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It happened to try if it’s happened to you comment below let me know I know there are tools out there

that can remove the password but I’d rather do it without any random third party tool there is a way you
can do it yourself you can hack your own file you just have to follow these simple steps I have this
example with four different tabs to change something here I can’t if I wouldn’t delete the charger from
the charge I can’t I can’t have these radio buttons but I can use that right so I added this protection in
place because I didn’t want anyone to mess with the tab but unfortunately I had forgot that man my
common passwords that I this doesn’t work this one has a different password now I can’t copy and paste
information from where else but then I have to revise my chart to make sure the chart ranges were
correctly it’s going to be a headache to set this up from scratch and you might have protection on sheets
that are really complex and are connected to many other sheets you probably don’t want to set that up
all from scratch here’s what you can do let’s close this this is my file next thing I’m gonna do is to create a
copy of this so I really recommend you do this because it’s very easy to corrupt your file here so now I
have a copy then I’m going to go ahead and remove the extension instead of dot excel effects they want
toxic click away and it’s going to tell me Are you sure that you want to do this because your file might
become unusable I’m gonna go with you guys next step is to open this in the zip program that you have
installed so in my case I have winrar you might have something else don’t have exit program there are
some for free that you can use the most popular one I think is 7/6 I’m going to add the link to that in the
description of the video then just double click on this to open this and you should see the components of
your spreadsheet the folder you need to go to is the excel folder next go to the worksheets folder here
you should see a separate XML file for each worksheet my sheet that was protected was this second
worksheet if I open this how does it look it looks kind of scary but don’t worry about this what we need
to Search for is protect you know just to make sure that I’ve Put it the right sheet If I look for protect I
see this code here it says sheet protection and then it Has all of this part here this means I found the
right sheet so if you open something that doesn’t have protected there’s sheet three doesn’t have
protection if I look for the word protect it tells me no match is found it doesn’t have protection in place
right so this is what you can use to see if you’ve found the right sheet that you unlock that you can’t
make any changes there brickley what you need to do is drag this to your desktop basically you’re
creating the copy of this then right mouse click and open it with the editor or notepad now it doesn’t
look as neat and organized as before but it doesn’t matter all we need to do find that protection part so
just search for protect I can see it right here so this here is the part that I need to remove now here you
have to be extra careful that you select the right part I’m going to start from this angled bracket here and
go all the way to where it closes just slowly go through this and I can see the closing part right here OK
so select this and select the closing bracket and justice remove this now we’re going to save this so close
and save the changes were done in the copied version so I wouldn’t bring the copy over but first of all
I’m gonna remove the old version so just going to present you remove that now I’m gonna drag and drop
it here and go with OK so it adds it right here OK everything looks good let’s close this and now we’re
gonna change this from zip back to XLSX click away make sure yes OK so now let’s test I’m going to open
the file to see if I can add anything here I can I can change numbers I can move my chart around I can
update the radio buttons the sheet is now on protected now it can go ahead and protect us again with
the password that I’m going to remember just got back to protect sheet put in your password confirm it
and now you have a password that you can hopefully remember I hope you successfully managed to
unprotect your sheet don’t forget to make that backup though the first time I did this I deleted
something else by mistake and my file called so do take that copy before you do this OK so I hope you
enjoyed this do subscribe for more offices tracks and I’m gonna see you in the next little oh

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