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Introduction to Nursing Administration

1. Is the purpose of any organization to achieve specific goals? True.

2. Is administration a process of determining aims and objectives for which the organization
and its management operate? True.

3. Is management a process of getting things done through and with people operating in
organized groups? True.

4. Is management perceived as a blend of art and science? True.

5. Is scientific management the result of applying scientific knowledge? True.

6. Does science need to know ask why, and management by science deals with the
measurable and predictable? True.

7. Does management as an art start where science leaves off? True.

8. Is art the ability to sense a situation, to respond to its nature and demand or intuitive
senses? True.

9. Is the art of management perceived as relating to one's personality so it requires certain

qualities that can be learned, developed? True.

10. The purpose of any organization is the achievement of general goals through the
activities performed by people for other people. False.

11. Administration is a process of determining aims and objectives for which the
organization and its management do not operate. False.

12. Management is not a process of getting things done through and with people operating
in organized groups. False.

13. Management is not perceived as a blend of art and science. False.

14. Scientific management is not the result of applying scientific knowledge. False.


15. Science does not need to know ask why, and management by science does not deal with
the measurable and predictable. False.

16. Management as an art does not start where science leaves off. False.
17. Art is not the ability to sense a situation, to respond to its nature and demand or
intuitive senses. False.

18. The art of management may not be perceived as relating to one's personality so it
requires certain qualities that can be learned, developed. False.

19. Is management a process composed of a series of interrelated elements? True.

20. Does the environment not influence the elements of management process? False.

21. Are the elements of management process not interdependent? False.

22. Is staffing not one of the components of administrative function? False.

23. Administration is a top-level activity. True.

24. Management is an executive function. True.

25. Administration involves planning and organizing functions. True.

26. Management requires administrative abilities. False.

27. Management operates within the framework set by the administration. True.

27. Technical abilities are required for administration. False.

28. Motivation and controlling functions are part of administration. False.

29. Staffing is a component of management. True.


Planning Part 1

1. Planning is the last function of management. (False)

Answer: False

2. Planning is a random process. (False)

3. Planning involves setting objectives and determining a course of action. (True)

4. Planning does not require managers to be good decision makers. (False)

5. A plan is a statement of unintended means for accomplishing objectives. (False)

6. Planning is not essential for deciding the organization structure. (False)

7. Every plan should contribute to the attainment of purpose and objectives of the
organization. (True)

8. Planning is only applicable to certain departments and units in an organization. (False)

9. Plans are efficient only if they achieve their purpose at an unreasonable cost. (False)

10. Planning is a one-time process that does not involve constant reviews. (False)

11. Planning should not be flexible to adapt to changes. (False)

12. Planning process should not consider limiting factors. (False)

13. Planning is not a continuous process. (False)

14. The efficiency of plans is not important. (False)

15. Planning does not contribute to purpose and objectives. (False)

16. The planning process involves studying the past, assessing the present, and forecasting
the future. (True)


17. There are seven steps in the planning process. (True)

18. The first step in the planning process is setting organizational goals. (False)

19. The planning process does not involve assessing present organizational potentialities and
capabilities. (False)

20. Formulating alternative courses of action is not part of the planning process. (False)

21. Setting priorities is not important in the planning process. (False)

22. Implementation is not a step in the planning process. (False)

23. The final step in the planning process is evaluating the effectiveness of the plan. (True)

24. The purpose of planning as a managerial function is to manage by objectives. (True)

25. Planning does not provide unity of purpose and direction to the organization. (False)

26. Effective control cannot be attained through planning. (False)

27. Planning does not help organizations deal with uncertainty and change. (False)

28. Planning has no impact on improving efficiency. (False)

29. Planning does not promote coordination within an organization. (False)

30. Planning does not contribute to minimizing operational costs. (False)

31. The purposes of planning for the nursing service do not include promoting research
among nursing personnel. (False)

Planning part 2

1. Planning is always based on predetermined objectives. (True)

2. Planning is a one-time process. (False)


3. Planning does not have to be done within a specific time frame. (False)

4. Planning is only necessary for certain departments within an organization. (False)

5. Planning should utilize all available resources. (True)

6. Planning does not enable an organization to attain effective control. (False)

7. Planning cannot help an organization deal with uncertainty and change. (False)

8. A good plan does not need to consider limiting factors. (False)

9. A good plan assists in effective utilization of available resources. (True)

10. A good plan does not assist in gaining effective control. (False)

11. A good plan does not develop a logical sequence of activities in achieving objectives.

12. A good plan does not help to deal with uncertainty and problems. (False)

13. A good plan does not lead to the successful achievement of goals and objectives. (False)

14. A good plan is not based on past and future activities. (False)

15. A good plan must be complex and difficult to understand. (False)

16. A good plan must be illogical, unclear, and unbalanced. (False)

17. A good plan should have clearly defined objectives including results and methods of
evaluation. (True)

18. A good plan should not develop actions that are flexible and realistic in terms of
available resources. (False)

19. Short-term plan covers a period of more than five years. (False)
20. Single-use plans are used only once and include policies and procedures. (False)


21. Standing plans are used more than once and include budgets and schedules. (False)

22. A strategic plan is a long-range plan that focuses on the organization as a whole. (True)

23. Top management planning includes the development of overall organizational goals and
objectives. (True)

24. An operational plan is a short-range plan with a duration of less than one year. (True)

25. Operational plans focus on monthly, weekly, and day-to-day operations. (True)

26. Lower level planning is concerned with the efficient use of resources for the entire
organization. (False)

27. A good plan should not consider external environmental factors that affect operations.

28. A strategic plan is developed by first-level management. (False)

29. Stretch goals should not be set when planning. (False)

30. Creating an environment that encourages learning is not important in planning. (False)

31. Planning staff should not have new roles designed for them. (False)

32. Continuous improvement should not be a way of life in planning. (False)

33. A good plan should not be flexible and adaptable to changes in available resources.

34. A good plan should not have clearly defined objectives and methods of evaluation.

35. Contingency planning involves developing alternative plans to be used if certain events
occur. (True)


Elements of Planning (Planning tools). Part 1

1. Values are the morale rationale for all business. (True)

2. Values statements do not make employees feel proud and managers feel committed.

3. Values do not give meaning to the right way to do things. (False)

4. Goals are specific results that one wishes to achieve. (False)

5. Objectives are general statements for giving direction for what the organization seeks to
accomplish. (False)

6. Objectives are action statements through which the key elements of the mission will be
achieved and the philosophy or beliefs sustained. (True)

7. Nursing organizations do not need objectives for evaluation of patient care, personnel
performance, planning of educational programs, staffing, and requisition of supplies and
equipment. (False)

8. Mission and purpose do not have to be translated into objectives if they are to become
more than insight, good intentions, and brilliant epigrams never to be achieved. (False)

9. Objectives statements should be specific, operational, flexible, measurable, realistic, and

observable. (True)

10. Values do not bond people and set the behavior standards of the employees. (False)

11. Objectives do not help in achieving desired outcomes. (False)

12. Goals are not single-use plans. (False)

13. Objectives do not sustain the philosophy or beliefs of an organization. (False)

14. Values do not give employees enthusiasm and energy. (False)


15. Objectives are not the backbone of achieving the mission of an organization. (False)

16. Management planning involves the development of forecasts, objectives, policies,

programs, procedures, schedules and budgets. (True)

17. The elements of planning in nursing management include vision statement. (True)

18. Vision statement is the ability to set goals based on impossible things. (False)

19. Vision statement explains where the organization wants to go and what it will look like
when it gets there. (True)

20. The vision of the nursing service department is formulated independently of the vision of
the healthcare organization. (False)

21. Vision guides planning of nursing service department.(True)

22. An example of vision statement is "Our vision is to provide quality cost effective care
with compassion". (True)

23. Objectives are not included in the elements of planning in nursing management. (False)

24. Procedures are not considered in the development of management planning. (False)

25. Contingency planning is not a part of the planning hierarchy. (False)

Elements of Planning (Planning tools). Part 2

1. The mission statement describes the basic function of an organization. (True)

2. The mission statement identifies the reason for which an organization exists. (True)
3. The mission statement does not provide direction for goals or objectives. (False)
4. The mission of nursing service is to provide meticulous nursing care to patients. (True)
5. The mission statement does not provide vision for the organization. (False)
6. Organizational purpose moves, guides, and delivers the organization to a perceived goal.
7. The mission statement does not incorporate the culture of the organization. (False)


8. Philosophy is a written statement of values, concepts, and beliefs that pertain to nursing
administration and nursing practice within the organization. (True)
9. The philosophy statement does not set out values and beliefs that direct an organization
in its attempt to achieve its mission. (False)
10. Statements of philosophy are concrete and do not contain value statements about
human beings as clients or patients and as workers, about work that will be performed by
nursing workers for clients or patients, about self-care, about nursing as a profession, about
education as it pertains to competence of nursing workers, and about the setting or
community in which nursing services are provided. (False)
11. Nursing philosophy consists of beliefs about Person, Environment, Life, Health, Illness,
Nursing care, and Nurse-patient relationship. (True)
12. Philosophy does not verbalize the visions of both nurse managers and nurse
practitioners as to what they believe nursing management and practice should be. (False)
13. Philosophy statements are abstract and contain value statements. (True)
14. The philosophy statement does not pertain to nursing administration and nursing
practice within the organization. (False)
15. The philosophy statement does not contain beliefs about education as it pertains to
competence of nursing workers. (False)
16. The philosophy statement does not contain beliefs about the setting or community in
which nursing services are provided. (False)
17. The philosophy statement does not contain beliefs about self-care. (False)
18. The philosophy statement does not contain beliefs about nursing as a profession. (False)
19. The philosophy statement does not contain beliefs about human beings as clients or
patients and as workers. (False)
20. The philosophy statement does not contain beliefs about nursing care. (False)


Policy, rules, regulation and procedure part 1

1. The three largest groups of policies in hospitals are personnel, departmental, and financial
policies. (True)
2. Personnel policies are only concerned with the safety of patients. (False)
3. Departmental policies apply to specific departments or individual positions. (True)
4. Policies on the administration of medication are medical departmental policy. (False)
5. Financial policies include sources of capital, uses of capital, protection of capital, and
distribution of earnings. (True)
6. Policy manuals are guides to action that communicate specific information for particular
purposes. (True)
7. There are two types of policy manuals: organizational and procedures manuals. (True)
8. The organizational manual includes job descriptions and lines of authority and
responsibility. (True)
9. The procedures manual explains work methods and steps to be taken in each procedure.
10. The organizational manual includes the system of work in the finance department.
11. The procedures manual includes steps for requesting supplies and equipment. (True)
12. The personnel policies are only intended as a guide for supervisory personnel. (False)
13. Departmental policies include policies on the prescription of medication. (False)
14. Financial policies only include the distribution of earnings. (False)
15. Policy manuals are not necessary in hospitals. (False)
16. The procedures manual explains how to prepare a patient for surgery. (True)
17. The organizational manual includes the admission procedure for patients. (False)
18. The procedures manual includes the discharge procedure for patients. (True)
19. The financial policies only include the sources of capital. (False)
20. The personnel policies only apply to nursing personnel in hospitals. (False)

21. Policies are guidelines for decision making and behavior within which personnel can act.
22. Hospital policies describe the organizational objectives to be achieved. (True)
23. Policies provide information but do not guide decision making. (False)
24. Policies do not solve recurrent problems. (False)
25. Policies cannot substitute for some decision making. (False)
26. Policies do not create standard operating procedures among organizational units. (False)
27. Policies do not promote efficiency, safety, and consistency in accomplishing tasks. (False)


28. Policies do not guide in performance evaluation. (False)

29. Hospital policies are derived from several sources. (True)
30. Top management is not a source of hospital policies. (False)
31. Department heads can develop policies based on the broad policy at the top. (True)
32. Externally imposed policy cannot be a source of hospital policies. (False)
33. Hospital policies are only derived from internal sources. (False)
34. Hospital policies are aimed to guide the manager and their subordinate in their tasks.
35. Hospital policies are not important for the efficient and safe operation of the hospital.
Policy, rules, regulation and procedure part 2

1. Procedures are only applicable to managerial tasks. (False)

2. Procedures provide a guide for the performance of an activity. (True)
3. Procedures are not necessary for saving energy, labor, and time. (False)
4. Procedures should be written with minimal detail to avoid confusion. (False)
5. Objectives and steps are not important components of an effective procedure.
6. Nursing care procedures do not include criteria for performance. (False)
7. Managerial procedures cannot include an applicant's health status. (False)
8. Written procedures do not promote efficiency. (False)
9. Procedures do not provide consistency in accomplishing tasks. (False)
10. Procedures are only necessary for complex tasks. (False)
11. Procedures can be developed for any type of organization. (True)
12. Procedures can be used to ensure safety in the workplace. (True)
13. Procedures can be used to evaluate employee performance. (True)
14. Procedures do not need to be updated regularly. (False)
15. Procedures can be used to train new employees. (True)
16. Procedures are not necessary for maintaining quality control. (False)
17. Procedures can be used to standardize processes across different departments.
18. Procedures do not need to be communicated effectively to all involved parties.


19. Procedures can be used to identify areas for improvement in a process. (True)
20. Procedures cannot be used to monitor compliance with regulations and
policies. (False)

21. Regulations are policies that apply to the entire organization. (False)
22. Regulations are only developed at the top level of an organization. (False)
23. Regulations are guidelines for action that apply to only a department. (True)
24. Regulations are specific and related to employees. (True)
25. Regulations are not necessary in hospitals. (False)
26. Regulations can include guidelines for nursing procedures. (True)
27. Regulations can apply to the rotation of professional nurses. (True)
28. Regulations are not consistent with policies. (False)
29. Regulations are not necessary for good practices. (False)
30. Regulations can be unreasonable. (False)
31. Regulations are not applicable to employees. (False)
32. Regulations can be distributed and communicated effectively. (True)
33. Regulations are always understandable to all employees. (False)
34. Regulations can apply to the behavior of patients in the hospital. (False)
35. Regulations are not important for maintaining order and safety in the hospital.


Standards are a descriptive statement of desired level of performance. True

Criteria are not components of standards. False

Criteria are selected as relevant indicators of quality. True

Standards are developed by determining the essentials of the care needed by patients. True

Objectives indicate how each responsibility is to be fulfilled. False


Nursing care standards are used to evaluate nursing care given to patients. True

The purpose of nursing care standards is to decrease the quality of nursing care. False

Structured standards measure nursing actions or lack of actions. False

Process standards involve the delivery of patient care. True

Outcome standards reflect the process of giving care. False

Characteristics of standards include being clear and concise. True

Standards should not be written. False

Realistic standards are not important. False

Standards should not be specific and worded in terms of action. False

Standards are used to determine nursing negligence. True

Structured standards involve the qualifications of employees. True

Process standards measure the effectiveness and results of patient care. False

Outcome standards do not evaluate patient status. False

Criteria are not relevant indicators of quality. False

Objectives and standards are the same thing. False

The main purpose of nursing care standards is to increase the cost of nursing care. False

Structured standards do not involve the setup of institution philosophy. False

Process standards do not measure nursing actions. False

Outcome standards reflect the result and effectiveness of giving care. True

Characteristics of standards should not be clear and concise. False



A health care system can function without money. False.

A budget is a plan that provides a qualitative expression of acquiring and distributing funds
over a period of 5 years. False.

A budget is a plan adjusting expenses during a certain period to the estimated or fixed
income for that period. True.

Budgets in nursing are based on what is known about how much was spent in the past and
how that will inevitably change in the coming year. True.
A good budget is not based on objectives and standards. False.
A good budget should be complicated, inflexible, unbalanced, and uneconomic. False.

The three types of budgets most commonly managed by nurses in an institution are
operational budget, personal budget, and marketing budget. False.

The operational budget includes services to be provided and goals that the unit expects to
consume or use during the budget period. True.
The capital budget includes an itemized list of current capital assets, such as pencils and
papers. False.
The capital budget is considered a long-term goal and must complement the agency's
objectives. True.

The personnel budget consists of the numbers of various nursing and support personnel
required to operate a nursing unit, and monies allocated for those personnel. True.

The operational budget includes the cost of medical equipment. False.

The capital budget is also known as a short-term budget. False.

The personnel budget does not consider the number of nursing and support personnel
required to operate a nursing unit. False.

The three types of budgets commonly managed by nurses in an institution are completely
separate and have no overlapping components. False.


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