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Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Kadita, because of her beauty she
was often called Dewi Srengenge which means the brightest sun not only that she was also
beautiful deep down to her soul, she was always generous and kind to everyone she met. Her
father's name was King Munding Wangi, even though he had a beautiful daughter he was still
unhappy because he expected to have a son.
The king then married Dewi Mutiara and he had a son from her, the king was very happy.
Dewi Mutiara want her son to be the king in the future so she must make sure of it. Dewi
Mutiara came to the king and asked him to send away his daughter. Do you think the king
was fulfiled that kind of request? Of Course Not! "That's ridiculous, but not that anyone do
actual thing to my daughter" said King Munding Wangi.
Knowing the answer of the king, Dewi Mutiara smiled sweetly, so that the king's anger is
slowly disappeared. But, she had a revenge in her heart.
Dewi mutiara then came up wuth another idea, what was that? Dewi Mutiara called a witch,
her name was Nene Jahir. She want Nene Jahir to curse Kadita ."That is so easy my queen,
don't you worry" said Nene Jahir.

In the middle of the night Nene Jahir chanted a spell to kadita. Suddenly Kadita's room
smelled very bad like a corpse when she woke up she was shocked, the whole body was full
of scabs. The beautiful princess then crued she didn't know what to do, when the king heard
about the news he was very sad.

"What should he do?"

The king then summoned his commander and told him to hold a contest. "Hear! For whoever
can cure the princess then for him or her will live in luxury and be part of the royal family."
Annouced the commander.
The news about the contest spread out across the country many wizard came but no one
succeeded. At last the king has to decide between his daughter or his kingdom, can you
guess? What the king would do due to the insistence of his advisor? The king had to banished
his own daughter so she wouldn't be a disgrace to the royal family. The poor princess went
alone she didn't know what's her goal, her heart was broken and she never lost belief in god's
goodness, she kept walking and walking, praying and praying.
Night and day she walked and it was at the seventh night, when she was finally arrived at the
South Sea Beach as she began to admire the beauty of the beach. She heard a voice who told
her to go into the sea, would she followed the voice?
Yes she did, can you guess what happenned next? When her body touched the water,
magically she had conpletely recovered and she became a beautiful princess just like before
After that she ruled the sea and she established a great kingdom, she was known as the queen
of the south sea.
Created By : Zalfaa Alzena X-5

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