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Key Points

Basic Reminders:

● In academic writing, the content is always written in the Third person until and unless the
brief is not demanding reflection or personal views
● You always have to inspect your file before submitting
● Change the language of the document to UK or US as per the brief or university.
● The Sample provided to the expert is just for reference purposes. It does not mean that
the sample cannot have any kind of loopholes or weaknesses and therefore the writer is
responsible for providing good quality with the work even if the same is missing in the
sample. There should be no argument regarding sample quality provided to the expert.

Key points for everyday use:

Regarding e-mail
When a mail is being delivered to the expert from the team lead then it is the prime
responsibility of the expert to ensure that -
1. Brief is attached
2. All requirements are clear
3. Any lecture notes if there are attached
4. If the company needs to be taken it is mentioned or the detail regarding that is clear
5. Any user id password if required is there or it is needed mandatorily
6. Any query (any kind of) is clear
 When all these things are clear to you only then you have to start your assignment
otherwise do not start it until your team lead gives you written confirmation in the
 If you have cleared the things from your team lead take confirmation on mail then
only mail evidence will be considered valid.
 This thing is really necessary for all the experts because we cannot rely on what has
been told to you verbally and we want written evidence only in case of any mistakes.
 When you are assigned with the code for a day then make sure if any subsequent mail
comes in the same mail thread you guys see to it
 For that you have to regularly check your mail ids consistently
 If anyone says that I have only checked the mail in the morning and subsequent
emails in the afternoon I missed, then it is the expert’s mistake. So be attentive during
your working hours extra careful.
 We at Friscon solutions consider only email conversations as the sole evidence for
any discussion so you need to communicate everything necessary via email and no
blaming can be done for one another based on verbal communications and whats app.
A team lead can also be wrong in certain things and if an expert has any doubt about
that then he or she must take confirmation on the email so that the expert's
responsibility is determined specifically.
 The mail sent by the expert must be in the same mail thread as given by the team lead
and no separate mail thread should be created.

Essential points
1. Update your sheet regularly
2. Send the files with the code name.
3. Check all the requirements carefully.
4. Avoid any unprofessional behaviour towards work.
6. Check google sheets where all the instructions are given by team leads (if new joiners
don’t have that please ask your team leads for that)
7. It is the responsibility of the expert to provide the allocated word count for a day with
100% quality and if you guys didn't do that then you should be ready to make the changes on
the same day only. Therefore when you provide completed work to your team leads at 6 pm
and if they will QC them and will send you corrections till 9 pm also due to same-day
submission then you will have to make corrections in the same because it was your mistake
that you missed out something or didn't do it properly. This is something each and everyone
should understand because this industry is deadline-based and we cannot help in this
8. Anybody who is not dropping mail for leave or working from home should understand that
there will be repercussions for the same like paid leave will not be marked or it will not be
applicable for the concerned employee also work from home will not be paid for not
dropping the mail so it is prior information to all that we will not give warnings it will be
straight forward applied
9. As we are operating in a deadline-based industry where the student gets feedback from
tutor simultaneously so even if you are on leave and there is some important feedback that
can be implemented by you only and management have no other option so you guys will
have to manage that feedback in best possible manner whenever possible. However,
management will try not to disturb you during your leave but if the situation demands you
will have to manage the same.
10. In the case where anyone is found utilising certain unauthorised means for completing
their work or doing any kind of suspicious activity for completing their work will bear harsh
consequences in terms of their tenure in the company.
11. The work assigned to you is based on your expertise and the training provided to you. It
will be the duty of team leads to decide what work is allocated to you. Doubts can be raised
and they will be resolved but no one can deny working on their allocated tasks, based on their
particular expertise. Proper guidance and support will be provided if the work is
new/complicated for the expert but it does not mean that you restrict your capabilities.
12. It is necessary to remove the personal author name from the file which you send to the
team lead finally to avoid integrity issues for students and for that you need to change your
property settings on your laptop. Ignorance of the same will be considered an expert mistake
so if anyone has any confusion about that do ask your team leads.
13. The experts must avoid overdependency on the team leads for explaining the brief after
their 1 month of training is completed so do your research and avoid asking team leads for
even small things when you are experienced enough and don't wait for the team to start your
work. We consider you as a qualified professional who can understand the brief easily after 1
month of training.
14. If the project is complex or complicated then the expert is required to do his or her
research and devote extra time for that rather than asking team leads to research them. Avoid
dependency on team leads to complete their task they will help you with your doubts but are
not expected to make you dependent on them.
15. As already mentioned the sole responsibility of the assignment is on the expert and the
managers are there for you guys to clear your doubts and make you improve but that doesn't
mean that you ignore the quality on your behalf (read the mail, brief and all attachments
thoroughly and deeply)
16. In the above case when quality was hampered then no leverage will be given to the expert
and team lead and both have to redo the work on the same day without any extra wordcount
17. If you have completed a partial file that is due some other day then you must submit that
partial file too to your team lead before leaving the office so that the team lead can complete
the QC of that part on the same day.
18. The deadline of the assignment is decided by the student not by you or us or brief so
whatever deadline is mentioned in the mail or told by the senior staff is final and you do not
need to consider any other deadline
19. If you are making multiple copies of the assignment then a copy leak report must be
provided on the mail to the team lead and the team lead must also ensure the same thing
Regarding copies of the work
If an expert is doing the similar nature of the work/multiple copies on repeated basis, then it
is their responsibility of the expert to not repeat the references from their earlier done work or
any other sample that they are being provided with. Only a few references can be same;
instead shuffling is preferred. Try to change the context in a desired manner and make
amendments to avoid collusion or any act of integrity. Do not consider the 1 st copy or any
other copy done earlier by you or anyone for writing a new piece of similar work. The
invigilator should not identify that the work has been outsourced. You should develop new
thoughts and ideas to bring out the best in any new work. In doing the same; formatting can
be changed and some minor changed can be made to avoid the similarity in the work. Attach
the copy leaks report of two files compared along with the references. It is the responsibility
of the expert not to copy anything from his or her previous file or from a sample file when
given any repetitive assignment. You have to check the same assignment on copy leaks to
avoid any collusion with the sample file. If you ignore this thing, then you will be marked
with rigorous deductions for the mistake.

Executive Summary (ES)

An executive summary summarises the key points of the report. It restates the purpose of the
report, highlights the major points of the report, and describes any results, conclusions, or
recommendations from the report. It should include enough information so the reader can
comprehend what has been discussed precisely in the report, without having to read it. Do not get
confused between ES and Introduction.

Key Points

· There is no need to do in-text citations in the ES.

· ES word count should be confirmed prior to starting the work.

· It is not necessary to write ES in every assignment; it is usually mentioned in the

assignment brief.

· In the case of business report (specifically) we include ES.

· ES is suggested to be written at the end since precise research made it easier to

summarise the key findings/crux of the report.

· At times; ES may require to be customised/client requirements oriented, in that case, it

is suggested to cross-check with the assignment brief or get clarity from the Team Lead.

· If some statistics are mentioned in the assignment; then the use of in-text is suggested
(extraordinary cases).
Authentic References

Credible sources are generally texts that can be trusted and authoritative. These would be texts
with support in terms of reliable evidence (facts, data, statistics) and often referring to previous
work by academic authors. The most common credible sources are scholarly journals, conference
papers and scholarly books because these have been peer-reviewed (read and approved for
publication by other authors). However, there are good websites that can be used such as articles
published in government official websites and company’s websites.

Unreliable Sources

● Unreliable sources don't always contain true, accurate, and up-to-date information. Using
these sources in academic writing can result in discrediting writers' status.
● Wikipedia, Assignment Help, institute websites, management websites, tutorial websites,
UK essays (commonly found in references), and other websites/landing pages or any
other article having been written by another student.
● Content from Investopedia and Britannica is generally avoided as well.
● We also have to avoid the references from Springer and Routledge as well

Academic Search Engines

Here is a range of academic search engines to access academic papers, journals and other
scholarly sources. Many classic academic databases like Web of Science and Scopus are
subscription sites only. However, Google Scholar and others can be accessed free of charge and
although not all resources are free, many articles are open source.

Google Scholar

Basic guidelines while using scholar:

● Try to extract current references i.e., from the year 2012 or 2015
● Check your journal before extracting the reference. For instance, in the case of a
management assignment, the journal should not be of nursing, or engineering fields and
Vice Versa.
● There should always be the name of the author, date, journal and page number in the
● There should never be a specific country or company mentioned in the reference until and
unless there is a requirement in the brief

Factual References

These references contain statistical or useful information pertaining to the assignment. Finding
credible sources for these comes from browsing governmental sites such as Office for National
Statistics, UK. Citing the factual references is quite necessary. For instance; the statistics of
business-facing forced closure during Covid-19.

Guideline for online references

● Always remove the hyperlink of the link in the reference before sending the file. For that,
you can select the link and then press Ctrl+ Space.


It is something that needs to envisage the direction to the company for the future. It is generally
written to get a clear view of the existing circumstance and suggestions to be implemented in the
future. In the recommendation; the author cannot be dubious as defending one’s opinion at the
end is crucial. One significant aspect of writing recommendation is that an expert cannot force a
business entity/organisation to infuse a culture or practice; you can only use the term can since
must emphasise mandatory outcomes. We can just suggest the organisation to implement the
practice or use the principles rather than writing that 'Tesco must use Porter's competitive
advantage model in its organisation. It can be written as – Tesco can apply the
principles/excerpts of Porter's model in its practice.

Models Application

In applying a model to the organisation using the term 'can' is apt since it shows the liberty to
implicit a specific practice in order. It is generally seen that models are not applied and only the
model's basic definition and its tenets are described in the assignments. Please try to exploit the
model in an exhaustive manner rather than simply telling the reader about its background.
The application depends upon the word count provided. Do not focus on describing the model
focus on relating the model with the company.
Formatting Guidelines

 Page numbers
 TOC update
 Default Font style Times new roman 12 (If nothing is mentioned in the brief)
 Document Inspection
 Many of you are using the excuse of Grammarly for wrong grammar in your work. It
is just there to help you as it has options and it only replaces words if you click on it.
So make sure you use Grammarly properly and also use your grammar knowledge in
work. There should be no other excuse related to Grammarly if mistakes are found in
your work.
 In the assignment where any of the numerical data or graphs are presented then it is
specifically required to cite genuine references in that particular section. Do take care
of genuine references wherever required and follow the general instructions of 6
references in 1000 words
 If you are implementing any feedback then it is necessary to highlight the feedback
implemented in yellow colour so that students can recognize where the feedback is

Essay formatting

● Everything in the essay will go in heading 1

● There will be no page break while changing the headings
● Use of bullet points is prohibited
● Everything will be written in paragraphs and all the paragraphs will be linked with one
● The format will be Introduction, main body, Conclusion
● There can be subheads in the main body but they will not reflect in TOC
● Executive summary or Abstract is not written

Report Formatting

● An executive summary or abstract will be written in the report (If not restricted in brief)
● Bullet points can be used
● TOC will reflect subheads here

Do no bold italic the entire lines in the documents. Just highlight the important words
Informal Writing

Academic writing is written for a much confined and more expert audience. The creators of these
publications assume that most of their readers are already familiar with the main topic and
therefore writing succinctly becomes important in academic writing. In order to advocate the
agenda; an objective style and formal tone are preferred by the invigilator. Breezy and splashy
writing here does not suffice the purpose. Writing more difficult vocabulary at times becomes
cumbersome for the client and the invigilator both since the third person is always aware of one's
potential. Informal writing includes slang such as I'd, I'm and I'll. The use of words such as don't,
shouldn't, couldn't, wasn't, aren't and won't are goofy in an academic context.

Informal writing also includes the terms such as legit, cliché, pro, fun activities and other
WhatsApp text messages. While writing examples you must be giving relevant examples.
Writing that Wesfarmers uses its products in its home, making stories such as while I was
studying I feel down and my colleague helped me to get back to life. It is being explained since
these mistakes are found in real-time assignments.
Case Study Concerning Guideline

Whenever an expert gets a case study assignment he/she will have to highlight the key points
concerning the assignment criteria (main points) in the case study document. If the case study is
in pdf format, then it is the responsibility of the expert to get it converted into a word document
and do the needful. It is done to ensure that all the key requirements are met. At the time of
submitting the final assignment, it is mandatory to attach the highlighted case study with the final
file. The case study needs to be read thoroughly and the expert will ensure the credibility of the
arguments in line with the assignment criteria.
Reflective Writing

In reflective writing, you are required to do the citations only on the statements that are general
in nature. It is advised to avoid citing personally written assertions. Reflection unless stated
anchors that the expert needs to write what has been gained as an experience or learning during
the module and how it can be used further in future career goal setting or in a professional

SWOT analysis is generally done in the context of the company and its related aspects. On the
other hand; PESTLE is performed in the industry and it is linked to the company. PESTLE is
suggested to be done in the environment of a specific country.
Critical Evaluation

● We have to justify the statement with the help of the views of different authors
● Show contradictory views and write your view as well
Introduction and Conclusion


It includes the contextual background of the theme and the major points that form the central
arguments of the assignment. It is followed by accentuating on the purpose of the paper and the
structure that will be followed in the work.


· A conclusion works to remind your reader of the main points of your paper and
summarizes what you want your reader to “take away” from your discussion. Consider these
tips when writing your conclusion:

· Begin with your rephrased thesis statement to remind your reader of the point of your

· Summarize the points you made in your paper and show how they support your
argument; tie all the pieces of your paper together.

· Tell your reader what the significance of your argument might be. Why is the
discussion important? Do you want your reader to think differently, question something, or
perform some action?
Google Search/Keywords

If you feel reluctant to find out the relevant articles on google then add suffix (pdf journal
articles) to the title and search. The search must be customised by taking the year from 2012-
2021. The keywords youare majorly concerning the central theme of the paper.

References and Citations

(As discussed in FS Referencing Guidelines)

Image related Guidelines

Sources that are considered irrelevant in the references as well as image sourcing:

· Educational website

· Encyclopedia, Wikipedia, Linkedin, Investopedia, chron and any other type of blogs.

· Image referencing should also be done by using authentic resources such as journals
and website sources.

· Image referencing is done as same as the website referencing; where the author is
missing; use website name.
Dissertation Guidelines (Crucial Points)

e.g.: the role of digital marketing according to consumer behaviour


● Submission of the proposal (future tense)- a study has not been started
● Primary data- ethics form-no breach of privacy
● Try to always add the Gantt chart in the proposal


· Past tense when talking about study or use has been

· Future tense can be used in LR

Abstract (300 words)

Overview of the topic- what is the purpose- which methodology (only in 2 or 3 lines max)- what
are the findings (Major wordcount will be of findings)
Chapter 1- Intro: 2000 words (18k words dissertation)

Ø Background- overview of the topic- references according to content size (Citation

needed)- Recent references only (after 2015) in the end state the focus of the research

Ø Problem statement- problem because of which dissertation is being done- citations

needed- should not be lengthy- only introduce the problem and mention that solution is being
given (Always refer to proposal if given)

Ø Rationale/motivation- introduce problem again- will tell how this study can mitigate the
problems- citations needed- will talk about approaches (Rationale is basically written to show
why the study is being conducted what is the motivation to study this particular topic)

Ø Significance- citation needed- why is the study important

Ø Structure- covering of 5 chapters i.e. what are we doing in each chapter-

Ø Aims and objectives- the aim is the paraphrasing of the title- objectives should be 4 to 5-
mention the flow of study- should start with concept and theories of the topic- 2nd objective
should be factors impacting- 3rd can be role/significance/impact- 4th can be challenges- 5th
must be recommendations (strategy). – can be altered according to the topic (This is just an
example it can change as per the topic)

Ø Research questions: primary and secondary- primary is the paraphrasing of the main
question and secondary is the sub-components o the primary question

Ø Limitations- time consuming/ tedious/ focus only on one kind of data- mostly at one place

Ø Research gap- things that previous researchers could not identify-mostly bluffing- new
thing added in our dissertation

Chapter 2- Literature review: 5000 words (18k words dissertation)

Ø Heads made on the basis of research objectives- should not copy paste- add “the concept
of ….”- sub headings can be made if word count is more- should be a link between all
paragraphs- start para from as per/ acc to- citation in the starting and at the end and in the
middle as well- no website or newspaper can be cited- only journal or pdf citations allowed-if
company’s data is analysed then mention as per the reports of..... company

Ø Introduction of 50-60 words in the beginning (collection of viewpoints of several authors)

Ø Summary should go for both dissertation and proposal- no citation needed (min 100
words)- findings of the overall LR

Ø Conceptual framework- diagram of topic and its objectives- should be followed by an

explanatory para.

Ø no bullet points in LR

Ø Contradictory views of different authors have to be stated in many paras (30-40%)

Ø One para should consist of 150-200 words only

The paragraphs should relate to one another

Chapter 3- Methodology: (18k words dissertation)

Ø Intro- explanation of which kind of data is studied, collected, and evaluated

● Procedure (Steps)
● Design (Tools)Saunders onion
Ø RESEARCH METHOD- quantitative and qualitative data (quantitative is numerical data)-
only one data should be selected- how, when, what, why (reasoning of everything i.e. why
this research method is selected)

Ø DATA COLLECTION- primary and secondary- primary means survey, questionnaire sent
through mails to 100 participants (some managers and some employees)- how did you reach
employees- contacted companies and asked for mail IDs- why only 100 participants- time
effective way-not much info present OR interview (20 questions)- telephonic/ Skype/ video
call- consent form- why managers and not employees- as they have more info

Ø POPULATION AND SAMPLING- experience of 6 years min- age factor-gender

Ø If study focuses on secondary then explain why only one company is chosen

Primary data- questionnaire- quantitative method- positivism philosophy- justification

requires about the connecton

Primary data- interview- qualitative- interpretivism philosophy- justification requires

about the connection

Ø Interpretivism- interpretation of data

Ø positivism- positive aspect is identified (ignore negative)

Ø RESEARCH APPROACH- apply only inductive and not dedutuctive- As data is based on
research questions only inductive is followed

Ø hypothesis and research question cannot be together

Ø DATA ANALYSIS- thematic or content- content means analysis of content- thematic

means formation of themes- justification required

Ø LIMITATION- as stated above

Ø RESEARCH PROCEDURE- process followed in the methodology


Ø ETHICAL CONSIDERATION- state that no privacy is breached- no leakage of private

data- destroying of data

Ø RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY- authenticity of data- justification required

Ø always write that data will be presented through graphs and charts and not graphical
representation method

Chapter 4- Data analysis

Ø Introduction required

Ø if secondary- state which organisation is taken and why

Ø if primary-

Ø graphs and figures should be displayed

Ø citation of only company

Ø DISCUSSION- connected with LR and research questions- as per the LR

Chapter 4- Conclusion and recommendations

Ø findings of both LR and data analysis

● The recommendation should be general and not focused on the company

● Recommendations should be in bullet points only

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