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Odd as it may seem, two similar things have each of their differences.

House, a structure with strong foundation, fully furnished with appliances and
furnitures. a shelter we may call it. Cover from the cold rain and heat from the sun. A building
or hut, a mansion or not, a location or place that a specific person lives. It is a general word
to in define a specific building for someone to live.

Home, it is anything it can also be any person that can make you feel that you belong and can
call it as your comfort zone. It is where you live permanently, a space where a every member
of the family feels secured, having one another whom they can fully depend on. A specific
family living in a house. A place where memories are made, not just a structure full of


A House and A Home, these are both places where you can feel one hundred and one
percent secured. A shelter to stay a defense for drought and calamities either in life or by


ACTIVITY 2: " HEROES AND ANTI-HEROES : People Who Make A Difference

In life, we make different decisions base from our own perspective and other people
considering the various situations and consequences that may come our way or the result as
we call it. Each one of us has the will power and freedom to make a choice. Heroes, they are
the one that makes a moral choice in behalf of the common good. They make rightful
decisions for what is just and righteous. Base from what I have experienced, I feel the
goodness in me when I make moral decisions that is intended for what is right. And I cannot
stand my conscience if I make decisions for a situation where I am at stake. I cannot stand
tolerating people for doing unrightful things for the goodness of everybody. and that is my

On the other hand, an Anti-Hero they are the type of people who have a will power,
who have freedom and can decide but does not use it directly for what is good, rightfull and
just. Rather, they tends to use what they have selfishly.

However, in life we cannot avoid instances that will make us choose between sacrifice
and and what is right. I too sometimes use my freedom and power for selfishness but not
because I need it just to save my self, I need it to save my loved one, in a situation that I can
never leave them alone and that is my weakness. I am too soft hearted to the people whom I
treasured the most. But because I am a flexible type of person, and I can do various things.
Yes, I am well-rounded and I can be whatever I want, a dancer, a singer or whatsoever.
believing in oneself is very important for us to grow. And I learned it from my mother, she
taught me the things she knew. She taught me how to be strong emotionally and mentally.
How to handle things accordingly and how to sing. My mother is whom I consider as my role

The person who influenced me the most is My Mother. She is the type of person who
often smiles, you can see the glow in her face everytime I look at her. She is quite tall and
when she stands, her back always looked straight like a proud person. Her voice is most of
the sweetest to the ears but sometimes sounds like a machine gun. Everytime I look at my
mother, I can feel her confidence and it also influenced me to become confident enough each
day. I feel very blessed and happy, as each day pass by as long as I'm with my mother, my life
is perfect. I feel this way because of the sense of belongingness that my mother always made
me feel. She motivates me a lot and loves me so much. The thing that strikes me the most
about my mother is her strong personality. I once asked my mother the things that she wants
to do if and only if she can and answered me "I would always choose being your mom again
and again, because having you is priceless, even though you are stubborn as always". As what
I have observed from my mother, always deals with the obstacles calmly. She always choose
to deal with it and find solution to it silently where she can trouble nobody. My other always
treats other people with respect. My mother reacts in a crisis situation the same way the way
she reacts in solving the obstacles that she faces in life. My mother is known for her
respectful manner, strong personality and calmness. The thing that lead me to choose my
mom over the others is not just because she is my mom, but because of the values, respect
and care that she taught me in anything that I do considering the people around me and the
situation where I can hurt nobody.

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