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Engineering Dynamics

MECH 221
Dr. Nicolas M. Saba

University of Balamand
Department of Mechanical
Chapter 12 - Outline

1. Introduction
2. Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion
3. Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

4. General Curvilinear Motion

5. Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular Components
6. Motion of a Projectile
7. Curvilinear Motion: Normal and Tangential Components
8. Curvilinear Motion: Cylindrical Components
9. Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis of Two Particles
10. Relative Motion Analysis of Two Particles Using Translating

Section 12.1 - Introduction

 Mechanics - the state of rest of motion of bodies subjected

to the action of forces
 Static – equilibrium of a body that is either at rest or moves
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

with constant velocity

 Dynamics – deals with accelerated motion of a body
1) Kinematics – geometric aspects of a motion
2) Kinetics – analysis of the forces causing the motion

|3 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.2 - Rectilinear Kinematics:
Continuous Motion

 Rectilinear Kinematics – specifying the particle’s position,

velocity, and acceleration at any instant
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 Position
1) Single coordinate axis, s
2) Origin, O
3) Position vector r – specific location of particle P at any
4) Algebraic Scalar s in meters

Note : - Magnitude of s = Dist. from O to P

- Direction is defined by algebraic sign on s
=> +ve = right of origin, -ve = left of origin

|4 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.2 - Rectilinear Kinematics:
Continuous Motion

 Change in its position, vector quantity
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 If particle moves from P to P’,

r  r  r
s  s  s

When Δs is +ve / -ve, particle’s position

is right / left of its initial position

|5 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.2 - Rectilinear Kinematics:
Continuous Motion

 Average velocity, vavg 
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics


 Instantaneous velocity is defined as

vins  lim r / t 

t 0

 vins 

|6 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.2 - Rectilinear Kinematics:
Continuous Motion

 Representing vins as an algebraic scalar
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics


+ve = particle moving to the right

–ve = Particle moving to the left
Magnitude of velocity is the speed (m/s)

|7 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.2 - Rectilinear Kinematics:
Continuous Motion

 Average speed is total distance traveled by a particle, sT,
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

divided by the elapsed time t .

v  
sp avg

 The particle travels along the path of length sT in time


v  
sp avg

vavg 
|8 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Section 12.2 - Rectilinear Kinematics:
Continuous Motion

 Average acceleration is aavg 
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics


 Δv represents difference in the velocity during the time

interval Δt, i.e. v  v'v

 Instantaneous acceleration is a  lim v / t 

t 0

d 2s dv
 Thus we have a  and a
dt 2 dt

|9 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.2 - Rectilinear Kinematics:
Continuous Motion

 When particle is slowing down, its speed is decreasing =>
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

decelerating => v  v'v will be negative.

 It will act to the left, in the opposite sense to v

 If velocity is constant,
acceleration is zero.

|10 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.2 - Rectilinear Kinematics:
Continuous Motion

Velocity as a Function of Time

 Integrate ac = dv/dt, assuming that initially v = v0 when t = 0.
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

v t 
v0 dv  0 ac dt  v  v0  act   Constant Acceleration

Velocity as a Function of Position

 Integrate v dv = ac ds, assuming that initially v = v0 at s = s0

ac ds  v  v  2ac s  s0 
v s
 vdv    
2 2
Constant Acceleration
v0 s0
 

|11 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.2 - Rectilinear Kinematics:
Continuous Motion


1) Coordinate System
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 Establish a position coordinate s along the path

 The particle’s position, velocity, and acceleration, can be
represented as s, v and a respectively and their direction
 The positive sense can be indicated by an arrow

|12 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.2 - Rectilinear Kinematics:
Continuous Motion


2) Kinematic Equation
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 When relationship is known between any two of the four

variables a, v, s and t, third variable can be obtained
 When integration is performed, the constant of integration
need to be known
 Three kinematics equations can only be applied to
situation where the acceleration of the particle is constant

|13 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.1

The car moves in a straight line such that for a short time its
velocity is defined by v = (0.9t2 + 0.6t) m/s where t is in sec.
Determine it position and acceleration when t = 3s. When t = 0,
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

s = 0.

|14 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.1

Coordinate System
Positive is to the right.
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When s = 0 when t = 0, we have

 0.9t 2  0.6t 
   ds
 
   
s t s t

 ds   0.9t  0.6t dt  s  0.3t  0.3t  0.3t 3  0.3t 2

2 3 2
0 0 0 0

When t = 3s, s = 10.8m

|15 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.1

Knowing v = f(t), the acceleration is determined from a = dv/dt,
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

since this equation relates a, v and t.

a   0.9t  0.6t   1.8t  0.6

dv d 2

dt dt
When t = 3s, a = 6m/s2

|16 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.2

A small projectile is forced downward into a fluid medium with

an initial velocity of 60m/s. Due to the resistance of the fluid the
projectile experiences a deceleration equal to a = (-0.4v3)m/s2,
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

where v is in m/s2. Determine the projectile’s velocity and

position 4s after it is fired.

|17 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.2

Coordinate System
Since the motion is downward, the position coordinate is
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

downwards positive, with the origin located at O.

Here a = f(v), velocity is a function of time using a = dv/dt,
since this equation relates v, a and t.

a  0.4v 3  

|18 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.2

Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

v dv t
60m / s  0.4v3  0 dt
1  1 1 v
  2  t 0
 0.4   2  v 60
1 1 1 
 2 2
0.8  v 60  
1 /-21\2
 1  
v    0.8t  m / s
 60
 

When t = 4s, v = 0.559 m/s  

|19 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Example 12.2

Since v = f(t), projectile’s position can be determined from v =
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

ds/dt. When s = 0 and t = 0, we have

1/ 2 1/ 2
ds  1  s  1 t 
v     0.8t    ds     0.8t  dt
dt  602

0 0 
 60

 1/ 2
1 
1  1 
s   0.8t   m
0.4  602
 60 
 

When t = 4s, s = 4.43m  

|20 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.2

A rocket travel upward at 75m/s. When it is 40m from the

ground, the engine fails. Determine max height sB reached by
the rocket and its speed just before it hits the ground.
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

|21 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.3

Coordinate System
Origin O with positive upward.
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Maximum Height
We have:
t = 0 vA = +75m/s, s = sB  vB = 0, aC = -9.81m/s2

v  v  2aC (sB  s A )  sB  327 m


|22 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.3

The negative root was chosen since the rocket is moving
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics


vC2  vB2  2aC ( sC  sB )

vC2  80.1 m / s  80.1 m / s 

|23 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.4

A metallic particle travels downward through a fluid that

extends from plate A and plate B under the influence of
magnetic field. If particle is released from rest at midpoint C, s
= 100 mm, and acceleration, a = (4s) m/s2, where s in meters,
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

determine velocity when it reaches plate B and time need to

travel from C to B.

|24 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.4

Coordinate System
S is taken positive downward from plate A.
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

Since a = f(s), we have v = 0 at s = 100mm = 0.1m

   
v s 1 2v 4 2S
v dv  a ds   v dv   4s ds  v  s  v  2 s  0.01 2
0 0.1 2 0 2 0.1

At s = 200mm = 0.2m, vB  0.346 m / s  346 mm / s 

|25 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.4

ds  v dt
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 2 s  0.01

s ds t
 s
0.1 2
 0.01 
  2 dt

ln s  0.01  s
  2t


ln  s 2
 0.01  s  2.33  2t   

At s = 200mm = 0.2m, t = 0.658s

|26 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.5

A particle moves along a horizontal path with a velocity of v =

(3t2 – 6t) m/s. if it is initially located at the origin O, determine
the distance traveled in 3.5s and the particle’s average velocity
and speed during the time interval.
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

|27 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.5

Coordinate System
Assuming positive motion to the right from O.
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

Distance Traveled
Since v = f(t), the position as a function of time is

ds  vdt 3t 2  6t dt 
 ds  3 t dt  6 tdt  s  t 
s t t   
2 3
 3t m 2 
 
0 0 0

|28 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.5

Distance Traveled
For 0 ≤ t < 2 s  -ve velocity, particle move to left.
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

For t > 2s  +ve velocity, particle move to right.


s 0 s  4.0m s  6.125m
t 0 t 2 s t 3.5 s

The distance traveled in 3.5s is

sT = 4.0 + 4.0 + 6.125 = 14.125m

|29 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.5

From t = 0 to 3.5s, Δs = 6.125 – 0 = 6.125m
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

And so the average velocity is

s 6.125
aavg    1.75m / s 
t 3.5  0

Average speed is v  
sT 14.125
  4.04m / s
t 3.5  0
sp avg

|30 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.3 - Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion

 When particle’s motion is erratic, it is described graphically

using a series of curves
 A graph is used to described the relationship with any 2 of
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

the variables: a, v, s, t
 We use a = dv/dt, v = ds/dt and a ds = v dv

|31 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.3 - Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion

The s-t, v-t and a-t Graphs

 s-t graph can be plotted when position of the particle can
be determined experimentally during a period of time t.
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 To find the particle’s velocity as a function of time, we use v

= ds/dt
 Velocity as any instant is found by measuring the slope of
the s-t graph


Slope of s-t graph = velocity

|32 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Section 12.3 - Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion

The s-t, v-t and a-t Graphs

 When the particle’s v-t graph is known, the acceleration as
a function of time, the a-t graph can be determined using a
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

= dv/dt
 Acceleration as any instant is determined by measuring the
slope of the v-t graph


Slope of v-t graph = acceleration

|33 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Section 12.3 - Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion

The s-t, v-t and a-t Graphs

 When a–t graph is given, v–t can
be written as
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

v   adt
Change in velocity = area under a-t graph

 When v–t graph is given, s–t can

be written as

s   vdt
Displacement = area under v-t graph

|34 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.3 - Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion

The v-s and a-s Graphs

 a–s graph can be constructed with

v 
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

1  v   ads
area under a-s graph

 When v–s graph is known, a at any s

can be written as

 dv 
a  v 
 ds 
Acceleration = velocity * slope of v-s graph

|35 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.6

A bicycle moves along a straight road such that it position is

described by the graph as shown. Construct the v-t and a-t
graphs for 0 ≤ t ≤ 30s.
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

|36 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.6

v-t Graph
By differentiating the equations that defining the s-t graph, we
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

0  t  10s; s  0.3t 2 v  0.6t
10s  t  30s; s  6t  30 v 6

By measuring the slope of the s-t graph at a given time instant,

s 150  30
t  20s; v   6m / s
t 30  10
|37 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Example 12.6

a-t Graph
By differentiating the equations defining the lines of the v-t
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics


0  t  10s; v  0.6t a   0.6
10  t  30s; v  6 a 0

|38 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.7

A test car starts from rest and travels along a straight track
such that it accelerates at a constant rate for 10s and then
decelerates at a constant rate. Draw the v-t and s-t graphs and
determine the time t’ needed to stop the car. How far has the
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

car traveled?

|39 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.7

v-t Graph
Using initial condition v = 0 when t = 0,
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

v t
0  t  10s a  10;  0
dv   10 dt , v  10t
When t = 10s, v = 100m/s,

v t
10s  t  t ; a  2; 
dv    2 dt , v  2t  120

When t = t’, v = 0  t’ = 60 s

|40 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.7

s-t Graph
Using initial conditions s = 0 when t = 0,
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

s t
0  t  10s; v  10t; 0
ds   10t dt , s  5t 2

When t = 10s, s = 500m,

 ds    2t  120dt
s t
10s  t  60s; v  2t  120;
500 10

s  t 2  120t  600

When t’ = 60s, s = 3000m

|41 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.8

The v-s graph describing the motion of a motorcycle as shown.

Construct the a-s graph of the motion and determine the time
needed for the motorcycle to reach the position s = 120 m
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

|42 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.8

a-s Graph
a-s graph can be determined using a ds = v dv,
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

0  s  60m; v  0.2s  3
a  v  0.04s  0.6
60m  s  120m; v  15;
av 0

|43 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.8

When s = 0 at t = 0,
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

ds ds
0  s  60m; v  0.2s  3; dt  
v 0.2  3
t ds s
o dt  
0 0.2 s  3
 t  5 ln(0.2s  3)  5 ln 3

At s  60 m, t  8.05 s

For second segment of Motion

ds ds
60  s  120m; v  15; dt  
v 15
t ds s s
8.05 dt  
60 15
 t 
 4.05

At s  120 m, t  12.05 s
|44 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Section 12.4 - General Curvilinear Motion

Curvilinear motion
 occurs when the particle moves along a curved path
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 measured from a fixed point O, by the position vector r =

|45 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.4 - General Curvilinear Motion

 For a particle travel a distance Δs along the curve to a
new position P`, within a small time interval Δt, it is
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

defined by r’ = r + Δr

 The displacement Δr represents the change in the

particle’s position

|46 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.4 - General Curvilinear Motion

 Average velocity of the particle is defined as

Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

vavg 
 Instantaneous velocity is found from letting Δt0,

vins 

|47 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.4 - General Curvilinear Motion

 The average acceleration during the time interval Δt is
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

v dv d 2 r
aavg  a  2
t dt dt
 a acts tangent to the hodograph and is not tangent to the

|48 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.5 - Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular
 Position vector is defined by r = xi + yj + zk
 At any instant the magnitude of r is always positive and
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

defined as
r  x2  y 2  z 2

 The direction of r is specified by the components of the

unit vector ur = r/r

|49 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.5 - Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular
 We have
dr   
v  vx i  v y j  vz k
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

where vx  x , v y  y , vz  z

 The velocity has a magnitude defined as the positive

value of

v  vx2  v y2  vz2

 Unit vector uv=v/v and is always tangent to the path

|50 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.5 - Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular
 We have
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

dv   
a  ax i  a y j  az k
where a x  vx  x , a y  v y  y , a z  vz  z

 The acceleration has a magnitude defined as the positive

value of
a  ax2  a y2  az2

|51 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.5 - Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular


Coordinate System
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 Rectangular coordinate system can be expressed in terms

of its x, y and z components

Kinematic Quantities
 Rectilinear motion is found using v = ds/dt, a = dv/dt or
a ds = v dv
 Magnitudes of vectors are found from Pythagorean

|52 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.9

At any instant the horizontal position of the weather balloon is

defined by x = (9t) m, where t is in second. If the equation of the
path is y = x2/30, determine the distance of the balloon from the
station at A, the magnitude and direction of the both the velocity
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

and acceleration when t = 2 s.

|53 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.9

When t = 2  x = 9(2)= 18 m, y = (18)2/30 = 10.8 m The
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

straight-line distance from A to B is,

r 182  10.82  21 m

We have

vx  x  9t   9m / s 
v y  y 
d 2
 
x / 30  2 xx / 30  2(18)(9) / 30  10.8m / s 

|54 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.9

Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

When t = 2 s, the magnitude of velocity is

v 92  10.82  14.1m / s

The direction is tangent to the path is  v  tan 1
 50.2

We have ax  vx  0 and a y  v y  5.4m / s  thus,

a  02  5.42  5.4m / s 2

 a  tan 1  90
0 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Example 12.10

For a short time, the path of the plane in the figure is described
by y = (0.001x2)m. If the plane is rising with a constant velocity
of 10m/s, determine the magnitudes of the velocity and
acceleration of the plane when it is at y = 100 m.
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

|56 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.10

When y = 100m x = 316.2m
y = vyt; When vy = 10m/s  t = 10s
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

Using the chain rule,
v y  y 
 
0.001x 2  0.002 xv x

10  0.002316.2vx  vx  15.81 m/s

The magnitude is v  vx2  v y2  18.7 m/s

|57 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.10

Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

Using the chain rule,

a  v y  0.002 xvx  0.002 xvx  0.002 vx2  xa x  

When x = 316.2 m, vx = 15.81 m/s,
v y  a y  0 (rising with ct. velocity)
 
0  0.002[ 15.812  316.2ax ]  ax  0.791 m/s 2

Magnitude of the plane’s acceleration is

a  ax2  a y2  0.791 m/s 2

|58 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Chapter 12 - Outline

1. Introduction
2. Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion
3. Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

4. General Curvilinear Motion

5. Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular Components
6. Motion of a Projectile
7. Curvilinear Motion: Normal and Tangential Components
8. Curvilinear Motion: Cylindrical Components
9. Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis of Two Particles
10. Relative Motion Analysis of Two Particles Using Translating

Section 12.6 - Motion of Projectile

 Projectile’s acceleration always act vertically

 Projectile launched at (x0, y0) and path is defined in the x-y
plane; v0 initial velocity
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 Air resistance is neglected

 Only force acting on the projectile is its
weight downwards
 => ac = g = 9.81 m/s2

|60 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.6 - Motion of Projectile

Horizontal Motion
 Since ax = 0,
v x  (v0 ) x
  
v  v0  ac t ;
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 

1 2 x  x0  (v0 ) x t
  
  x  x0  v0t  ac t ;
   v x  (v0 ) x
  v 2  v02  2ac ( s  s0 );

 Horizontal component of velocity remain constant during

the motion

|61 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.6 - Motion of Projectile

Vertical Motion
 Positive y axis is upward, thus ay = - g
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

  v  v0  ac t; v y  (v0 ) y  gt
1 2 1 2
  y  y0  v0t  act ; y  y0  (v0 ) y t  gt
2 2
  v 2  v02  2ac ( y  y0 ); v y  (v0 ) 2y  2 g ( y  y0 )

|62 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.6 - Motion of Projectile


Coordinate System
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 Establish the fixed x, y axes

 Sketch the trajectory of the particle
 Specify 3 unknowns and data between any two points on
the path
 Acceleration of gravity always acts downwards
 Express the particle initial and final velocities in the x, y
 Positive and negative position, velocity and acceleration
components always act in accordance with their associated
coordinate directions
|63 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Section 12.6 - Motion of Projectile


Kinematics Equations
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 Decision should be made as to which 3 equations to be

applied between the two points on the path for the most
direct solution

Horizontal motion
 x = x0 + (v0)x t

Vertical motion
1 2
v y  (v0 ) y  ac t ; y  y0  (v0 ) y t  act ; v y2  (v0 )2y  2ac ( y  y0 )
|64 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Example 12.11

A sack slides off the ramp with a horizontal velocity of 12 m/s. If

the height of the ramp is 6 m from the floor, determine the time
needed for the sack to strike the floor and the range R where
the sacks begin to pile up.
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

|65 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.11

Coordinate System
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

Origin at point A.
Initial velocity is (vA)x = 12 m/s and (vA)y = 0m/s
Acceleration between A and B is ay = -9.81 m/s2.
Since (vB)x = (vA)x = 12 m/s, the 3 unknown are (vB)y, R and tAB

|66 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.11

Vertical motion
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

Vertical distance from A to B is known,

  1 2
yB  y A  (v A ) y t AB  act AB  t AB  1.11s
yB = -6 m

Horizontal motion

  
   x  x A  (v A ) x t AB
 
R  0  121.11
R  13.3m
|67 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Example 12.12

The chipping machine is designed to eject wood at chips v0 =

7.5 m/s. If the tube is oriented at 30° from the horizontal,
determine how high, h, the chips strike the pile if they land on
the pile 6 m from the tube.
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

|68 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.12

Coordinate System
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

3 unknown h, tOA and (vA)y.

Taking origin at O, for initial velocity of a chip,

(vO ) x  (7.5 cos 30 )  6.5m / s 

(vO ) y  (7.5 sin 30 )  3.75m / s 

(vA)x = (v0)x = 6.5 m/s and ay = -9.81 m/s2

|69 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.12

Horizontal motion

x A  x0  (v0 ) x tOA
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 tOA  0.9231s

Vertical motion
Relating tOA to initial and final elevation of the chips,

1 2
y A  h  2.1  yO  (v0 ) y tOA  actOA
h  1.38m
|70 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Example 12.13

The track for this racing event was designed so that the riders
jump off the slope at 30°, from a height of 1m. During the race,
it was observed that the rider remained in mid air for 1.5s.
Determine the speed at which he was traveling off the slope,
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

the horizontal distance he travels before striking the ground,

and the maximum height he attains. Neglect the size of the bike
and rider.

|71 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.13

Coordinate System
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

Origin is at point A.
3 unknown are vA, R and vB.

Vertical Motion
Since time of flight and the vertical distance between the ends
of the paths are known,

  1
yB  y A  (v A ) y t AB  aC t AB
 v A  13.4m / s

Note (vA)y= vAsin30 and TAB = 1.5s

|72 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Example 12.13

Horizontal motion
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

The range R can be determined as

xB  x A  (v A ) x t AB
  
   R  0  13.38 cos 30 (1.5)  17.4m

 

We can determine h directly without considering tAC

(vc ) 2y  (v A ) 2y  2ac [ yC  y A ]
(0) 2  (13.38 sin 30 ) 2  2(9.81)[(h  1)  0]  h  3.28m

|73 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Chapter 12 - Outline

1. Introduction
2. Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion
3. Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

4. General Curvilinear Motion

5. Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular Components
6. Motion of a Projectile
7. Curvilinear Motion: Normal and Tangential Components
8. Curvilinear Motion: Cylindrical Components
9. Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis of Two Particles
10. Relative Motion Analysis of Two Particles Using Translating

Section 12.7 - Normal and Tangential Components

 When path is known, then this path of motion of a particle

can be described using n and t coordinates which act
normal and tangent to the path
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 At the instant considered have their origin located at the


Planar Motion
 At the instant considered origin
happens to coincide with the location
of the particle

|75 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.7 - Normal and Tangential Components

Planar Motion
 The t axis is tangent to the curve at P. The positive direction
is designated by the unit vector ut
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 Curve can be constructed from a series of differential arc

segments ds

|76 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.7 - Normal and Tangential Components

Planar Motion
 The normal axis n is perpendicular to the t axis and is
directed from P toward the centre of curvature Ó. This
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

positive direction is designated by the unit vector un

 Plane contains n and t axes is referred to as osculating
plane and is fixed in the plane of motion.

|77 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.7 - Normal and Tangential Components

 Since particle is moving, s is a function of time
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 Particle’s velocity v has direction that is always tangent to

the path
 Magnitude is determined by taking the time derivative of the
path function s = s(t)
 With v = ds/dt

 
v  vut where v  s

|78 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.7 - Normal and Tangential Components

 Acceleration of the particle is the time rate of
change of velocity
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

   
a  v  vut  vut

 a can be written as
  
a  at ut  anun
where at  v or at ds  vdv and an 

 Magnitude is a  at2  an2

|79 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.7 - Normal and Tangential Components

Special case 1 - Tangential Acceleration

Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 Rectilinear motion along a straight line ρ ->∞

an = 0
at  v and at ds  vdv
Ps: time rate of change in the magnitude of velocity

 If at is constant, s  s0  v0t  (at ) c t 2
v  v0  (at ) c t
v 2  v02  2(at ) c ( s  s0 )

|80 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.7 - Normal and Tangential Components

Special case 2 - Normal Acceleration

Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 Particle moves along a curve with a constant

speed, then at = v =0
a  an 

Ps: time rate of change in the direction of velocity

 If the path is expressed as y = f(x), the radius of

curvature ρ at any point on the path is determined
from the equation

|81 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.7 - Normal and Tangential Components


Coordinate System
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 When path of the particle is known, establish a set of n and

t coordinates with a fixed origin
 Positive tangent axis acts in the direction of the motion
 n and t axes are used for studying the velocity and
acceleration of the particle

|82 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.7 - Normal and Tangential Components


Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 Particle’s velocity is always tangent to the path

 Magnitude of the velocity is found from the derivative of the
path function
v  s
Tangential Acceleration
 For rectilinear motion,
 If at is constant, at  v and at ds  vdv
s  s0  v0t  (ac ) c t 2
v  v0  (ac ) c t
v 2  v02  2(ac ) c ( s  s0 )
|83 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Section 12.7 - Normal and Tangential Components


Normal Acceleration
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 For magnitude of the normal component,

an 

 For magnitude of the normal component,

[1  (dy / dx)2 ]3 / 2
d 2 y / dx2

|84 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.14

When the skier reaches the point A along the parabolic path, he
has a speed of 6m/s which is increasing at 2m/s2. Determine
the direction of his velocity and the direction and magnitude of
this acceleration at this instant. Neglect the size of the skier in
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

the calculation.

|85 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.14

Coordinate System
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

Establish n, t axes at the fixed point A.

Determine the components of v and a.

The velocity is always directed tangent to the path where
1 2 dy
y x , 1
20 dx x 10

v makes an angle of θ = tan-1 1 = 45° with the x axis

v A  6m / s
|86 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Example 12.14

d y 1 , the radius of curvature is
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics


dx 10

[1  (dy / dx)2 ]3 / 2
 2 2
 28.28m
d y / dx

The acceleration becomes

 v
a A  vut  un

 
 {2ut  1.273un }m / s 2
|87 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Example 12.14

Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

The magnitude and angle is

a 22  1.237 2  2.37m / s 2

  tan1
 57.5

Thus, 57.5° – 45 ° = 12.5 °

a = 2.37 m/s2

|88 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.15

Race car C travels round the horizontal circular track that has a
radius of 90 m. If the car increases its speed at a constant rate
of 2.1 m/s2, starting from rest, determine the time needed for it
to reach an acceleration of 2.4 m/s2. What is its speed at this
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics


|89 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.15

Coordinate System
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

The origin of the n and t axes is coincident with the car at the

The magnitude of acceleration can be related t0 its
components using a  at2  an2 , thus at  2.1 m/s
The velocity is v  v0  (at )c t  2.1t
We have
an   0.049t 2m / s 2

|90 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Example 12.15

Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

The time needed for the acceleration to reach 2.4m/s2 is

a  at2  an2

2.4   2.4    0.049t 

2 2
 t  4.87 s

The speed at time t = 4.87s is

v  2.1t  10.2m / s

|91 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.16

The boxes travels alone the industrial conveyor. If a box starts

from rest at A and increases its speed such that at = (0.2t) m/s2,
determine the magnitude of its acceleration when it arrives at
point B.
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

|92 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.16

Coordinate System
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

The position of the box at any instant is defined by s, from the

fixed point A.

Since vA when t = 0

at  v  0.2t 1
 2
v t
dv   0.2t dt  v  0.1t 2

|93 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.16

Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

Position of B is sB = 3 + 2π(2)/4 = 6.142 m

Since sA = 0 when t = 0,

v  0.1t 2
6.142 tB
ds   0.1t 2 dt

t B  5.69s

|94 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.16

Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

Substituting into eqn (1) and (2),

(aB )t  vB  0.2(5.690)  1.138m / s 2

vB  0.1(5.69)2  3.238m / s

At B, ρB = 2 m,
( aB ) n   5.242m / s 2
aB  (1.138)2  (5.242)2  5.36m / s 2

|95 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.8 - Cylindrical Components

Some engineering problems involve angular position and radial

distance. For these cases, it is often convenient to express the
path of motion in terms of cylindrical coordinates, r, θ, z.
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

Polar Coordinates
 Specification of the location of P using both the radial
coordinate r and a transverse coordinate θ which is
counterclockwise angle between a fixed reference line and
the r axis
 Angle measured in degrees or radians
where 1 rad = 180°/π
 The positive directions of r and θ coordinates are defined by
the unit vectors ur and uθ.
|96 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Section 12.8 - Cylindrical Components

 At any instant, position is defined by position vector
 
r  rur
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

|97 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.8 - Cylindrical Components

 Instantaneous velocity v is obtained by the time derivative of
  
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

v  r  rur  rur
 A change ∆θ will cause ur to become ur´ where ur´ = ur + ∆ur
 For small angles ∆θ,

 ur    
ur  lim   lim u
t 0 t  t 0 t 
 
ur  u

|98 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.8 - Cylindrical Components

 We have v  vr ur  v u  vr  r  v  r
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 Since vr and vθ are mutually perpendicular,

v r 2  r 2
 Direction of v is tangent to the path at P
 θ is called angular velocity

|99 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.8 - Cylindrical Components

 Taking the time derivatives, we have

a  v  rur  rur  ru  ru  ru

Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 For small angles, ∆uθ= - ∆θur

 We write the acceleration in component form as

a  ar ur  a u , ar  r  r 2 , a  r  2r

 Since ar and aθ are always perpendicular

a  
r  r2  r  2r 
2 2

 Acceleration is not tangent to the path

|100 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.8 - Cylindrical Components

Cylindrical Coordinates
 When P moves along a space, location is specified by the
three cylindrical coordinates r, θ, z
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 Position, velocity, acceleration of the particle is written as

  
rp  rur  zu z
   
v  rur  ru  zu z
  2     
a  (r  r )ur  (r  2r )u  zu z

|101 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.8 - Cylindrical Components

Time Derivatives

2 common problems:
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

a. When coordinates are specified as r = r(t) and θ = θ(t),

time derivative can be formed directly

b. When time parametric equations are not given, need to

specify r = f(θ) and relationship between the time
derivatives using the chain rule of calculus
Ex. r = 5θ2
. .
r = 10θθ

|102 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.8 - Cylindrical Components

Procedure for analysis

Coordinate System
 Polar coordinate solve angular
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

motion of radial coordinate r

 Origin at a fixed point and the radial
line r is directed to the particle
 Transverse coordinate θ is
measured from a fixed
reference line to radial line

|103 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.8 - Cylindrical Components

Procedure for analysis

Velocity and Acceleration
 r and the 4 time derivatives can be used to obtain the
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

radial and transverse components of v and a

 Use chain rule of calculus to find the time derivatives
of r = f(θ)

|104 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.17

The amusement park consists of a chair that is rotating in a

horizontal circular path of radius r such that the arm OB has an
angular velocity and angular acceleration. Determine the radial
and transverse components of velocity and acceleration of the
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics


|105 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.17

Coordinate System
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

θ is not related to r, since radius is constant for all θ

Velocity and Acceleration

Since r is constant, r r , r 0 , r 0
Thus vr  r  0
v  r
ar  r  r 2  r 2
a  r  2r  r

|106 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.18

The rob OA is rotating in the horizontal plane such that θ = (t3)

rad. At the same time, the collar B is sliding outwards along OA
so that r = (100t2)mm. If in both cases, t is in seconds,
determine the velocity and acceleration of the collar when t =
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics


|107 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.17

Coordinate System
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

Since time-parametric equations of the particle is given, it is

not necessary to relate r to θ.

Velocity and Acceleration

We have

r  100t 2 t 1s  100 mm   t 3

t 1 s
 1rad  57.3

r  200t t 1 s
 200mm / s   3t 2 t 1 s
 3rad / s
r  200 t 1 s
 200mm / s 2   6t t 1 s
 6 rad / s 2

|108 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.17

Velocity and Acceleration
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

As shown in the figure,

  
v  rur  ru
 
 {200ur  300u }mm / s

The magnitude of v is

v  2002  3002  361mm / s

1 300  
  tan    56.3
 200 
  57.3  114
|109 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Example 12.17

Velocity and Acceleration
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

As shown in the figure,

  
a  (r  r 2 )ur  (r  2r)u
 
 {700ur  1800u }mm / s 2

The magnitude of a is

a  7002  18002  1930mm / s 2

1 1800  
  tan    68.7
 700 
(180   )  57.3  169
|110 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Section 12.9 - Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis
of Two Particles
 Motion of one particle depend on the corresponding motion
of another particle
 Movement of A downward will cause a movement of B up
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

the other incline

 If total cord length is lT, the position coordinate is

s A  lCD  sB  lT Note: lCD and lT are constant

 For velocity, negative sign indicates A has a velocity


dsA dsB
 0 or vB  vA
dt dt

|111 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.9 - Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis
of Two Particles
 Time differentiation of the velocities yields the relation
between accelerations: aB = - aA
 More complicated example; A is specified by sA, and the
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

position of the end of the cord from which block B is

suspended is defined by sB
 Position coordinate is

2s B  h  s A  l

 Since l and h are constant

during the motion,
2vB  vA , 2aB  aA

|112 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.9 - Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis
of Two Particles
Procedure for analysis
Position-Coordinate Equation
 Establish position coordinates with
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

origin located at a fixed point or

 Coordinates are along the
path of motion
 Each coordinate axis is directed
along the path of motion

|113 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.9 - Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis
of Two Particles
Procedure for analysis
Time Derivatives
 2 time derivatives of the position-coordinates equations
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

required for velocity and acceleration equations

 The signs will be consistent with those that specify the
positive and negative sense of the position coordinates

|114 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.22

Determine the speed of block A if block B has an upward speed

of 2m/s.
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

|115 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Example 12.22

Position Coordinate System
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

Positions of A and B are defined using sA and sB. For the

remaining cord length,

s A  2sC  l1 sB  ( sB  sC )  l2

Eliminating sC yields s A  4sB  2l2  l1

Time Derivative
The time derivative gives v A  4vB  0
so that vB = -2m/s↑ and v A  8m / s  8m / s 

|116 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.10 - Relative Motion Analysis of Two
Particles Using Translating Axes
 There are cases where the path of the motion for a particle
is complicated
 Feasible to analyze the motions in parts by using two or
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

more frames of reference

 Absolute position rA and rB
is measured from O of fixed
x, y, z reference frame
 Origin of a second frame of
reference x’, y’, z’ is attached
to and moves with particle A
  
rB  rA  rB / A Note: B with respect to A
|117 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Section 12.10 - Relative Motion Analysis of Two
Particles Using Translating Axes
  
 By time derivatives, vB  v A  vB / A
   
vB  drB / dt and v A  drA / dt refer to absolute
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

velocities, as they are observed from the fixed frame
 
 Relative velocity vB / A  drB / A / dt is observed
from the translating frame

  
 The time derivative also yields aB  a A  aB / A

|118 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 12.10 - Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis
of Two Particles
Procedure for analysis
 When applying the relative position equations,
necessary to specify the location of the fixed x, y, z, and
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

translating x’, y’, z’ axes

 As vector addition forms a triangle, there can be at most
two unknowns (magnitude and/or directions of the vector
 Unknowns can be solved by graphically, trigonometry or
resolving into Rectangular or Cartesian components

|119 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Thank you for your attention

Dr. Nicolas M. Saba


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