Another One Bites The Dust - 'Another', 'The Other', and 'Other' - Student's

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Another one bites the dust: 'Another', 'the other', and 'other'

1. Identify another, other, or the others.

1. This cake is delicious! Can I have another piece?
2. There's no other way. We will have to take the ferry if we want to visit the island.
3. There were three books on my table. One is here. Where are the others?
4. He was a wonderful teacher. Everyone agreed it would be hard to find another teacher like
5. Please give me another piece of candy.

2. Answer the video’s questions on a piece of paper.

Others, another, the other, other, the others || Quiz

Source: Pin English: Others, another, the other, other, the others || Quiz

1. What was your score?

My score was _____/10.

2. Was this difficult? Why or why not?

Be ready to answer the video’s questions again at the end of the lesson.

3. Other means additional, extra, or alternative. It can also mean different types of. We can use
other with singular uncountable nouns and with plural nouns.
For example:

Other travel information can be found on our website. (information is a singular uncountable
Some music calms people; other music has the opposite effect. (music is a singular uncountable

This coat is too big. Do you have it in other sizes? (sizes is a plural noun)

The difference between using other and others is that other is followed by a noun or a pronoun.
Others is a pronoun and is NOT followed by a noun.

For example:
These shoes are too small. Do you have any other shoes?
These shoes are too small. Do you have any others? (no noun after others)

4. Select if other or others should be used.

1. I don’t have any ___________ shoes to wear.

2. I see three flavors of ice cream but I don’t see the ___________.
3. What _________ books have you read?
4. The ________ cat is about five years old.
5. I will send two boxes today and I will send the __________ tomorrow.
6. Where are the _________ two dinner plates?
7. I thought you were going to bring the __________?

5. If we use other before a singular countable noun, we must use a determiner before it.
Determiners come at the beginning of a noun phrase and before adjectives. Determiners limit or
"determine" a noun phrase in some way.
Some examples of determiners:

● Definite article : the

● Indefinite articles : a, an
● Demonstratives: this, that, these, those
● Pronouns and possessive determiners : my, your, his, her, its, our, their
● Quantifiers : a few, a little, much, many, a lot of, most, some, any, enough
● Numbers : one, ten, thirty
For example:

I don’t like the red dress. I prefer the other color.

Ryan is in Italy; our other child is still living at home.
There’s one other thing we need to discuss before taking the exam.

6. Identify the determiner used with other in the sentence.

1. I want the other cup.

2. Let’s look at a few other choices.
3. What should I do with that other bike?
4. My other brother is tall and bald.
5. Our other kitten was found in the box, so we took it home.
6. I saw this other dress and just had to have it!
7. My mom said that the other cake was for grandma.

7. Use a determiner to finish the sentence with other or others. Answers may vary.

the / many / little / my / your / her / one / this / some / those

1. I want ________ other shoes to wear with my dress.

2. Did you see ______ other cat? It is gray and white.
3. _____ other chair is not comfortable.
4. ______ other child is seven years old.
5. I see _______ other pie is still cooling.
6. What is ____________ other teacher doing here? Is our teacher sick?
7. There are ________ other ways to end the story.

8. Select the correct answer when using other or others.

1. I took the ____ book back to the school’s library.

A. other
B. others

2. I've told Shannon about the party, but I haven't told the _____ yet.

A. other
B. others

3. Many _____ people have said the same thing about the food at the amusement park.

A. other
B. others

9. The other with a singular noun means the second of two things or people, and comparing two
similar or opposite items.
For example:
This computer here is new. The other computer is about five years old. (comparing two computers
to each other)
The gift shop is on the other side of the street, directly opposite. (the opposite side)

The other with a plural noun means the remaining people or things in a group or set.
For example:
Sam and Jane are here, but where are the other students? (the remaining students in a group)
Where are the other two dinner plates? I can only find four. (the remaining plates in a set)

We can use the other as a pronoun, especially to refer back to something which has been
mentioned already in the sentence.

For example:
He had his hat in one hand and a bunch of flowers in the other. (referring to what is in his hands)
She has two kittens, one is black and the other is all white. (referring to the kittens)

10. Use other, others, the others, or the other to complete the sentence.

1. Sarah and Cindy stayed behind. __________ girls went home.

2. He was always ignorant to the feelings of ________.
3. This table is too big. Do you have ________ sizes?
4. These boxes are for books. ________ boxes are for clothes.
5. The taxi has arrived. I must tell ___________.
6. Some movies are better than ________.
7. ____________ want to go dancing. I want to go ice skating.

11. Identify what the other is comparing, referring back to, or identifying as part of a group.
1. Henry got the chocolate cake for dessert. I got the other dessert option.
2. I see Kate’s mom and Sally’s parents here to pick them up. Where are the other parents?
3. 3 soccer balls are in the bag. Where are the other soccer balls?
4. I have the other statue. Mom has this one.
5. Where are the other menu items? I only see hamburgers and salads on the menu.
6. Let’s go to this park. The other one is too crowded.
7. I didn’t like the movie. I wanted to see the other one.

12. Select the correct use of other, others, the other, or the others.

1. You take the new ones and I'll take ____.

A. others
B. the others
C. Either could be used here.

2. I go there every ____ day.

A. other
B. others
C. the other

3. Some ____ people have taken it.

A. other
B. another
C. others

13. Match the sentence to the correct word.

14. When we use the indefinite article an before other, we write it as one word: another. Another
means one more, extra, alternative, or different.
We can use another as a determiner with singular nouns.

For example:

Would you like another cup of coffee?

I don’t like this restaurant. Is there another restaurant around here we could go to?

We can also use another as a pronoun.

For example:

The applications are examined by one committee, then passed on to another.

Let’s give one another a Christmas gift this year.

15. Identify if another is being used as a pronoun in each sentence.

1. To fill the gas tank, I need another ten dollars.

2. Ask me another question.
3. Let’s tell one another our phone number so we can get together.
4. Would you like another cup of tea?
5. She read the message and passed it on to another.
6. What is another way to say “Thank you” in your language?

16. Decide if the following sentences are correct or incorrect.

1. We have some another ways of dealing with bad behavior.

2. I don't like this hotel. Let's ask for another.

3. This isn’t something to worry about when we have other problems.

4. Would you like the others cup of milk?

5. My sister has other two years to go before she finishes her degree.

6. Sara and Frank are arriving this evening but another guests won't be here until tomorrow.

17. Match and fill in the blank.

18. Other, others, the other or another: typical errors
To review, when other is a determiner, it does not have a plural form.

For example:

These boxes are for books. The other boxes are for clothes.
The vegetables have been cut but where are the other ingredients?
Not: the others

When other as a pronoun refers to more than one person or thing, it takes the plural form, others.

For example:

Some scientists think we should use electric vehicles to prevent global warming; others disagree.
What are the others doing today? Did they want to go swimming?
Not: other

19. Identify which sentences use other or others.

1. Some people do their best to prevent animal testing while _______ are indifferent.
2. Three days a week I go to dance practice. The ________ days I go to choir.
3. Some of the students in the class forgot their materials at home, while the _______
brought everything.
4. Do you have any ________ ideas?
5. The ________ don’t want to go to the restaurant. They don’t like seafood.
6. The teacher was busy with some __________ students so she couldn't help you.

20. Other, others, the other or another: typical errors continued

Other must have a determiner before it when it comes in front of a singular countable noun. If the
noun is indefinite, we use another. An indefinite noun is a type of noun that is not specific in its
reference (for example: a book, a woman, an idea).

For example:

I’ve posted the first package. What shall I do with that other package? (that is a determiner and
package is a singular countable noun)
After a month in Minnesota, I was ready to move to another state that wasn’t cold.( state is an
indefinite noun)

Another is singular. We don’t use it with plural nouns.

For example:
Other interesting places to visit are Salem, Orlando, and Seattle.
Not: another interesting places to visit

21. Choose the correct answer when applying other, others, the other, the others, or another.
1. The ____ people were screaming when they saw the Halloween decorations.
A. other
B. others
C. another

2. They love one ____. You can see it in the way they look at eachother.
A. other
B. another
C. Either could be used here.

3. I'd like _____ cup of tea, please.

A. other
B. another
C. Either could be used here.

22. Complete the following sentences with another, other, the other, the others.

​1. I have roses, tulips, poppies, and many _________ flowers in my garden.
​2. I’d like __________ cup of coffee, please.
​3. Give me ___________ example. This one is confusing.
​4. Where is __________ sock? There is only one here.
​5. Chris and Charles are here but where are _______________?
​6. The bank is on ____________ side of the square.
​7. They always help one _______________ with homework.
​8. This shirt doesn’t fit. Can you give me ___________ size?
​9. Why have you come alone? Where are _______________?
​10. You should find ________________ place to store your things. I cannot keep them.

23. Complete the following questions with another, other, the other, the others.
1. You borrowed two books but returned only one. When will you return _______?
2. I don’t get this grammar rule. Can you give me ___________ example of it?
3. I don’t like the color of these pants. Can you show me _____________ pair of pants?
4. What ____________ house pets are there besides cats and dogs?

5. I see only two plates and two cups on the table. Where are ____________ ?
6. I can see only one glove here. Where is ________________ one?

24. Let’s review the video questions again. Answer the video’s questions on a piece of paper.
Others, another, the other, other, the others || Quiz

Source: Pin English: Others, another, the other, other, the others || Quiz

1. What was your score?

My score was _____/10.

2. Was your score different this time?

25. Wrap-up
Share your answers with your teacher.

1. When is it ok to use “another” instead of “other”?

2. When should you use “others” instead of “other”?
3. We wanted to continue playing but _______________ team gave up.
4. You must do it on your own. Don’t wait until ___________ do it for you.
5. Some people like traveling, while ______________ don’t.


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