and vice versa,
eliminate the problem of plugging into wrong contacting

The electrical breaker on the mobile electrical equipments (except for mobile lights) must be cut
off all the phases and installed right on the cover of that equipment. Do not allow to place the
breaker on the mobile cable.

All the electrical equipment must be protected from shortage of circuit and overload. The
protective equipments (fuse, relay, automatic off switch …) must be selected suitable for the
voltage and current of the equipment and or group of equipments that they protect.

All the metal sections of the electrical equipment, electrical on-off equipments and protective
equipment must have voltage when the insulator is damaged and people can touch them, so
they must be earthed.

If the standby independent source which supplies the power to the electrical equipment when
the general electrical network is cut off, the neutral mode of standby source and its protective
method must be suitable for the general electrical network’s neutral mode and protective


When moving the big size objects under the cables, need to prepare the safety method into
details. Need to cut off power if the moving objects may touch the cables or power from the
cable discharging into the objects and moving into the ground.

When there are electrical workers, only the person direct on duty has the right to repair,
connect or cut off the electrical equipments out of the electrical network. It is only allowed to
remove covering parts, remove and connect the cable into the equipments, repair the
conductive parts after cutting off power. Do not allow to repair, remove, connect the cables and
related works for the cable in the air as the power is on.

On off the power for repairing the main line and the supporting lines for two equipments
upwards must be carried out strictly. It is only allow to turn on power again for these cables
after they are checked very carefully and reported (in writing) of the people in charge of
repairing equipment.

After switch off the power for repairing separately, need to lock the switch and hang the sign
not allow to re-switch on or assign someone to monitor this switch, avoid the case of re-
switching on while someone is still repairing.

It only allows to replace the lead in the fuse as the power is off. Otherwise, it only to use the
cartridge or cover fuse but must install the loading support. When replace the on-going
cartridge fuse, need to have the safety glass, rubber gloves or the insulating tools and stand on
the carpet or wear insulated boots.

Do not allow to replace the on-going fuse board type. When use ladder to replace the fuse at
the high position while the power is still on, need to assign someone to be one duty of electric

Do not allow to remove and install the electrical lights while the power is not off. In case that it
is impossible to cut off power, the worker must wear the insulated gloves and safety glass.

Do not allow to use the fixed lights as the hand-held lights. Where there is risks on power, need
to use the lights not over 36V of voltage. The hand-held lights must have the metal mesh to
protect the light, the cable is the rubber covered type, taking power through the socket. The
plug and socket used the voltage not over 36V must structured and painted color identified with
the higher voltage plug and socket.

The lights for working place must put at the altitude and inclined angle suitably so that they
cannot create dazzling from the direct flash of light.

Do not allow to use electrical equipments on the site if they are not suitable for their ambient

Do not allow to use the electrical source on the site (constructing power, lighting power) for the
protective fence of the site. In special necessary case, there must be approval from authorized



The hand-held electrical tools (electrical tools, mobile lights, safety voltage reducing equipment,
the frequency altering machine …) need to be calibrated at least once per 3 months on some
phenomena such as: shock on the machine coat, the status of protective earthed lines, and at
least once per month for the insulating of the cable, the power supply and the power opening.
For the mobile transformer alone, besides the above mentioned points, need to inspect the
electrical leakage of the insulator’s high and low voltage coils.

The electrical source of the lights and hand-held equipments must have the voltage not over
36V and take directly from the mobile safe transformer. Do not allow to use self-altering

It is allow to connect the electrical motors, tools, light and other equipments into the electrical
network by the allowed accessories. Do not allow to connect by turning or twisting the cables’

The electrical worker on the site must be equipped the insulated protective facilities and PPE
(protective personal equipment) following current law.

All the protective tools must specify clearly date of calibration. The periodical calibrated time
must follow the current standards and regulations. The protective tools in rubber must be
preserved carefully in store; do not allow to put near petroleum, oil, grease and other
substances possible to destroyed them.

Before use the rubber protective tools, need to check carefully and clean dust. In case that their
surface is wet, need to clean and dry them.

Do not allow to use the protective facilities when they are not tested, inspected, bore, tore or
cracked …

For outdoor electric cable of temporary supplying construction, need to use the cable with cover
and led into a pole with insulated china. The distance between cable and ground or working
floor in vertical direction is not less than the following values:

 2.5m if the underside is working area (do not use equipment & tool over the arm’s
reach of people);

 3.5m if the underside is the path;

 6.0 m if the underside is the road with transportation vehicle crossing through.

 6.5m if the underside has got train or tramcar passing through (calculated from the
rail surface)

The cable in the distance of one pole is not allowed to have more than two connections, the
connection points need to be arranged near the tight point of cable into the insulated china



The soft cable line in building construction which will supply power for mobile machine &
equipment or supply power temporarily need to have protective methods, prevent from
damaging the cable. Where the cable runs through the road, need to hang it in a high position
or insert it into a steel conduit, shaped steel conduit and burry it underground. If the cable is in
the area of bomb explosion; before exploding the bomb, cut off power going through cable.
After exploded, need to inspect, detect the damages and repair before re-supply the power for
the cable line.

The electrical welding equipment (generator, welding transformer) when connected with the
power source must go through the on-off equipment. On-off equipment must put in the place
easy to operate, around 2 – 20 m away from the welding position. When operating electrical
welding in the high position, there must be two people: one for welding and the other for
supervising. The supervising worker must follow up the welding work in order to switch off the
power once the problem occurs.

When welding manually with soldering stick, need to use two cables: one connected with
welding pliers, the other (reversed cable) connected with welding item. The pole of the
secondary coil of the reversed welding transformer connected with the reversed cable and
earthed now.

The cable for electrical welding must have the insulated cover and in the right voltage level and
section which can load the electrical current for the maximum welding mode. The cable’s
connection must be ensure in good condition, avoid getting hot due to bad contact and need to
be winded by insulating tape. Do not allow the welding cable to cross through the dynamic
feeding line. Otherwise, need to put the welding cable under the dynamic cable.

Do not allow the usage of earthed mesh’s cable, water supplying pipe, steam pipe, house’s
metal structure, technology equipment as the reversed cable in electrical welding.

During using electrical equipments in the building construction, it is a compulsory to fix the
signs in accordance with “Electrical Safety Sign”

Before put the constructing equipments (crane, excavator …) into working in the dangerous
area of the on-going cable in the air, need to cut off the above cable’s power and follow the
regulations of Article 2.25 in this specification.

The determination of the dangerous area of the on-working cable in the air is as regulated in
Appendix 3.

If it is possible to cut off power, in order to determine for the constructing equipments to work
in the dangerous area of the cable, need to follow the regulations in Article 2.25 and the


 The distance from elevating or horizontal moving parts of the

constructing equipment at any points on the upright plane compared to
the ground which contain the last exterior cable of the on-going line is
not less than the values in the following table:

Voltage of the cable in the air Distance (m)

1 2

Below 1 1.5

From 1 to 20 2.0

From 35 to 110 4.0

From 150 to 220 5.0

 The constructing equipment is allowed to work directly under the on-going cable in
the air with the voltage of 110kV and above but need to follow the regulations in
Article 2.26a of this specification.

 The crane operator must qualify for the safety technique from the Scale 2 upwards

 The machine body of the cranes (except for the chain based running machine) need
to be e


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