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Dual atmosphere study of the K41X stainless steel

for interconnect application in high temperature
water vapour electrolysis

M.R. Ardigo a, I. Popa a,*, L. Combemale a, S. Chevalier a, F. Herbst a,

P. Girardon b
ICB, UMR 6303 CNRS-Universite de Bourgogne, 21078 Dijon Cedex, France
APERAM, Centre de Recherche, 62330 Isbergues, France

article info abstract

Article history: High temperature water vapour electrolysis (HTE) is one of the most efficient technologies
Received 11 July 2014 for mass hydrogen production. A major technical difficulty related to high temperature
Received in revised form water vapour electrolysis is the development of interconnects working efficiently for a long

1 December 2014 period. Working temperature of 800 C enables the use of metallic materials as in-
Accepted 20 January 2015 terconnects. High temperature corrosion behaviour and electrical conductivity of a com-
Available online 21 February 2015 mercial stainless steel, K41X (AISI 441), were tested in HTE dual atmosphere (95%O2-5%H20/
10%H2-90%H2O) at 800  C. The alloy exhibits a very good oxidation resistance compared to
Keywords: single atmosphere tests. However, a supplied electrical current significantly changes the
High temperature electrolysis nature of the oxides that form during the test. A very good Area Specific Resistance (ASR)
Interconnect parameter was measured in dual atmosphere, much lower than the values obtained in
Dual atmosphere single atmosphere tests.
Corrosion behaviour Copyright © 2015, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights
Electrical current influence reserved.

temperature and a good electrical conductivity with an area

Introduction specific resistance (ASR) below 0.1 U cm2 for 25000 h (expected
service lifetime) [1,2]. The targeted operating temperature of
High temperature water vapour electrolysis (HTE) is one of the 800  C enables the use of metallic interconnects and ferritic
most efficient technologies for mass hydrogen production. It stainless steels seem to be the best option [3,23].
works as an inverse fuel cell, using air at the anode side and A few works have only been done in HTE conditions. As
water vapour at the cathode side. To increase hydrogen pro- HTE is a reverse process compared to SOFC, literature data
duction, cells are overlapped, to create a stack. Stack con- dealing with SOFC interconnects can be considered. Several
struction requires the presence of interconnects, which works have been performed in O2/H2O gas environment, but
physically connect the anode of one individual cell to the only a few studies have been done under H2/H2O atmo-
cathode of the neighbouring one. spheres. However, tests in dual atmosphere, by exposing the
The most important criteria required for the interconnect interconnect at the anode atmosphere at one side and at the
are a good oxidation resistance in air and in H2/H2O at high

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ33 (0)380396159; fax: þ33 (0)380396132.

E-mail address: (I. Popa).
0360-3199/Copyright © 2015, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
5306 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 5 3 0 5 e5 3 1 2

cathode atmosphere at the other side, are required in order to and the alumina tube. In this way, one surface of the sample is
do a more realistic evaluation of the interconnect material. exposed at the anode atmosphere (95%O2e5%H2O) while the
The SOFC literature reports very few studies done in dual at- other surface is simultaneously exposed to the cathode at-
mosphere and they all suggest that the nature of the oxide mosphere (10%H2e90%H2O). An electrical current can be
scale that grows at the O2 side is influenced by the H2 gas applied and the resulting voltage can be measured. The Ohm's
present at the other side, while any evolution was not law allows to calculate the resistance of the growing oxide
observed at the H2 side [4e8]. layer (R ¼ V/I). The ASR parameter is obtained by multiplying
In a previous study performed in HTE single atmospheres this resistance with the interconnect surface. These conduc-
[9], the high temperature corrosion resistance and the elec- tivity measurements can be performed in-situ during the dual
trical conductivity of a commercial ferritic stainless steel with atmosphere exposure of the interconnect. The value of the
18% Cr-content, the K41X (AISI 441), were assessed in both supplied electrical current was identical to single atmosphere
anode (95%O2e5%H2O) and cathode atmosphere (10%H2e90% tests, 150 mA, corresponding to a current density of
H2O) at 800  C on as-rolled samples. In both atmospheres, the 130 mA cm2.
formation of a duplex oxide scale was revealed. In O2-H2O, a For safety reasons, on the cathode side of the set-up, H2
Cr-Mn spinel-type oxide grew at the top of an inner chromia was diluted in Ar and the real gas composition used was Ar-1%
layer, of about 0.2e1.4 mm after 100 h of exposition. In H2-H2O, H2e9%H2O (that allows maintaining the H2-H2O ratio con-
an inner layer consisting of a Cr-Fe mixed oxide and an outer stant). Gas mixture (Ar/1%H2 or O2) was passed through
layer formed by a magnetite-type iron oxide were observed, boiling distilled water. The H2O fraction (9% or 5% respec-
with a total thickness of about 2e3 mm. The result obtained in tively) was controlled and adjusted by bubbling gas through a
single H2-H2O atmosphere was very surprising and not in vertical tube cooled at a well-defined temperature.
agreement with the literature data concerning chromia- The oxide surface and cross-section morphologies, as well
forming alloys in general [10] and K41X alloy in particular as the chemical composition of the corrosion products, were
[11]. This specific behaviour could be related to the mechani- analysed using a JEOL JSM-6400F scanning electron micro-
cal surface state [12]. scope. Phase composition of the oxide scales was determined
In parallel, electrical resistivity measurements were per- by X-ray diffraction (XRD) with an Inel CPS 120 diffractometer
formed in both HTE atmospheres during 100 h at 800  C. A using Cu Ka (l ¼ 0.154 nm) radiation with a fixed incidence
rather high, non-suitable, ASR parameter value (0.45 U cm2) angle of 3 .
was obtained in the cathode atmosphere, while a better
behaviour, but still too high (0.1 U cm2) was observed in the
anode atmosphere [13]. Results and discussion
In this paper, we performed very new and innovative dual
atmosphere tests in HTE conditions on the K41X material, the Dual atmosphere influence on the oxidation behaviour (test
interconnect being exposed at one side to H2-H2O and at the without electrical current)
other side to O2-H2O. In a first type of tests, the interconnect
reactivity at 800  C was evaluated in dual atmosphere and Fig. 1 shows the surface and cross-section morphologies of the
compared to single atmosphere results. In parallel, to better K41X alloy after ageing during 100 h at 800  C in dual
approach functioning situation, a second type of tests was atmosphere.
done by applying an electrical current through the intercon-
nect during the dual atmosphere exposition. The possible in- Dual atmosphere influence at the O2-H2O side (HTE anode side)
fluence of the electrical current on the oxidation phenomena At the anode side (Fig. 1a), the SEM images show a compact
was checked by comparing microstructural analysis results oxide layer, without any cracks or gap. The corrosion scale
obtained during the two different tests. consists in some pyramidal grains randomly distributed on a
continuous and compact layer made of smaller grains. The
XRD pattern showed the presence of two oxides: (Cr,Mn)3O4
Material and methods and Cr2O3. Cross-section observations (Fig. 1b) together with
EDX analysis confirm the presence of a duplex oxide scale: an
The material selected for this study, K41X, is a commercial inner scale formed by protective chromia and an outer scale
stainless steel with 18% Cr content (Fee- 18%Cr e 0.58%Si e mainly formed by the Cr-Mn spinel type oxide grains. The
0.52%Nb e 0.25%Mn e 0.14%Ti), provided by Aperam Isber- oxide scale is adherent to the substrate and its thickness is
gues, France. Prior to dual atmosphere tests, the as-rolled found to vary between 0.4 mm and 1.5 mm.
samples were cut into discs of 24 mm diameter and 1 mm At the O2-H2O side of the dual atmosphere exposition, the
thick. Specimens were ultrasonically cleaned in ethanol and oxide scale composition, morphology and thickness are very
dried at room temperature. similar to those obtained in single atmosphere. This result is
Dual atmosphere tests were performed at 800  C by using a very interesting, as the few studies that were performed in
commercial set-up (ProboStat™), distributed by NorECs (Nor- dual SOFC conditions at 800  C report an anomalous oxidation
wegian Electro Ceramics AS). The sample is placed between at the air side (dry air or moist air). The grown scales are
two Pt grid electrodes, that are assembled together by using a significantly different of those grown on samples exposed to
resort system. This assembly is placed on top of an alumina air on both sides [4,5]. This anomalous oxidation was related
tube and then in the middle of a vertical furnace. The system's to the transport of hydrogen through the steel (that was
sealing is insured by a silver paste put between the sample proved to be over 60 mm in 1 h at 800  C) [14]. In consequence,
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 5 3 0 5 e5 3 1 2 5307

Fig. 1 e SEM observations after dual atmosphere exposition of the K41X alloy during 100 h at 800  C: (a) surface at the anode
side (O2-H2O); (b) cross-section at the anode side; (c) surface at the cathode side (H2-H2O); (d) cross-section at the cathode

an important increase of the Fe concentration or the forma- pressure present at the H2-H2O side (1% against 97% in normal
tion of Fe-rich oxide nodules within the air side scale can be SOFC dual experiments) can be discussed. However, Zhao
observed [15]. This effect strongly depends on the alloy et al. [16] and Yang et al. [5] obtained similar results at the air
composition: it becomes less pronounced when the Cr content side of the K41X alloy after dual experiments that were per-
increases [5,6]. Nevertheless, even for high Cr content (~27%), formed in Ar-5%H2e3%H2O/dry air and respectively in 97%
where any unusual phases are not observed, the air side scales H2e3%H2O/dry air. In both cases, the anomalous oxidation
are less dense than in single atmosphere [5,6]. occurred, leading to Fe-rich nodules formation.
However, not only the Cr content is an important factor, Another parameter taken into account in the SOFC litera-
but also the minor alloying elements. For instance, the K41X ture is the H2 flow rate. Zhao et al. [16] showed that the
alloy exhibits substantially accelerated and anomalous air- number of Fe-rich nodules becomes higher with increasing
side corrosion related to its Nb content, as Nb is known to gas velocity between 1.5 cm s1 and 11 cm s1, but a certain
have a high solubility for hydrogen. By segregating at the grain amount of nodules was already present at the lower tested
boundaries, it can serve as a short-circuit diffusion pathway value. In our study, the H2 velocity was kept constant at
for hydrogen within the steel [7,15]. 0.75 cm s1, rather similar to the minimum value tested by
In our study, even if the tests were done with the same Zhao et al. The H2 flow rate is probably not responsible for our
duration and temperature conditions (100 h at 800  C) as most observations.
of the above cited studies, the anomalous oxidation behaviour Water vapour level at the O2 side is also discussed in the
was not observed at the O2-H2O side of the dual HTE exposi- SOFC literature, as a higher growth occurs with a higher hu-
tion, as can be observed in Fig. 2. EDX mapping was done on midity level [16,17]. However, it cannot be considered in our
the oxide scale that grew on this side of the K41X sample. The case as the values are very similar between our study (5%) and
presence of Cr and Mn can be noticed inside the oxide scale; the SOFC studies done in wet air (3%).
however Fe signal is absent, proving that no Fe diffusion took The last parameter that can be discussed is the water
place during the experiment. Several hypotheses were taken vapour level at the H2 side, as the oxide scales formed at this
into account to explain this very good behaviour. side are thicker than those formed under dry H2 and, conse-
In the SOFC literature, the Fe transport through the scale quently, will decrease hydrogen transport through the sample
formed at the air side is strongly related to the hydrogen and oxidation at the air side [8]. A variation from 0% to 3% of
diffusion from the opposite side through the entire metal the H2O fraction leads to a significant decrease of the oxide
thickness. We can suppose that in our case, the low H2 partial thickness and of the Fe content at the air side [8]. In our case, it
5308 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 5 3 0 5 e5 3 1 2

Fig. 2 e EDX mapping of the oxide scale grown on K41X at the anode side (O2-H2O) after the dual atmosphere experiment of
100 h at 800  C.

is possible to imagine that a 9% H2O level at the H2 side is high the H2-H2O side of the dual atmosphere exposition. The K41X
enough to inhibit the H2 diffusion to the opposite side and drastic evolution in HTE dual conditions is certainly related to
might explain our results. Moreover, the H2O:H2 ratio is the chemical potential difference compared to the H2-H2O
probably also a key factor, as the SOFC atmosphere is H2 rich, single atmosphere.
while the HTE atmosphere is H2O rich (ratio of 3:97 in the first
case and 9:1 in the latter case). Electrical current influence on the oxidation behaviour in
dual atmosphere conditions (test with applied electrical
Dual atmosphere influence at the H2-H2O side (HTE cathode current)
At the cathode side of the sample (Fig. 1c), the surface After exposing the K41X alloy during 100 h at 800  C in dual
morphology of the oxide layer is slightly different with respect atmosphere conditions under an applied electrical current of
to the anode case. Although it is still compact, without any 150 mA, two different regions could be identified on the
cracks, the oxide layer is now entirely formed of small grains sample: a first one outside the electrodes and a second one
(smaller than those present at the anode side). However, the that was located under the electrodes during the test.
XRD pattern showed the presence of the same two oxides: Fig. 3 shows the surface and cross-section morphologies of
(Cr,Mn)3O4 and Cr2O3. The cross-section observations (Fig. 1d) the regions situated outside the electrodes. Any important
show a thin oxide scale, with a thickness that varies between difference with respect to the previous experiment done
0.6 and 1.2 mm. Some porosity can be observed at the interface without electrical current could not be detected. At both sides
with the metallic substrate. EDX analyses showed that in this of the sample, a very similar surface morphology is observed.
case the oxide scale is formed by a continuous Cr-Mn spinel The oxide layers are composed of (Cr,Mn)3O4 and Cr2O3. The
oxide outer layer grown on a chromia inner layer. cross-section analysis shows that the thickness of the oxide
At the H2-H2O side, the oxide scale obtained in dual at- scale is very low in both cases, of about 400 nm.
mosphere, composed of (Cr,Mn)3O4 and Cr2O3 phases, is In the electrodes region, the grown oxide scales are
completely different than the one obtained in single atmo- completely different than those evidenced outside the elec-
sphere and formed of Fe3O4 and (Cr,Fe)2O3 phases. This trodes. On both sides of the K41X sample, a rather similar
change of composition is also correlated with a lower thick- microstructure was observed, as shown in Fig. 4a,b in cross-
ness in dual conditions. section SEM images. The oxide scales are formed of separate
This result is surprising for two reasons. First of all, any large nodules connected by very thin Cr2O3/(Cr,Mn)3O4 layers.
change in the oxide scale composition and morphology was The nodules have similar thicknesses at both sides, but they
not observed during dual atmosphere SOFC tests compared to are more elongated and more numerous at the cathode side.
single atmosphere experiments [9]. Secondly, as said in the A zoom on such a nodule is shown in Fig. 5. Three different
introduction part, the mechanical state of the sample surface layers can be identified inside the nodule. The superior layer
determines the growth of iron-based oxides in H2-H2O atmo- seems to have grown in top of the initial metal surface. EDX
spheres. As the tests in single atmosphere and dual atmo- analysis showed that it contains only Fe and O, which should
sphere were done on similar as-rolled samples, a complete correspond to a Fe3O4 oxide, according to EDX quantification.
change of the oxide scale composition was not expected. The other two layers grew inside the metal. The middle layer
At this moment of our study, we have no explanation for is a Cr-Fe mixed oxide, while the inferior layer contains only
the evolution between the non-protective behaviour observed Cr and O and probably corresponds to chromia. If the inner
in single H2-H2O atmosphere to the protective one observed at Cr2O3 layer is very thin and compact, it is not the case of the
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 5 3 0 5 e5 3 1 2 5309

Fig. 3 e SEM observations done outside the electrode region after dual atmosphere exposition of the K41X alloy with
electrical current supplied: (a) surface at the anode side (O2-H2O); (b) cross-section at the anode side; (c)surface at the cathode
side (H2-H2O); (d) cross-section at the cathode side.

two exterior layers, which are very porous (in particular the the electrical current effect on the HTE dual atmosphere
Cr-Fe oxide) and rather thick. The total thickness of the nod- behaviour of the K41X alloy.
ules is generally situated between 5 mm and 15 mm. There is a very small number of works in the literature
The nodules structure was already observed at the air side concerning the electrical current effect on the stainless steels
of dual SOFC experiments [5,18] and also in single Ar-4% high temperature oxidation [18,20,21]. They all show a positive
H2e20%H2O atmosphere at lower temperatures [19]. However, influence at the cathode side and a detrimental one at the
it was never observed before on K41X steel after tests done at anode side. By taking into account chromia growth on Fe-25Cr
800  C in HTE single or dual atmosphere. As it is only observed steel at 800  C, Kawamura et al. showed that, when an elec-
in the regions where the electrodes were placed on the sample trical current is supplied, the flux of Cr3þ is changed, being
during the test, it is possible to relate this microstructure to promoted at the anode side and restrained in the cathode side.

Fig. 4 e Cross-section observations done under the electrode after dual atmosphere exposition of the K41X alloy with
electrical current supplied: (a) anode side (O2-H2O); (b) cathode side (H2-H2O).
5310 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 5 3 0 5 e5 3 1 2

Fig. 5 e Cross-section observations and EDX mapping of a nodule grown in the electrode area during the dual atmosphere
exposition of the K41X alloy for 100 h at 800  C with electrical current supplied.

Compared to the situation without electrical current, it results in the nodules has a very good electrical conductivity [22], the
a thicker anode scale and a thinner cathode scale. chromia layer shows a very poor electrical behaviour. More-
In our case, the thickness of the oxide scale is not very over, the very dense chromia layer seems to be continuous
different between the O2-H2O side and the H2-H2O side. This inside all the observed nodules. Together with a very impor-
result might be related to the 4 times lower electrical current tant thickness (5e15 mm), it is obvious that the very good ASR
density, 130 mA cm2, compared to that used in the SOFC parameter cannot be related to the nodules presence.
literature of 500 mA cm2. In parallel, the total time of our The chromia thin layers that connect the nodules might be
experiment, 100 h, is probably too short in order to lead to a the explanation for the very interesting conductivity as their
visible difference of thickness between the two sides. thickness is extremely low (200e500 nm), as shown in Fig. 6.
The evolution of the oxide scale microstructure when an Moreover, Cr-Mn spinel oxide grains can be observed in top of
electrical current is supplied was equally surprising as no the chromia layer and they are expected to enhance the
such effect was observed in single atmosphere. Indeed, in this electrical conductivity of the scale [3,23e25]. The hypothesis
latter case, the same morphology and composition was that the good conductivity is directly related to thin Cr2O3/
observed in the oxide scales obtained after conductivity (Cr,Mn)3O4 layer is supported by the fact that the ASR
measurements or after simple ageing treatments. It seems parameter has almost no variation during the experiment, in
that the nodules morphology results from the combined effect connection with the well-known very slow chromia growth.
of the dual atmosphere and the electrical current. However, the literature discusses the influence of the
hydrogen (from H2 or H2O) dissolution in the chromia scale on
Electrical behaviour in dual atmosphere the conductivity [26]. By injecting protons in the oxide layer,
the hydrogen might be responsible of the default concentra-
The area specific resistance (ASR) parameter measured in dual tion change and, consequently, of its conductivity decrease
atmosphere conditions has a very good value, of 0.04 U cm2 [27]. Nevertheless, all these observations were done during
after 100 h at 800  C, lower that both the values obtained in single atmosphere experiments and it is obvious that they do
single O2-H2O and H2-H2O atmospheres and lower than the not agree with our results. In dual atmosphere, the difference
limit value of 0.1 U cm2. of chemical potential between the two sides can be again the
The ASR parameter reflects both the thickness and the reason of different phenomena than those observed in singles
composition of the oxide layer. Even if the magnetite present atmospheres.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 5 3 0 5 e5 3 1 2 5311

Fig. 6 e Cross-section observations and EDX mapping of the thin oxide layer that connects the nodules grown in the
electrode area during the dual atmosphere exposition of the K41X alloy for 100 h at 800  C with electrical current supplied.

A very interesting ASR parameter value was measured

Conclusion (0.04 U cm2) in dual atmosphere, lower than both the values
obtained in single atmospheres. The very good electrical
In order to better approach interconnect HTE functioning behaviour was related to the very low thickness of the
conditions, very new and innovative tests were performed on chromia/Cr-Mn spinel oxide layer that connects the nodules.
K41X in dual atmosphere at 800  C during 100 h. If the oxide
layer grown at the anode (O2-H2O) side is the same as obtained
previously in single atmosphere (Cr2O3 and (Cr,Mn)3O4), a
totally different situation was observed at the cathode (H2- Acknowledgement
H2O) side: the corrosion scale is now composed by inner
chromia and outer (Cr,Mn)3O4 protective oxides (instead of This work has been supported by French Research National
Cr2O3 and Fe3O4). Agency (ANR) through the project ICARE n ANR-08-PANH-009.
Unlike SOFC dual tests, the Fe poisoning is avoided at the
O2-H2O side of the HTE tests, most likely because of the higher
H2O content at the opposite side. The very interesting evolu-
tion of the oxide layer at the H2-H2O side compared to single
atmosphere tests is not fully understood yet and it is probably
related to the different chemical potential.
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