Road Traffic by Laws

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‘Statutory instrument 141 of 2009. (CAP. 29:15 Road Traffic Clamping Offences) laws, 2009 IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Local Government, in terms of section 229 of the Urban roved the following by-laws made japrer 29:1. by the Victoria Falls Mur 1. ‘These by-lawsmay be citedasthe Victoria Falls Municipality (Road Traffic Clamping Offences) By-laws, 2009, Application 2. ‘These by-laws shall apply tothe area under the jurisdiction of the Victoria Falls Municipality. Inierpretation 3. In these by-laws— “authorised person” means any person employedordelegated by couneil tocarry out any function in terms ofthese by- laws; “clamp” means to immobilize a moter vehicle by means of a ‘whee! clamp; “clamping, towing away and storage charges” means charges prescribed in the Second Schedale: “council” means the Council of Victoria Falls Municipality: “light motor-vehicle” means vebicle whose gross massdoes ‘not exceed three tonnes; means a goods vehicle having a canying ‘of more than three tonnes but less than ten hhicleas defined inthe Road Traffic Act [Chapter 13: “owner means any person in whosename a motor vehicleis registered, apd includes any person having possession OF Control of the motor vehicle: 591 ‘Victoria Falls Municipality (Road Traffic Clamping Offences) By-laws, 2009 ‘public parking area” means any area designated as aparking area in termsof the Victoria Falls TownCouncil (Traffic) By-laws, published in Statutory Instrument 652 of 197 “prescribed penalty” means a penalty prescribed in the First Schedule; “secure:compound’” means any area designated under section Tay, “rowing away” means the removal by an authorised person of ‘motor Vehicle that is parked orstationery in violation of these by-laws: traffic ticket” means a notice specif against these by-laws has been com givento the occupant of the motor vehicle or securely Jffixed toa motor vehicle in a conspicuous position; “whee! clamp” means a device used to immo ‘vehicle that is designed to surround a vehi Such a manner 9s to prevent the removal of the wheel ‘and the clamp. Wheel clamping and iowing away 4.(1) [fan authorised person reasonably belie vesan offence has been committed against these by-laws he er she may clamp such Provided that the authorised person— ssue a traffic ticket; and personwhois alleged tohavecommitted the ‘present, afford him or her the opportunity to pay the prescribed penalty on the spot. (2) Ifa person who i alleged to have committed an offence when the authorised personissues ing been given the ticket, refuses or is unable {0 pay the preseribed penalty on the spot, the authorised person concemed may— (a) clamp the motor vehicle: or (b) remove or cause to be removed the motor vehicle that is subject of the offence to a secure compound. 592 S.1. 141 of 2009 (3)Riskin any motor vehicle that is being cla ir isbeing clamped or isbeing removed to or kept in a secure compound in terms of these shall be with the owner. ie sa (4) Subjectto section6(3)a motor yehicleremovedtoasecure aap Sal be Seat epi warrie erof chieaa the prescribed penalty: and (b) the clamping, towing away and storage charges, Where liability for offences is denied by the alleged offender person who is alleged to have committed any offence (b) refer the matier as soon as possible to the police with a View of prosecuting the offence; and (©) inform the person who isllegd tohave commited the offence that— he matter will be referred to the police with the Of prosecuting the offence; and Gii)_ if he or she does not pay the prescribed penalty on the spot the motor vehicle may be dealt with in accordance with section 4(2). Unclaimed vehicles jurisdiction, put in a secure compound ‘owners to claim their motor ¥ the date of publication of the notice. by-laws and advising the ‘1 petiod of 30 days from 503 6s ‘oun Jo wuowionow tp qonnisqo s0 pia atoysoqut oy susouueur e ypns wYaRPuLIeD 24 WON) Sajoi42n sOIOUL 20 SeJ9KH2A sPO|LN 30 SpoO| “punodwios aio9s ° wou} 2}oI4aK JOWOUN ¥ PAROS aq or sasneaso sonowas‘sxowaro) siduione Anse un ‘c]> spam & ponowar ‘2qorsasnea so saxouoi“anourason sian Arneyun ‘Sme-&q 2soy] spun suoRoUTy 4244 4g sty Jo asioxox2 ayy Ut Gostad pastioygne ue Sionssgo ‘20u231 .qeanner fur soyeiedo 20 59\up ‘pane exp ut ponzutiad st uewn poo| ajxe so.avay SULAEY ‘aforyes s0yow v tpias vase porounsa! nylon & saxsa9ne :u07 Buide 2 sv posoduais <1 yp poy windunzey, pue AEM auojBurr [yo woruod Aue 2uoye 2/3144 1o1oUN ESE ‘pale poyounsas Ut ajsi9 sowowl w sued :pareuSisopun 40 pastiomyroun st oy) peor 20 ped Cue S$2-Aq B30 "YOR aD1AaS jedtonun €S9sn 0 LOSAAUP “uoryeiaif 40 oNDaI9 “UORYOUSP Surodspan Buipjing Surouo7 uorsnjoxo aypunpen syed juno-y 0 40 ajoiyoa sovour & jo stout Aq ye af9Ad # siaNNSqO ‘ype af2Ao 30 em apts & Uo 2falon sovou URE Joyo 2faIyA Aue syed 231 9949 10 puejst ouyen Jo yea apis F wo 2jo1yax sojout fur syed ‘ov02 10 deg Supeo-jjo Ku ut safatuea spoo3 v vey s9yio ajatyan ou © sdows 10 Spnd INUELL OF UPU SHOU 10} (B) ydos@osed sopun 1 Sq pardna2o fysnornand worysod 24) Jo SONU gp WU ue] sts Ea ‘Samy o¢ Jo ss2ox9 ut polsod snonuiuos © 40) spool uop demos 10 dn Zuryaxd ul paduue Aijumoe ayn aux] 428 ul ajonyon Auesysed —oum uosied fay "6 soouagie oufoas, 6007 PIPL T'S a. oO @) s 6S -samoy $2 unynim Keaxe pamoy OU st powsaaues spin sorour 2xp J1 2INPIIAG puorag 24p JO | WHOA! 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