Cognitive Science An Introduction To The Study of Mind 3rd Edition Friedenberg Test Bank

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Cognitive Science An Introduction to

the Study of Mind 3rd Edition

Friedenberg Test Bank
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1. Which of the following best characterizes an artificial neural network?
@ Question Type: MC
a. a computer program that processes information one step at a time
b. a collection of neurons in the brain that performs some computation
*c. a computer program that mimics how real neurons might perform some computation
d. a collection of neurons in the brain that mimics how a computer might process

2. Select the true statement concerning artificial neural networks

@ Question Type: MC
a. information is represented symbolically
b. information is processed one step at a time
c. they employ the knowledge-based approach to problem solving
*d. none of the above

3. The basic computing element of an artificial neural network is called a

@ Question Type: MC
a. link
*b. node
c. weight
d. threshold

4. A(n) __________ function specifies the amount of stimulation a given node receives
@ Question Type: MC
*a. basis
b. reception
c. activation
d. none of the above
5. Three separate collections of cells each code for the different features of a face, one for
“eyes,” one for “nose,” and another for “mouth.” Their combined activity is an example
of what Hebb would call a
@ Question Type: MC
a. rehearsal network
b. cell assembly
*c. phase sequence
d. perceptron

6. The earliest artificial neural networks such as the "Mark I" contained
@ Question Type: MC
a. an input, hidden, and output layer
*b. an input and an output layer
c. an input and a hidden layer
d. two output layers

7. Which layer in modern neural networks contains a representation of the response that
is then matched against the teacher?
@ Question Type: MC
*a. the output layer
b. the input layer
c. the hidden layer
d. the feedback layer

8. Which of the following is an example of an unsupervised, multilayer, recurrent

network that is good at classifying patterns?
@ Question Type: MC
a. Kohonen network
b. Hopfield-Tank network
c. Perceptron networks
*d. Adaptive Resonance Theory network
9. A pattern recognition network is having difficulty discriminating a circle from an oval.
What type of problem is this network suffering?
@ Question Type: MC
a. generalization
b. graceful degradation
*c. interference
d. potentiation

10. Activity in a single node can represent a concept such as "banana." What type of
representation is this?
@ Question Type: MC
a. wholistic representation
*b. local representation
c. distributed representation
d. spreading representation

11. Below are depicted several word pairs from the Meyer and Schvaneveldt (1971)
experiment. In which of these pairs below would the second word be responded to most
@ Question Type: MC

12. Collins and Quillian (1979) used the results of a sentence verification task to build a
hierarchical semantic network model. They found that participants varied in the speed
with which they confirmed some statements as sentences. Which of the following
sentences from their study would be verified the fastest?
@ Question Type: MC
a. a canary is a bird
b. a canary is an animal
*c. a canary is a canary
d. a canary can sing

13. In Collins and Quillian's hierarchical model, the concept "bird" would be at the
__________ category level of organization
@ Question Type: MC
a. subordinate
b. superordinate
c. supraordinate
*d. ordinate

14. In propositional semantic networks, what type of link would connect the concepts
representing "rose" and "petal"?
@ Question Type: MC
a. "isalink"
b. agent link
*c. "hasa" link
d. object link

15. In the sentence "The man drove the car," which concept is the relation?
@ Question Type: MC
a. the
*b. drove
c. man
d. car

16. Which of the following is true concerning the node representing the concept "book"?
@ Question Type: MC
a. it is responsible for the T.O.T. phenomenon
*b. it has a high degree of fan
c. it has a low degree of fan
d. none of the above

17. The artificial network "NETtalk" is capable of reading written English. How many
letters can the network process at one time, taking into account context letters?
@ Question Type: MC
a. ten
b. one
c. four
*d. seven

18. Select the true statement concerning network science:

@ Question Type: MC
a. unlike cognitive science, it is not interdisciplinary
b. researchers are more interested in network structure than network function
*c. all networks share some universal mechanism of action
d. none of the above

19. The issue of how activity in a network is coordinated is known as:

@ Question Type: MC
a. clustering
*b. centrality
c. spreading activation
d. hierarchy

20. This type of cell in the visual system represents a line at a single orientation:
@ Question Type: MC
*a. simple cell
b. hypercomplex cell
c. megacomplex cell
d. complex cell

21. Any two American actors can be connected by a maximum of how many links?
@ Question Type: MC
a. three
b. six
c. eight
*d. four

22. Choose the true statement concerning networks:

@ Question Type: MC
a. random networks have only short local connections
*b. random networks have a few long distance connections
c. ordered networks have a large number of random long distance connections
d. ordered networks have a few long distance connections

23. Another name for a hub-based network is a(n):

@ Question Type: MC
a. egalitarian networks
b. preferential networks
*c. aristocratic networks
d. large-world networks

24. Which of the following is true for small-world networks?

@ Question Type: MC
a. messages can travel quickly through them
b. the number of links between any pair of nodes is small
c. egalitarian and aristocratic networks are both examples of small-world networks
*d. all of the above are true

25. Epilepsy can best be described as:

@ Question Type: MC
*a. uncontrolled neural firing
b. the ability of the brain to recover from injury
c. a burst in a vessel supplying blood to the brain
d. a condition in which neurons have too many connections between them

26. Lago-Fernandez et. al. (1999) simulated the way signals propagate through the locust
brain. What organization was able to produce fast neural synchrony?
@ Question Type: MC
*a. an ordered network with a slight amount of randomization
b. an ordered network with only local connectivity
c. an ordered network with all local connectivity removed
d. an ordered network with a large amount of randomization

27. What conditions are necessary for the formation of a percolating cluster, i.e., a large
spread of a disease in a population?
@ Question Type: MC
a. when the occupation probability is high and most bonds are closed
*b. when the occupation probability is high and most bonds are open
c. when the occupation probability is low and most bonds are open
d. when the occupation probability is low and most bonds are closed

28. Medications that are used to treat epilepsy:

@ Question Type: MC
a. increasing activity of inhibitory GABA synapses
b. reduce the number and severity of seizures
c. decrease activity in excitatory glutamate synapses
*d. all of the above

29. Which of the following is a symptom of schizophrenia?

@ Question Type: MC
a. divergent thinking
b. preferential attachment
*c. disorganized thinking
d. plasticity

30. If network activity settles down too soon, it is caught in a local minimum
@ Question Type: TF
*a. True
b. False

31. A network without a teacher is supervised

@ Question Type: TF
a. True
*b. False

32. Networks with distributed representations are more likely to demonstrate graceful
@ Question Type: TF
*a. True
b. False

33. The biological plausibility dilemma describes how a network can “forget” a large
amount of information that it had previously acquired
@ Question Type: TF
a. True
*b. False

34. According to prototype theory, you should be faster to verify the sentence, “A dog is
an animal,” than the sentence, “A platypus is an animal.”
@ Question Type: TF
*a. True
b. False

35. Trying to recall who you saw at a New Year’s Eve party several years ago if it does
not come to mind immediately is an example of guided search
@ Question Type: TF
*a. True
b. False

Type: E
36. Compare the classical/traditional view of cognitive science and connectionism. How
do these two perspectives differ with respect to representation, processing style, and their
approach to problem solving?
@ Question Type: ESS
*a. Answers vary

Type: E
37. Name and describe the three different types of network based on their convergent
dynamics. How does the activity of each type change over time?
@ Question Type: ESS
*a. Answers vary

Type: E
38. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the connectionist approach? Be sure to
touch on the role of biological plausibility, degradation, interference, and generalization
@ Question Type: ESS
*a. Answers vary

Type: E
39. What is spreading activation? Priming? Give examples for each. Describe the
procedure, results, and conclusion of the Meyer and Schvaneveldt (1971) study and how
this relates to these two ideas
@ Question Type: ESS
*a. Answers vary

Type: E
40. Describe some of the differences between a typical artificial neural network and a
semantic network. How do they differ in terms of representation? Why do researchers
construct each type?
@ Question Type: ESS
*a. Answers vary

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