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2 notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile te: Mobile App: URDU NOTES FOR 9™ CLASS (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) Goct? aw giles SBLUI feta x a o win > we Sap ie | exotichady | otptux for (> ee “0 thug thn Cirsin} a Wei Z Sod Laat ay Ye w Cite bow (ft g uy “4 & SY Ub areot eed Boke Src Sa7z i for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & 1 (Page 139 of 350) More notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile tbsite: Mobile| ee SLUHL SI BIDS ALY Sook? Sure LA IEP SiS et Shep A SiS rier sired LL S85 IL eo PUA CFS NL GS SOG HE LP Srl tke Fb Sterluis LEMS ob ti KP SA Pit EAE GES nba inking pander srl he Pras Zt p(B See bE FILL MSE AL In weron SF ASA SOV Ate t Sothern LL t IN i BF AUIS SI-< 8 42 AF Se 2 aEe2 SO0 nin Kh hfe WPS 6 S41 Vreuwvyurx sd af WY te At he SA Bh e282 SINS EVE PLE Sor” SEF LwiIQtF LI m6 yih foot eS BLIS Sal fersietine Let pee VEAL fds aPC aS cht acre tLe Hb London pers, (Page 140 of 350) more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile tbsite: Mobile| URDU NOTES FOR ‘CLASS (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) INS phe Bb ing hie Sista 6 Sloe et LEP Br Cos vt Cowie epee Sf wu FL 7 tn Fe on EMIT oe gebing ial MII ILS ML Wane ts Ie CP pig tL Bia LL BGS ISO rhe Se pileghd Ue hen eye Li sifie wo Se IE delblaer Jule Wind Lov ihe fide ne ig teil BR te Pte Vigo tanE cites LUtSettleae rhe KES tut pup LW te aSoreaitoZG id vie Viste saxo Pe SIINES fads Bn ZG PES LIP Gig? se Vo Pht fie ES tifa oo F Sot Se bw wee ws FI Se cd 7 ste Segue ff rp “BE AAGr eh She Pt Sbiveteneilisantersrrsrns SA Sin Leal nut A tenloeant Rw DPre yi Ls aS Pet PU Asytol more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile tbsite: Mobile PEA bz al Seb sUWHeLL ws WNL Pale tit dase PLL disco But bye susie L bOI hie Pox S85 tds KL gavin stuf Sere weit stoic strate Piece PRESS LISTS Creu Fehon sl f Perl iI SIral YeJRL ELE five Aene ine € etum a tf we or Ut us of E 7 “ilewaokr ed Ler Lo LMS aLiAlor sur tPA ves cot Ses turd Sor taut ot pS edie L nth eb Ae SHES UIn Lit ad Fev Hiyoe abl Leta Si rinpiitursd Sold viadndue ene sh Als hyl Ace WEP Si Eie BF HILLS BIE SIS sro tnt vic & wisn ebiuiirLoL poe LL ISM SoL Urb Gon et Ki gultlLnd pLululeeve PASS LI LLG Lents ul et he retVrA Efe» entered ‘(Page 142 of 350) for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & mor (Page 142 of 350) more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile Ap :bsite: www. Mobile URDU NOTES FOR 9" CLASS (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) 4 oh Soh ot ee in aa 0 gf af rg Vote Lied Aaitifor bos bg nm Put Ue We b th Gr 7B Ast che ivsZ ae” of Wu tAznk Spork BL Ke ee NG oe Oet6 88 HES WS Bb KSEE tt Sie png tod Phe ALi Soi hee WE e Whe Gine We Agha Sek ustream tLe th Leip SOI EF reer ty Se eb tL Sek et [Oe a6 EL MFG LP Wek AS FL Iai LIP EVL Sle alah nS FEE heen Lie BLS beta Loe® ctor SS HD Leor FE ATi tf Bev cin Le Sedat ar haat} Sp ARLHS EV EL ACL A NT OLE BE ne IIH IL GE CLP TALI fiw are Sei bats temsbz ay ay For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile Website: Mobile App: he Alu beat tderdoaeod BLM so Fut Ut WIL 2 oF BLIT ett Mt biPiy oi S08 Beet AL MINS EVP ULI GALI ey IAL DIE Pet N LL AL KILI LOR KiUInL wz bested Faden id at aleisid nie dos pea SST ee GAS Le SEALE LIES SH ARL del Ore C eww p as se Yt lRe tr te dL Withee SIL Pit gt vex lide Pe em oun hs pe sewuks Eviw td up wg lise 2a SB eoleobie turers ten lnk WEF Gin gSue DEM WL ALS Ot ate gee? i Snt Shh Ling ar Lonr suet SsingtS BS SeVEP mS reuergl etvrie LIs fortes tee wk MSIE P kok gor jie Kt bere wif ts tEL rr fIe infive ori booF™ eda 1m f Papers, Home Tut ‘rage 124 of 350) more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile Ay ebsite: Mobile| epust Part os. SE wi a bs op Sor Seeders citer ae Wr le be tu BLA gle Pisa he afb S ILI HES aohtbe sn Le EAS ad Leroi SucaSs 2 630 51 SHOTS ikl Net Hr JEL el SOS inne Jey IAPS gaponpoce tbs FP Ub Fi cel Wing t Eland bas) AL Suh? 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Wie eid Lb I FSA Su PFAeah, o Suse 2k a €£ by th in LT it ot) On, 2 Sn wu Ste MER BEDE ee LU terne “Live SPE S UA rua eae pv oP e tt & fie A x un then ELSIE ete Lt Sun tf gut) (Page 152 of 350) [Ome Meee co okey ore notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App rsite: Mobile App: URDU NOTES FOR 9” CLASS (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) rey Sees Slur S BLU Jobe o Bai ia sei WeSors na Shes wir eg w < eek et Fiat wal tyne thor utd Ww | fZnd/ | 2% uF a “4 Ab + Zktmdxtndy | £A Tees Und? oe” PLerpend Sistas ye Gla BE se» Ste zi ePieuat Bur excind Lei las itere CBP A andy We urea cf Sole BFF DALAL it 8 eb medio ILS Oe Pig biti bscrdd tirZ ed Lose sh fal mnt Siig fees tiplerZi Acer gy for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 153 of 350) Pre eeaecoeeorn] se (+) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile Website: Mobile, URDU NOTES FOR 9™" CLASS (FOR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) WII 6 Bhat SHEA Se UT rol bbl Ei te sl lates — BPs S21 Sct a BES EpEn We hte CA Su enafls gtr uP Agee SF Lb rb SAIIP LF GAR P Mls tbs ES Bosph ben SI rE BES SP PSU? sea Hern Sep Vispiirera tS SO bec he tushsoieSpSytes ‘ Sank BR be 2 Wy-< ut Si Bete» fF ASP febrile ti 2x Porte tle Pe SMP L pees se wt Stir Sie tbrésLinginl Bebe lOrttlesrSe — Bere}, bie lose af ie th Or 4 +P SA & ot # (Page 154 of 350) Nore notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App bsite: Mobile eet iru tue Bo eR Lewin! 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