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An environment can refer to several different concepts depending on the context,

but generally, it relates to the surroundings or conditions in which something exists

or operates. Here are a few common definitions of the term "environment":

1. Natural Environment: This refers to the physical surroundings in which living

organisms exist. It includes elements such as the atmosphere, climate,
ecosystems, and geographical features like mountains, rivers, and forests.
2. Built Environment: This pertains to the human-made or constructed
surroundings, including buildings, infrastructure, and urban developments. It
encompasses the design and organization of spaces in which people live,
work, and interact.
3. Social Environment: This describes the social and cultural context in which
individuals and societies function. It includes factors such as customs, norms,
laws, institutions, and social interactions.
4. Technological Environment: This encompasses the tools, technologies, and
innovations that shape how individuals and organizations conduct their
activities. It includes aspects like digital technology, machinery, and industrial
5. Business Environment

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