Foreign Trade Policy and Imports - Exports Grand Duchy of Luxembourg From 2015 To 2022 and Lessons For Vietnam

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1. The necessity of the given topic................................................................................................4

2. Research objective....................................................................................................................4

3. Research object and Research range.........................................................................................4

4. Research structure.....................................................................................................................4



FROM 2015 TO 2022.....................................................................................................................7

1.1 Foreign trade policy of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in 2015..............................................7

1.2 Foreign trade policy of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in 2016..............................................8

1.3 Foreign trade policy of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in 2017..............................................9

1.4. Foreign trade policy of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in 2018.............................................9

1.5. Foreign trade policy of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in 2019...........................................10

1.6. Foreign trade policy of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in 2020...........................................11

1.7. Foreign trade policy of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in 2021...........................................12

1.8. Foreign trade policy of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in 2022...........................................13


FROM 2015 TO 2022...................................................................................................................16

CHAPTER 4: LESSONS FOR VIETNAM...............................................................................18


1 WTO World Trade Organization

2 EU European Union

3 GDP Gross Domestic Product

4 CPTPP Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for

Trans-Pacific Partnership

5 RCEP Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

6 ICT Information and Communication Technology

7 R&D Research and development



1 1.1Chart 1 Imports of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg from 2015 to 2022 10

2 1.2Chart 2 Exports of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg from 2015 to 2022 12

1. The necessity of the given topic
Studying the import and export policy and situation of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
in the period of 2015 to 2022 will help people understand key industries and evaluate the
effectiveness of Luxembourg's foreign trade policies. Through the analysis of
international trade data and indicators, we can assess Luxembourg's advantages and
limitations in imports and exports, from which Vietnam can gain valuable lessons.
Choosing this topic will require a study of the trade policies of Grand Duchy of
Luxembourg from 2015 to 2022. Learning about incentives and restrictions of imports
and exports of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, as well as understanding how these policies
have affected the economic situation of this country, will help people apply these lessons
for the future planning and implementation of Vietnam's foreign trade policies.
Luxembourg's import and export policy and situation can provide precious lessons
for Vietnam. Understanding Luxembourg's development model and policies decisions
that this country has implemented in developing the import-export industry, will help
Vietnam promote the sustainable development of this industry.
2. Research objective
By analyzing the import-export policy and situation of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
in the period of 2015 to 2022, lessons that Vietnam can learn from Luxembourg's
experience in the process of shaping and implementing import and export policy would
be suggested. In addition, this research proposes solutions to overcome outstanding
challenges and improve Vietnam's import - export capacity.
3. Research object and Research range
Research object: Import-export policy and situation of Luxembourg
Research range: Import-export policy and situation of Luxembourg from 2015 to
4. Research structure
Apart from the introduction, table of content, conclusion and list of references, this
research is presented in 4 chapters.
Chapter 1: Overview on Grand Duchy of Luxembourg economics
Chapter 2: Foreign trade policy and imports - exports status of Grand Duchy of
Luxembourg from 2015 to 2022
Chapter 3: General evaluation on changes in foreign trade policy and foreign trade
situation of Luxembourg from 2015 to 2022
Chapter 4: Lessons for Vietnam
Luxembourg, officially known as the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, is a small
European country located Western Europe. Despite its small size, Luxembourg has
established itself as a major player in the global economy. This chapter provides an
overview of the country economics, highlighting key aspects such as its economic
structure, major sectors, trade, and economic policies.
Luxembourg has a highly developed and diverse economy, characterized by a
combination of industry, services, and finance. The country benefits from political
stability, a skilled workforce, and a favorable business environment. The government has
implemented policies that encourage foreign investment, contributing to its economic
Luxembourg's economy is dominated by three major sectors:
Financial Services: Luxembourg is for its financial sector, which accounts a
significant portion of its. The country is a global hub for private banking, investment
funds, and insurance companies. The favorable regulatory environment, strong legal
framework, and political stability have attracted numerous financial institutions to
establish a presence in Luxembourg.
Manufacturing Although the manufacturing sector relatively smaller to the financial
sector, it plays a crucial role in Luxembourg's economy. The country specializes in high-
value manufacturing, including production steel, machinery, chemicals, and automotive
components. Luxembourg is also home to several multinational corporations with
manufacturing facilities.
Information and Communication Technology: The ICT sector has witnessed
significant growth in recent years. Luxembourg is as a center for data centers, e-
commerce, telecommunications, and digital services. The government has invested in
developing the necessary infrastructure and fostering innovation to promote the growth
of this sector.
Trade and International Relations
Luxembourg has a highly open economy, heavily reliant on international trade. The
country has established strong trade relations globally and is a member of the European
Union (EU), the Eurozone, and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Luxembourg
benefits from its strategic location at the heart of Europe, facilitating easy access to major
The country's exports primarily consist of machinery, chemicals, rubber, and steel
products. Imports include machinery, transportation equipment, minerals, and food
products. Luxembourg has trade partnerships with various EU countries, as well as
countries outside the EU.
The government of Luxembourg has implemented several policies to promote
economic growth and attract foreign investment. Key economic policy objectives
Stability and Long-term Planning: The government focuses on maintaining political
stability, which is crucial for attracting foreign investment. Long-term planning and
prudent fiscal policies contribute to the country's economic sustainability.
Financial Sector Development: Luxembourg continues to enhance its financial
services industry by offering a favorable regulatory framework, improving transparency,
and promoting innovation. This enables Luxembourg to remain competitive on a global
Investment in Human Capital: Luxembourg places great importance on education
and training. The country has highly skilled human resources, which is essential for
maintaining competitiveness, attracting investment, and fostering innovation.
Supporting Innovation and Research: The government actively supports initiatives
in research and development (R&D) and technological innovation. This encourages the
growth of knowledge-intensive industries and promotes the diversification of the
Luxembourg has established itself as a strong and diverse economy, driven by its
financial sector manufacturing industry, and emerging ICT sector. The country's
favorable business environment, political stability, and strategic location have
contributed to its economic success. With a focus on stability, innovation, human capital
development, Luxembourg aims to sustain its economic and competitiveness in the arena
1.1 Foreign trade policy of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in 2015
In 2015, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg embarked on an ambitious export policy
aimed at propelling its international trade and investment to new heights. The
government provided financial and technical assistance to companies to facilitate the
export process and implemented measures to improve the business environment and
reduce trade barriers. This approach helped increase the competitiveness of
Luxembourg's exports, particularly in the areas of machinery, equipment, and chemicals.
Luxembourg's export policy focused on promoting innovation and technology as a
key driver of economic growth. The government provided support to companies engaged
in research and development and also invested in infrastructure and education to create a
favorable environment for innovation. This helped Luxembourg develop new products
and services, allowing it to compete more effectively in global markets. The country's
export-oriented strategy also helped diversify its economy and reduce its dependence on
a few key sectors, thereby strengthening the country's economic resilience.
In addition, in 2015, Luxembourg's import policy aimed to promote economic growth
and development through international trade and investment. The country's focus was on
maintaining low tariffs and reducing trade barriers to promote international trade and
investment, which contributed significantly to the growth of Luxembourg's economy. As
a member of the European Union, Luxembourg has benefited from the free trade
agreements and customs union among EU member states. It has facilitated the
importation of goods and services into Luxembourg, making it easier for businesses in
Luxembourg to access international markets.
Luxembourg's favorable tax policies have attracted foreign investment, which has
also contributed to the growth of its economy. These policies have made it easier for
companies to establish operations in Luxembourg and expand their businesses within the
country. As a result, Luxembourg has become a hub for international businesses and a
major player in the global economy. Luxembourg has also taken steps to ensure that its
import policies align with its environmental goals. The country has implemented strict
regulations on the importation of products that do not meet its environmental standards.
This move has helped to promote sustainable development and has made Luxembourg a
leader in environmental protection within the European Union.
In conclusion, Luxembourg's import and export policies in 2015 aimed to promote
economic growth and development through international trade and investment. Its focus
on maintaining low tariffs, reducing trade barriers, and favorable tax policies, coupled
with a strategic location and a commitment to environmental protection, have made
Luxembourg an attractive destination for businesses looking to expand their operations in
the region. Furthermore, the country's export-oriented strategy, innovation, and
technology focus have helped to make it a leader in the global economy.
1.2 Foreign trade policy of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in 2016
Luxembourg's foreign trade policy in 2016 was focused on promoting economic
growth and development through international trade and investment. The country
continued to implement policies designed to facilitate the export process, reduce trade
barriers, and improve the business environment. Financial and technical assistance was
provided to companies engaged in international trade, while measures were taken to
promote innovation and technology as a key driver of economic growth.
In terms of import policies, Luxembourg continued to maintain low tariffs and reduce
trade barriers to promote economic growth and development. As a member of the
European Union, Luxembourg also continued to benefit from free trade agreements and
customs union among EU member states, which facilitated the importation of goods and
services into Luxembourg and made it easier for businesses in Luxembourg to access
international markets.
Luxembourg's favorable tax policies continued to play an important role in attracting
foreign investment, contributing significantly to the growth of its economy. These
policies made it easier for companies to establish operations in Luxembourg and expand
their businesses within the country. As a result, Luxembourg continued to be a hub for
international businesses and a major player in the global economy.
Luxembourg also continued to be committed to sustainable development in 2016.
The country implemented strict regulations on the importation of products that did not
meet its environmental standards, promoting sustainable development and making
Luxembourg a leader in environmental protection within the European Union.
In conclusion, Luxembourg's foreign trade policy in 2016 prioritized economic
growth and development through international trade and investment, while also focusing
on sustainable development and innovation. The country continued to maintain low
tariffs and reduce trade barriers to promote economic growth and development, and its
favorable tax policies continued to attract foreign investment. Additionally,
Luxembourg's commitment to sustainable development and environmental protection
made it a leader in these areas within the European Union.
1.3 Foreign trade policy of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in 2017
Luxembourg's foreign trade policy in 2017 aimed to promote economic growth and
development through international trade and investment. The country continued to
implement measures to facilitate the export process, reduce trade barriers, and improve
the business environment. Financial and technical assistance was provided to companies
engaged in international trade, while innovation and technology were promoted as key
drivers of economic growth.
Luxembourg maintained low tariffs and reduced trade barriers to promote economic
growth and development through international trade and investment. Being a member of
the European Union, Luxembourg continued to benefit from free trade agreements and
customs union among EU member states. These agreements facilitated the importation of
goods and services into Luxembourg, making it easier for businesses to access
international markets.
Luxembourg's favorable tax policies played a significant role in attracting foreign
investment, contributing greatly to the growth of its economy. These policies made it
easier for companies to establish operations in Luxembourg and expand their businesses
within the country. As a result, Luxembourg became a hub for international businesses
and a major player in the global economy.
Luxembourg's commitment to sustainable development was reflected in its import
and export policy in 2017. The country implemented stricter regulations on the
importation of products that did not meet its environmental standards. This move has
made Luxembourg a leader in environmental protection within the European Union.
In summary, Luxembourg's foreign trade policy in 2017 prioritized economic growth
and development through international trade and investment, while also focusing on
sustainable development and innovation. The country maintained low tariffs and reduced
trade barriers to promote economic growth and development. Additionally,
Luxembourg's favorable tax policies attracted foreign investment, and its commitment to
sustainable development and environmental protection made it a leader in these areas
within the European Union.
1.4. Foreign trade policy of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in 2018
In 2018, Luxembourg continued its foreign trade policy of prioritizing economic
growth and development through international trade and investment. The country
implemented various measures to facilitate the export process, reduce trade barriers, and
improve the business environment. Financial and technical assistance was provided to
companies engaged in international trade, with a focus on promoting innovation and
technology as key drivers of economic growth.
Luxembourg maintained low tariffs and reduced trade barriers to promote economic
growth and development through international trade and investment. As a member of the
European Union, Luxembourg continued to benefit from free trade agreements and
customs union among EU member states, which facilitated the importation of goods and
services into Luxembourg, making it easier for businesses to access international
Luxembourg's favorable tax policies played a crucial role in attracting foreign
investment, contributing significantly to the growth of its economy. These policies made
it easier for companies to establish operations in Luxembourg and expand their
businesses within the country, making Luxembourg a hub for international businesses
and a major player in the global economy.
Luxembourg's commitment to sustainable development was also reflected in its
import and export policy in 2018. The country implemented stricter regulations on the
importation of products that did not meet its environmental standards, reinforcing
Luxembourg's position as a leader in environmental protection within the European
In summary, Luxembourg's foreign trade policy in 2018 continued to prioritize
economic growth and development through international trade and investment while also
focusing on sustainable development and innovation. The country maintained low tariffs
and reduced trade barriers to promote economic growth and development through
international trade and investment. Additionally, Luxembourg's favorable tax policies
attracted foreign investment, and its commitment to sustainable development and
environmental protection made it a leader in these areas within the European Union.
1.5. Foreign trade policy of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in 2019
Luxembourg's foreign trade policy in 2019 aimed to promote economic growth and
development through international trade and investment. The country continued to
provide financial and technical assistance to companies engaged in international trade,
while also investing in infrastructure and education to promote innovation and
technology as key drivers of economic growth.
In terms of exports, Luxembourg focused on high-value-added products and services
such as finance, ICT, and biotech. The country's goal was to increase its competitiveness
in these sectors and reduce its dependence on traditional sectors such as steel production
and banking. Luxembourg's export strategy also aimed to diversify its export
destinations, with a particular focus on Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.
Luxembourg maintained low tariffs and reduced trade barriers to promote economic
growth and development. As a member of the European Union, Luxembourg benefited
from free trade agreements and customs unions among EU member states, facilitating the
importation of goods and services into the country and making it easier for businesses to
access international markets. Luxembourg's favorable tax policies also played a
significant role in attracting foreign investment, contributing greatly to the growth of its
Luxembourg remained committed to sustainable development in 2019, implementing
stricter regulations on the importation of products that did not meet its environmental
standards. This move reinforced Luxembourg's position as a leader in environmental
protection within the European Union. The country also promoted the use of renewable
energy and implemented measures to reduce its carbon footprint.
Furthermore, Luxembourg continued to invest in research and development to
promote innovation and technology as key drivers of economic growth. The country's
goal was to create a favorable environment for innovative startups and high-tech
companies. Luxembourg also invested in education and training to develop a skilled
workforce capable of competing in the global market.
In summary, Luxembourg's foreign trade policy in 2019 prioritized economic growth
and development through international trade and investment, while also promoting
sustainable development, innovation, and reducing trade barriers. The country's favorable
tax policies, low tariffs, and membership in the European Union made it an attractive
destination for businesses looking to expand their operations. Moreover, Luxembourg's
commitment to sustainable development and environmental protection strengthened its
position as a leader in these areas within the European Union and globally.
1.6. Foreign trade policy of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in 2020
In 2020, Luxembourg's foreign trade policy continued to prioritize economic growth
and development through international trade and investment. The country maintained its
focus on facilitating the export process, reducing trade barriers, and improving the
business environment. Financial and technical assistance was provided to companies
engaged in international trade, while innovation and technology were promoted as key
drivers of economic growth.
Luxembourg continued to maintain low tariffs and reduce trade barriers to promote
economic growth and development through international trade and investment. As a
member of the European Union, Luxembourg also continued to benefit from free trade
agreements and customs unions among EU member states, which facilitated the
importation of goods and services into Luxembourg and made it easier for businesses in
Luxembourg to access international markets.
Luxembourg's favorable tax policies continued to attract foreign investment,
contributing greatly to the growth of its economy. These policies made it easier for
companies to establish operations in Luxembourg and expand their businesses within the
country, making it a hub for international businesses and a major player in the global
Luxembourg also continued to be committed to sustainable development in 2020.
The country implemented stricter regulations on the importation of products that did not
meet its environmental standards, promoting sustainable development and making
Luxembourg a leader in environmental protection within the European Union.
In summary, Luxembourg's foreign trade policy in 2020 prioritized economic growth
and development through international trade and investment, while also focusing on
sustainable development and innovation. The country maintained low tariffs and reduced
trade barriers to promote economic growth and development, and its favorable tax
policies continued to attract foreign investment. Additionally, Luxembourg's commitment
to sustainable development and environmental protection made it a leader in these areas
within the European Union.

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