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Antifungal activities of essential oil from Moroccan endemic Anthemis

tenuisecta and seed emergence
A. Mziouid a, B. Chebli a,⇑, M. Berrabah b, N. Heimeur a, E.H. Mayad c
Mechanics, Process, Energy and Environment Laboratory, National School of Applied Sciences, IBN ZOHR University, PO Box: 1136/S, Agadir, Morocco
Laboratory of Solid Mineral and Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed Premier University, Oujda, Morocco
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences, Ibn-Zohr University, B.P. 28/S, Agadir, Morocco

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Anthemis tenuisecta is an endemic Moroccan Asteraceae. The in vitro antifungal activity of Anthemis
Received 17 February 2020 tenuisecta essential oil (EO) using agar dilution and disk diffusion assays was evaluated against three
Received in revised form 8 March 2020 fungi isolated from decayed strawberries. Also, its efficiency to prolong the shelf life of raspberries and
Accepted 27 March 2020
strawberries was tested. Moreover, the seed emergence of this species was evaluated. The results con-
Available online xxxx
tributed to value this species regarding the antifungal potential of its EO as a natural alternative to chem-
ical fungicides, either as a model for synthesizing new effective bioactive products that suggest its
conservation for sustainable use.
Anthemis tenuisecta
Antifungal activity
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Essential oil Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of The Third International
Strawberries Conference on Materials and Environmental Science.
Seed emergence

1. Introduction uated against three fungi isolated from decayed strawberries. Fur-
thermore, its efficiency to extend the shelf life of raspberries and
The family Asteraceae comprises the largest number of strawberries was tested. Moreover, in vitro A. tenuisecta seed emer-
described species, belonging to 1600–1700 genera [1]. The Anthe- gence was evaluated for a useful approach of conservation and sus-
mis genus contains more than 210 species and is ranked as the tainable use.
second-largest genus in this family [2]. In North Africa, the Anthe-
mis genus (Asteraceae) is represented by 28 species, 16 of which
2. Materials and methods
exist in Morocco with an endemism ration close to 68% [3]. The
species of Anthemis genus prefer dry and are distributed naturally
2.1. Plant materials and EO extraction
on calcareous substrates [4]. Within this genus, many species have
been used in folk medicine for various healing properties [5].
Aerial parts of A. tenuisecta were collected when flowering
Anthemis tenuisecta is an annual plant, not yet described for its
between March and May 2015 from Tin Mansour area, cited near
medicinal properties. It is an endemic species of Morocco with a
Agadir, Morocco (latitude: 30°60 5800 , longitude: 9°330 600 ). A voucher
restricted distribution in the Middle Atlantic and the Haut Atlas
specimen has been deposited in the herbarium of the laboratory of
[6]. Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of A. tenuisecta
biotechnology, the National School of Applied Sciences, Ibn Zohr
EO were previously reported of this species from Safi Moroccan
University, Agadir, Morocco. The air-dried plant was hydrodisil-
region [7].
lated for approximately 3 h using a Clevenger type apparatus.
The aim of this study is the valorization of A. tenuisecta that is an
The A. tenuisecta EO yield was 0.4% (w/w). The EO were dried over
unexplored species. Indeed, this work provides more information
anhydrous sodium and kept in the dark at 4 °C until use.
on the biological activities of A. tenuisecta EO that has not been
reported earlier, to find new natural bioactive products. So, the
antifungal activity using agar dilution and disk diffusion was eval- 2.2. Antifungal tests

2.2.1. Fungal cultures

⇑ Corresponding author. Botrytis cinerea, Penicillium sp. and Rhizopus sp. were isolated
E-mail address: (B. Chebli). directly from naturally decayed strawberries. Isolation of fungi
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of The Third International Conference on Materials and Environmental Science.

Please cite this article as: A. Mziouid, B. Chebli, M. Berrabah et al., Antifungal activities of essential oil from Moroccan endemic Anthemis tenuisecta and
seed emergence, Materials Today: Proceedings,
2 A. Mziouid et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

was realized in 3 replicates using potato dextrose agar medium inhibition percentages of postharvest decay were calculated fol-
(PDA) amended with gentamycin (10 mg/L) to stop the growth of lowing the formula:
bacteria. The plates were incubated at 25 ± 2 °C for 5 days. Devel-
oping fungal cultures were repeatedly purified before their identi- Inhibition % ¼ ðS  BÞ
fication. Pure cultures of the three fungi were maintained on PDA
where, S and B were the decay percentages on the control sample
and stored at 4 °C.
and treated berries, respectively. The correlations between the inhi-
bition percentages and treatment concentrations were evaluated.
2.2.2. In vitro antifungal assays
The in vitro antifungal activity of A. tenuisecta EO was carried
2.4. A. tenuisecta seed emergence
out against mycelial growth of the three fungal cultures using
the agar dilution method [8] and the disk diffusion assay [9]. Both
2.4.1. Seed morphology and weight
antifungal assays were assessed with 6 concentrations of A. tenui-
Fresh seeds were separated from flowers using a dissecting nee-
secta EO: 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 mL/mL.
dle. The seeds were visually checked to eliminate nonviable ones
For the agar dilution method, a stock solution was prepared by
(thin and empty seeds). The length and width of fresh seeds were
dissolving pure EO in sterile solution 0.2% Tween 80 (v/v). To
measured of 20 different flowers and the seed weight was deter-
obtain the desired concentrations, it consisted of mixing appropri-
mined with five replicates of 25 seeds each. The seeds were kept
ate amounts of stock solution with autoclaved potato dextrose agar
in air-dried plants stored under ambient laboratory conditions.
medium (PDA) maintained at 45 °C just before pouring into Petri
dishes. Then, a mycelial plug, 6 mm in diameter, was excised from
pure fungal culture and placed at the center of each Petri dish. Con- 2.4.2. Seed emergence tests
trols consisted of un-amended PDA. The plates were sealed with The percentage of seed emergence was tested at four different
parafilm and incubated at 25 °C. age levels: S1 (Seeds collected one month after the plant collec-
For volatile effect assay, the Petri dishes were filled with sterile tion), S2 (Seeds collected from dried plants 6 months after collec-
PDA medium and then inoculated with mycelial plugs, cut from tion) S3 (Seeds collected from dried plants 12 months after
pure culture fungi. After solidification, the plates were inverted. collection) and S4 (Seeds collected from dried plants 24 months
According to each concentration, different amounts of pure EO after collection). The seed emergence was evaluated on cotton,
were deposited on sterile filter paper discs, which were then peat and native soil (sieved to remove stones) which were auto-
placed on the inner surface of the Petri dish lids. The dishes were claved at 121 °C for 45 min, placed into plastic boxes and moist-
sealed with parafilm and incubated upside-down at 25 °C. Controls ened with distilled water. The test was conducted under
consisted of sterile distilled water-soaked filter paper in the lid of laboratory light and temperature, and distilled water was added
the Petri dish. as need. Three replicates of 25 to 35 seeds each were made. Seed
For both methods, the test was stopped when control Petri emergence was recorded for a one month observation period. To
dishes were covered by mycelial culture. For each concentration, determine the effect of photoperiod on seed emergence, the seeds
three plates were used. The percentage inhibition of mycelial were also incubated in complete darkness at the same conditions
growth of the three tested fungi by the EO, compared to the con- (Petri dishes wrapped in aluminum foil) and were checked only
trols, was calculated according to the following equation: when incubation was terminated. After sterilization with 1%
sodium hypochlorite solution for 1 min and rinsed three times
Inhibition % ¼ 100ðC  TÞ=C with distilled water, some germinated seeds were transferred
aseptically to an agar medium [12] with 1% (w/v) sucrose and
where C was the diameter of fungal growth on the control and T
0.8% (w/v) agar, pH 5.7, autoclaving at 121 °C for 20 min. The test
was the diameter on the test plate.
on the agar medium was kept at 22 °C under a photoperiod of
16 h/8h light/dark with cool-white fluorescent (40 mmol m2 s1).
2.2.3. Transfer experiments The final seed emergence percentage (SEP) was determined follow-
For both antifungal assays, the lowest concentration that com- ing the formula:
pletely inhibited the growth of the fungus was considered the min-
imum inhibitory concentration (MIC). For assessing the fungistatic SEP ¼ ðnumber of emerged seeds=number of seeds per sampleÞ
nature of the A. tenuisecta EO on the target fungus, the fungal discs
from concentration plate with no growth were re-inoculated into
fresh medium and revival of their growth at 25 °C under monitor-
ing during five to ten days [10]. A fungicidal effect (MFC) was
where no mycelial growth occurred after additional incubation. 2.5. Statistical analysis

All assays were carried out in triplicate and were repeated

2.3. Evaluation of A. tenuisecta EO on the shelf life of raspberries and
twice. All data were evaluated with one-way ANOVA using SPSS
16.0 software. The means comparisons were performed using
Newman & Keuls tests. The results are presented as mean val-
The experiment was realized according to [11]. Three concen-
ues ± standard deviation with different letters which are statisti-
trations: 200, 400 and 600 ppm of A. tenuisecta EO were prepared
cally significant at 5% level probability.
using 0.4% Tween 80 and sterile distilled water under vigorous stir-
ring. Batches of ten raspberries and six strawberries were tested
separately per replicate. The EO emulsions were sprayed on fresh 3. Results and discussions
fruits at room temperature. After spraying, berries were allowed
to dry for 15 min and then were stored at 4 °C. Visual decay of 3.1. Antifungal tests
raspberries and strawberries was evaluated for 12 days and the
contamination levels (percentage of berries showing decay signs) The inhibition percentages obtained in antifungal activity of dif-
were daily taken during storage. For treatments and controls (un- ferent concentrations of A. tenuisecta EO using agar dilution and
treated), three replicates were made. At the end of storage, the disk diffusion techniques are presented in Table 1.

Please cite this article as: A. Mziouid, B. Chebli, M. Berrabah et al., Antifungal activities of essential oil from Moroccan endemic Anthemis tenuisecta and
seed emergence, Materials Today: Proceedings,
A. Mziouid et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

Table 1
The inhibition percentages of A. tenuisecta EO on mycelial growth of B. cinerea, Rhizopus sp. and Penicillium sp.

Pathogens Antifungal assays Concentrations (mL/mL) IC50 (mL/mL) R2

0.125 0.25 0.5 1 2 4
B. cinerea Agar dilution 0 ± 0.00f 0 ± 0.00f 5 ± 0.00f 43 ± 6.56c 100 ± 0.00 a 100 ± 0.00 a 1.18 0.896
Disk diffusion 14 ± 1.73 e 19 ± 1.73 e 34 ± 7.94 d 76.33 ± 1.15b 100 ± 0.00 a 100 ± 0.00 a 0.68 0.846
Rhizopus sp. Agar dilution 0 ± 0.00 e 0 ± 0.00 e 0 ± 0.00 e 18 ± 1.73 d 95 ± 0.00b 100 ± 0.00 a 1.36 0.912
Disk diffusion 0 ± 0.00 e 0 ± 0.00 e 0 ± 0.00 e 29 ± 3.60c 100 ± 0.00 a 100 ± 0.00 a 1.27 0.9
Penicillium sp. Agar dilution 0 ± 0.00 g 0 ± 0.00 g 14 ± 1.73 e 22.33 ± 2.51 d 32.33 ± 2.51c 40.67 ± 4.04b >4 0.912
Disk diffusion 0 ± 0.00 g 7.33 ± 2.51f 19.67 ± 2.51 d 29 ± 1.73c 38 ± 3.60b 49 ± 5.29 a >4 0.909

Mean value of three replicates ± Standard deviation.

Letters indicate statistically difference to 5% level probability according to Newman and Keuls test.
R2: Correlation coefficient.

As can be seen in this table, there was no inhibitory effect The best inhibitory effect of A. tenuisecta EO was given in disk
against fungi at many concentrations. However, there were strong diffusion assay. These findings agreed with other studies on Melissa
correlations between increasing the EO concentration and a officinalis and Pulicaria mauritanica EOs [9,18]. The results of this
decrease of mycelial growth of the three tested fungi in both anti- comparison could be attributed to the low-molecular-weight and
fungal assays. In the agar dilution method, the EO completely low solubility of EO, and the lipophilic nature of both fungal struc-
inhibited B. cinerea and Rhizopus sp. at 2 and 4 mL/mL, respectively. ture and EO that easily diffuse into the cell membrane [19].
In disk diffusion assay, no mycelial growth was shown of B. cinerea Previous studies have tested the antifungal activity of EOs
and Rhizopus sp. at 2 mL/mL. For Penicillium sp., the inhibitory effect against B. cinerea and species from Rhizopus and Penicillium genus.
of EO at the highest concentration was lower than 50% in both anti- The vapors of Solidago Canadensis L. EO inhibited 78% at 3 mL/mL%
fungal methods. The IC50 values of B. cinerea and Rhizopus sp. in of mycelial growth of B. cinerea [20]. The MICs of three species
disk diffusion assay were lower than those of agar dilution. Also, from the Satureja genus were 300 mL/mL, 300 mL/mL and 600 mL/
Penicillium sp. was better inhibited in the disk diffusion technique mL, against B. cinerea, R. Stolonifer, and P. digitatum, respectively
at all concentrations. So, the A. tenuisecta EO exhibited better anti- [21]. The inhibition rate of Pulicaria mauritanica EO reached 100%
fungal activity using disk diffusion assay against the three studied and 87.36% at 2 mL/mL against P. expansum and R. stolonifer, respec-
fungi. tively [9]. The Warionia saharae EO inhibited at 2 mL/mL 85.51% and
Table 2 shows the MIC and MFC of A. tenuisecta EO obtained for 82.89% of P. expansum and R. stolonifer, respectively [22]. Thus, it
Rhizopus sp. and B. cinerea. By both antifungal assays, MFCs for B. can be suggested that the EO of A. tenuisecta have a great in vitro
cinerea were lower/or equal to 4 mL/mL, whereas those for Rhizopus antifungal effect against the three tested fungi.
sp. were strictly higher than 4 mL/mL. In general, it can be con-
cluded that B. cinerea was the most sensitive fungus to the A. tenui-
secta EO and Penicillium sp. was the most resistant. 3.2. Evaluation of A. tenuisecta on the shelf life of raspberries and
The EO of A. tenuisecta exhibited significant antifungal activities strawberries
which might be attributed to their major constituents. The chem-
ical composition of A. tenuisecta EO used in this study was previ- The postharvest decay percentages daily measured of EO trea-
ously determined by our laboratory team using gas ted berries and their controls (untreated) during 12 days at cold
chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The major com- storage are shown in Fig. 1 (raspberries) and Fig. 2 (strawberries).
ponents detected in the EO were: carvacrol (19.52%), bicyclo[2.2.1] Until the seventh-storage day, 400 and 600 ppm EO treated
heptan-2-one, 1,7,7-trimethyl-, (1R)- (16.76%), 5-hepten-2-one, 6- raspberries showed no postharvest decay, while those untreated
methyl- (16.46%) and camphene (13.18%) which are reported as were half infected. At day 12, control sample was completely
antifungal agents or a responsible for increasing the antifungal infected, whereas the decay rates of 200, 400 and 600 ppm EO trea-
activity [13–16]. Additionally, the synergistic interaction of the ted raspberries were 23.33%, 10% and 10%, respectively.
EO components contributed probably to the antifungal activity [9]. As the Fig. 2 showed, no decayed strawberries were obtained
The resistance of Penicillium sp. may be ascribed to the active when A. tenuisecta EO were applied at 400 and 600 ppm until the
enzymes which some species of Penicillium genus produce that fifth-storage day. At day 8, the decay rate of untreated strawberries
may deactivate the effective antifungal compounds of EO [17]. It was 66.67% while both 400 and 600 ppm EO treated fruits pre-
is may be also possible that the hyphae of Rhizopus sp. and B. sented only 5.67%. At the end-storage day, A. tenuisecta EO has pre-
cinerea were more sensitive to A. tenuisecta EO compared to that served 45% of 400 and 600 ppm treated strawberries.
of Penicillium sp. For both treated berries, no statistical difference was observed
between A. tenuisecta EO concentrations (p < 0.05) unless
200 ppm EO treated strawberries that were equal to the control.
Table 2 It can be also marked the potential correlation between A. tenui-
Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal fungicidal concentration (MFC) secta EO concentration and the inhibition percentage of the decay
of A. tenuisecta EO. rate.
Pathogens Antifungal assays Concentrations (mL/ Substitution of synthetic fungicides treatments by the applica-
mL) tion of EOs for controlling post-harvest pathogens is gaining
MIC MFC increasing interest [17].
Botrytis cinerea Agar Dilution 2 4
In vitro studies of the A. tenuisecta EO indicated its potential as a
Disk Diffusion 2 4 natural antifungal agent against the most prevalent phy-
Rhizopus sp. Agar Dilution 4 >4 topathogenic fungi found on strawberries [21,23]. However, many
Disk Diffusion 2 >4 limiting factors within in vivo conditions such as the high fungal
MIC: fungistatic concentration. resistance [24], a problem solubility of EO [25], the interactions
MFC: fungicidal concentration. between phenolic compounds and the food matrix [26], toxicity

Please cite this article as: A. Mziouid, B. Chebli, M. Berrabah et al., Antifungal activities of essential oil from Moroccan endemic Anthemis tenuisecta and
seed emergence, Materials Today: Proceedings,
4 A. Mziouid et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. The daily evolution of the decay rate of A. tenuisecta EO treated raspberries during 12 days at 4 °C. The treated raspberries with 200 ppm (-r-), 400 ppm (-j-) and
600 ppm (–▲–) of EO. The sample of untreated raspberries used as control (  ). Mean of three replicates (number) ± SD (vertical bar). The correlation coefficient between
EO concentrations and the inhibition percentages of decay at the end storage day R2 = 0,945.

Fig. 2. The daily evolution of the decay rate of A. tenuisecta EO treated strawberries during 12 days at 4 °C. The treated strawberries with 200 ppm (-r-), 400 ppm (-j-) and
600 ppm (–▲–) of EO. The sample of untreated strawberries used as control (  ). Mean of three replicates (number) ± SD (vertical bar). The correlation coefficient between
concentrations and the inhibition percentages of decay at the end storage day R2 = 0,941.

effect of some EO compounds on cell fruit integrity [11,27] and fresh fruit, the efficiency of EO at lower concentrations is highly
easy volatility of carvacrol [28]. Thus, further in vivo studies to required.
investigate the efficiency of A. tenuisecta EO as a bio-treating pesti- Other works have shown the efficiency of EOs or their compo-
cide of fruit were necessary. The results demonstrated that the A. nents to extend the shelf life of fresh fruits. Allyl isothiocyanate
tenuisecta EO significantly reduce the postharvest decay in raspber- at 5 mL/l and methyl jasmonate at 22.4 mL/l improved the posthar-
ries and strawberries during the shelf life at cold storage. However, vest shelf life of fresh raspberries during 10 days of storage at 10 °C
the A. tenuisecta EO preserved raspberries better than strawberries [30,31]. The EOs of Thymus vulgaris and Mentha piperita at 200 ppm
indicating that the efficiency of EO is also related to the fruit char- were able to reduce the postharvest decay of treated strawberries
acteristic [29]. In addition, due to the organoleptic properties of by 40% compared to the control during 14 days at 4 °C [11]. The

Please cite this article as: A. Mziouid, B. Chebli, M. Berrabah et al., Antifungal activities of essential oil from Moroccan endemic Anthemis tenuisecta and
seed emergence, Materials Today: Proceedings,
A. Mziouid et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

percentages of decayed cherry tomatoes treated by 200 mL/mL of The stimulation of seed germination by alternating tempera-
Cicuta virosa EO was reduced by 10% compared to the control tures is also common in species from arid zones [34,35], thereby;
[32]. The EOs of Satureja khuzistanica and Thymus daenensis at the seed emergence tests were carried out under laboratory condi-
2000 mL/L were efficient for controlling anthracnose in avocado tions. The results indicate that A. tenuisecta exhibits seed dormancy
postharvest [33]. Thus, the A. tenuisecta EO seems to be a promising at the first age level. As it is an aromatic plant, the dormancy at the
eco-friendly alternative that could be used in the agro-food start of storage may be due to the concentration of phenolic com-
industry. pounds in the plant which had probably to be reduced to remove
the dormancy of seeds [36]. Although the endemism of A. tenui-
3.3. A. tenuisecta seed emergence secta and its restricted distribution area, the results of seed emer-
gence in peat showed that the germination of A. tenuisecta seeds is
3.3.1. Seed morphology and weight not strictly linked to its native soil. Moreover, the disinfection and/
A seed was conical with a length of 1.5–2 mm a wide of 0.4– or specific treatments were not primary for obtaining seeds able to
0.5 mm. The seed number per flower ranged from 5 to 22. The fresh germinate. A prior study reported that without any treatment the
seed mass was 0.18 ± 0.05 mg. seed emergence percentage of Prealpine endemic Asteraceae spe-
cies Telekia speciosissima was less than 10% [37]. Also, the percent-
3.3.2. Seed emergence tests ages of seed germination by alternating temperatures of Baccharis
The seed emergence percentages of A. tenuisecta in three seed- dracunculifolia and Zinnia peruviana two native Asteraceae species
ling supports and at four different age levels are summarized in of Argentina were 43% and 44%; respectively [38]. In the darkness,
Table 3. no seed emergence was recorded. This indicates that alternating
At the first age level, there was no seed emergence in both seed- light is necessary to ensure the germination of A. tenuisecta seeds
ling supports. The best seed emergence percentages were at the as other small-seeded species [39].
third age level (12 months of storage). As can be observed, no sta- Propagation from seed is a crucial step for the ex-situ conserva-
tistical difference was observed between peat and native soil of A. tion [40], the present work demonstrates that ex-situ propagation
tenuisecta (p < 0.05) and also between the second and third age of A. tenuisecta is possible from seeds. Moreover, disinfection pro-
levels. cedures and phytohormones can generate better percentages of
The pictures of A. tenuisecta seed emergence at different seed- seed emergence, as another study in endemic Asteraceae species
ling supports are presented in Fig. 3. Santolina semidentata reported [41].

Table 3 4. Conclusions
The percentages of A. tenuisecta seed emergence at four different age levels.
Due to consumer demands of agricultural products without
Seed ages Percentage of seed emergence (%)
chemical residues and climate change impacts, the concept of sus-
Cotton Peat Native soil
tainable production was gaining interest all around the world that
S1 0 ± 0.00c 0 ± 0.00c 0 ± 0.00c the discovery of natural controlling agents has been growing value.
S2 19.67 ± 6.51b 36.67 ± 5.77 a 38.45 ± 7.86 a
A. tenuisecta EO revealed to be a potential natural antifungal agent.
S3 22.45 ± 3.67b 37.67 ± 3.57 a 39.67 ± 5.62 a
S4 2.33 ± 1.53c 0.33 ± 0.58c 1.9 ± 1.4c Due to its inhibition effect against three phytopathogenic fungi and
efficiency to extend the shelf life of fresh berries, this EO is sug-
Mean value of three replicates ± Standard deviation.
gested as an alternative to chemical fungicides, either as a model
Letters indicate statistically difference to 5% level probability according to Newman
and Keuls test.
for synthesizing new effective bioactive products. Furthermore,
the investigation of other biological properties is also supported

Fig. 3. The A. tenuisecta seed emergence at different seedling supports, agar medium (A and B), peat (C and D) and native soil (E).

Please cite this article as: A. Mziouid, B. Chebli, M. Berrabah et al., Antifungal activities of essential oil from Moroccan endemic Anthemis tenuisecta and
seed emergence, Materials Today: Proceedings,
6 A. Mziouid et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Please cite this article as: A. Mziouid, B. Chebli, M. Berrabah et al., Antifungal activities of essential oil from Moroccan endemic Anthemis tenuisecta and
seed emergence, Materials Today: Proceedings,

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