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This specification covers concrete materials, admixture, equipments and devices, mixing,
measuring and workmanship.


Unless indicated in the design, compressive strength of concrete structure is mentioned in the
following table:

Compressive Strength of Concrete Structure

Description Structure Member Compressive Strength (kg/cm2)

In cubic In cylinder

Main structure Foudation, Beam, Slab 300 240

Road 300 240

Lean Concrete 150 120

Strength of Road & Yard Pavement is 4.5 kgf/cm2 by bending strength



The quality Standards for Portland Cement is mentioned in the Following table:

(Table 1)
PC30 PC40 PC50
1. Compressive Durable Limit, N/mm2, not less than
- After 3 days 16 21 31

- After 28 days 30 40 50

2. Fine crushing level

- The remaining part on the screen 0.08, %, not 15 15 12

greater than
- Specific surface determined by Blaine method, 2500 2500 2800

cm2, not less than

3. Solidifying time,
- Starting, minute, not earlier than: 45

- Ending, minute, not later than: 10

4. Volumetric stability, determined by Lo Satolie mm, 10

not greater than


PC30 PC40 PC50
5. SO3 content, %, not greater than 3.0
6. Loss content as being fired, %, not greater than 5.0

The quality Standards for Blender Portland Cement is mentioned in the Following table:

(Table 1)

PCB 30 PCB 40
1. Compressive Strength, N/mm2; not less than
- 72 hours ± 45 minutes 14 18

- 28 days ± 2 hours 30 40

2. Solidifying Time
- Starting, minute, not less than 45

- Ending, hour, not greater than 10

3. Fine Crushing Level

- The remaining part on the screen 0.08, %, not greater than 12

- Specific surface, determined by Blaine method, cm 2/g, not less 2700

4. The Volumetric Stability: determined by Lechatelier method, 10
mm, not greater than
5. SO3 content, %, not greater than 3.5

Cement shall be originated from manufacturers approved by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall obtain from each proposed manufacturer a typical sample of cement
proposed for the Works which shall be independently tested in accordance with the appropriate
Standards. The following information shall be supplied with the Contractor’s submission for
cement approvals.


 Cement Type

 Manufacturer’s description, brand name and Standards with which product

compliance is guaranteed.

 Cement inspection at Site must be carried out in the following cases:

- When designing the concrete components;


- There may be suspects on cement quality;

- Cement Batch already stored more than 3 months since the date of

 In order to inspect the cement quality, need to take sample at each batch.
Cement batch is the quantity of the same kind of cement contained in the same
kind of packaging material or without packaging material deliver at the same

The cement trial sample must be tested not later than 1 month since the date of sampling and
not later than 2 months since the date of production

The average weight of trial sample must be ensured not less than:

 15 kg for testing physical mechanical figures

 200 g for chemical analysis

Depending on the size of batch, the quantity of initial samples will be specified as follows:

(Table 1)

Batch size
No. of initial samples (sample)
(At the place of packaging sampling)
Below 20 5

21-40 6

41-80 7

81-160 8

161-320 9

Above 321 10


The cement after produced must get the attached quality certificate as follows:

 Manufacturer’s name

 Name, mark and cement quality in accordance with this spec.

 Type and content of additives (if available);

 Quantity and batch code of delivered cement;

 Date, month, year of cement production

Cement weight regulated for each pack is 50 ± 1 kg


Cement shall be delivered to Site in quantities sufficient to ensure that there is no suspension or
interruption of the work of concreting at any time. Each consignment shall be kept separate and
distinct and used in the same order as delivered to Site. Broken bags, damp, caked, reclaimed,
re-sacked or deteriorated cement shall not be used and shall be removed from Site.

The Contractor shall provide details of off-site storage and loading arrangements and shall
provide reasonable facilities for the Engineer to inspect these arrangements.

The cement warehouse must be dry, clean and high, with surrounding walls and firm roof,
entrance for vehicle in and out to deliver and receive cement easily. In the warehouse, cement
packs cannot be loaded over 10 packs, at least 20 cm away from the wall and separately for
each batch.

The cement must follow the requirements of current regulation within 60 days since the date of



The Contractor shall submit for approval details of the proposed sources for concrete
aggregate. The submission shall contain the following information for each source:

 Name and address of supplier

 Location of deposits (including national grid reference)

 Type of deposit

 Nature of materials

 Method of extracting and processing

The big aggregate used for concrete including Macadam smashed & crushed from natural
stone, dust gravel smashed from natural gravel.

Macadam and gravel used for concrete need to be divided into group with the size suitable for
following regulations:

 For the plate, the size of biggest seed is not greater than ½ of plate thickness

 For the structures of reinforced concrete, the size of biggest seed is not greater
than ¾ of the smallest distance in accordance with cross section of the

 For the construction of sliding formwork, the size of biggest seed is less than
1/10 of the smallest size dimension in accordance with cross section of the


 When using the concrete mixer with the volumetric greater than 0.8 m3, the
biggest dimension of Macadam and gravel is not over 120 mm. When using the
mixer with the volumetric less than 0.8 m3, the biggest dimension is not over
80 mm

 When transferring concrete by concrete pump, the size of biggest seed is not
greater than 0.4 of interior diameter of pump spout for gravel stone and 0.03
for Macadam;

 When placing concrete by trunk pipe, the size of biggest seed is not greater
than 1/3 of the smallest place of the diameter.


When testing the quality of Macadam (gravel) at the warehouse (at production or consuming
place), need to take the average sample once per 300T (or 200 m3) for each of separate size of

The weight of average sample of Macadam (gravel) used for testing each figure is not less than
4 times of weight mentioned in the following table:

(Table 1)

Smallest weight of Macadam (gravel) necessary

for testing (kg) depending on the seed dimension
5 -10 10-20 20-40 40-70 > 70
1. Determine specific weight 0.5 1.0 2.5 2.5 2.5
2. Determine volumetric weight 2.5 2.5 2.5 5.0 5.0
3. Determine soft volumetric weight 6.5 15.5 30.0 60.0 60.0
4. Determine seed size’s components 5.0 5.0 15.0 30.0 30.0
5. Determine content of dirty clay dust 10.0 10.0 10.0 20.0 20.0
6. Determine content of flat lozenge 0.25 1.0 5.0 15.0 15.0
shaped seed
7. Determine content of weak soft 0.25 1.0 5.0 15.0 -
weathered seed
8. Determine moisture 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 20.0

9. Determine water absorption 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 20.0

10. Determine the battering compressive

strength in cylinder
0.8 0.8 + + +


Smallest weight of Macadam (gravel) necessary

for testing (kg) depending on the seed dimension
5 -10 10-20 20-40 40-70 > 70
Diameter: 75 mm 6.0 6.0 6.0 + +
Diameter: 150 mm
11. Determine abrasion 10.0 10.0 20.0 + +

12. Determine the bumping bearing - - 3.0 + +

13. Determine content of organic 1.0 1.0 - - -
impurities in gravel
14. Determine the content of broken 0.25 1.0 5.0 15.0 -
seed content in Macadam gravel
battered from pebbles
15. Determine content of intangible silica 0.25 1.0 5.0 15.0 +

The average sample taken from the warehouses (at production or consuming place) by total
selection of 10 to 15 partial samples for one batch of Macadam (gravel)

 If the warehouse is the outdoor yard, partial sample is taken from different
points from the space and height of stone (gravel) heap

 If the warehouse is the contained compartment, partial sample is taken at the

surface and bottom layer of the compartment. The bottom layer sample will be
taken by opening the bottom door and let the material drop

Depending on the size of the Macadam (gravel) seed, the weight of partial sample is taken in
accordance with the following table:

(Table 2)

The biggest dimension of the seed (mm) Weight of partial sample (kg)
5 2.5
10 2.5
20 5.0
40 10.0

Drying the material to the unchanged weight is carried out in the incubator at the temperature
of 105 – 1100C until the difference between two weighing times is not over 0.1% of sample
weight. The time between two final weighing is not less than 3 hours.



Unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer, coarse aggregate shall be delivered to Site in
separate sizes according to the maximum specified aggregate size for each grade of concrete.

Aggregates shall be delivered to the Site in such consignments as shall ensure satisfactory
progress of the Works.

Aggregate shall be stored on clean concrete or hardwood platforms and in separate bins for
each size.

Aggregates delivered to Site during the course of the Works shall conform to the approved
preliminary sample standards and the source of supply shall preferably remain the same
throughout the Contract. If for any reason during the course of the Contract the Contractor
wishes to change the source of supply, he shall deliver a sample load of each aggregate from
the new source and allow sufficient time for the preparation of trial mixes and other tests as
specified herein for the initial supply.


Dust gravel must contain broken battered seeds with the quantity not less than 80% of weight

Depending on the size of seed, Macadam, gravel and dust gravel are categorized into the seed
sizes as follows:

 5 to 10 mm

 Above to 20 mm

 Above 20 to 40 mm

 Above 40 to 70 mm

Depending on the smashing compress strength in the cylinder, the grade of Macadam from
natural is divided into 8 grades and determined in the Table :

(Table 3)

Compressive Strength at the water saturated status, %

Infiltration exporting Extrusive
Grade of Macadam Sedimentary rock
Lava Rock & exporting Lava
metamorphism rock Rock
1400 - Up to 12% Up to 9%
1200 Up to 11% Above 12 to 16% Above 9 to 11%
1000 Above 11 to 13% 16-20% 11-13%
800 13-15% 20-25% 13-15%
600 15-20% 25-34% 15-20%
400 20-28% - -
300 28-38% - -


Compressive Strength at the water saturated status, %

Infiltration exporting Extrusive
Grade of Macadam Sedimentary rock
Lava Rock & exporting Lava
metamorphism rock Rock
200 38-54% - -

Macadam Grade from natural stone is determined in accordance with the smashing compressive
strength in the cylinder (105 N/m2) must be higher than the grade of the concrete.

 Not less than 1.5 times for concrete grade below 300;

 Not less than 2 times for the concrete grade from 300 and above 300;

 Macadam from Lava Rock in all cases must have grade not less than 800.

 Macadam from metamorphism rock: not less than 600

 Macadam from sedimentary: not less than 100

Grade of gravel and dust gravel in accordance with smashing compressive strength used for the
different concrete grades need to meet the requirements in Table:

(Table 4)

Smashing compressive strength at the water saturated

Concrete Grade status, not greater than, %

Gravel Dust Gravel

400 & above 8 10

300” 12 14

200 & below 16 18

The content of flat lozenge seed in Macadam, gravel & dust gravel not exceed 35% according
to the weight.

The content of weak soft and weathered seeds in the Macadam, gravel and dust gravel is not
over 10% according to the weight

The content of sulfate and sulfite (per SO3) impurities in Macadam, gravel & dust gravel are not
over 1% according to the weight.

The content of intangible Silica in Macadam, gravel & dust gravel used as aggregates for hard
concrete is normally not exceed 50 milimole/ 1000 ml NaOH.

The content of clay, mud, dust seed in Macadam, gravel and dust gravel is determined by
washing not over the values in the Table 5; in which, clay piece is not over 0.25%. Do not allow


clay film cover the seeds of Macadam, gravel and dust gravel and the other dirty impurities like
rotten woods, leaves and rubbishes … contaminated in.

(Table 5)

Allowed content of clay, mud, dust is not greater than, % of

Type of Aggregate
For Concrete Grade below For concrete grade 300 &
300 above
Macadam from exporting Lava
8 10
Rock & Metamorphism Rock

Macadam form Sedimentary

12 14
Gravel & Dust Gravel 16 18

The organic impurities in gravel, dust gravel used as aggregates for concrete when testing by
the color comparing method is not darker than standard color.



Water is used to mix and handle concrete must be ensured for requirements of Standard
“Water for concrete & mortar – Specification”.

Drinking water sources can be also used for mixing and handling concrete. Don’t use the
wasted water from the factory, dirty water from the normal water drainage system, water in
the ponds with much mud, water contaminated by oil for mixing & handling concrete.


Trial water sample is the single one taken for testing

Weight of testing sample is taken not less than 5 Liters

The testing sample is not allowed for any special handling before test

The inspection must be carried out at least twice per year for the water supplying sources to
mix concrete regularly or inspected unscheduled if there is suspect.


Water for mixing concrete and mortar need to be qualified for the following requirements:

 Do not contain oily film or fat film

 Content of organic impurities is not greater than 15 mg/l

 PH is not less than 4 and not greater than 12.5


 Colorless when using for concrete and decorating mortar

 According to using purpose, content soluble salt, content of SO4 ion, Cl ion and
insoluble dredge are not greater than the regulated values in Table :

Allowed Maximum Content of soluble salt, sulfate ion, Cl ion & insoluble dredge in
the water for mixing concrete & mortar (Table 1)

Unit: mg/l

Allowed Level
Using Purpose Soluble SO42- Cl- Insoluble
salt dredge
1. Water for mixing concrete and pumped
mortar to protect reinforced steel for the pre- 2000 600 350 200

stressed reinforced concrete

2. Water for mixing concrete and mortar filling 5000 2000 1000 200
connections for reinforced concrete structures
3. Water for mixing concrete for the non-
reinforced steel concrete. Water for mixing 1000 2700 3500 300

building mortar and plastering

1) If using aluminum cement as adhesive substance for concrete &
mortar, water used for all using scopes must follow the regulation of item 1, table 1
2) In necessary case, allow to use the water with the ion content
exceeding regulation in item 2 of Table 1 to mix concrete for reinforced concrete structure if
the total Cl ion content is not over 0.6 kg/m 3.
3) In case that water used for mixing building mortar & plaster on
the structures required for decorating surfaces or structures regularly contacting moisture is
limited not over 1200 mg/l

When water used together with aggregates that can cause the reaction of alkali-silica, total
content of sodium & potassium is not allowed greater than 1000 mg/l

Water is not allowed to contain impurities with the volume that can change the solidifying time
of cement mortar or reduce the compressive strength of concrete & satisfy the requirements in
Table 2 when comparing to control sample.

Allowed Limit of solidifying time & compressive strength of cement mortar

and concrete (Table 2)

Description Limit on solidifying time


Cement solidifying time must ensure:

- Starting, hour Not less than 1

- Ending, hour Not greater than 12

Compressive strength of mortar at the age of Not less than 90

28 days, % compared to control sample
1. Control sample using drinking water is carried out parallel with and
use the same kind of cement with the trial sample
2. The solidifying time of cement is determined at least twice
3. The determination of compressive strength of mortar (tested by
cement mortar used for concrete production)



Sand used for making Hard Concrete must satisfy requirements of “Constructing Sand –

 The test of sand quality is carried out in accordance with “Constructing sand –
Test Method”

 If use sand of seashore or brackish area, it is a must to test the content of Cl

and SO4. If using the mined sand, hill sand, need to test also the content of
intangible Si


The initial sample of sand in the warehouse must be taken from several different points in
accordance with the height of sand heap from top to bottom so that the taken sample will
represent for the whole sand batch.

 If the sand is in the sand reservoir, must take sample on the surface and at the
bottom of the reservoir.

 For each batch of sand, take 10 to 15 initial samples.

 The initial samples after taken will be gathered, mixed carefully and reduced in
accordance with method of divided the sample into two halves or four parts by
the containers with small buckets to get the average sample. The weight of
average sample is not over 40 kg.

 Reducing the sample by the method of divided into four parts. Put the sand on
a mirror or round dish, level and draw two perpendicular lines in order to divide
the sample into 04 even parts. Take two parts vertical opposite with each other,


gather into one. Then, mix carefully and reduce as above until achieving the
required weight.

Form the average sample, take the trial sample for each detail in accordance with the following

(Table 1)

Name of Test The weight of one trial sample

1. Determine the mineral elements Assure for sample weight of each seed size
2. Determine specific weight 0.03
3. Determine the weight of soft 5-10 (depending on the gravel content in
volumetric & softness sand)
4. Determine moisture 1
5. Determine content of seed size &
6. Determine general content of mud,
clay dust
7. Determine clay content … 0.5
8. Determine content of organic
9. Determine SO3 content 0.40
10. Determine the content of mica … 0.30


In accordance with size module, weight of soft volumetric, the quantity of seed smaller than
0.14mm and the demonstrating line for the seed elements, sand used for Hard Concrete will be
divided into 4 groups: big, medium, small and very small as shown in the Table 2

(Table 2)

In accordance with level of cutting group

Big Medium Small Very small
Above 2.5
1. Size module 2 – 2.5 1 to below 2 0.7 to below 1
to 3.3
2. Weight of soft
volumetric Kg/m3, not 140 1300 1200 1150
less than
3. Quantity of seed less 10 10 20 35
than 0.14 mm, % of
sand weight, not


greater than

Sand used for hard concrete must be in accordance with the regulation in following Table:

Sand used for Hard Concrete (Table 3)

Level according with Concrete Grade

Below 100 150 -300 Above 200
Clay, sand mixed clay, other impurities in piece No No No
No. of seed above 5 mm, % of sand weight, not 10 10 10
greater than
Salt content of SO4, converted into SO3, % of sand 1 1 1
weight, not greater than
Mica content, % of sand weight, not greater than 1.5 1 1
Mud, dirt and clay content, % of sand weight, not 5 3 3
greater than
Organic impurity content tried in accordance with 2nd sample 2nd sample 2nd sample
sample comparing method, color of solution on sand
not darker than

Sand must ensure for figure belonging to Big and Medium Group is allowed to use for Concrete
in all grades, the Small group is used for Concrete to Grade 300, the Very Small group is
allowed to use for Concrete grade up to 100.

In case that the sand is not ensure one or some requirements already mentioned or contains
intangible SiO2 or other activated mineral, sand holding salt with ion Cl-, it is only allowed to
use for concrete after put into particular studies inclusive the working conditions of concrete in
the construction.


In order to save cement or improve the specifications of admixtures and concrete, it is possible
to use suitable additives for the concrete making process.

The use of additives must ensure for:

 Creating the concrete admixture with suitable function for constructing


 Do not affect to the constructing schedule and harm to using demand of the
construction in the future

 Do not affect to the reinforced steel abrasion

The used additives must have the technical certifications issued by the governmental organs.
The use of additives must follow the producer’s instructions.




This Specification covers the materials and the production of all in-situ, pre-cast and pre-
stressed concrete elements to be used in the Works.

Concrete for the Works shall either be produced on Site or shall be supplied from ready-mixed
concrete plants located in the vicinity of the Site.

For site produced concrete, the Contractor shall provide details of his quality control procedures
to the Engineer for approval prior to the preparation of the trial mixes. Once approved, the
Engineer will monitor the operation of these procedures during the course of the Works and any
deviations from those procedures will be corrected by the Contractor at his own expense.

The Contractor will be required to provide the Engineer the following information on the
commodity concrete supplier:

 Nature and source of constituent materials and any alternatives which may be

 Manufacturer’s certificates for cement and cement replacement materials.

 Proposed quantity of each material and grading curves for coarse and fine

 Details of admixtures.

 Any change in mix composition.

 Information on suitability of proposed mix proportions to meet a specified

strength based either on previous production data or on trial mixes.

 Any other relevant information.


This specification covers transportation, placing, compaction and curing of the cement.


The Contractor shall provide adequate means of transporting and placing mixed concrete in
sufficient quantities to meet the program. All plant and equipment shall be properly designed
and constructed with regard to the efficient and rapid placing of the concrete and the safety of
the Works and shall be approved by the Engineer before being used. All plant and equipment
used for transport and deposition of concrete shall be kept clean and shall be washed out after
each interruption in the work and at the end of each shift.

Any proposal for the use of a concrete pump or placer and associated equipment shall be
submitted to the Engineer, together with the fullest possible description of the apparatus and


methods to be used. Trials may be required to demonstrate their suitability and that the
concrete mix design is appropriate to this method of placing. The Contractor is to ensure that
he has adequate back-up facilities to continue placing concrete if a mechanical breakdown


The contents of the mixer shall be discharged in one continuous operation and the concrete
transported in such a manner that there shall be no segregation of its constituents. If, in the
opinion of the Engineer, any segregation of the concrete materials has taken place during
transport, the concrete shall be again turned over and mixed just before it is finally placed in
position. No water shall be added to the concrete between the time of mixing and placing
except on the written instructions of the Engineer.

Whilst being transported from the mixer to the site of placing, all concrete shall be properly
protected from contamination by dust or sand and from excessive moisture gain or loss from
rainfall or high temperature, and all equipment used shall be purpose-made for the correct
transportation of concrete.

Each batch of concrete delivered to the Site shall be accompanied by a delivery ticket, a copy of
which shall be handed to the Engineer’s representative at the time the delivery is made. The
following minimum information shall be printed, stamped or written on the delivery ticket:

 Name or number if ready-mixed concrete depot

 Serial number of ticket

 Date

 Truck number

 Name of location of site

 Grade or mix description of concrete, including minimum cement content.

 Specified workability

 Type of cement

 Nominal maximum size of aggregate

 Type or name of admixture, if included, and the dosage quantity

 Quantity of concrete in cubic meters

 Time of loading, defined as the time of contract between cement and

aggregates or when these are surface dry, between cement and added water.

The contractor shall complete the following items of information on the delivery ticket after the
discharge of each batch of concrete:


 Arrival and departure times of the truck

 Time of completion of discharge

 Details of extra water or any other materials added on site

 Position in the Works where concrete is placed

In the case of truck mixed concrete, the water may be added either at the concrete supplier’s
plant or under the Contractor’s supervision after arrival at Site, but Not in transit.

The allowed time for storing the concrete mixtures during transportation need to be determined
by test based on weather conditions, type of cement and type of used additives. If without the
testing data, please refer to the values in the Table 14

Storing time for the concrete mixture without additives

(Table 14)

Temperature (0C) Allowed transportation time, minutes

Above 30 30
20 – 30 45
10 – 20 60
5 – 10 90

Transporting the concrete mixture manually is only applied for the distance not over 200m. If
the concrete mixture is segregated, need to re-mix before filled into formworks.

When using the hung containers to transport the concrete mixture, the concrete mixture poured
into the hung containers is not exceed 90 – 96% of the container volume

Transporting the concrete mixture by truck or specific vehicle, need to ensure for the following

 The thickness of the concrete layer in the truck body need to be greater than 40
cm if using self-dump truck;

 If using specialized vehicle, both in transportation and mix, the transportation

technology is determined by technical parameters of using equipment.

When using concrete pump for transportation, need to ensure for the following requirements:

 The components and slump of concrete need to be tested and trial pumped in
order to ensure for the concrete quality and constructing condition,
concurrently, suitable for technical function of pump equipment.

 When constructing in the hot conditions, the exterior surface of pipe need to
covered or white painted in order to limit the radiation from the sun to heat the



In preparation for the placing of concrete, all construction debris and extraneous matter shall
be removed from the interior of forms. Standing water on areas to receive concrete shall be
removed before concrete is placed. All exposed reinforcement shall be free from loose rust,
scale and wind blown salts and spray.

Placing of concrete shall not be commenced until the Engineer has inspected and passed the
formwork or other areas to receive concrete and any reinforcement, cast in fixings etc., against
which the concrete is to be placed. Any such given approval shall not relieve the Contractor of
any of his responsibilities under the Contract.

Where concrete is to be cast against an existing concrete face, that face shall have been
prepared to expose the aggregate and all loose particles removed. This surface shall be wetted
prior to receiving concrete. This preparation shall be subject to inspection by the Engineer.


Concrete shall be placed in the shortest time if possible after mixing is completed and before it
has taken an initial set. It shall be placed as close as possible to its final position to avoid
segregation of materials and displacement of reinforcement.

The concrete placing must ensure the following requirements:

 Do not deviate position of reinforced steel, formwork and concrete thickness for
protecting reinforced steel.

 Do not use vibrating rammer to move concrete horizontally in formwork

 Concrete must be placed continuously until completing any structure specified in

the design

In order to avoid layer segregation, the free dropping height of the concrete mixture when
placed is not over 1.5 m

When placing concrete with the free dropping height greater than 1.5m, need to use inclining
gutter or trunk spout. If the dropping height is over 10m, need to use the trunk spout with the
vibrating equipment.

When using the trunk spout, the spout needs to be inclined deviation compared to the upright
direction not over 0.25m per 1m high; in all cases, need to ensure for the lowest spout is

When using inclining gutter, it must be tight and flat. The width of gutter in not less than 3-3.5
times of the biggest aggregate seed’s diameter. The slope level of gutter need to ensure for the
concrete mix not stuck, fast slid arising the segregation. At the end of the gutter, put an upright


hopper to drive the concrete mix dropping vertically in the placing position and regularly clean
the cement mortar inside the inclining gutter.

The thickness of each layer of placed concrete must be based on the mixed capacity,
transportation distance, rammer capacity, features of concrete and weather conditions to
determine but not exceed the values in Table 16

Thickness of the placed concrete layer (Table 16)

Rammer Method Allowed thickness for each layer of placed

concrete, cm
Vibrating rammer 1.25 of the length of ramming work
(distance: 20 – 40 cm)
Surface ramming (table rammer)
- Structure without reinforced steel or 20

with single reinforced steel

- Structure with double reinforced steel 12
Manual ramming 20


Foundation concrete is only placed on the clean buffer layer on the hard ground floor


The column with the height less than 5 m and the wall with the height greater than 3 m need
to be placed continuously

The column with dimension less than 40 cm, the wall with the thickness less than 15 cm and
the column with any section but with the overlapped reinforced steel hoop, should place
concrete continuously in each stage with the height of 1.5m.

The column higher than 5 m and the wall higher than 3 m need to be divided into several
stages for placing concrete but must ensure position and design the stopping canal of
constructing logically.


The frame structure should be placed continuously, only design the stopping canal if necessary.


When required to place concrete for girder, plate to the whole block of column or wall, first
complete placing for wall or column, then, stop in 1 – 2 hours for the concrete to have enough
time for initial shrinkage, continue placing concrete for girder and plate. In case that no need


placing concrete continuously, the stopping canal of constructing at column or wall placed away
from the underside of girder and plate from 2 to 3 cm.

Placing concrete for girder (beam) and floor plate, need to carry out at the same time. When
beam, floor and the similar structure have got big size (the height greater than 80 cm), possible
to place each part separately but arrange the stopping canal suitably.


After concrete has been placed, it shall be thoroughly compacted by mechanical vibration
applied by immersion vibrators or, for surface finishing on thin slabs, approved surface vibrators
or vibrating tampers. Vibrators shall only be used by competent operators properly trained in
the handling of the particular equipment in use on the Site.

The concrete compaction must ensure for the following requirements:

 Possible to use different rammers but ensure so that the concrete will be tight
and flat after compacted.

 The compacting time at each position must ensure for concrete to be

compacted carefully. The sign for detecting that concrete is already compacted
carefully is cement mortar floating on the surface and air pocket is no longer

 When using vibrating rammer, the moving step of rammer is not over 1.5 time
of effecting radius of the rammer and must dive deep into the concrete layer
already placed previously 10 cm.

 When need to re-ramming the concrete, the suitable compaction time is 1.5 – 2
hour after the first compaction. Re-compacting of the concrete is only suitable
for the structures with large surface area like: roof floor, ground & yard, road
for car … do not re-compact for the great block of concrete.


After the initial set of the concrete, the forms shall not be jarred and no strain shall be placed
on the ends of reinforcing bars which project. Adjacent works, which may cause vibrations to
be transmitted to any setting concrete, may be ordered to be stopped at the discretion of the


The Contractor shall keep a record of the date, time, shade air temperature, mix temperature,
mix type and quantity and place of deposition for all concrete used in the Works and records of
the samples taken and shall permit the Engineer to inspect these at any time.



After placed, the concrete must be cured in the condition with necessary moisture &
temperature to solidify and prevent the harmful effects during the solidifying of the concrete


Wet curing the process to keep the necessary moisture for concrete to solidify and harden after
formed. The method and procedure for wet curing is carried out in accordance with “Hard
Concrete – Natural Curing Requirement”

The necessary curing time is not less than the value in Table 17. During curing time, the
concrete must be protected from the mechanical affects as vibration, vibrating force, load and
the other effects may cause deterioration to the construction

The wet curing time (Table 17)

Curing Tct
Climate zone for
Season Month Curing Rth, % R28 daytime & night
curing concrete

Phnom Penh Dry XII – IV 70 6

Raining V – XI 30 1

 Curing Rth – Critical Curing Strength

 Curing Tct – Required Curing Time


The stopping canal must locate at the position that the cutting force & bending moment is
relative small, at the same time, must be perpendicular with the compressive force transmitting
direction into structure

Horizontal stopping canal for constructing:

 The horizontal stopping canal should locate at the position equivalent to the
height of formwork

 Before placing new concrete, the surface of old concrete must be cured
carefully, roughed, wet and during placing, must stuffing compacted so that the
new concrete layer adheres tightly to the old one, ensure for the block union of
the structure.

Upright stopping canal

The stopping canal for constructing in the upright direction or inclining direction should be
structured by steel net with the mesh of 5 – 10 mm and blocking mould


Before placing new concrete layer, need to water to wet the old concrete surface, rough the
surface, clean and during placing, compact carefully to ensure the union of structure

Column stopping canal for constructing

The column stopping canal for constructing should be put in the following positions:

 On the upper surface of the foundation

 On the underside of girder, beam or support cantilever of crane girder.

 One the upper surface of crane girder

The girder which has got the big size and block united with the plate, the stopping canal for
constructing need to be assigned away from the underside of plate 2 – 3 cm

When placing concrete for flat floor, the stopping canal for constructing can be put at any
position but parallel with the shortest side of the floor

When placing concrete on the floor plates which has got the parallel slope with the supporting
girder, the stopping canal for constructing must be within 1/3 of the mid girder span

When placing concrete parallel with main beam, the stopping canal for constructing is located
between the central space distance of girder span & floor (each distance is ¼ spanning long)


The concrete placing in hot weather is carried out when the ambient temperature is higher than
300C. Need to apply preventive & curing actions suitable for material, mixing, placing,
compacting and curing process in order not to damage the concrete quality due to high
temperature of the environment.

The Contractor shall provide adequate cover as necessary to protect concrete whilst being
placed against damage from rainfall.


Inspecting the concrete quality inclusive the inspection of materials, equipments, production
process and the characteristics of the already solidifying concrete

The slump of the concrete mixture is inspected at the Site in accordance with the following

 For the concrete mixed At Site, need to inspect immediately after mixing the
initial batch

 For the pre-cast concrete at the concrete mixing station (commodity concrete),
need to inspect for each delivery at the concrete placing site


 When mixing concrete under the stable weather condition and material
moisture, inspect once per shift

 When there is change in type and moisture of the material as well as change
the compositions for providing & mixing concrete, need to inspect at once the
initial mixing batch, then, further inspecting at least once per shift

The testing samples for determining the concrete strength need to be taken according to each
group. Each group will include three units of sample taken at the same time at one position.
The dimension of the standard sample unit is 150 mm x 150 mm. The quantity of sample group
will be regulated according to the weight as follows:

 For the great concrete block, take one sample group per 500 m 3 when the
weight in one placing block greater than 1000 m 3 and take one sample group
per 250 m3 when the concrete weight in one placing block less than 1000 m 3

 For the big foundation, take one sample group per 100 m3 but not less than
one sample group per one foundation block

 For the concrete of machinery foundation, take one sample group for the
placing block greater than 50 m3 but still take one sample group for the block
less than 50 m3

 For the frame and structures of foundation (column, girder, plate, arch …), take
one sample group per 20 m3 of concrete …;

 In case of placing concrete for single structures with less weight, still take one
sample group if necessary;

 For the concrete of floor, road surface (car road, runway, …, take one sample
group per 200 m3 of concrete but if the concrete block is less than 200 m3, still
take one sample group.

 In order to check the water proof of concrete , take one sample group per 500
m3 but if the concrete block weight is less than this, still take one sample group

The strength of concrete during construction after inspected at the age of 28 days by pressing
the casting sample at the Site is considered to meet the designing requirements when the
average value of each sample group is not less than designing grade and no sample in the
sample group getting the strength below 85% of designing grade.


The allowed deviations on dimension and position of the structures of concrete and whole block
reinforced concrete compared to the design not exceed the values in the Table 20. These


deviations are determined in accordance with measuring methods by equipments & specialized

Allowed Deviations for placing the structures of Concrete and the whole block of
reinforced concrete (Table 20)
Description Allowed level, mm
1.Deviation of planes and cutting lines of these planes 5
compared to the upright line or designed inclining plane:
a) Above 1m of the structure height;
b) On the whole structure height
- Foundation 20
- Wall placed into stable formwork the column placed 15
connected to the floor
- Structure of frame and column 10
- Constructing structures by sliding or climbing 1/500 of construction height
formworks but not
exceed 100 mm
2. Deviation of concrete compared to the 5
horizontal plane: 20
a) For 1 m of plane in any direction 8
b) On the whole surface of the construction
3. Deviation of axis of the top concrete plane compared to 20
the design when inspecting by the ruler 2 m long put
closely to the concrete surface.
4. Deviation in length or span of the structures; 8
5. Deviation of horizontal section of the structuring parts 5
6. Deviation of position and altitude of the details as the
supporting cushion fir the steel structures or connected
reinforced concrete structure.


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