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Insight into the Syllabus of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence for grade 11 and 12

a. Content
I Computer Systems and Organisation
II Computational Thinking and Programming : python, MySql
III Society, Law and Ethics
IV Computer Network
b. Future use
Career options based on: Computer Science, Electronics or any course which demands programming
c. Skills acquired
Designing algorithms, installations and setting up the environment/package, testing/debugging codes,
project work: design, execution and documentation ; usage of database commands – integrating multiple


a. Content
I. Theory associated with AI: AI Applications & Methodologies, Math concepts needed for AI, AI Values (Ethical
Decision Making).
II. Data and its usage: data storytelling, Data Analysis (methods of representing data on various chart types),
tools(frequency tables), statistical theory
III. Approaches /Methods: Critical & Creative Thinking*, Classification & Clustering, steps involved creating a
project AI project cycle methodologies
IV. Estimate a data model : Regression, correlation and regression.
V. AI Values (Bias Awareness)

b. Future use
AI is not limited t computer science, it involves various fields such as maths, statistics and computer science
itself. A data analyst need not have core knowledge of computers. But tools used to implement the theory
behind AI, will definitely fall under computers.

c. Skills acquired
Theoretical knowledge and identification of appropriate applications.
Guided activities using python packages: matplotlib, pandas, pylab, numpy

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