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Test 4 Cone very suecefiinoducton has bean our skstaboard ramp. tin constant use during ‘ho overings and holdoye. ts naarhe old museum, ibe end.ofa tia pa halieads of O15 ‘tom ne main gah blween he ake an he mau, ‘Wee seo introduced new te or wid flowers, to atact bees and butts. I's on 16 main ound We eas Now etme tl you bi more about some ofthe changes to Cro Valley Park. ‘One of our mest exctng davdcpments hasbeen the adventure playground. We were aware that we had nawhers fr chin oe of seam, and decided Io use our avalable funds to Setup 2 comely naw fall ns larg space to the north a the pat Is open year“cund, ‘haugh t loaes ety inthe whl month, and antrance is compleey ie. Chien can QY7I018 Choose whatever actvtes te watt do, rrespectve of hv age Due do ash ads nal 77/07 toleave tem on thecovn tet. There ao plenty of seats where parents can relax and keep an eye on thal chen atthe same io. Last th lass houses hue amount of work has been dane on them to repathe ‘damage folowing tno disastas re tha ecenilydestyed eceam side Over £90000 18/020 ‘nae penton replacing the glass wile nd he etal supports, as wll as ho pants that had been desroye,athough untironatly Uw colon of topical palm Woes has proved oo expensive a rplaes up fo now At present he gas houses re open rom tOam to Spm. Mongays to Thusiays nis hoped io extend histo the weekend oon, Wore gallo 078/020 ‘shore wh helped us by conbung thei me and maney otis schieveront ‘Te gardens have PART 3 ‘ne: OK, Jack Before we pan ourpresetation about retgeratn, lets discuss what \wolv deeoveredo a scx: ise Amie, Thoxgh have to admit | haven't done much esearch ye ynave: Norte. But ound an interesting erie about icehouses. Fd seen sore 100 ‘nd 1h century ones herein the UK, eo | knew thoy wore fon Dutin shady ‘roa or underareun, oso lakes that might teaza in the wine. Ten blocs. tie cous be at and sired in the eehause. But a realsa at suing. 2 {a blocs wih saw or sacs meen ney ir. mal for months. “The snort ‘Romans had relrgeration, oo. oc dt a ‘nave: Yes, its wore otiyn the ground, and snom was imparted fom the mountains — ‘ven hough they Wore a ule @ distance, Tha snow was sored inthe pts. ce fomed ale botom oft. Baha ce andthe snow ware han sald The ie cost 22 ‘more than the srow ond my gueas le the oly he weary members of sciely oul alors cx: Toul be sured | leo came across an are stout modem domes ‘ridges Severa ifernt technologies are use, bu they wore oo comple or te fo understand ‘nwne: _Younavo to wonder what happens when people etd td ones. Shox’ You moan Becaure te gases in thm ae haul fr to ovroamont? 115

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