Thirty Yr War Breitenfeld

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THIRTY YEARS WAR STANDARD RULES for the game BREITENFELD ‘Copyont © 1875, Simulstions Publication, Ie, New York sa mvraopucrion 210 GAME EQUIPMENT. 23 The Playing Pres 26 Pars levestony ‘\0 SECTING UP THE GAME. ‘\0SEQUENCE OF PLAY 52 Linea Sight 5.3 Capt of Artery Conatre 61 Prohibitions 62 Effet ot Terrain (63 Btfetsof ren Units {HA Where Zones of Cont Extend socompaT {RI Which Unt rack ‘L2 Matpe Usicand MotHex Combat 3 Combat Srngth Unity {8S Drershnary Artacks ‘Sb Combat Rests Tale ‘sobIsRuPriON 100 LEADERS 104 Leader Eset on Combst 1003 Leder let on Dietuption Removal 119 DEMORALIZATION 11.1 ERs of Demortiaion 120 TERRAIN EFFECTS CHART 120 DESIGNER'S NOTES [1.0] INTRODUCTION ‘The Thity Yeon War game system is an operational simulation of warfare in. Europe daring the irs half of the Seventeenth Century. Each game in the system is Based on one of the nore significant. and intersting batles of the period The playing pleces represent the armies Which took part im the belles, and the map presents the terrain over which those armlgt fought The rules foreach gome io the Thety Years War QuedriGame ace contsined in two Tolders. The fist contains the Standard "Roles, which are entimon fo all he games the series, The second folder contains Exclusive Roles, including TniGal Deployment, Reinforcement rales, Vietory Cond tions, and #0 forth. These are different for each ame. “This game has been designed to insure maximum ‘playability and maximums realism (in that ode) {In order to achieve these goals, the. physical ‘components, at well asthe game rules, ave been ‘esigned to make the game easier to understand find play. The components include a smaller, more ‘compact playing map, never more than a hundred playing pleces, and sandardied rules ‘The standardiation makes it easier forthe gamer to go rom one game to another within the series It tise enables the games” designers 0 concentr fn the realism aspect of the games (he standard ation generally takes care of any playability problems [2.0] GAME EQUIPMENT (21) THE GAME MAP ‘The 22" x17" mapsheet portrays the area in which the battle was fought. Tt includes al the terrain ‘Sgniicant fo the batle and a Turn Record Track, A hexagonal grids superimposed over the tr features printed on the mapsheet inorder to regu larize movement and positioning of the playing pecs ‘Tomake the map le at, back-fld it agsinst the ‘creases, Smal pieces of masking tape may be used ft the corners of the map to hold it taut [22] GAME CHARTS AND TABLES Various visual aids are provided for the Players in order to simplify and illustrate certain game {unetions. These are the Terrain Effects Chart the Combat Results Table, and the Arilery Fite ‘Table. [23) THE PLAYING PIECES ‘The cardboard counters represent the actual riltry units, leaders and atlery pies which took part inthe original bate. The numbers and Symbols on cach of the counters describe the Sharactersties — such as fpe, strength, move tent capability — ofthe unt, leader or arilery Fepresented by the counter. There are three basic types of playing pieces, representing infantry and cavalry brigades and fegiments: leader counters, representing. the {individual commanders; and_arillry counters. Infanty and cavalry ate henceforth referred to as “units” Actilery and Leaders are not unit [24) HOW TO READ THE UNITS ouewin EAC doe Somes) LO-4 |Micwesee oe EE [rane coat | {A EK lie aa] else: ea TR eo ei You ES (Comabat Strength is the relative stongth of « unit when attacking and defending, expressed In terms Df Strength Points Mrement Allewauc is the maximum number of (Clear terrain hexes that aunit may be moved in a fingle Movement Phase, expressed in Movement Points. More than one Moremeat Point may be fexpended for each hex entered according to the ferrai In the hes. Tesdembip Value is the relate “leadership ability” of given Leader, expressed in Leadership Value Points (2.5) GAME SCALE Each hexagon on the map epresents 175 meters of actual terrain, Each Strength Point represents between seventy-five and one hundred men. Each Game-Taen represents 4 minutes of actual time Each Aller counter represents fur or Bie heavy suns. (2.6) PARTS INVENTORY FolioGame: QuadiGame: Game Map 1 4 SheetofDie-CutCounters 1 4 Standard RolesFolder 1 identical Exclusive Rules Folder 1 ‘iterent Die ° 1 GameBox ° 1 Folotfolder) 1 ° any ofthese parts are missing or damaged, write Customer Service Simulations Publications, Ie. “44 East 23rd Street, New York, N-Y-10010 Questions regarding the rales of the game, if sccompanied by a stamped, selfaddresed enve lope, wll be answered. Send to: Game Questions: ‘Thiny Years War, at the above address. (3.0] SETTING UP THE GAME “The cardboard playing pieces should be punched ‘ont ofthe Unit Counter Sheet. Tha Players should ‘termine which of the opposing forees each of ‘em will command. The Players then consult their respective Initial Deployment Chars. (Intal Deployment of unite can also be found. printed inthe Sppropriate heses on the game maps) ‘These Sharis tell the ex umber, suength and ‘designation of cach tit which fs in play (on the ‘map duting the Fist Game-Tora. Players should sSmultaneously place each of these units in its ‘proper position on the map. All remaiaing unis (if ny) should be placed aside and brought into play According. to the Reinforcement Schedule. In Setting up unis, Players may disregard historical designation, so long ae the unit ype and strength (Once the units ate set up, Players are ready to ‘commence Game-Turn One; place the Game-Tura ‘Marker in the frst position on the Game-Turn Record Track, In order to determine which Players the Fst and sihich the Second Player, consult the Exclusive Rules Folder. There Players wil lo fin eules for bringing in Reinforcement units which ate given in the Reinforcement Schedules Play proceeds sccording to the Sequence of Play through the final Game-Tarn, [4.0] SEQUENCE OF PLAY ‘The game is played in succesive Game-Turns, ompoced of alternate Player-Turns. During each Player-Turn, the Player mancuvers his pieces and si 82 resolves combat in sequence, acording (© the {allowing outline, and within the limite provided by the rales which follow. At the conclusion of the final Game-Turn, the Vietory Conditions. are consulted and a winner is determined. (4.1]SEQUENCE OUTLINE ‘The Game-Turn is divided into First Player-Tarn and a Second. Player-Turn. The Player whose Playee‘Turn is currently in progress i tormed the Phasing Player. The activity which may take place ating each Phase is outlined below 1. FIRST PLAYER-TURN {A Disruption Remoral Phase: The Phasing Payer tempts to “undiseupt” al lige Friendly unite in accordance withthe Disruption Rules (eee Section 9.0) During this Phase, neither Payer may ore his piace. B, Aatilery Fe Phases The Phasing Player Sires any Friendly Alley in accordance with the Artillery Roles (see Section 8.0. Neither Player may move his pieces during this Phase . Moveenent Phase: The Phasing Player may ‘move al, some or none of his units and Leader Sounters as he desiees, within the limits and Festricions of the Movement Rules and. any felevent Exctsive Rules ofthe game. The Phasing Player may bring Reinforcements onio the map 38 allowed by his Reinforcement Schedule, within the festrieons of any Reinforcement. Rules, The ron-Phasing Player's units and Leader counters ‘may aot be moved D. Combat Phase: The Phasing Player uses his lunits and Leader counters to attack the ‘om Phasing Player's units in accordance with the ules of Combat Duting this Phase, no movement tehatsoever ie allowed 2. SECOND PLAYER-TURN ‘The Second Player now becomes the Phasing ‘Mayer and Pnases A through D are repeated 3. GAME-TURN RECORD INTERPHASE ‘The Game-Turm Maker i advanced one space slong the Game-Turn Record Track to mark the passage of one Gamne-Turn and signal the stat of nother. [5.0] ARTILLERY GENERAL RULE: Acilley counters are immobile and have no ‘Combat Strength, per se, During his Arley Fire ‘Phase the Phasing Plajer’s Arilery counters may attack by bombarding an Enemy unit. Artilery counters are never discupted or destroyed. They ‘may, however, be capture. PROCEDURE: Each Artillery counter “fires” individually. Determine the range from the fring Arilry counters hex (exclusive) (0 the hex of the unit being bombarded (inclusive. Roll the die and rortindex. the result with the proper range column ofthe Artillery Fie Table (Gee Case 5.) ‘Any results are applied immediatly CASES: [5.1] ARTILLERY FIRE TABLE See Page S4 (6.2) LINE OF SIGHT (5.21) To determine if an Arilery counter may ‘bombard a given hex, la 2 straightedge from the her of the bombarding Arilery counter to the target hex The straight line so defined fs the Line of Sight. If any ofthe heres intervening between the Ariilery counter’ hex and the target hex ie blocking terain, the target hex may not be bombarded by that Anillery counter. {5.22 Ifthe Line of Sight i congruent to hexside (at i, it runs precisely between two heres), itis Docked only if both exes which share that heasde are blocking terrain, [5.23] The following heres are considered blocking terrain: Woods and/or Forest hexes, Town exes, Hilltop hexes, and any hexes occupied by any Fendly-or Enemy unite or Artilery counters. [5.24] An Astley counter on Hlltop hex may ‘ignore any blocking terrain in ts Line of Sight ‘hich is less than half the otal distance (in exes) from the target hes. A Hilltop hex isa non-Slope hex with one or more Slope hexsies. (8.25) An Artillery counter in a Hilhop hex may fire at any unit in any Hilltop hex, regardless of the distance in hexes, wales there i an intervening unit, Aller counter oe Forest terrain in Flop bee (5.26) The tren inthe carget ex end in the hex ‘ofthe bombarding Atiery counter does not block the Line of Sight (S3] CAPTURE OF ARTILLERY COUNTERS [8.31] An Arillery counters considered Friendly if the hex isin oecupied by, oc wat last occupied by a Friendly dnt [5.32] An, Enemy Arillery counter_may_be ptured” by occupying oF passing through its tex with a Friendly unit. Captured Artilery ‘counters ae indicated by Mipping the counter face- owe, [5.33] Capeuted Artillery counters are rated in all respects ax Friendly tothe Captaring Player. They ‘may fre during the Capturing Players subsequent “Anilery Fire Phases. [8.34] Arillry counters have no Combat Strength ‘Zone of Control. They ignore Enemy and/or Friendly Zones of Contra [5.35] Artillery counters are never disrupted of ‘destroyed. They may be captured and recaptured fapy number of mes [6.0] MOVEMENT GENERAL RULE During the Movement Phase, the Phasing Player may move as many or as few of his units and Leader counters as he desires, They may be moved in any direction or combination of directions Except where specially note, all the movement restrictions following apply t0 both units and [Leader counters PROCEDURE: Units are moved one ata time, tacing «path of contiguous hes through the hex gelds Av a nit fnters each hex, it most pay one o¢ more ‘Movement Points ftom ity total Movement Allowance, CASES: (64) PROHIBITIONS (6.41) Movement may never take place out of Sequence. A Player's units may be moved duving his own Movement Phase’ (onl. During. the Enemy Player's Movement Phase, and duting both Playees’ Combat Phates, Fiend unite mast not bbe moved. [6.12] A unit may never enter a hex containing an Enemy unit Gee Case 5.3). (6.43) No combat takes place during the Movement ‘Phase. Once a Player has begun fo resave combat, and. has thrown the die, he has ireversibly Iniiated: he Combat Phase [6.141 The number of Movement Points expended ‘bya nit duringa single Movement Phase may not fexceed the units Morement Allowance. Ait ‘may expend any portion of the Movement “Allowance, but unused Movement Points may not be accumulated unt another Movement Phate of transfered to another uni [6.15] Movement from hex to hex must be conse cutive: that sto ay, 2 nit may not skip hexes, (616) Once a unit has been moved, and the Player's hand is taken from the pice it ay not be ‘moved any further during that Movement Phat, ‘or may it change is move without the consent of the opposing Plier. [6.2] EFFECTS OF TERRAIN [6.21] A unit must expend one Movement Point to fnter Clear terrain hex. To enter other typos of ferrin, a unit must often expend more Movement Points Some hexes re prohibited to movement entirely (see 120, Terrain Effects Char) [6.22] Units may cross Stream hexsides. Movement through a Stream hexside corte two additonal Movement Points. Example: If a unit moves through » Steam hessde into © Woods hes, the fut i five Movement Points, [6.23] Units may cross River hexsides only by ‘moving through a Bridge hessie. There is no ‘ditional cost for moving through Bridge hrexside (624) When crossing a slope essde, units ‘must pay one additonal Movement Point aly then moving fom slope hex. A slope hex sa hex containing the slope splash contour marking. (63] EFFECTS OF FRIENDLY UNITS [631] A Feiendly unit may move through heses occupied by other Friendly units. Thete is 0 ‘ditional cost for entering or leaving 2 Friendly. sscupied he. {632} A Friendly unit may not end any Phase stacked in the same hex with another Friendly (or Enemy) unit There may never be more than a single unit ina hex atthe end ofthe Phase. (Note ‘This restrition does met apply to Leader and/or [6.3] Friendly and Enemy Zones af Contol never Inhibit Frlendly movement in any fashion whatsoever [7.0] ZONES OF CONTROL GENERAL RULE: The sx hexagons immediately surrounding a hex constitate the Zone of Control of any undisrupted Unit in that hex. Heses upon which aunt exerts & Zone of Control ate called contrlled hex. CASES: (7-1) WHERE ZONES OF CONTROL EXTEND [7.11] All undisruptd units exert a Zane of Control throughout the Game-Turn, regardless of Phase or Plajer-Turn. The presence of Zones of Control is never negated by unis, Enemy or Friendly. 17.13] 1rehere are both Enemy and Friendly Zones ‘of Contol exertad over the same hex, both Zones so-erit, and thet hex it mutually controlled by both Players. Thre is no additional effect from having more than one unit exerting Zones of Control into «single hes, {7.43} Zones of Control always extend into all six Ihexes adjacent fo the contrlling uni’ hes, with this exception: Zones of Contal never extend through & non-bridged River hexside (7.2) EFFECTS OF ZONES OF CONTROL [7.21] Combat is mandatory betreen undisrupted Units which end the Movement Phase in Enemy Zones of Contol (se Combat Rules, Setion 60) 17.2} Arilery and Leader counters and disrupted lunits do not have Zones of Conta [7.23] Leader counters may not attempt 1 lundirupt Prendly units ‘hich are in. Enem)-

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