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EXDE 00 27/09/2023 Issue for Market Enquiry Project Team R.Elfellani R.Rached
Validity Revision
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Status Number Date Description
Prepared Checked Approved
Revision Index
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Jalo Clinique
Expansion Project
ENI North Africa
Facility and Sub Facility Name Scale Sheet of Sheets

Jalu Emergency Clinic n.a. 1 / 15

Document Title Supersedes N.

Superseded by N.
Jalu Emergency Clinic Expansion Project – Market Enquiry Scope of Work Plant Area Plant Unit
n.a. n.a.

This document is property of ENI North Africa.

It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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Company Document ID 2 / 15
Validity Revision
Status Number
ENI North Africa


1. General............................................................................................................................................3

1.1. Project Overview...........................................................................................................................................3

1.2. Existing Medical Facility Layout.....................................................................................................................3
1.2.1. Mission of the Clinic......................................................................................................................................4
1.2.2. Coordination Requirements with Local Stakeholders...................................................................................4

2. Project scope of work.......................................................................................................................5

3. Purpose of document 6

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Company Document ID 3 / 15
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ENI North Africa

1. General

1.1. Project Overview

Town of Jalu is located in Al Wahat District, situated in Jalo Oasis, 250 km Southwest of Gulf of Sirt ; 60Km from
Abu Attifel Site, The distance between Jalo Clinic and center of Jalo town is 2.1 Km.

ENI North Africa (ENINA) is working with National Oil Corporation (NOC), local representatives of the Ministry
of Health (MoH) and local authorities in the area of Jalu, Libya to develop a sustainable medical emergency

For the same, ENINA has constructed Jalo Emergency Clinic near the Jalu town and project was handed over to
NOC in October 2013.

Figure 1 Satellite image for the clinic

ENINA is now intending to issue a new tender to appoint a contractor after a prober contract strategy in order
to design, modify and refurbish the existing clinic building and construct new auxiliary ones to meet the
required needs to operate the clinic for providing emergency medical care to the community.

1.2. Existing Medical Facility Layout

The construction of the clinic started in 2009 and the Jalu Emergency Clinic was built as an advanced medical
facility both in architectural concept and in medical equipment. Project’s strengths can be summarized as

 Building A for core clinical activities: access organized with a single reception-triage area, to avoid
diseconomies and operating problems while providing clearly separated waiting areas and passageways for

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Company Document ID 4 / 15
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ENI North Africa

ordinary patients and emergency patients. Central diagnosis and treatment areas include an operating and
endoscopy rooms close to both diagnostics/ radiological and laboratory areas.

 Building B for supporting and non-core activities and utilities: can be easily accessed from outside with
dedicated parking and from the Clinical Center, via a protected passage.

1.2.1. Mission of the Clinic

As defined by the stakeholders of this project, the primary missions of the Jalo medical facility would be to
support the Local Authorities and MoH for Emergency Medical Care at the area where MoH will be
responsible for the operation and management of the clinic.

Essentially the clinic would provide:

- Outpatient primary care and outpatient specialist services (GP, pediatrics, orthopedics, ENT,
Ophthalmology, Dermatology, General Surgery, and Urology).

- 24/7 Emergency Services

- Laboratory Services

- Diagnostic Imaging Services (X-Ray and Ultra sound)

- Minor surgeries including endoscopy services

- Short term admissions for observation and prior to transfer to other facilities

- Short term ICU services prior to transfer to other facilities

- Ambulance service for transfer to other facilities

1.2.2. Coordination Requirements with Local Stakeholders

This project will be coordinated with ENINA, NOC, Local Authority and MoH.

The main focal point will be the Company which is ENINA in this case.

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ENI North Africa

2. Project scope of work

The proposed project will be in EPC form on mainly Lump Sum basis following highest international standards and
engineering and construction best practices.

The scope of work should include but not limited to the below main tasks:

 Evaluate the current facilities and prepare the detailed engineering designs as per preliminary plans for the
construction of new auxiliary buildings and refurbishment of the existing one.
 Execute main building changes, rooms reallocation and refurbishments including but not limited to:

 Reallocation of rooms and areas

- Relocation of the administration offices to a new building, so that the right wing of the
building could be dedicated to Emergency Services, including a Triage Room, Resuscitation
Room and Nursing Station.

- Relocation of out-patient consulting rooms to the left wing of the building. This entails
dividing an existing large room to two smaller rooms in order to increase the number of
consultation rooms.

- Setting up of a Plaster Room

- Laboratory, X-Ray, Theatres, Admission Rooms and ICU locations to remain unchanged.

 Refurbishment and main maintenance (not limited to)

- HVAC System: Purchase and installation of 2 new chillers and replacement of internal
pipes in the clinic.
- Oxygen Network: A functional test of the existing Network is needed with the
replacement of damaged parts if any.
- Access Control System: An Access Control System is installed in the technical block, but a
lot of card readers are damaged, and in general it is not to operational. It is requested to
revamp the access control system to a newer version.
- Fire Detection system: A fire detection system is installed throughout the compound, but
it is not working. All control panels are equipped with two batteries which need to be
changed. It is requested to repair the system and return it to operation and the devices
that are the end of their lifetime changed.

 Construct and build new complete auxiliary buildings including:

 An Administration Building
- Reception
- Open plan office with 12 desks
- 3 single occupancy offices
- Meeting Room for 12 persons
- Storage Room
- Services Room
- Toilets and Kitchenette
 A Kitchen, Laundry and Food Court building.
- Separate entrances to Kitchen, Laundry and Food Court
- Food Court seats 36

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Status Number
ENI North Africa

- Ergonomic Kitchen design that respects HACCP principles

- Toilets and independent hand washing station
 A Clinical Waste Disposal System Building
 Access routes, entrances and parking areas for the new buildings.
 Procurement, transportation, erection, installation, and commissioning of MEP plants including a new small
grid-tied PV system (Optional scope of work).

 Procurement, transportation and installation of listed furniture, medical and IT equipment.

Figure 2 Jalu Emergency Clinic Existing and New buildings layout

3. Purpose of document

Objective of this document is to collect information from potential BIDDERs interested to participate to the above-
mentioned tender allowing the company to assess and verify their capability, interest, and experience to perform
the subject Works.

Applicant are requested to properly fill and compile the ‘’ANNEX 1 - INPUT DATA CHECK LIST’’, with top quality
information including and additional supporting documentation for a proper evaluation from the company.

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ENI North Africa


1. General Information

With reference to the entity who would participate to the Tender, please specify the following:

Company Name:

Company Registered Capital:

Company Financial Information (e.g. turnover):

Telephone Number:

Web Site:

E-mail address:


Contact Name:

Affiliates, Subsidiaries and/or Mother Companies:

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ENI North Africa

Company Officers and Key Personnel:

Please attach an organization chart if available and provide a typical Project Organization Chart for a similar Project:

How many years has your organization been in business under your present firm name?

Is the Company (directly or through affiliates/local branches) registered in Libya?

Is the Company authorized to Import Goods in Libya from Abroad? ☐Yes ☐No
IF NO, how do you intend to proceed?

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ENI North Africa

2. Organization

Form of Business of the entity who will participate to the Tender:

☐Sole Owner ☐Partnership ☐Corporation ☐Private ☐Public

Check Services Offered:

☐Construction: civil ☐Project Management

☐Construction: mechanical ☐Service (janitorial, clerical, etc.)
☐Construction: electrical ☐Manpower & Resources
☐Construction: structural ☐Transportation / Carriage
☐Construction: instrumentation ☐Leasing
☐Construction Design ☐Equipment Rentals (general)
☐Commissioning and Start-Up Design ☐Storage & Warehousing
☐Commissioning and Start-Up: Electrical ☐Consulting
☐Commissioning and Start-Up: Automation ☐Maintenance
☐Commissioning and Start-Up: Instrumentation ☐O&M and Installer
☐Commissioning and Start-Up: Mechanical ☐Safety Health and Environmental Mngt.
☐Commissioning and Start-Up: Telecom

Describe any additional services offered (attach a list if necessary):

Attach a list of types of work within the services you normally perform that you subcontract to others.

Attach a list and description of alliances (affiliates) with other companies (give priority to Libyan based Companies).

Attach a list and description of offices, shops, terminals and locations and other physical plant and facilities existing at date or
attach an information brochure describing any plans for expansion including reference to Construction/Fabrication Yard.

Have you worked in Libya, do you (or affiliate companies) have fabrication yard there? (State location of yard and typology of yard
including base performance e.g. steel with tonnage fabrication per day)

Attach a list of the major Construction equipment your company (or affiliate companies) has available for work in Libya

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ENI North Africa

Type of Equipment Number of Equipment of that type

Competencies to operate this equipment: please include operating authorities, licenses, CVOR (Commercial Vehicle Operator
Registration), Carrier Safety Rating, other safety rating, relevant tariffs, government certificates or any other pertinent
documents. Attach a list and description of your forecasting tools for both labour and material.

Total number of employees:

Total number of employees dedicated to Photovoltaic business:

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ENI North Africa


Do you have previous experience in design and construction of similar facilities? (Location, overall value and customer details of
the projects)

Project Geographic Project Range of Activities Main Customer Customer

Name Area Execution Contract performed Contractor name Contact
Schedule Cost in the name person and
and year
Project telephone
of (months)
execution (E, P, C, I)

Major PV Jobs in Progress or Completed in the Past Three (3) Years:

Provide the forecasted 2024 workload for projects and other activities (in percentage of overall capacity):

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ENI North Africa


Do you have a formalized quality assurance program? ☐Yes ☐No

Are there written procedures? ☐Yes ☐No

Are there internal audits? ☐Yes ☐No

Do you have not expired 3rd party certification? ☐Yes ☐No

3rd party certification Expiry date

Do you have a formalized structural welding program? ☐Yes ☐No

Do you have a formalized certification program for electrical activities (e.g. MV)? ☐Yes ☐No

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ENI North Africa


Do you have a formalized HSE program? ☐Yes ☐No

Do you have a formalized HSE policy and Manual? ☐Yes ☐No

Are there HSE written procedures? ☐Yes ☐No

Are there internal audits? ☐Yes ☐No

Do you have not expired 3rd party certification? ☐Yes ☐No

3rd party certification Expiry date

Provide HSE Statistics value for the last 3 years:

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ENI North Africa


Do you have a custom clearance procedure applicable for Libya and an advancement monitoring? ☐Yes ☐No

IF YES, can you provide it? If NO, how do you intend to proceed?

Do you rely on availability and expertise of dedicated local broker (Libya) in port of entry? ☐Yes ☐No

Do you have a dedicated logistics base for materials storage (and a stock management system) in Libya?☐Yes ☐No

IF YES, Provide a description of available equipment, personnel and quay availability, if any, and their location:

If NO, how do you intend to proceed?

Do you have availability/capability of accommodation and medical facility close to site location (Libya, Jalo)?
☐Yes ☐No
IF YES, Provide a description of available facilities and their location:

If NO, how do you intend to proceed?

Do you have a lifting operation management system procedure? ☐Yes ☐No

IF YES, Can you provide it?

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ENI North Africa


Are you developing yourself detailed engineering and shop drawing? ☐Yes ☐No

Are you associated with engineering companies that will develop detailed engineering and shop drawings?
☐Yes ☐No

List Engineering Companies:

Company name Contact person Telephone

Major Engineering Projects completed in the Past Three (3) Years:

Client Job Name Location Type of Work/ Supply

This document is property of ENI North Africa.

It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.

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