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Memoir Planning: Who am I?

List the most important people, places and things that have made an impact on you by
contributing to your life and to who you are today.

People: List important people who have influenced your life. Include family, friends and
other important people.

Places: List memorable places that have influenced your life. Include places you have lived,
places you have visited and any other special places.

Nature: List things and events in nature that have impacted you. Ideas include the weather,
seasons, plants, water or any other things from nature.

Favourites: List your favourite things that contribute to who you are. Ideas include animals,
foods, sports, arts or any other activities.

Memoir Planning: The Plot
Fill in the tables below to help plan the plot of your memoir writing.

What is your
memoir about?

Who was

When did
the event
take place?

Where did
the event
take place?

Why did
the event
take place?

What happened What was the most What happened just after the
just before the important event? important event?
important event?

Write it

Draw it

Memoir Planning: Sensory Details
Briefly describe the event that you have chosen to write your memoir about:

Keeping this event in mind, fill in the template to help expand your ideas.

what you saw.

Describe what
you heard.

what you felt.

Describe what
you smelt.

Describe what
you tasted.


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