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A Little Hedgehog Who Wished to be Different

Once upon a time, there lived a hedgehog family in a village named Pineville. The
only daughter of this lovely family was called Kiki. Kiki had a best friend, Coco the
In school, everyone was afraid of Kiki as she has sharp quills on her back. Only
Coco had a hard shell to protect himself so they became best friends. Kiki was inferior
just because of her quills.
On a breezy and cool day, Kiki and her parents went to town to visit her
grandmother, Nana de hedgehog. Kiki was very excited.
On the way to town, Kiki sat at the back of the car and enjoyed the scenery outside
the window. She saw different shapes of clouds, mountains, rivers and paddy fields.
She also saw many different animals.
Kiki first saw a colourful parrot. She was amazed by the colourful feathers of the
Then, she saw a peacock with a beautiful tail. Kiki really admired the peacock.
After that, she saw a deer with a pair of broad antlers. Kiki loved the antlers so much
that she wished the antlers were hers.
At last, they finally arrived at Kiki’s grandmother house.
Kiki had her dinner and went to her room early that night. She sat on the balcony
looking at the shinning stars on the sky. She gently closed her eyes and made a wish.
‘I wish to be different.’ said Kiki.
Suddenly, a bright light shined behind her. She turned back and saw a woman with
wings walking towards her. Kiki was shocked. ‘Are you my fairy godmother?’ asked
Kiki. The fairy nod her head and said ‘I can grant you five wishes. What will your
first wish be?’.
Kiki hesitated for a while. ‘I would like to be different! I wish I have the colourful
feathers of a parrot!’ she said. And there she was her sharp quills were covered with
the parrot’s colourful feathers.
She was amazed and quickly made her second wish. ‘I wish to have a peacock’s
beautiful tail!’ said Kiki. And there she was her little tail disappeared and a beautiful
tail of the peacock grew out.
Now, she was already very excited to be different and she made her third wish. ‘I
wish to have a pair of broad antlers like the deer!’ she said. And there she was a pair
of broad antlers grew on her tiny little head.
It was a fun night that Kiki can barely fell asleep, she was so excited to show her best
friend her new look.
The next day, she went back to the village and visited her best friend Coco. Coco was
shocked, he could not recognise his friend. He was scared so he ran away and left Kiki
Kiki was puzzled. She thought that after she changed her look, everyone should like
her more. But in the other way, her best friend was also scared of her.
Kiki walked on the streets and everyone was shocked to see a weird looking animal.
She ran to the riverbank and cried for a long time. She did not understand why people
were scared of her.
All of a sudden, her fairy godmother appeared. ‘What is it bothering you, dear?’ said
the fairy godmother. Kiki told her that everyone was afraid of her even though she had
no more sharp quills but a body of colourful feathers, a beautiful tail and a pair of
broad antlers. The fairy godmother laughed and reminded Kiki that she still had two
more wishes.
‘I want to be myself again. I am willing to give up all my wishes! Please turn me
back to who I was!’ said Kiki. At last, Kiki was finally herself again. She was so
pleased to see her quills and her brown body again. The fairy godmother gave her a
suggestion before she left. Kiki took her suggestion and put fluffy marshmallows on
her sharp quills.
The next day, everyone was glad to see Kiki and made friends with her. Kiki was
now a confident and cheerful child. Her parents were proud of her too. Her best friend
Coco also apologised for running away that day and they became friends again.
In the end of the story, they all lived happily ever after.

Moral value:
Be a confident person. Self-confidence is very important for everyone in this world.
This is because confidence helps us feel ready for life's experiences. A major
component of confidence is the value you place on yourself. Without confidence, you
may never venture out of your comfort zone and reach your utmost potential.

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