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Nursng administration Questions Guide

1-The direction, cooperation, and control of many persons to

achieve some purpose and objectives.

A) Administration B) Management
C) Nursing Administration D) Coordination
2- A strategic management of nursing personnel, patient care,
and facility resources
A) Administration B) Management
C) Nursing Administration D) Coordination
3- Process of establishing organization objectives
A)Administration B) Management
C) Nursing Administration D) Coordination
4- The art of getting the work done through and with the
A)Administration B) Management
C) Nursing Administration D) Coordination
5- The person responsible for providing patient care
A)Nurse B) Head Nurse
C) Supervisor D)Nurse Director
6- Person who responsible for translating vision to operating
A)Nurse B) Head Nurse
C) Supervisor D)Nurse Director
7- Person who is responsible for managing hospital unit
A)Nurse B) Head Nurse
C) Supervisor D)Nurse Director
8- The person lies between top and first-line levels of
A)Nurse B) Head Nurse
C) Supervisor D)Nurse Director
9- The person lies in the top level in the organizational
A)Nurse B) Head Nurse

Nursng administration Questions Guide
C) Supervisor D)Nurse Director
10-Elements of management process are the following Except
A) Planning B) Plan
C) Organizing D) Directing

11-Is a statement of intended means for accomplishing objectives.

A) Planning B) Plan
C) Organizing D) Directing
12- Encourage staff education and training.
A) Planning B) Plan
C) Organizing D) Directing
13- Ensure effective participation of all nurses through teamwork
in total hospital plan.
A) Planning B) Plan
C) Organizing D) Directing
14-Promote research among nursing personnel.
A) Planning B) Plan
C) Organizing D) Directing
15- Evaluate the quality of the nursing service care.
A) Planning B) Controlling
C) Organizing D) Directing
16-Pervasive within the entire organization.
A) Planning B) Plan
C) Organizing D) Directing
17-Utilizes all available resources.
A) Planning B) Plan
C) Organizing D) Directing
18- Enable the organization to attain effective control.
A) Planning B) Plan
C) Organizing D) Directing
19-Enable the organization to deal with uncertainly/ cange.

Nursng administration Questions Guide
A) Planning B) Plan
C) Organizing D) Directing
20- Covers a period of one year or less.
A) Short-Term Plan B) Medium-Term Plan
C) Long-Term Plan D) Operational Plan
21- Covers a period more than one year / less than five years.
A) Short-Term Plan B) Medium-Term Plan
C) Long-Term Plan D) Operational Plan
22- Covers a period of five years or more.
A) Short-Term Plan B) Medium-Term Plan
C) Long-Term Plan D) Operational Plan
23- A plan which used only once
A) A Single-Use Plan B) Standing Plan
C) Long-Term Plan D) Operational Plan
24- A plan which used more than once
A) A Single-Use Plan B) Standing Plan
C) Long-Term Plan D) Operational Plan
25- Single –use plans includes the following except
A) Goals B) Rules
C) Objectives D) Programs
26- Standing plan includes the following except
A) Goals B) Rules
C) Programs D) Programs
27- Top level management plan is called
A) Administrative Plan B) Strategic Planning
C) Long-Term Plan D) Operational Plan
28- Plan which includes development of overall goals .
A) Administrative Plan B) Strategic Planning
C) Long-Term Plan D) Operational Plan
29- The plan that lasting from 5-10 years is called

Nursng administration Questions Guide
A) Administrative Plan B) Strategic Planning
C) Long-Term Plan D) Operational Plan
30- The plan which is a limited scope and addresses activities to
implement strategic plans ?
A) Administrative Plan B) Strategic Planning
C) Long-Term Plan D) Operational Plan
31- Lower level planning which concerned with the efficient
A) Administrative Plan B) Strategic Planning
C) Long-Term Plan D) Operational Plan
32- Ability to set goals about what the organization wants
A) Mission B) Vision
C) Philosophy D) Values
33- It Is an image of the desired future (future dream).
A) Mission B) Vision
C) Philosophy D) Values
34-Brief statement identifying the reason that an organization exist
A) Mission B) Vision
C) Philosophy D) Values
35- A statement of values and beliefs that direct an organization
A) Mission B) Vision
C) Philosophy D) Values
36- Are abstract and contain value statements.
A) Mission B) Vision
C) Philosophy D) Values
37-Should be done to accomplish them
A) Planning B) Plan
C) Organizing D) Directing
38- The process of setting objectives and determining what
A) Planning B) Plan
C) Organizing D) Directing

Nursng administration Questions Guide
39-Nursing philosophy consists of beliefs about:
A)Person. B)Environment.
B) Life. D) Client .
40- As The morale rationale for all business.
A) Mission B) Vision
C) Philosophy D) Values

41-It Gives meaning to the right way to do things

A) Mission B) Vision
C) Philosophy D) Values
42-Bond people and set the behavior standards of the employees.
A) Mission B) Vision
C) Philosophy D) Values
43-General statements for giving direction for what the
organization seeks to accomplish
A) Mission B) Objectives
C) Philosophy D) Goals
44-There are specific results that one wishes to achieve. A)
Mission B) Objectives
C) Philosophy D) Goals
45-Are Boundaries or guidelines for decision making and behavior
A) Mission B) Policies
C) Philosophy D) Goals
46-Is a general hospital standard which describes the
organizational objectives to be achieved
A) Hospital Policies B) Policies
C) Philosophy D) Goals
47-Serve as guidelines for action in accomplishing the objectives .
A) Hospital Policies B) Policies
C) Philosophy D) Goals
48-Single purposes statements which state what must be .

Nursng administration Questions Guide
A) Policies B) Rules
C) Regulation D) Procedures
49-Guidelines to effective rules are the following except :
A) Consistent B) Flexible
C) Reasonable D) Necessary
50-Policies that are developed at the middle and first level position
A) Policies B) Rules
C) Regulation D) Procedures
51-Is A guide of performance of an activity
A) Policies B) Procedures
C) Regulation D) Procedures
52-Is A sequence of steps required for one specific task A)
Policies B) Procedures
C) Regulation D) Procedures
53-Hiring procedure includes the following except
A)Past Training And Education B) Experience
C) Health Status D) Efficiency
54-Descriptive statement of desired level of performance
A) Criteria B) Rules
C) Standard D) Procedures
55-A Variable selected as a relevant indicator of the quality
A) Criteria B) Rules
C) Standard D) Procedures
56-Characteristics of standards are the following except:
A)Clear. B)Concise.
C)Oral . D)Realistic.
57-Second managerial function is called
A) Organizing B) Planning
C) Directing D) Controlling

Nursng administration Questions Guide
58-Involves establishing a formal structure to provide for the
coordination of resources to accomplish the objectives.
A) Organizing B) Planning
C) Directing D) Controlling
59-A Process of determining the activities to be performed,
grouping these activities into administrative units
A) Organizing B) Planning
C) Directing D) Controlling
60-Organizational tasks are divided into separate jobs
A) Specialization B) Specicification
C) Departmentation D) Simplfication
61-Official power to act is called .
A) Authority B)Responsibilty
C) Delegation D) A Ccountabiliy
62- Unbroken line of authority that ultimately links each individual
A) Chain Of Commoned B)Unity Of Commond
C) Responsibility D) Accountabiliy
63-The duty or an assigned task
A) Chain of commoned B)Unity of commond
C) Responsibility D) A ccountabiliy
64-Refers to liability or process of answering for what occurs
A) Chain of commoned B)Unity of commond
C) Responsibility D) A ccountabiliy
65-Every one have one supervisors.
A) Chain of commoned B)Unity of commond
C) Responsibility D) A ccountabiliy
66-Assigning work from organizational level to another
A) Chain of commoned B)Delegation
C) Responsibility D) A ccountabiliy

Nursng administration Questions Guide
67-Refers to the number of employees who report to one manager.
A) Chain of commoned B) Span of Control
C) Responsibility D) A ccountabiliy
68- Is defined as a diagram that shows the formal organizational
relationships, areas of responsibility
A) Organizational structure B) Organizational chart
C) Responsibility D) A ccountabiliy
69-Characteristics of a good organizational chart are the following
A) Accurate B) Simple.
C)Updated. D) Hidden

70- Types of organizational chart are the following Except:

A)Vertical chart. B) Horizontal chart.
c) Circular chart. D)Diagonial chart
71-It shows high level management at the top with lines of authority
down the hierarchy.
A)Vertical chart. B) Horizontal chart.
C) Circular chart. D)Diagonial chart
72-It shows the high- level management at the left with lower
position to the right.
A)Vertical chart. B) Horizontal chart.
C) Circular chart. D)Diagonial chart
73- It shows the high - level management in the center with
successive positions in the circles.
A)Vertical chart. B) Horizontal chart.
C) Circular chart. D)Diagonial chart
74-A managers have a greater need for leadership skills
A)Top level B) Middle level
C)First level . D)Nurse manager

Nursng administration Questions Guide
75- Managers carry out day-to-day operations
A)Top level B) Middle level
C)First level . D)Nurse manager
76- Person who deal with immediate problems in the unit's daily
A)Top level B) Middle level
C)First level . D)Nurse manager
77-Refers to the degree of distribution of decision making and
action by top management
A)Centralization B) decentralization
C)Centrality . D)Decision making
78- Shown on the organizational chart by solid lines
A)Staff Position B) Line Positon
C)Line And Staff Position D)Decision Making
79- Shown on the organizational chart by dotted lines
A)Staff Position B) Line Positon
C)Line And Staff Position D)Decision Making
80- Determined by organizational distance from the top to the
lower is called.
A)Centralization B) Decentralization
C)Centrality . D)Decision Making
81- A Systematic and consistent delegation of authority to The
levels where the work is performed.
A)Centralization B) decentralization
C)Centrality . D)Decision making
82-The managerial function of recruitment, selection, training,
developing, promotion and compensation of personne
A) Planning B) Staffing
C) Organizing D) Directing
83- The Process of hiring and developing the required personnel to
fill in the various positions

Nursng administration Questions Guide
A) Planning B) Staffing
C) Organizing D) Directing
84- Refers to the number and composition of personnel assigned to
work on a unit at a given time.
A) Planning B) Staffing
C) Organizing D) Directing
85- Indicate number and mix of personnel that should be on duty
per/ unit, / shift, / day
A) Staffing Pattern B) Staffing
C) Staffing Plan D) Directing
86-Determines the number of personnel that must be hired to
deliver on that staffing pattern.
A) Staffing Pattern B) Staffing
C) Staffing Plan D) Directing

87-All Activities that are performed in the presence of the patient

A) Direct Care B) Indirect Care
C) Nursing Care D) Directing
88-Direct care includesthe following except
A) Obtain Test Result B) Feeding
C) Bathing The Patient D)Treating
89-One From the following is indirect patient care
A) Obtain Test Result B) Feeding
C) Bathing The Patient D)Treating
90- Involves all activities that are not contact with patients
A) Direct Care B) Indirect Care
C) Nursing Care D) Directing
91-Process of locating and attracting enough qualified applicants A)
Selection B) Recruitment
C) Interviewing D) Placement

Nursng administration Questions Guide
92-Process of choosing from a pool of applicants the person who
offer the greatest performance potential .
A) Selection B) Recruitment
C) Interviewing D) Placement
93- It Is important in the selection process because of the
information of exchange they allow
A) Selection B) Recruitment
C) Interviewing D) Placement
Put T/F in fornt of the following statements
Statement T/F
1. Delegation is the upward transfer of authority
2. A wide span exists when the employee manager have is small
3. Narrow span exists when a manager has a large number of employees
4. All organizations contains only formal rganizational structure
5. All organizations have formal and informal organizational structure

6. Centralization makes power and prestige for the chief executive

7. Organizational chart maps lines of decision-making authority
8. Organizational chart shows informal lines of communication.
9. Organizational chart contributes to sound organizational structure
10. Organizational chart reveals to managers how employee fit
11. Decentralization decrease morale
12. Decentralization brings decision making close to action
13. Decentralization decresse coordination, especially for services
14. Line position shown on the organizational chart dotted lines

Nursng administration Questions Guide

15. Decentralization releases top management from the burden

16. Decentralization promotes interpersonal relationship
17. Centralization makes uniformity of polices, and decisions.
18. Staffing provide an adequate amount of staff of the right mixture
19. Staffing Provide new employees with orientation period
20. Staffing utilize talents and skills of each level of nursing
21. Staffing Provide continuous quality nursing
22. Staffing give quality care with efficient use of personnel
23. Staffing evaluate staffing practice periodically
24. Staffing practice should evaluate periodically
25. Staffing needs for personnel policies
26. Staffing pattern and plan are components of staffing
27. Directing is the fourth phase of management process
28. Coordination is the second major leadership activity
29. Staffing responsibilities begin with planning.

30. The delegator should delegate authority equal responsibilities

31. The supervisor should listen carefully to the employees
32. Each supervisor should negatively reinforce his subordinates
33. Positive reinforcement is effective for type (Y) employees
34. Controlling compares planned performance with actual one.

35. Controlling does not have any role in facilitating coordination

Nursng administration Questions Guide

36. Nurse manager examines the system focuses on most critical aspects.
37. Without measurement, effective control is not possible
38. Controlling does not point out errors in the execution process.
39. Leadership style, Peer relationship are factors affecting motivation.
40. Controlling is an end process.
41. Organizing helps in establishing working relationship
42. Policies create standards operating procedures among units
43. Organizing clarity working relationships
44. Benefits of Specialization is to put at the right job
45. Policies make choices among equally alternative
46. Policies promote efficiency, and safety
47. Planning process involves studying the past only
48. The final step in planning process is analysis and assessment
49. Managing by objectives is the one purpose of planning
50. Evaluation of plan effectiveness is the last step in planning
51. Setting priorities is important process in planning process
52. Planning includes assessment of potentialities and capabilities
53. Planning process start with formulation organizational goals
54. Provide unity of one purpose of planning
55. Planning attain effective control
56. Planning deal with certainly
57. Planning decrease efficiency

Nursng administration Questions Guide

58. Planning eliminate duplication of effort

59. Planning maximize the operational cost
60. Planning consume resources
61. Planning help in forecast future conditions
62. Planning requires managers ware of environmental conditions
63. Organizing involves setting objectives
64. Planning involves setting objectives
65. Organizing ensure optimum utilization resources
66. Staffing coordinate patient care with special nursing care
74.Hospital objectives achieved through financial resources only
75.Supervision of nurses is very essential step
76.Administration is important in planning total patient care
77.Administration not important in supervision
78.Administration is neglecting in selection of personnel
79.Planning is deciding in advance what, how, who, when, and where
80.Design old roles for planning staff is the main focus of planning
81.The plan should had stiff goals
82.Plan should start with strong mission
83.Mission gives direction for goals or objectives
84.Mission of nursing service is provide meticulous nursing care to patient


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