Tank T-90

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The Ordinance Factories Organization is the largest departmentally run production organization in the country and is engaged primarily in the manufacture of Defense hardware. The Organization functions under the department of Defense production and supplies and is a dedicated facility for manufacture of Arms, Ammunitions and equipment for Defense services. There are 39 Ordinance Factories geographically distributed and over the country in 24 different locations. There are 10 factories in Maharashtra and U.P., 6 factories each in Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, 4 factories in West Bengal and each in Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and Chandigarh. Out of 39 factories, 16 were set up before independence. The factories commissioned before independence had capacities created not only for production of finished stores required by the Armed Forced, but also had backward integrated in- house facilities for supply of basic and intermediate materials for which indigenous civil infrastructure was inadequate. In respect of the factories set up after Independence and with gradual emergence and development of civil industrial infrastructure with public and private sector, the concept of backward integration was progressively given up and the emphasis shifted from production of basic intermediate inputs to production of finished stores by drawing upon supplies from the civil sector for raw materials, components, and Semi-finished goods to the extent practicable.

The history of the Indian Ordinance Factory counts when its first unit, gun and shell factory was set up for manufacturing gun carriages. The Ordinance Factory Board (OFB), Kolkata, controls and coordinates the activities of the factories. The Director General, Ordinance Factories, act as chairman of the Board. The OFB consists of 9 members in the rank of Additional Directors General both in India and abroad products of Indian Ordinance Factory are popular for their quality, reliability and resources. Indian Ordinance Factory is eager to fulfill their needs.


O.L.F. is located in Dehradun valley approximately 8 kms, away from the railway station. It is surrounded by Shivalik range with lush green forestry. The factory is spread over an area of 18.21 hectares. It was set up with the view of rapidly changing battle field scenarist, advancing war tactics and increasing sophistication and side by side augmenting the existing capacity in some areas in ordnance factory, Dehradun to meet the growing demands of armed forces for better tanks and armored vehicles along with the sophisticated OPTO electronic instrumentation for better viewing, aiming, ranging and fire control, both in terms of number and sophistication for T-72 T-90 and BMP-II. O.L.F. was awarded ISO-9002 on 16th January 94 from B.I.D., New Delhi. It is only one of its kind factories in INDIA, and has OPTO Vacuum Coating Plant, which is single in Asia. It also manufactures Night Vision Devices for various defense organizations.

OPTO Electronics Factory, Dehradun was founded on 4th April1988. It is situated at the foothills of Shivalik at about 8 kms from Dehradun Railway Station. The main aim of this factory is to provide precise optical and electronic products to defense. As many as eighteen types of instruments were to be established for the production of AJAYA tank and SARATH vehicles at OLF. Government sanction for establishing OPTO Electronics Factory, Dehradun was obtained in June, 1984 and since then it has been working accurately and perfectly to meet the requirements of defense.

The T-90 main battle tank is armed with the high precision 125mm smooth-bore gun stabilized in two planes, the 7.62mm coaxial machine gun (PKT or PKTM), and the 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine gun (NSVT-12.7 or KORD). The T-90 has

the automated Fire Control System with digital ballistic calculator and the thermal vision day/night sight designator, the loading system (LS) which provide high battle efficacy of the weapons use. The anti-aircraft machine gun system (AAMGS) equipped with remote sighting and targeting facilities allows fire against air and surface targets from the battle compartment of the tank. The vehicle is equipped with the TShU-1 (Shtora-1) Electro-Optical Suppression System (EOSS) which reduces probability of hitting by enemy anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM) by means of jamming their guidance systems, and also by antitank weapons with laser target designators and range-finders. There are the following systems installed in the T-90 tank: the Common Protection System (CPS) against Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), the quick-operating FirePrevention Equipment (FPE) on the basis of optical inflammation sensors, the equipment for self-digging-in, the equipment for negotiating water obstacles on the bottom (NWOB). The tank incorporated the design solutions reducing efficacy of heat signature detecting and targeting systems and providing protection against napalm-like fire mixtures. It is made a provision for installing the KM7-6M2 track blade mine clearer, the KMT-7 roller mine plow or the KMT-8 blade mine clearer with electromagnetic auxiliary unit.

The tank design has the classic structure. It is functionally divided into three compartments: the driver compartment (DC) equipped with the tank driver seat in the nose part, the combat compartment (CC) in the middle part, and the engine-and-transmission compartment (ETC) in the rear part. The CC is designed to arrange the weaponry, the most part of the ammunition, and the workplaces for the tank commander (on the right) and the gunner (on the left).

The distinctive feature of the vehicle, as of all the soviet tanks beginning from the T-64 which have the armored volume of 11.0 m3 only, is the high composition density as well as the smallest dimensions among main battle tanks, the height first of all. The internal volume reduction and high composition density were

achieved by the compact ETC system with transversal engine mounting, by the charger expulsion from the crew, i.e. by means of applying automatic loading and a number of other design measures.

T-90 has the welded hull which is identical to the hull of the T-72BM. The bottom is pressed, the upper front panel (UFP) is multilayered (it consists of three layers: the upper steel plate, the back steel plate and the reflecting sheets which are located between them) with the built-in re-active armor. The slope of the UFP is 68 degrees. The rectangle steel shields with the elements of the built-in re-active armor (BRA) are installed on the side rubber-fabric shields. The vehicle has three shields of such type on each side.

The tank driver is accommodated in the front hull part and has the individual hatch having the cover in the middle of the hull. The driver's seat is fastened to the hull roof providing increased probability of survival to the driver in case of a mine exploding under the bottom of the vehicle. He has one TNPO-168 prism viewer with wide field of vision to observe road conditions. The TVN-5 active/passive night vision device can be installed instead of the above mentioned system. It differs from its predecessor with the micro-channel amplifying electro-optical converter in the active/passive mode instead of two parallel circuits (the active one separately and the passive one separately). Thereby the range of vision was increased up to 180m in the passive mode.

The TVN-5 device is also equipped with the binocular loupe which significantly facilitates the terrain observation and reduces fatigability of the tank driver's eyes when the illumination changes . The other two crew members are accommodated in the turret: the gunner's seat is on the left and the tank commander's one is on the right.

The tank has cast steel turret with the combined armor on the course angles up to 35. Its construction is identical to the turret of T-72BM, but it is designed to install the 1A45T Fire Control System. The front and the top of the turret are protected with the re-active armor elements.

To increase anti-radiation protection of the vehicle crew the hull and turret are enforced with the liner which is made of hydrogenous polymer with additions of lithium, boron and lead in the zones of the workplaces. The place of the tank driver is additionally protected with the liner made of the same material.

All the T-90 weapons are located in the turret. The weapon system consists of: the armaments (primary, secondary, and ancillary), the ammunition, the automatic loader system, the Fire Control System, additional devices for observing and targeting as well as the guided weapon system.

The high precision 125m 2A46M-4 smooth-bore gun/launcher is the primary armament of the T-90. Its cyclic rate of fire is up to 8 rounds per minute. Rounds of the following types are applied for the gunnery: guided missile, anti-armorsubcaliber, high-explosive fragmentation, high-explosive/antitank projectiles.

The high precision characteristics of the gun were achieved by optimal combining the curvature, nonuniformity of the wall thickness and the barrel rigidity, by symmetric arrangement of the buffers, by the use of the barrel thermo-protection jacket. The embedded device for the gun aligning with both the primary and thermal vision sights allows aligning without the crew escape from the tank as well as reduces the duration of this operation to 1 minute increasing the aligning accuracy at the same time. The gun design provides fast change of the barrel (without dismounting the gun from the turret) in the field conditions.


T-90 uses 7.62mm coaxial machine gun (PKT or PKTM) with the combat fire rate of 150 shots per minute with belt feed as well as the anti-aircraft machine gun system (AAMGS) with remute electromechanical control.

The AAMGS is intended to engage lightly armored ground targets, low altitude air targets as well as to protect the tank against air attacks in highland terrain and city battle conditions. The AAMGS uses the 12.7mm NSVT-12.7 or the 6P49 KORD large-caliber machine guns. The KORD machine gun supersedes its predecessor NSVT-12.7 due to (at first) the plant, where they were manufactured before the USSR collapse, remained in Kazakhstan. The initial decision was to produce NSVT in Kovrov, but then the machine gun was modernized (the barrel locking changed, endurance increased, some other modifications implemented), it was named "KORD", and now it has been produced in Kovrov Weapons Factory named after Degtyaryov. Both the machine guns have identical fastening units, ammunition and belts, ballistic characteristics, so each of them can be used in the T-90 as the AAMGS. Detecting, monitoring ground and air targets as well as firing the AAMGS, which is mounted onto the commander cupola, are carried out with the cupola hatch closed. The AAMGS consists of the 6P49 KORD (or NSVT-12.7) machine gun with the electric trigger, the cradle with the recoil absorber, the bracket, the balancing unit, the reloading mechanism, the magazine, the belt collector, the horizontal and vertical electromechanical targeting drives, the PZU-7.216.644 sight.

The drives of the AAMGS provide horizontal and vertical pointing as well as the anti-aircraft machine gun fire control. The vertical electromechanical pointing drive is designed to point the anti-aircraft machine gun along the vertical axis. The drive provides the following operation modes: the "Automatic" mode the AAMGS monitors stabilized position of the TKN-4S device mirror within the angle range from -4to +20: the "SemiAutomatic" mode the AAMGS is controlled independently of the stabilized

TKN-4S device mirror (i.e. fast drive): "the Manual" mode the AAMGS is targeted manually within the whole range of angles.

The horizontal electromechanical drive is designed to point the commander cupola with the AAMGS in the horizontal plane within the arc 60 to the right and 60 to the left from the conformal position with the primary armament.

The PZU-7 sight is designed to point the anti-aircraft machine gun when firing against air targets moving at the velocities of 100-300 mps and ground targets within the range up to 1600 m. It represents optical monocular periscope (1.2x zoom factor). The autonomous anti-aircraft machine gun of the closed type with the remote electromechanical control allows commander, being protected with the armor, fire effectively to engage air targets, lightly armored ground targets and troops of the enemy.

The ancillary armament of the tank includes one 5.45mm AKS-74 assault rifle, ten hand grenades (F-1 or RGO) and the 26-mm signal pistol

The T-90's ammunition includes 43 separately loaded rounds of 4 types (with a guided missile, anti-armor-subcaliber, high-explosive/antitank, high-explosive fragmentation projectiles) as well as 2000 cartridges for the 7.62 coaxial machine gun, and 300 cartridges for the AAMGS. The vehicles ammunition also includes 450 5.45mm cartridges for the AKS-74, 12 signal rockets for the signal pistol, 10 hand grenades (F-1 or RGO), and 12 ZD17 grenades for the 902V electro-optical jamming system. The ZD6M grenades are included into the vehicle version without the TshU-1 "Shtora-1" system.

22 rounds for the tank gun (including GMs) are arranged in the carousel transporter of the automatic loader and are ready for the combat use. The other gun rounds (projectiles and cartridges) are placed into the special packing cases in the vehicle hull and in the turret. The rounds, which are in the carousel transporter, can be loaded in any combination. Any type of the rounds can be manually loaded into the gun without placing them into the automatic loader.

Gas contamination of the combat compartment during the gun firing is significantly reduced thanks to the use of the semi-combustible cartridges as well as the empty case removal mechanizm of the automatic loader.


125-mm ZVBM13 rounds (with the ZBM32 "Vant" subcaliber anti-armor projectile with a fission core), ZVBM17 (with the ZBM42 "Mango" subcaliber anti-armor projectile with a tungsten alloy core), and ZVBM19 (with the ZBM42M "Svinets" subcaliber anti-armor projectile with a tungsten alloy core) are designed to engage modern tanks equipped with the combined armor by the gun fire;

125-mm ZVBK16 (with the ZBK18M piercing projectiles) and ZVBK25 (with the ZBK29M piercing projectiles) rounds are designed to engage armored targets, blockhouses, field entrenchments, brick and reinforcedconcrete buildings, and troops by the gun fire;

125-mm ZVFO36 round (with the ZOF26 high-explosive fragmentation projectile) is designed to engage armored and other small-size targets as well as enemy low-flying helicopters by the gun fire;

125-mm ZUBK14 (with the 9M119 guided missile of the "Reflex" system) and ZUBK20 (with the 9M119M guided missile of the "Reflex-M" system) rounds are designed to engage armored and other small-size targets as well as enemy low-flying helicopters by the gun fire.

Despite the above mentioned rounds, the T-90 ammunition includes the round with defragmentation-shrapnel projectile equipped with the electronic remotecontact actuator. This projectile allows increase engagement effectiveness when firing against exposed troops as well as against combat helicopters of the enemy. It has significantly increased equalized area of saturation effect in comparison with common high-explosive fragmentation projectiles. The distance is set automatically according to the laser ranger measurement data at the moment of the loading cycle. If the actuator is set in the contact detonation mode, the projectile acts as a common high-explosive defragmentation one.

Firing the 7.62 PKT (PKTM) coaxial machine gun is carried out with the 7.62x54R cartridges equipped with the bullets of the following types: light steel (LPS), tracer (T-46), armor-piercing incendiary (B-32) and high-penetrating. They are fitted up into 8 belts of 250 cartridges, the belts are placed into magazineboxes which are located in the combat compartment of the tank.

To fire the 12.7mm NSVT-12,7 or KORD machine guns 12.7x108 cartridges with armor-piercing incendiary (BZT) and incendiary immediate action (MDZ) bullets. They are fitted up into 2 belts placed into magazine-boxes which are located in the AAMGS (the first one) and on the right side of the turret (the second one). The weight of the loaded magazine amounts approximately 25 kg.

The assault rifle cartridges are fitted out into magazines 30 pieces each and are in the cartridge-pouches in the tank combat compartment.

The hand grenades (F-1 or RGO) are placed into the pouches located in the vehicle combat compartment. The signal rockets for the signal pistol are located in the pouches as well as in the tank combat compartment. The ZD17 aerosol screen grenades are loaded into mortars of the 902V system by 6 pieces on the both left and right sides of the turret. After loading the mortars are

closed with special rubber caps which are not removed at firing. The spare caps are located in the container with the ZD17 grenades.


The automatic loading the rounds is provided by the electromechanical automatic loader (AL) which is identical to that installed in T-72 tanks. The AL is designed to store the rounds and the inventory information by types, to load the gun automatically, to collect sabots extracted after the gun shots and to remove them from the tank. It is the electromechanical type AL with the constant angle of loading, the carousel transporter capacity is 22 rounds. The rounds are ramed into the firing chamber separately: the projectile firstly and then the shell. The T-90 obtained the possibility of loading process control in the automatic mode from the commander workplace (the "Double" mode).Fire


The presence of the automatic Fire Control System (FCS), which is destined to carry out long-range aimed firing, distinguishes the T-90 tank from its predecessors. T-90 is equipped with the 1A45 "Irtysh" FCS which allows the gunner to carry out effective aimed firing the gun and the coaxial machine gun, and firing the guided missiles together with the tank guided weapon devices, in day/night conditions from a static position and in motion. The FCS also provides the commander, in day/night conditions from a static position and in motion, with: designation for the gunner; searching, finding and identifying targets; aimed firing the gun and the coaxial machine gun against ground targets in the mode of dubbed control in any tank service conditions as well as engaging ground targets by the AAMGS firing.


1A42 automatic Fire Control System;

night sight system (TO1-KO1 or TO1-PO2T); PNK-4SCommanders sight-observation system Rear View TV system.

The automatic Fire Control System is designed for effective aimed firing the tank gun with each type of the rounds in day/night conditions from static position and in motion considering the range to the target, the projectile type, relative movement, the velocity and the roll of the tank, weather and ballistic data. The system together with the automatic block of the guided weapon system is used to control the guided projectile.








searching, finding and identifying targets in the battle field; target designation to the gunner; aimed firing the tank gun and the coaxial machine gun in the mode of dubbed control in day/night conditions from static position and in motion.

The particular feature of T-90s FCS is considering sight angles and side lead when firing the coaxial machine gun in the automatic mode. The feature was absent in the FCSs of T-64B and T-80B tanks.


1A43 Information-Computer Day Sight system (ICDSS); 2E42-4 Zhasmin Weapon Stabilizer; PT-800 Current Transformer with the RChN-3/3 Frequency and Voltage Regulator

The 1A43 information-computer day sight system comprises: the 1G46 Sight/Range-finder and Targeting Device (SDMTD), the 1V528-1 Tank Ballistic Computer (TBC), the 1V216 Switch Block, and the sensor set for shooting conditions (roll of the gun stud axle, wind (DVE-BS capacitance sensor), the tank

velocity and the direction angle in relation of the target). The ICDSS allows take account of the corrections during firing: the distance variation to the target, the angle of sight and the side leads, the side component of the wind velocity, the roll angle of the gun stud axle, ambient barometric pressure, the barrel wear, and the projectile type. All the necessary information is input into the TBC from the laser range-finder and the sensors automatically as well as manually by means of potentiometers located at its front panel.

The 1G46 (SDMTD) is the main device for the tank fire control which is used by the gunner during firing the gun, the coaxial machine gun as well as in targeting and launching the guided missile. It represents periscope day sight/range-finder of the gunner with two-axis independently stabilized field of view and continuous zoom factor adjustment within the range of 2.7-12.7. Its design incorporates the optical sight, the pulse laser range-finder, the stabilizer block, and the information block for the guided missile targeting system.

The 1G46 SDMTD ensures targeting and two-axis stabilizing the information laser beam field of view independently of the gun; measuring and displaying the distance to the target and producing an electric signal corresponding to the measured or manually input distance; measuring the displacement angles in horizontal and vertical planes between the sighting line and the gun bore axis and producing control angle-proportional signals to control the drives of the gun and the turret.

The Sight/Range-finder has an internal unit for the gun-sight system aligning control. The unit allows the crew to fulfill the operation staying in the tank. This unit also increases the aligning accuracy and reduces the operation time to 1 minute. There is also possible in the "Control" mode to check the range-finder function, to check and adjust the correspondence of the central sight mark with the range-finder beam.

The 1V528-1 Tank Ballistic Computer (TBC) automatically calculates sight angles and side lead values and produces angle-proportional electric signals taking

into account the measured target distance and current conditions of firing. It represents a compact computer which is operated by the strict program and is constructed on the basis of digital electronics: the central processing unit, the random access memory, the read-only memory, the search and data registers, the primary and secondary counters, memorization, the analog-digital commutators, and the blocks of analog



When firing the guided missile the TBC produces electric commands to move the gun and the sight field of vision on the angles of initial elevation and side lead considering the mode of the guided missile firing and the moving target tracking speeds. The TBC also calculates the delay time for the exceeding command cancellation taking into account the measured target distance, its changing and current weather conditions of firing. In contrast to the Fire Control Systems of the tanks previously produced in the USSR, the T-90's TBC also operates as a shooting permission block, in other words, it allows to close the shooting circuits only if horizontal and vertical deviation of the gun bore axis are within the prescribed limits relative to the established direction. It is stipulated in the 1V528-1 TBC to conduct automatic self-control of the corrections, if the firing conditions deviate from the normal ones, and to display the control results. There are four LEDs located on its control panel and the CONTROL button of the intermal control system for this purpose. The button is designed to start the control program, and the LEDs indicate if any correspondent parameter is deviated.

The 1V216 Switch Block is designed to correct voltages, which are produced by the TBC, taking into account the ballistic characteristics change for the new projectile modifications. It has three switches of the projectile modifications for the anti-armor, piercing and high explosive fragmentation projectiles. So the 1A42

FCS allows to consider corrections with the use of various projectile types of both modern and earlier versions. The 2E42-4 "Zhasmin" weapon stabilizer is designed for stabilizing and stabilized targeting the gun and the coaxial machine gun, which are installed in the tank, in two planes, for ensuring aimed fire from a static position and in motion with any projectile type in real operation conditions of the tank. The stabilizer is biplanar , with an electric machine drive in the horizontal plane and an electro-hydraulic one in the vertical plane. The mean stabilization accuracy in the main mode amounts to 0,4 thousandths vertically and 0,6 thousandths horizontally.

The PT-800 transformer with the RChN-3/3 Frequency and Voltage Regulator is designed to produce alternating 3-phase 36 V 400Hz voltage to supply electric power to the circuits and devices of the tank weapon control system. It represents a device which transforms direct current to alternating one. Stabilization of the output voltage and frequency is provided by the frequency and voltage regulator block.

The TO-KO1 Night Sighting System is designed to observe the battle field, to find and identify targets, to deliver aimed fire from the tank gun with any projectile type at the distance up to 1500 m and from the machine gun at the distance up to 800 m in night conditions. The sighting system operates in the conditions of natural night illumination in the passive mode, with the target illumination by the infrared spotlight of the TshU-1 "Shtora-1" system in the active mode. The TOKO1 Sighting System includes: the TPN4-49 sight; the correction input device; the commutating block, the spare parts set.

The TPN4-49"Buran" sight represents a monocular periscope electro-optical device. Its principal of operation is based on partial reflection of natural or artificial illumination from the target and its collecting by the device. At natural illumination of approximately 0.005 lx and more the sight operates in the passive mode, i.e. with the infrared spot light switched off. In this case some part of the moonlight and starlight, which is reflected from the target and is collected by the

sight, is significantly amplified in the device by means of the electro-optical converter (EOC), so the visible target image against the background is created.

The operation in the active observation mode (when natural illumination is less than 0.005lx) is based on the target illumination by the spotlight infrared rays with subsequent amplifying and converting the invisible image into the visible one. The OTShU-1-7 IR emitters of the "Shtora-1" Electro-Optical Suppression System are used as the infrared lighter. The latter T-90 tanks and, according to the customer's requirement, the T-90S tanks are equipped with the Thermal Imaging System of the TO-1-PO2T "Agava2" model instead of the TO1-KO1 Night Sighting System.

The TO-1-PO2T "Agava-2" Thermal Imaging System provides the terrain observation and the weapon control with the use of the thermal imaging camera (TIC). The system stabilizes the camera field of view both in horizontal and vertical planes, that insures:

fast preparation to the first and subsequent shots with high probability of impact;

effective gun firing at distances up to 3000m in any shooting conditions, weather distance meter, day/night conditions from a static position and in motion;

dubbing all the gunner's weapon control functions by the commander when controlling the weapon in the "Double" mode;

precision horizontal and vertical correction calculations when firing with the thermal imaging sight and the day sight;

fast check of the aligning line on the index of the gun bore edge; indication of the FCS operation mode on the TV displays.

The TO-1-PO2T "Agava-2" tank Thermal Imaging System in common conditions allows find targets at the distance of 6400m, classify at 4600m, and identify at 2500m.

The TO-1-PO2T system includes: Thermal Imaging Sight (TIS), two TV displays for the commander and for the gunner, and the control block.

The TIS provides automatic tracking of the TIC sightline in the horizontal and vertical planes following the 1G46 sightline in the "Primary" and "Double" modes and the TKN-4S sightline in the "Double" mode on the signals of the angle sensors.


"Primary": the FCS is controlled by the gunner; "Double": the FCS is controlled by the commander; "Aligning": in this mode the mirror is rotated on 4 to the side of the gun bore edge; at that it is possible to align the sightline axis of the TIS relatively to the index on the gun bore edge by means of the control panel buttons.

The TIS operation is visually controlled according to the information displayed on the top and bottom areas of the TV displays. The following information is displayed: the operation mode, the value of the measured distance to the target, the indication of the permission to measure the distance and the indication of the permission to shot (There are evaluated readiness of the FCS main systems and the following error value between the gun and the sightline).

The TVC is controlled from the control panel located at the gunner workplace. The main mirror stabilization system has synchronous connection with the gun position sensor, the sensor of the horizontal following error between the 1G46 sightline, and the TKN-4S sight sensor. The system provides the field of view stabilization and tracking the sightline of the 1G46 Day Sight/Range-finder.

The commander TV display is installed to expand his possibilities for on-line control. It allows him to observe both the terrain and the gunner operations and switch the turret control on his control panel if necessary. The commander also

can both carry out target designation to the gunner and fire independently.

The TIS readiness time is not more than three minutes.


at the ambient temperature from -50C to +50C; after short-term (4 hours) being at 60C; at the air humidity of 98% and the temperature of 35C; at the effect of atmospheric (rain, snow) and condensed (dew, hoar-frost) precipitates, salt (sea) spray.

Since 2004, the serial T-90A are equipped with the "Essa" thermal imager of the "Peleng" company (Belarus). The device uses French thermal imagine matrix and has two zooming modes and the field of view fully synchronized with the 1G46. Since the advent of the new thermal imager, the possibilities of day and night channels had become equal: thanks to its integration with the primary sight it is possible to measure the distance with high precision by the use of the full set of the ballistic computer features in night conditions, as well as the GMs aiming.

The PNK-4S commander observation/sighting system provides: the terrain observing by the vehicle commander: target searching/finding; target designation and fire adjustment; effective aimed firing the gun and the coaxial machine gun in the "Double" mode from a static position and in motion in day/night conditions; firing the AAMGS against aerial and ground targets.

The PNK-4S consists of:

the TKN-4S "Agat-S" device with the field of view vertical stabilizer, the electrical block and the gyrostabilizer;

the gun position sensor; the ZPU 1ETs29 control system.

The TKN-4S commander device has the single-channel and multichannel (day and night)optical circuits.

The lighters of the OTShU-1-7 "Shtora" Electro-Optical Suppression System (EOSS) are used in the night dubbed control mode with the TKN-4S in the active mode.

The TKN-4S "Agat-S" allows find and identify targets at the distance up to 0.7km in the passive mode and up to 0.8 km in the active mode.

The ZPU 1ETs29 control system provides the anti-aircraft machine gun pointing in the automatic and semi-automatic modes from the tank commander workplace.

The T-90 tanks of the latest batches are equipped with the rear view TV system. The system is installed in domestic tanks for the first time. It is designed to observe rear hemisphere of the tank in order both to prevent the tank from fire of light anti-tank weapons and to provide the possibility of rear moving without the crew escaping the vehicle. The 1A45T "Irtysh" Fire Control System combined with the automatic loader provides the T-90 tank crew with the combat fire rate up to 8 shots per minute.

The protection system installed in the T-90 protects it against most of anti-tank weapons providing the vehicle with high ability to survive in the battle field.


The combined armor and the built-in re-active armor protecting the tank against anti-armor subcaliber and armor-piercing projectiles, guided antitank missiles, rocket-propelled grenades of anti-tank grenade launchers, self-guided and homing submunitions of cluster airborn and artillery rounds;

"Shtora-1" electro-optical suppression system;

Special design measures which reduce the injury risk for the crew in case of a mine exploding of the tank;

Automatic quick-operating fire-prevention equipment with sensors installed in all the tank compartments to quickly neutralize arising fire seats;

Dazzle painting, a system of other construction and technology measures which reduce the probability of the tank detection;

The sealed hull and the filter fan prevent the tank from penetration of toxic, bacteriological and radioactive substances;

Anti-radioactive material reducing effect of nuclear radiation on the crew.

The T-90's turret armor is regarded as the semi-re-active type. The front part of the turret has two cavities located at the angle of 55 to the longitudinal axis of the gun in which the special armor packs of "semi-re-active" type are placed. The structure of the armor with the reflecting plates represents an obstacle consisting of three layers: a slab, an insertion and a thin plate. The use effect of the "reflecting" plate can reach 40% compared with the monolithic armor of the same weight.

The modified T-90s are equipped with the welded turrets of enhanced produceability instead of the cast ones. The armored volume was increased by 100 liters.

Increased armoring level of the new welded T-90 turret is provided by means of synchronous applying different methods and ways of the armor strengthening. The main ones among them are: increasing of dynamic strength of used armor materials, development of new materials and improvement of existing constructions of armor elements and protective fillers used, the use of additional protective re-active elements, optimization of the whole protection system considering the abilities of anti-tank weapons with the established weight and size limitations.

As applied to tank turrets, one of the most significant reserves for anti-projectile

armor strengthening is increasing resistance of steel armor used in tank turrets. Currently the turret base is made of cast armor of middle hardness which is significantly inferior (by 10-15%) to the rolled armor of middle hardness.

Advantages of the turret made of rolled armor can only be put into practice when its anti-projectile resistance and ability to survive in the joint points of the rolled armor elements meet the requirements on the anti-projectile resistance and the ability to survive for the whole turret, so the turret elements of the T-90 tank are made by the method ensuring that the main metal of the mating parts overlaps fully or partially the element joints and weld seams. Moreover, any armor wall is supported by the bottom or by the top directly or through intermediate elements.



turret: 800-830 mm; hull (top frontal element) 830 mm.

Against armor-piercing weapons:

turret: 1150-1350 mm; hull (top frontal element) 1350 mm.

TSHU-1 SHTORA-1ELECTRO-OPTICAL SUPPRESSION SYSTEM The Shtora-1 EOSS: designed to protect the tank against hit of ATGMs and to jam systems equipped with laser range-finders/weapon guidance systems.

The system consists of the electro-optical suppression station (EOSSt), the screening system (SS) and the control system.

The EOSSt protects the tank against ATGMs with semi-automatic guidance system of "TOW", "HOT", "Milan", "Dragon" types. If ATGM's tracer and the EOSSt lighter are in the ATGM coordinator's field of view simultaneously, the coordinator generates control commands which do not correspond to the real deviation of the missile from the sighting line that results in its miss.

The EOSSt consists of two OTShU-1-7 lighters, two modulators, and the control panel.

The Screening System is designed to jam ATGMs with laser semi-active homing head which operates on the basis of the laser beam reflected from the target (i.e. Maverick, Hellfire), ATGMs and artillery shells using laser target designators and range-finders as well as to mask the tank by aerosol screens.

The SS provides: light indication of direction and sound alarm when the tank is illuminated by lasers; automatic launching the aerosol grenade in the direction of the illumination, which produces an aerosol cloud that masks the tank from the enemy, reduces and partially reflects the laser beam, so the operation of the homing warheads is disturbed, and artillery gunners work is embarrassed; launching the grenades from loaded launchers in the manual mode (at emergency situations); built-in control of the system. The SS includes: laser detector consisting of two high precision direction determination heads and two rough direction determination heads; the control system consisting of the control block and the control panel; the aerosol grenade launcher consisting of the control panel and 12 aerosole grenade launchers.

The SS has two operation modes: automatic and semi-automatic (when the comandeer makes the decision to lay a smoke screen). Distance of the aerosol screen laid by the ZD17 grenade is 50-80 m, the sizes of the smoke screen laid by one grenade in 3 seconds after launching are 15m in height and 10 m in width.

The Electro-Optical Suppression Station provides jamming by the modulated IR

emission within the wave length range of 0.7-2.5m within the arc of 20 degrees relative to the barrel bore axis in the horizontal plane and 4.5 degrees in vertical.

The aerosol screen laying system responses to laser emission within 360 degrees in azimuth and within -5+25 degrees in vertical. The system weight is 400kg.

The TShU-1 "Shtora-1" EOSS has built-in control and self-control systems. Equipping the T-90 tank with the Electro-Optical Suppression System provides a benefit in duels against enemy tanks as well as significantly reduces effectiveness of enemy anti-tank weapons.

ANTI-MINE CAPABILITY The special design reduces the risk of crew injury in case the tank is undermined. The measures include increased rigidity of the tank bottom, equipping the control compartment with pillars, fastening the tank driver's seat to the hull top.

To cross and to breach minefields the tank can be equipped with the attached track-width mine plow of KMT-6M2 or KMT-8 type as well as the KMT-7 roller plow. The plows can be mounted together with the electromagnetic protection system causing neutralization (untimely exploding) of mines equipped with radio and magnetometric actuators.

ENGINE AND SUPPORTING SYSTEMS The T-90 tank is equipped with the V-84MS multi-fuel 4-stroke 12-cylinder Vtype high-speed diesel with liquid cooling, direct injection, pressure charging with the driven centrifugal compressor. The maximal engine power (at crankshaft speed of 2000rpm) in a diesel fuel operation is 840 hp. The diesel is constructed on the basis of the V-46 engine with

adopting new design solutions. The same engine was also used in the latest modifications of T-72 tanks. The feed system is equipped with the multi-section fuel pump connected with injectors by the high-pressure manifolds. The fuel capacity of the system is 1600 l including two external drums, the capacity of internal fuel tanks is 705 l.

The fuel feed system of earlier T-90s repeated the T-72 one. In the T-90A there were measures implemented to reduce its fire risk: the fuel tanks has cellular structure and is protected. The air supply system uses combined two-stage air cleaner. The first stage clears the incoming air by inertial method by means of counter-flow cyclons with tangential air entering. The second clearing stage is taking place in oil contact wire cartridges 3 cartridges with wire filling, two of them are saturated with oil. The dust that is collected during clearing is removed from the dust collector by the ejector method. The air purification effectiveness is 0.98.

The engine has the combined oiling system of pressure type with "dry case". The filling volume of the system is 76 l, the filling capacity of oil tanks is 27 l (main), 38 l (supplementary), and 35 l (external spare tank). The system uses the M16IHPZ multi-grade oil. The liguid cooling system of the engine ensures its normal thermal operation mode in any climate conditions. It is a closed type system with forced circulation of coolant fluid. Air is purged through heat exchangers by the centrifugal blower. The filling volume of the cooling system is 90 l. To facilitate the engine start in winter conditions the tank has the preheating system providing the oil and coolant preheating in the cooling and oiling systems. At that the heated fluid circulates over the system and provides the engine heating, so the normal conditions are created for easy start. The preheating system is equipped with the spray-type heater and the coolant fluid forced circulation pump. The heater maximal fuel consumption is 7.5 l/h.

The engine is started by the starting system. The main start is carried out by compressed air supplied from two air balloons of 5 l capacity. Moreover, the engine can be started by the SG-18-1S starter-generator and by combined method using air and the starter-generator. Charging the starting system air balloons as well as ensuring operation of some other systems (e.g. hydro-pneumatic clearing system for viewing devices) is carried out by the air system. It includes the AK-150SV driven piston 3-stage 2cylinder air-cooled compressor, the moisture/oil separator, the filter, the valve of air bleeding, and high pressure manifolds. The operation pressure of the system is 120160 kg/cm2. To prevent emergency situations there are stipulated the emergency alarm system, the low oil pressure/low oil temperature engine start blocking system, the heater start block/shoot off system (if the coolant liquid is absent or its level is too low and if the temperature is too high).


The high mobility of the tank is provided by the mechanical transmission with the input reducer, two on-board gear boxes and coaxial on-board reducers.

The input reducer provides the engine torque is transferred to the on-board gear boxes. It is an increasing gear reducer driving the compressor and the cooling system fan. The hydro-controlled planetary gearboxes have 7 forward gears and one reverse gear. Rotary motion of the vehicle is carried out by kickdown switching of the decelerating gearbox. The gearboxes are controlled by the hydraulic control drive with the mechanical drive of the control valves. The gearbox drive is carried out by the hydraulic control and oiling system. The total volume of the system is 57 l, the filling volume of the oil tank is 42 l. The brake drive is mechanical.


automatic positioning of the tank; automatic determination of the tank direction angle; displaying of the tank position on a topographic map; automatic determination of the coordinate difference between the current tank position and the designation point.

The PAB-2 aiming circle included into the vehicle equipment set is used to determine the direction angle in low visibility conditions and at absence of visible reference points. It is planned to equip all the tanks with the TNA-M "Gamma" new georeferencing and navigation system constructed on the basis of the fiber-optical gyroscope. The equipment is combined with the receiving/displaying equipment of the global space positioning system (GLONASS and/or NAVSTAR). The system comprises the course indication autopositioning system which allows determine current spatial angle coordinates, the tank speed sensor, the sputnik positioning system, the mapboard, the coordinator with character indicator and the course indicator. Depending on the designation level of the commander vehicle, it can be equipped with the "Gamma-1" or "Gamma-2" equipment which differ with their composition and data output. SUPPORTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT The T-90 has the direct current electrical equipment which is single-wired excluding the alarm circuits. The tank electrical system voltage is 22-29 V. The start circuit voltage is 48 V under the starter operation. The accumulator batteries and the starter-generator are the power sources of the tank electrical system.

The lead-acid starter batteries are used in the T-90 tank. It is possible to install 4

accumulators of the 12ST-85R, 6ST-140M or 6ST-140R with total capacity of 340, 280 and 280 Ah correspondingly. The starter-generator is the SG-18-1S direct current starter-generator, protected, with mixed excitation. It has 18 kW output at the generator mode with the voltage of 26.528.5 V, and 21.3 kW output with 48V voltage in the starting mode.

The commander tanks are completed with the AB-1-P/28.5-V-U additional power supply unit which represents an auxiliary generator driven from the carburettor engine. The electrical equipment is designed to supply consumers of 1kW total capacity (the communication equipment, the fire-prevention system) to recharge the accumulators, etc. during a stop when the main engine does not operate.

The Tank Fording Equipment (TFE) provides hermetic sealing of the hull and the turret at installing the removable equipment, 1st speed driving on the bottom of water obstacles up to 1000m width and up to 5m depth using the directional gyroscope and radio communication. Pumping equipment ensures water removing capacity up to 100 l/min at backpressure of 0.4 kg/cm2. The removable equipment can be mounted/dismounted within not more than 15 minutes. It is not required any time to prepare for firing after fording.

CONDITIONING SYSTEM For the first time in domestic tanks the SKS-3 conditioning system is provided to ensure effective work of the crew in the hot climate conditions and to maintain the temperature-humidity conditions in the combat compartment of the T-90. It is designed to cool air and to supply it to the crew workplaces. The system ensures cooling, ventilation and partial drying of the air with its supplying to the crew compartment. Units and elements of the system are located in the enginetransmission compartment and in the crew compartment.

The conditioning system comprises the compressor, the condenser, the receiver, the air processing block, the moisture separator. All the units are interconnected

into closed cooling circuit by manifolds. The system also includes air ducts, the control block, the switching block and electric cables.

The cooling capacity of the system amounts not less than 2900W at the ambient air temperature 50C and the relative humidity of 45%.

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