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Research Project Template

Title Page: Provide a title that is self-explanatory

Table of Contents

Part 1: Introduction – (500 words- 20% Marks)

 Introduce the background and summary of your research.

 Clear aim of the research project
 Research Project key Issues, questions and objectives, clearly defined and purposeful
 Rationale of the project/study
 Significance of research and its importance

Part 2: Literature Review – (1000 words- 30% Marks)

 This section should be based on different themes covered for the review of literature.
 Appropriate headings and subheading be used.
 Should show evidence of wide range of reading using academic sources, books,
secondary data and documents.
 Identify clear research gaps and key research questions, any hypothesis made
 Clear arguments and assertations made with in the research project that are linked to
the research questions and objectives.

Part 3: Main Findings – (1000 words- 30% Marks)

This section should be based on findings based on the themes covered in the literature review
section and a demonstration of your research strategy in practice in the presentation of your
own research.

 Appropriate headings and subheading be used.

 Should show evidence of relevant collection of primary evidence and data to answer
the project aim and objectives. Objectives should be taken individually and evaluated
against the data collected in this section.
 Identify and clearly present data in logical order using appropriate sub-sections and
provide answers to the key research questions and any hypothesis made in the
literature review section.
 Clear arguments and assertations made with in the research project that are linked to
the research questions and objectives.

Part 4: Conclusions, Evaluations and Recommendations- (500 words- 20% Marks)

This section should pulls together the whole project and focuses upon whether the project
aim, and objectives have been successfully achieved. Conclusion may introduce more
questions / recommendations and may also have some partly completed objectives.

 Appropriate headings and subheading be used, if needed, for recommendations,

limitations and future directions of the research project.
 The introduction of new source material within this section should be avoided.

Appendix, if any.

Attribution of higher grades are associated with:

 Good use of spelling, grammar and punctuation throughout all written work.
 Effective use of the Harvard referencing format
 Evidence of wide reading around topics to support arguments and reflection
 Judgements made and conclusions drawn supported by academic theory evident
within all written work

Other relevant assessment information:

If you choose to do primary research as part of your research methodology, then you will
need to gain approval through NCD’s Ethics Committee. Any research work/submission
that uses a primary data without ethical approval would get a mark of zero.

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