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Directions: Copy the following in a Word document. Re-write the verbose or lengthy
sentences into short, simple, and clear sentences.

1. It is true that here and there the true the "creamy richness” of his style becomes
verbosity, and that he occasionally draws too freely on his inexhaustible epithets,
metaphors and turns of speech; but these faults which did not escape the
censure even of friendly critics like Quintilian, are comparatively rare in the extant
parts of his work.

It is true that his style and habit to occasionally draw freely on his epithets,
metaphors and turns of speech are comparatively rare in the extant parts of his

2. He saw also that much of the inefficiency of the Assembly arose from the
inexperience of the members and their incurable verbosity; so, to establish some
system of rules, he got his friend Rommily to draw up a detailed account of the
rules and customs of the English House of Commons, which he translated into
French, but which the Assembly puffed up by a belief in its own merits, refused to

He saw that the Assembly’s inefficiency is due to the inexperience of its

members; so, he asked Rommily to draw a detailed account of rules and
customs of the English House of Commons, which he translated into French, but
the Assembly refused to use.

3. The schools were extensive buildings attached to the temples, where from an
early age the boys and girls were taught by the priests to sweep the sanctuaries,
and keep up the sacred fires, to fast at proper seasons, and draw blood for
penance, and where they receive moral teachings in long and verbose formula.

Priests taught the boys and girls from a school to sweep the extensive
sanctuary and ensure that the area is very sacred.
Directions: The following are old-fashioned, worn-out expressions that need to be
Omitted or avoided in sentence construction:

1. According to our records - Our records show

2. Enclosed herewith - Enclosed
3. Needless to say - Obviously / Clearly
4. By leaps and bounds - Very fast
5. It has come to my attention - I understand that
6. Enclosed please find - Attached
7. Thanking you in advance - I shall appreciate

Write sentences replacing them into fresh, natural languages. One example for each.
1. Our records show that majority of COVID-19 patients in the Philippines are
between the ages of 25 – 40 years old.

2. Enclosed in the email are pertinent documents related to the training.

3. Obviously, she was annoyed by the situation.

4. Women rights have advanced very fast since the turn of the century.

5. I understand that some of our soldiers are silently suffering from post-traumatic
stress disorder.

6. Attached are my Personal Data Sheet, Certificate of Good Moral Character, and
two 2x2 ID pictures.

7. I shall appreciate your kind assistance to our team.

Directions: Re-write the following sentences cancelling or dropping extra words or


1. Allowing the agent’s request means the showing of all confidential documents.

Allowing the agent’s request means showing of confidential documents.

2. It is necessary for the customers that they should have to surrender the
receipts to the officer of the day in order to get a refund.
In order to get refund all customers should surrender their receipts to the
officer of the day.
Write an essay (two-page, double-spaced) on the topic, "Education and training is as
essential as the ships of the navy”..., avoiding the use of the passive voice of the verb in

"Education and Training is as Essential as the Ships of the Navy”

Dr. Seuss once said, " the more that you read, the more things you will know,

and the more that you learn, the more places you'll go". Education is the systematic

process of learning something with a goal of acquiring knowledge, training on the other

hand is the process of learning something with a goal of performing a specific skill or

behavior. Education and training provide knowledge and skills of workers needed to do

their work safely to avoid creating hazards that could place themselves or others at risk,

and make them aware and understand of workplace hazards and how to identify, report,

and control them.

In particular, education and training of naval personnel is a vital in doing their

assigned duties and responsibilities as well as for their career growth. This will ensure

them to fulfil their mission and vision as navy personnel.

On the other hand, the Armed Forces of the Philippines in continuing its efforts to

modernized its units, giving equal importance to maritime and air assets. The Philippine

Navy has remained in high spirits in terms of developing its capabilities. They will be

provided with warships, amphibious assault vehicles (for Philippine Marines), naval

helicopters, multi-purpose attack craft, and additional base support facilities. With these

additional essential and highly-technical ships, our being well-equipped as we face

adversaries in our territorial defense, counter-insurgency efforts, including humanitarian

response. Enhancing our capabilities in terms of equipment and assets gives us the

motivation and preparedness to overcome these challenges.

However, being well-equipped must also come hand in hand with being well-

skilled to operate and maintain these resources. Hence, as we upgrade our capabilities

in terms of ships, we must also upgrade our human capabilities through education and


To meet the human performance needs of naval operations in an increasingly

technology-intensive environment, the Philippine Navy should consider the following:

First, increase significantly the proportion of naval force officers who obtain bachelor's

degrees in science, mathematics, or engineering. Second, ensure time in the career

paths of all officers who are capable of and motivated to invest the considerable effort

required for postgraduate study in science and technology by establishing joint

programs with research-based academic institutions. Lastly, place a priority on ensuring

a continuing stream of fresh young talent employed in naval laboratories. Those who

are retained in a larger career path should have regular opportunities to refresh their

talents. Continuous education and training as well as programs provided by the Navy to

provide career-long enhancement of the abilities of naval personnel.

The time to devote resources to obtaining education and training is when the

nation is at peace. It is self-evident that there is no time for education and training

during wartime. Let us prepare our naval personnel with tantamount knowledge and

skills to confidently sail their ships with pride and honor.

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