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True or false

1. Management is a process of determining aims and objectives. ( )

2. Administration is a process of getting things done through and with people operating in
organized groups. ( )

3. Management is a top – level activity. ( )

4. Main function of Management are Planning and organizing functions. ( )

5. Administration is concerned about the determination of objectives and major policies of an

organization. ( )

6. Management puts into action the policies and plans laid down by the administration. ( )

7. Administration is a determinative function. ( )

8. Management is an executive function. ( )

9. Administration requires technical abilities. ( )

10. Organizing is the process of setting objectives and determining what should be done to
accomplish them. ( )

11. Every plan should not contribute to the attainment of purpose and objectives of the
organization. ( )

12. Plans are efficient only if they achieve their purpose at a reasonable cost. ( )

13. Planning should be flexible to adapt changes. ( )

14. Planning is always based on predetermined objectives. ( )

15. Short-term plan Covers a period of more than one year but less than five years. ( )

16. Medium-term plan Covers a period of five years or more. ( )

17. The mission of an organization provides vision for that organization. ( )

18. Values statements make employees feel proud and managers feel committed. ( )

19. Values bond people and set the behavior standards of the employees. ( )

20. Objectives are general statements for giving direction for what the organization seeks to
accomplish. ( )

21. Goals are specific results that one wishes to achieve. ( )

Younis Marzouk
22. A Procedure is a sequence of steps required for one specific task. ( )

23. Standards indicate what is to be done by an individual employee. ( )


Choose the correct answer

1. Single –use plans includes

A. procedur

B. Policies

C. standards

D. rules

2. It is an image of the desired future.

A. Mission

B. Goals

C. Philosophy

D. Vision

3. It's a brief statement identifying the reason that an organization exist.

A. Mission

B. Goals

C. Philosophy

D. Vision

4. It is a statement of values and beliefs that direct an organization in its attempt to achieve its

A. Standard

B. Philosophy

C. Vision

D. Procedure

5. Nursing philosophy consists of beliefs about

Younis Marzouk
A. Nursing care

B. Nurse-patient relationship

C. Person

D. Environment

E. All the above

6. It is defined as the morale rationale for all business.

A. Standard

B. Philosophy

C. Vision

D. Values

7. It gives meaning to the right way to do things, and gives employees enthusiasm and energy.

A. Standard

B. Values

C. Vision

D. Philosophy

8. Are boundaries or guidelines for decision making and behavior within which personnel can act.

A. Polices

B. Philosophy

C. Rules

D. Values

9. There are basically guides to action specific types of information.

A. Polices

B. Policy manuals

C. Rules

D. Values

Younis Marzouk
10. There are single purposes statements which specifically state what must be done or what may not
be done.

A. Polices

B. Philosophy

C. Rules

D. Values

11. is a guide of performance of an activity.

A. Polices

B. Procedures

C. Rules

D. Values

12. Is a descriptive statement of desired level of performance.

A. Polices

B. Procedures

C. Standards

D. Values

13. - It's a plan that provides formal quantitative expression.

A. Polices

B. Procedures

C. Standards

D. Budget

Classify the followings in accordance to the planning types:

14. Hand washing technique.

A. Operational plan

B. Single use plan

Younis Marzouk
C. Standing plan

D. Strategic plan

15. Paid vacation rules for employees.

A. Operational plan

B. Single use plan

C. Standing plan

D. Strategic plan

16. Nursing care standard for diabetic patients.

A. Operational plan

B. Single use plan

C. Standing plan

D. Strategic plan

17. Capital budget.

A. Operational plan

B. Single use plan

C. Standing plan

D. Strategic plan

18. Plan for 3 months.

A. Operational plan

B. Single use plan

C. Standing plan

D. Strategic plan

19. Long term plan, which can be performed by the top managers.

A. Operational plan

B. Single use plan

Younis Marzouk
C. Standing plan

D. Strategic plan

Classify the followings in accordance to the types of standards:

20. Philosophy and goals of the organization.

A. Structured standards

B. Process standards

C. Outcome standards

21. Organizational facilities and building.

A. Structured standards

B. Process standards

C. Outcome standards

22. Manpower and money.

A. Structured standards

B. Process standards

C. Outcome standards

23. Nursing care standards.

A. Structured standards

B. Process standards

C. Outcome standards

24. Patient satisfaction.

A. Structured standards

B. Process standards

C. Outcome standards

25. Patient progress.

A. Structured standards

Younis Marzouk
B. Process standards

C. Outcome standards

26. Early recovery.

A. Structured standards

B. Process standards

C. Outcome standards

27. Nursing care given

A. Structured standards

B. Process standards

C. Outcome standards

28. Staff satisfaction

A. Structured standards

B. Process standards

C. Outcome standards

29. Bed sores care.

A. Structured standards

B. Process standards

C. Outcome standards

30. Infection rate.

A. Structured standards

B. Process standards

C. Outcome standards

31. Hospital readmission.

A. Structured standards

B. Process standards

Younis Marzouk
C. Outcome standards

32. Cost containment of resources.

A. Structured standards

B. Process standards

C. Outcome standards

33. Dressing care process.

A. Structured standards

B. Process standards

C. Outcome standards

34. Pre and post – operative care.

A. Structured standards

B. Process standards

C. Outcome standards



1. Elements of management process.

1. ...............................................

2. ...............................................

3. ...............................................

4. ...............................................

5. ...............................................

2. Process (steps) of planning.

1. ..............................................
Younis Marzouk
2. ...............................................

3. ...............................................

4. ...............................................

5. ...............................................

6. ...............................................

7. ...............................................

3. Classification (types) of plan

According to duration

1. ..............................................

2. ...............................................

3. ...............................................

According to specificity

1. ...............................................

2. ...............................................

According to Organization level

1. ...............................................

2. ...............................................

4.Write five Elements of planning

1. .............................................

2. .............................................

Younis Marzouk
3. .............................................

4. .............................................

5. .............................................

5. Purposes of polices

1. .............................................

2. .............................................

3. .............................................

4. .............................................

5. .............................................

6. Sources of polices

1. .............................................

2. .............................................

3. .............................................

7. Types of polices

1. ..............................................

2. ..............................................

3. ..............................................

8. Types of Policy manuals

1. ...............................................

2. ...............................................

9. Types of nursing care standards

Younis Marzouk
1. ..............................................

2. ..............................................

3. ..............................................

10. Types of budgets

1. ..............................................

2. ..............................................

3. ..............................................



1. F 12. T

2. F 13. T

3. F 14. T

4. F 15. F

5. T 16. F

6. T 17. T

7. T 18. T

8. T 19. T

9. F 20. F

10.F 21. F

11.F 22. T
23. F


Younis Marzouk
1. C 19.D

2. D 20.A

3. A 21.A

4. B 22.A

5. E 23.B*

6. D 24.C*

7. B 25.C*

8. A 26.C*

9. B 27.B*

10.C 28.B*

11.B 29.C*

12.C 30.C*

13.D 31.

14.C 32.

15.C 33.

16.C 34.



Younis Marzouk

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