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Topics: Meaning of Islam

The general meaning of Islam is submission to Allah almighty. (‫)اللہ کے سا منے سر تسلیم خم کرنا‬
Literal meaning of Islam could be derived from its name. Islam is derived from an Arabic
word (‫ )س ل م‬which means to surrender, to submit or to resign. (‫ استعفی د ییا‬، ‫ پیش کرنا‬،‫)ہیھیار ڈالیا‬
The other literal meaning of the word "Islam" is "peace". This signifies that one can
achieve real peace of body and of mind only through submission and obedience to Allah
almighty. And such a life of obedience brings peace of the heart and establishes real peace
in society at large.
As a religion, Islam stands for complete submission, surrender, and obedience to
Allah almighty that is why it is called Islam. Such a life of obedience brings peace of the
heart and establishes real peace in society at large.

What is Islam?
Islam is the monotheistic religions system of Muslims founded in Arabia in the 7th
century and based on the teachings of Muhammad (PBUH) as laid down in the Quran.
The Synonyms words which is used for Islam: Islamism, Muhammadanism, and

Concept of Islam:
The basic and main concept of Islam is based on the oneness of Allah almighty. There
is one and only Creator of this universe is Allah Almighty. He is the Sustainer ( ‫ )برقرار رکھنے واال‬of
this universe. He had created everything in this universe for a specific period and will be
returned to Him. The purpose of creatures (‫ )مخلوق‬is test and trial. Allah Almighty has created
material resources to fulfil the physical need of mankind and for spiritual need, He had sent
messengers who taught the mankind the code of life. He had let the rest to the willingness
of mankind: "Who so ever wants, he should believe; who so ever wants, he should
disbelieve". (Surah Al-Kahf)
There is a concept of punishments and rewards. Those who follow the right path
guided by the messengers of Allah almighty, will be in rest and peace, while those who
deviates/Turn away (‫ )انحراف کرنا ہے‬from the right path might get punishment. Those who follow
the guidance of the messengers up till Muhammad (PBUH) are Muslims while others are
Imam Raghib 1
Cited in his (Tasfsir) that Islam is of two types: One is submission with tongue only;
another is its implementation in every field of the life, following its principles and rules and
practice it, and Islam is based on these foundations:
1. Belief in the oneness of Allah Who is the Creator of the Universe.
2. Belief in the messengers of Allah almighty (Muhammad PBUH is the last messenger
of Allah).
3. Belief in the angels.
4. Belief in the books revealed on the Prophets.
5. Belief in the Day of Judgment.

1. Abu al-Qasim al-Hussein bin Muhammad, known as Raghab Al-Isfahani, died in the Hijri year 502, corresponding
to 1108‫۔‬

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