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Battie for Stalingrad Copyright © 1900, Simulations Publications, Ine, New York, NY, 10010 [3.21] TERRAIN EFFECTS CHART 1 2 3 Notes: () Soviet units ate not moved in accordance with these Movement Pint costs. Each Soviet unit expends ane Movement Point pet hex entered, regardless of terrain, {@) If an Offensive Fire is being conducted, and atleast one par~ ‘isipating unit san engineer uni, all these die roll additions are ig- nored. (3) Applies only to Defensive Fire conducted by Soviet units under attack; Soviet artillery firing indireedy donot receive these benefis, 8 6 7 ai 9 wher fing atc bombard Ect an Sv Dense, esto ema Dale ero ae fee nts? Sr Soe ut cape fre Sve wt eS a Sa eS ae =Ltodie result ~1 to die result (4 Volga River Bank hexes (including the Perry henes) are con- ‘Sidered forlfed structure hexes forall game purposes. In dition, the stacking imic per Volga River Bank hexs two unit () Mamayev Kurgan (hex 1726 is considered a Fortified structure hex © “Roads donot cross rivers. NA-=Not Applicable or No fect. ‘See Case 14,3 for a detailed explanation of tis chart [3.23] UNIT CAPABILITIES SUMMARY FANTRY DS) OI (30 C5) =D Ar Attack: Receives benef of columns 4nd ‘Sof the Terrain Effects Chart when atacked bby Dive Bomber Air Poins (see Case 5.43). Overrun (Germany: Mechanized and motorie: cdinfantey may overrun, Zone of Control (Soviet) Non-Guaed infantry vith a printed Fire Strength of "2" have no 70°. Fire Sirengih (German): Second Fire Strength lused when conducting any type of fie into a heavy or fortified stucture hen ENGINEER [73 Air Atack: Receives benefits of columns 4and, 5 ofthe Terrain Etfects Chart when altacked byDiveBomber Air Point Overrun (German): Armored engineers may Ground Atack: Negaes effet of column 5 of the Terraia fects Chart if participacing as an attacking unit ARMOR} Bombardment and Indirect Fre ice Strength ‘of arillry quartered fring intohex occupied Solely by armor. Fire Strength of atilery hav fed if fring into hex occupied by armor and ‘other unit pes (however, see Cases 6.45 and 6.46). (Overrun (German): May overrun Overrun (Sovie!): First Fie Scenath doubled if attacked by German overrun Instant Counteratiaek: First Fite. Sirenath always usd. Ground Adacks Fes Fre Strength used when Firing ino a clear terrain hex or when firing with infantry, enginecr, reconneisance of ‘worker unittypesinsame stack ‘Other (German): Second Fire Suength used to {eterminechanee of replacement Other (Soviet: Replacement unis received in Final Soviet Reaction Phase Krasny Oktvabr ‘Works and/or Tractor Factory occupied by worker units (see Cases 12.22 and 1223, ANTLTANK Overrun (Sovie!) Fits Fre Strength wiped if attacked by German overran, “Instant Counteratack: May not initiate Ground Auack: Sameas armor sceabove) ‘Other (German): Second Fire Strength used to determine chance of replacement. RECONNAISSANCE, ree ae Nin eae ARTILLERY = 98> => Ar Atuek: Must be eliminated fist i in hex Aatcached by Level Bomber Air Points Bombardment (German): Only method of at- lacking TVA. rombardment and Indirect Fire: Terai in rexbeing fired intomay reduce effectiveness as noted in columns 4 and’ of the Terrain Etfecs ‘Chart, unless adjacent co hex (however, see Case6.3, Morar. ‘Bombardment (Soviet: May only feat hexes that fulfill requirements of Case6.2, ‘Bombardment and Indirect Fire Soviet) Units ‘must be stacked with or adjacent to one Another inorder to combine Fite Siengis Indirect Fire Soviet): May only fvest German units being red upon by adjacent Soviet units ‘Movement (Germany: May be deployed ater moving, porto attacking. Overrun and Instant Counteratack: May not ‘conde indirect fire Overrun and Instant Counteratack (Geran) ‘Only set-propeledartlery may initiate Ground Attack: May not fire indirectly when ‘owning Player is defender ina surpriseatack. Breakthrough: Ace not involved when par Uicipating im a ground attack that earns [Breakthrough Pots, Breakthrough (Soviet): May not use Indirect Fire during a Soviet ground atack iniiaed witha Breakthrough Point, (Other (German): May not be replace. Other (Soviet): Fire Strength of all adliery halved {£2280 Ammo Depot notin play. Trans Vole Avillery has special abilities and etre tions (see Section 16.0), FLAK o= 2 Ale Attack: May conduct aat-sit attacks any number of times. Fire Strength doubled i at tacking Air Points are committed 10 hex the unit occupies, Ar Attack (Soviet: May conduct ant-air at tacks in one hex only. May notconduetananti- airatack f Mipped over. Bombardment: May bombard if unt posesses printed artillery range. (Overrun (Soviet): First Fire Strength doubled ifattscked by German overrun Ground Attack: May conduct anit attack against Enemy Air Points commitied 10 a round attack. MILITIA (Soviet onl) [52] Bombardment: Doss not satisty fest pre- requisite for bombardment inCase6.2. Movement: May not move unless stacked with non-militia unt For duration of movement. (Overrun: Automatically eliminated if sole ce: ‘cupant of overrn hex “Instant Counterattack: May not istiate. Zoneof Control: Has none, Ground Auack: May not inate unless stck- ed with participating non-miia unit Subwact ne from atack type dieollifsole tender in Enemy groundattack Other: May not be moved by strategic withdrawal, Biminated if out of supply and not stacked with non-miltia “unit. All liminated if collapse inex. Use this sumumary during pay as a erninder of any special characteristics the major Unit types may posses, These notes do not supercede the ules, Refer to them when questions aise, The following Soviet units are not included inthis summary: Worker brigades (12.2), the Volga River Flotilla (12.3), pontoon’ battalions (12-4, survivors (6.7) and General Chuikov 3). See the appropriate case for details on these special units

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