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Based on the presented topic of Sexual Self, make this case analysis output Direction:
1. Read the article below and analyze the case.
2. Answer the following questions:
a. What are the challenges that were faced by Lily?
b. What do you feel about Lily’s case through all her experiences?
c. How would you analyze Lily’s case in connection with Sexual Self? You may
cite researches, reports and other supporting documents for this
d. What is your conclusion, suggestions and realizations?
a.) The challenges that she faced is when she was 8 years old, she was fooled by her mother and
auntie that she taught that they will go in a grand ceremony and she wearing a dress and to have
fun. But she took in an empty room and she getting abuse by two women in the room and start
those practices by cutting her or what we called female genitalia mutilation that girls and women
are removing external genitalia and it alter or injure her ganitalia for non-medical reasons. And
until then she had a traumatic disability that she carries until she has a partner. Also because of that
he always thinks that they didn’t have a child to care and also because of the cutting her husband
find another wife that can have his child. Lily is every trauma and experiencing a lot of pain. His
husband told and said that lily have brought a bad luck to him. Lily had felt in the lower point of
his life, she wants to give up and she always doubt her self on what happen to her.
b.) For me, based on what I have read and know about lily, I feel so sad on what she had
experience I cannot imagine that it can be happen and also, I feel so scared and pitiful because in
youngest age she cut that thing to her. If I’m her feel to myself a full of painful and also, I ask
myself what those things happen to me. Lily in youngest age she experiences it and her mother and
auntie didn’t do anything to stop, lily betrayed by her mother and auntie. In addition, I feel so sad
about what happen because of what happen to her, her life gets painful and trauma about the past
and she always remember it when she grew up. Also because of that she never had a child and
husband to take care her. In general, I feel so pitiful and sad because I don’t know what I am going
to do if I am in her situations.

c.) Lily experienced sexual abuse from her mother and relatives, which caused her so much pain.
She experiences pain physically and emotionally. Typically, people don’t think about how they
developed their sense of sexuality; it just happens through their lived experience. Because of
what Lily has gone through, she may have low sexual self-esteem. Sexual self-esteem refers to
her feelings about her body and her level of confidence in her intimate relationships with others.
It’s what you bring of yourself, both emotionally and physically, to sex and relationships — what
she does with that and how she shares that with someone else. Her husband also leaves her
because she can't satisfy his needs and can't give him kids, which results in her feeling alone. All
of this happened because of the abuse she experienced. Redefining her sexual self after sexual
abuse can be a challenge. Based an example case study in Harvard, A woman's perception of her
sexuality-and consequently her attitude toward FGM-is very much related to her status as a
woman within her community. In the case of Lily, she never understood about FGM and what
happened to her was total sexual abuse because of the pain she experienced and the result of not
having a kid.

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