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Chapter 1


The use of mobile devices by higher education students has grown in the last

years (GMI, 2019). Technological advancement is also pushing society with consequent

rapidly changing environments. Higher education institutions (HEIs) are not exempted

from these technological changes and advancement, and it is compulsory that they follow

this technological evolution so that the teaching-learning process is improved and enrich.

HEIs are trying to integrate digital devices such as mobile phones and tablets, and

informal learning situation, assuming that the use of these technologies may result in a

different learning approach and increase students’ motivation and proficiency (Aagaard.


In a study by Magda., & Aslanian (2018), student report that they access course

document and communicate with the faculty via their mobile devices, such as

smartphone, over 40% say they perform searches for reports and access institutions E-

learning system via mobile devices (Magda, & Aslanian, 2018). The EDUCAUSE

Horizon Report -2019 higher education edition (Alexander et al., 2019) also mentions M-

learning as the main development in the use of technology in higher education. However,

teachers believe students use their gadgets less than they actually do, and mobile devices

also challenge teaching practices. Students use devices for off-task (Jesse, 2015) or

parallel activities and there may be inaccurate references to their actual use of mobile

devices. Mobile devices users have different usage habits of their devices and their

applicants, and it is important to study and characterize these behaviors in different

contexts, as explained below. The reports that usually support these studies are made with

questions directed to the users themselves asking them questions about the apps they

have on the devices and the reasons for using them. However, Gerpott @ Thomas (2014)

argue that other types of studies of studies are needed to properly support this type of


Studies are usually conducted in organizations, based on the opinion of the

participants, and cannot be replicated, for example, regarding the use of the internet or

mobile applications by the general public, because these devices, unlike desktop devices,

can be used anywhere and at any time (Gernot @ Thomas,2014).

Mobile devices users have different usage habits of their devices and their

applications, and it is important to study and characterize these behaviors in different

contexts, as explained below. The reports that usually support these studies are made with

questions directed to the users themselves asking them questions about the apps they

have on the devices and the reasons for using them. However, Gerpott @ Thomas (2014)

argue that other types of studies are needed to properly support this type of research.

Studies are usually conducted in organizations, based on the opinion of the

participants, and cannot be replicated and generalized, for example, regarding the use of

the internet or mobile applications by the general public, because these devices, unlike

desktop devices, can be used anywhere and at any time (Gerpott @ Thomas,2014).

Furthermore, in mobile contexts, it becomes difficult for people to remember

what they have used, because mobile applications can be used for various tasks, in

various contexts, whether professional or personal, and the variety of applications, the

use made, the periods of use are usually so wide and differentiated, that it can become

difficult for users to refer which services or applications they have used, under which

circumstances and how often. (Boase & Ling, 2013).

Project Context

Advances in mobile technology have enabled a wide range of application to be

developed that can be used by people in the move. Developers sometimes overlook the

fact that users will want to interact with such devices while on the move. Small screen

size, limited connectivity high power consumption rates and limited input modalities are

just some of the issues that arise for small, portable devices. One of the biggest issues is

the context in which they are used. As these devices are designed to enable users to use

them while, the impact that the use of these devices has on the mobility of the user is a

critical factor to the success of failure of the application current research has

demonstrated that cognitive overload can be an important aspect of usability. It seems

likely that mobile devices may be sensitive to the effects of cognitive overload, due to

their likely deployment in multiple task settings and limitations of size. This aspect of

usability is often overlooked in existing usability models, which are outlined in the next

section, as these models, are design for application which is seldom used in a mobile


People in virtual environments and those in real world can connect with each

other via mobile learning (Traxler & Koole, 2014). Moreover, learning communities can

be created among people on the move. Considering these specialities, mobile learning is

at the forefront as a supportive element of lifelong learning and in-service learning. The

interaction opportunities of mobile learning provide sustainability of education outside of

the classroom (Sharples, Arnedillo-Sánchez, Milrad, & Vavoula, 2009). In this way,

mobile devices affect the socio-cultural and cognitive aspects of learning (Pachler, 2009).

Studies on mobile learning focus on how learners on the move gain new knowledge,

skills and experiences (Sharples et al., 2009).

Rapid development of mobile technologies brings some disadvantages to

researchers and learners as well. Learners devote time to get used to the characteristics of

the new device. Researchers face challenges carrying out longitudinal studies. People,

who have mobile devices, desire to use these devices in mobile learning settings for their

personal needs, which poses challenges to researchers on having control over variables

(Pachler, 2009).

Purpose and Description

One of the advantages of mobile learning is the ability to provide access to

learning contents out of the course time. Mobile learning management systems might be

used to provide this. Additionally, mobile learning contents are produced based on design

principles for qualified interactions. Researchers suggest that the duration of access time

should be increased (Çelik, 2012). Moreover, determining and reporting duration and

number of the visit session in the mobile learning system are important (Sayın, 2010;

Martin & Ertzberger, 2013).

At the same time, various technical regulations are proposed for effective learning

through mobile learning such as rapid and wireless internet network infrastructure, big

screen size and mobile applications in the native language of students, so that students

will not be exposed to extraneous cognitive load (Anderson, Franklin, Yinger, Sun, &

Geist, 2013; Ozan, 2013; Royle, Stager & Traxler, 2014; Sur, 2011). Being distractive,

challenges in use and technical issues are seen as problems that have to be solved in

mobile learning (Gikas & Grant, 2013). There are implications and recommendations for

implementation in mobile learning research. There are various researches that mobile

learning increased academic achievement (Çelik, 2012; Köse, Koç & Yücesoy, 2013;

Oberer & Erkollar, 2013). Ozan (2013) came with a conclusion that mobile learning is

more permanent for learning. In addition, using social networks and mobile technologies

positively affect students’ performance toward courses. Evans (2008) emphasized that

mobile learning is more effective and instructive than books, and more supportive in


Objectives of the study

The main goal of the project is to aid the 3 rd year BSIT students of MSU-Sulu to

learn and familiarize effectively and efficiently their subject in ITE 133 which is

Advance Computer Networks. Also, to provide a handheld manual to those who are

interested to learn about computer networking in accordance with Mikrotik and Cisco

Standards. Specifically, the project aims to:

1. Design and develop an android-based mobile application manual called ITE133

Advance Computer Networking applied which is capable of:

a. Accessing the different modules

b. Enumerate the different modules for a specific topic.

2. Design and develop a well-designed application that can make the students feel

like comfortable in using it.

a. Learn computer programming and networking lesson in off-line sitting.

b. Understand informative opportunities for mobile phones.

3. Provide a quiz game.

a. Answerable interactive quiz game that is related to the topic.

b. Serve as a reviewer.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study only covers the development of an android based course manual

application for ITE133 students of MSU-Sulu particularly related to topic of computer

networking. The researchers will focus on designing and developing an application that

informative to learners. The application is solely for computer networking only.

The application will only cover the topics related to computer networking which

includes Mikrotik and Cisco. The specific student enrolled in the said subject will be the

one who will benefit the application or the user of the application. The application will

provide an interactive quiz game that allow the user to the following questions related to

the topic.

The database maintenance feature of the proposed application will focus on

adding, maintaining and managing topic manually based from the updated modules given

by the instructor or teacher of the said subject. Only the teacher or instructor of the said

subject will be the one to provide the content or instructional materials to be uploaded to

the application.

The proposed application will not be implemented using client-server mode or

(LAN) connectivity. This application is both offline and online setting. All the content or

the module references are uploaded or link to the internet. The interactive quiz feature of

the application is accessible offline. Students can answer the provided questions that are

all related and given from the topic.

Chapter 2
Review of Related Systems and Studies

This chapter presents the related systems and studies and the technical

background that may help the researchers in developing the proposed system.

Technical Background

The project entitled Mobile Based Course Manual Application for ITE133 Subject

is an online and also offline application that can view topic modules, embed video clips

tutorials, answer quizzes for students to take. The user has to use a smart mobile phone

which is run by an android operating system. These are generically used to describe a

range of integrated mobile based applications that provide teachers, students, to support

and enhance educational delivery and management.

The hardware that will be used in system is any smart mobile devices (like

Android and iPhone). The android technology is an open-source mobile operating system

and it is more efficient and effective compared to the other technologies, such as mobile

Windows, producing fast, user friendly and appealing applications. With this formidable

mobile technology advancement, more and more students can seek informal education.

The researcher used the software B4Android as the front-end of the application.

B4A is an alternative to programming with Java. The language itself is similar to Visual

Basic and Visual Basic. Net though it is adapted to the native Android environment. B4A

is an object-based and event-driven language. The researchers used google drive for the

storage linkages of the topic references. The application is direct link to specific google

drive account where the files are stored online.

There is a wide range of mobile devices on the market including laptops, PDAs,

and eBook readers. However, we will be looking at the most popular mobile device – the

mobile phone. Mass proliferation of mobile phones and the features and functionality

they offer make the device stand out as an area ripe for exploration. Mobile phones are

multi-function devices which are of interest due to their very nature of offering

‘mobility’, but also for their ability to create and consume digital media. Furthermore, its

convergence with the Internet offers further potential opportunities to support teaching

and learning.

What makes mobile learning exciting is that despite many of the individual features being

around for years, it is the bringing together of the features, functionality and ability to

connect to the Internet that means we have now passed the tipping point regarding learner

adoption: thus, creating and using digital media can be seriously looked at with these


The mobile user experience is different from the desktop computer experience

and the, face-to-face experience however mobile learning can be used to support both as

well as standing alone. “If we treat the mobile web as its own environment rich with

possibilities, rather than a crippled extension of the desktop experience with restrictive

limitations, we begin to understand how to embrace and even exploit those possibilities”

above, Cameron Moll points out that we are now at a point where we must consider the

mobile experience in its own right – the learning objectives remain the same – to provide

a rich teaching and learning experience – but that the context of mobile differs from that

of designing for a desktop computer experience and that of a face-to-face experience.

Teaching using mobile devices uniquely offers us newfound mobility, and functionality

opportunities that are not possible with desktop computers. These opportunities should at

a minimum intrigue us and will hopefully lead to many new and exciting uses of mobile

devices that we are able to take advantage.

Related Studies

The Mobile-based Interactive Learning Environment (MOBILE)

Mobile-based interactive learning environment (MOBILE) for aiding elementary

school English learning. The MOBILE consists of a mobile learning server and mobile

learning tools, which is able to support in- or outdoor learning activities. Several theme-

based mobile learning activities including body parts learning and creation of species are

conducted. Experimental results obtained from post tests and questionnaire indicate that

the MOBILE can significantly increase students’ interest and effect in learning English as

compared to the traditional manner.

Mobile phones as a challenge for m-learning: Mobile Interactive Learning Objects


According to Fabs, 2014 The widespread use of mobile phones (in Europe often

called “handles”) enables a long-awaited dream: learning at any place, at any time. This

“not being tied to particular locations” is for example especially interesting in the area of

medicine i.e. for vocational training of medical staff and students. As the amount of

medical information continues to grow, timely access to information is critical to medical

personnel. However, such applications cannot be the transformation of standard

computerized learning material; special design issues must be considered. In this paper

we present a practical approach to m-learning and call it “mobile interactive learning

objects” (MILOs) which are used within a mobile learning engine (MLE) that runs on

mobile phones.

Mobile learning and mobility in teacher training

The mobile learning project, where a mobile device is used for educational

activities. The article defines the word mobility from the educational point of view. The

main perspective in this article is in teacher training. We present experiences of how

mobile technology was used in teacher training, how trainees and supervising teachers

felt the use of mobile technology. The pilot was carried out on Department of Home

Economics and Craft Science in the University of Helsinki. The idea of the pilot was that

the supervising teacher and trainee students discuss and share their ideas about teaching

methods etc. through mobile devices and also use SMS-messaging and digital pictures as

a part of supervising process. The use of digital pictures which were delivered via a

mobile device came up to be surprisingly successful. The goal of these innovative pilot

projects is to create flexible teaching solutions, which will enable the accessing of

information with all kinds of devices, and to support learning in a variety of situations.

Mobile Application Development for Insurance

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The mobile services and applications value chain has gone through many changes

during the past few years (1990-2012) due to the evolution of mobile devices and their

capabilities. According to Chohick (2011), a platform is “a product that can be extended

by a user for the benefit of other users”, and this statement can be verified by that the

iPhone or android as a platform played a fundamental role in the shift of developer’s

attention to this new opportunity, as well as consumer education and awareness of the

benefits of applications to ensure a viable ecosystem.

As more and more community are transferred to mobile technologies, well, in

truth, the number of people owning a Smartphone or a tablet and other new devices has

skyrocketed over the last few years, every economic aspect is faced with a new

perspective in approaching customers. In the context of software progress, hundreds of

millions of mobile owners and social media, insurance companies and their respective

ecosystems cannot afford to be kept out of the digital loop.

E-Learning via Android Application

This project focuses on developing a mobile application that includes the major

functionalities of the UTP E-Learning website which are used by students, into a stand-

alone mobile application (M-Learning). UTP E-Learning is a website created for students

to ease the usage of the website, it is also a platform for the students to upload and

download any education related notes or files. Despite the importance of UTP E-Learning

website to all students, the effectiveness and efficiency of this website are still not up to

its maximum potential.

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Students are not really utilizing this website to its maximum potential simply

because they are not surfing this site very often when they are mobile or away from a pc.

Hence any important announcements made by lecturers or by UTP itself, sometimes do

not reach the students in time.

The role of UTP E-Learning website in helping the students in their studies could

be a failure if it is not fully utilized in the best possible manner. Hence, the main

objective of this project is to develop a platform for the students to use the UTP E-

Learning website through a mobile device (Android). Besides that, this project revolves

around the study of the primary usage of E-learning website to find out the key features

that will be included in the application. The interaction process will be easier as the M-

Learning will be installed into their mobile phone as an android application.

The added advantages of my project are it allows lecturers and staffs to post

important announcements wherever they are using their smart phones. Moreover, it also

allows students to access the E-learning system at any time using only their smart phone,

view important announcements, download lecture notes as well as modifying their

profile. The methodology used to develop this project is Rapid Application Development.

In a nutshell, M-Learning is a mobile application that will help students to utilize the E-

Learning website in an easy and portable platform.

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Chapter 3
Methodology, Results and Discussions

In this chapter the method used for the system was presented with relevant phases.

It shows the requirements needed in developing the system, the system design, software

development procedures, the testing processes for the system, and implementation plan

and results. This section also contains the Method used in conducting the research which

is the Modified Waterfall Model.

System Methodology

The systems development life cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model used in project

management that describes the stages involved in an information system development

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project, from an initial feasibility study through maintenance of the completed


Shows the Modified Waterfall Model of the Mobile Based Course Manual App

There are various SDLC methodologies have been developed to guide the

processes and the researcher used Modified Waterfall Model for the system development.

This is the appropriate approach for the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) since

it involves validation or verification between the phases where any deviations can be

corrected immediately, providing the client satisfaction. It includes Planning, Analysis,

Design, Development, Testing and Implementation with feedback at every stage


This phase defines the system to be developed, set the project scope and

developed the project plan including tasks for every members of the group, resources and

timeframe wherein to begin a successful project.

Planning phase is a way in determining solid plan for developing a system.

During this phase, the researchers proposed this application to be developed which is

feasible to the institution success. It also determined the scope which clearly defines the

high-level requirements wherein the full functionalities of the system should be


Requirements Analysis

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In this phase, the researchers did gather of different institutional requirements to

be used in developing the application by where it includes detailed requests of a set of

functions and constraints expected by the end user in which the researcher must be able

to meet to have a successful outcome application. The requirements that are gathered

from the end user must be analyzed for their validity and the possibility of incorporating

them. They then, reviewed, defined and understand the gathered business requirements

and documented it.

The researchers visit the end user which is the subject instructor and studies the

application requirement. They examine the need for possible software automation in the

given software application like the required function, behavior, performance and

interfacing to understand what type of program to build.


In this phase, the application is designed based on the requirements needed in the

application. The researchers utilized several analytical tools that can facilitate an

understanding of how simplest the application operate, how well they meet their overall

goals. The researchers show the initial design concept of the said application below:

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The application programmer creates the application in to life, not just the source

code but with the interface as well based from the initial design of the application and to

be constructed for it can be reviewed and revised anytime as the development of the

application will continue.


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This phase aimed to find out whether the application functions and the other

features work according to the specification. The researcher will test the application and

will eventually try also by the end users.


The units of the application are integrated together and a program is built. So, we

have complete application at hand which is tested to check if it meets the functional and

performance requirements of the end users.

Requirements Documentation

This section presents the methodology used to develop the system, the system’s

functionality, the suggested application content by the teachers and the project plan in

developing the said application. It also includes the software and hardware requirements;

software developer and people ware recommendation.

Design of Software, Systems, Product and/or Processes

The researchers present the software development tools, hardware specifications,

and people ware recommendations for the developed Mobile Base Course Manual


Software Requirements

The following were the list of requirements of the software used during the

development and implementation of the application.

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It’s an integrated development environment (IDE). It contains a

base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment. The

researchers choose this because eclipse is the development of an environment that can be

used to develop applications.

ADT Plugin

Android Development Tools (ADT) is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE that is

designed to give you a powerful, integrated environment in which to build Android

applications. The researchers will use this to developing in eclipse with this ADT because

this ADT gives and incredible boost in developing Android Applications.

SDK (Software development kit)

The Android SDK provides you the API libraries and developer tools necessary to

build, test, and debug apps for Android. The researchers will use this for developing and

debugging tools using Android SDK.

Hardware Requirements

While Android is designed to support a wide variety of hardware the following is

the list of hardware requirements used for the implementation of the application.

1.5 GHz dual core processor. It is the main figure versatile execution. For typical tasks

like accessing the Internet, word processing, using standard mobile applications, and

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playing Android games, the amount of RAM listed above for each system has been

estimated. It stores dynamic projects and information.

RAM: 1 GB (higher much better). It is the most important factor in mobile

performance. The amount of RAM listed for each system above is estimated for normal

usage like accessing the Internet, word processing, standard mobile applications and

playing android games. It stores active programs and data.

Symmetric multiprocessing. It has the ability to process programs written by multiple

processors that share a memory and operating system. It permits any processor to chip

away at any undertaking regardless of where the information for that errand is situated in

memory, gave that each assignment in the framework isn't in execution on at least two

processors simultaneously.

Operating System: Android OS any Version (higher much better). This stage is

expected to run the framework to your cell phone. The higher version is superior.

Development Testing

This section includes the application functionalities to define what functions are

to be included in the developed systems to satisfy the needs of the teachers for their


Now that we have system design, code generation begins. Code generation is

conversion of design into machine-readable form. If designing of software and system is

done well, code generation can be done easily. We will apply the information gathered in

the first two phases to create the actual working parts of the system. We will then

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implement the program as designed in the earlier stages. In this phase, we will conduct

unit testing, to ensure that there are no defects.

Description of the Prototype

This portion presents the needed report layouts and screen forms of the developed

mobile application.

Reports Layouts. For this mobile application, the researchers will provide softcopies of

the users or students references like instructional materials, and video tutorials of the said


Screen Forms. To give readers or viewers an idea of how the mobile application looks,

the researchers will present screenshots layouts.

Implementation Plan

In order to gather feedback and create an application that is both dependable and

effective, the researchers gave the projects proponents the opportunity to test and

evaluate the said mobile application.

Implementation Result

After a series of analysis and computations, the results of the evaluation for initial

and final testing were presented.

The developed mobile application was evaluated by three IT experts during the

initial testing using the Software Quality Model based on the criteria set forth by

McCall’s and the end-users during the final testing using validated self-made testing tool.

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