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Show up and do your best

It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it

Don’t just dream of success, get up and make it happen

Your willingness determines the Hight of your achievements

You are capable of more than you know

To succeed, never give up

The only person who can stop you from success is yourself

You are an excellent student. You turns up on time, always prepared, and keen to
contribute your ideas to class discussions.

You are exceptional student which is reflected in your top grades that you earned
throughout the year. You will go on to the next semester of school with a great
reputation for diligence and persistence.

You should be proud that you are an exemplary member of the class.

You are a very impressive student who has given a great effort even when you
wasn’t the most naturally talented student at a particular task. your hard work
always carried you through.

You are an outstanding student all year long due to your ability to focus, support
others, and perform under pressure.


Adequate, your performance has been adequate throughout the year.

However, I would like to see your step up your focus and study more diligently
next semester to increase your grades overall.
Average, your work is matching the average of your class. By acting
upon the feedback you are given in class, you can continue to improve
on your academic skills to grow your grades.

Capable, you are a capable learner who we can trust to put your head
down and make an effort in every task. we encourage you to continue
working hard to see steady improvement over time.

Struggling, you are struggling in your learning this year and this is
reflected in your grades. With some effort and focus, we can turn this
around before the end of the year.”

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