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URSI GASS 2023, Sapporo, Japan, 19 – 26 August 2023

Design and Evaluation of mmWave Backscatter Tag System for Internet of Things Applications
Fathul Muin(1), Tommi Hariyadi (1), and Seong-Ook Park(1)
(1) Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea; e-mail:;;

Abstract environments. One approach uses modulation depth

enhancement to improve the angle of the incoming RF
The demand for Internet of Things (IoT) devices that signal from the source. Ultimately, integrating the RFID
provide wireless communication has increased tag with an FPGA is another solution for adding advanced
significantly in recent years. RFID technology is currently features. However, most of the work operates on the UHF
one of the most widely used and prevalent technologies. frequency, which is widely used in communication
Low power consumption and simple hardware design are technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Mobile Cellular,
the main benefits of RFID technology. However, RFID and other RFID signal. This makes the RFID tag signal
implementation in expansive spaces with massive susceptible to interference from other signals.
obstructions would make it difficult for the RFID reader to Consequently, it can be difficult for the reader to extract
detect the RFID tag due to interference from these the RFID tag information.
obstructions. This paper describes the practical design of
the mmWave FSK backscatter tag system and its In recent years, another similar technology of the RFID tag
evaluation. The experiment results indicate that the FSK system has been researched that has the same functionality:
backscatter tag system generates the FSK signal from the a backscatter tag/transponder tag. One of the most
incoming signal and that the tag can be programmed with significant benefits of the backscatter tag is the ability to
any frequency modulation and multiple frequencies. Based modify the incoming signal by implementing a modulation
on these findings, the mmWave FSK backscatter tag’s scheme or other signal modification techniques on the tag.
performance is more promising than the conventional Recent backscatter tags employ straightforward digital
RFID tag. In the following section, we will discuss how the modulation, such as ASK and PSK [6-7]. These
mmWave backscatter tag system is more powerful than modulations have a high bandwidth efficiency and require
conventional RFID tag systems. a simple design for generating the modulated signal, which
reduces the manufacturing cost of the system and provides
1 Introduction a high data rate. However, due to the variation in ASK
leverage amplitude, the noise will likely degrade the
The Internet of Things (IoT) technology has become signal's amplitude. Meanwhile, the PSK signal's binary
increasingly popular recently, and its usage has grown data require a complex decoding procedure involving
significantly. IoT involves connecting devices and estimating the signal's phase states. Furthermore, since
appliances to the internet, allowing them to collect and both the incoming and backscatter signals have the same
exchange data. This has led to numerous benefits and frequency, both signals can easily interfere.
applications, from improved efficiency and automation in
various industries to new opportunities for innovation and This paper proposes a mmWave Frequency Shift Keying
progress in our daily lives. Radio Frequency Identification (FSK) Backscatter Tag System that can be used for various
(RFID) is one of the IoT devices developed by numerous IoT applications. Typically, we implement FSK
researchers and used in many practical uses due to its modulation into the backscatter tag so that it can transmit
comprehensive functionality and adaptability [1]. RFID its ID information by shifting the reader's carrier frequency
systems have seen a rise in demand for various applications to represent the bit signal. We can avoid interference
such as inventory management, asset tracking, shipping between the reader's incoming signal and the tag's
container tracking, etc. However, the conventional RFID backscattering signal by utilizing FSK modulation. In
system, especially the RFID tag, is plagued by many issues, addition, the FSK signal has several advantages, such as its
such as tag interference and the inability to implement in resistance to fading as a constant-envelope modulation and
large spaces due to path loss [2]. its greater noise resistance than amplitude modulation due
to its ability to achieve a lower Bit Error Rate (BER) for
Numerous researchers have created a variety of RFID tags the same digital-to-noise ratio. This system employs
resulting in a novel design and method. Several studies [3– frequency signal modulation at 24 GHz to prevent
5] have made advances in overcoming the limitations of interference from UHF frequencies such as Wi-Fi,
conventional RFID tags by developing unique designs and Bluetooth, and other RFID tag antenna. In addition,
techniques. These studies optimize the placement of the mmWave signals have a broad bandwidth, allowing for
passive RFID tag for optimal performance in real-world massive communication.

This paper's copyright is held by the author(s). It is published in these proceedings and included in any archive such as IEEE
Xplore under the license granted by the “Agreement Granting URSI and IEICE Rights Related to Publication of Scholarly
2 24 GHz FSK Backscatter Tag System In most cases, the backscatter system uses a digital signal,
such as a square wave, to approximate a sine wave, and for
The FSK backscatter is a tag system that uses the FSK the sake of simplicity, we can define as a square
method to modulate the backscatter signal. Comparing wave.
FSK modulation to other digital modulations like ASK and
PSK reveals some advantages. First, FSK offers robustness 2! "
against fading as it is a constant-envelope modulation. 2& 2
Second, FSK is more resistant to noise than amplitude (4)
modulation because it can achieve a lower Bit Error Rate # $%
(BER) for the same digital-to-noise ratio. '()

Then the backscatter signal from the tag becomes

$% ⋅ (5)
. /'
" '
The model presented in the previous section indicates that
the backscatter signal generates multiple sidebands, each of
which is frequency-shifted by + % , and attenuated
by+ -.

Figure 1. FSK Backscatter Tag system architecture.

Figure 1 shows the FSK backscatter architecture that
describes how the FSK tag backscatters the
incoming/interrogation signal from the reader. Impedance
mismatching is the key concept behind modifying and
reflecting RF signals [8]. To shift the signal's frequency,
the tag varies its impedance over time Γ between and
0 to approximate a sine or square wave. Consequently, the
incoming signal's frequency is shifted by based on the
frequency modulation of the backscatter tag. We can Figure 2. 24 GHz FSK Backscatter Tag Prototype.
analyze the signal in a mathematical equation to better
understand how the baseband signal flows into the Figure 2 depicts the prototype of the mmWave FSK
backscatter tag [8]. Backscatter Tag. FSK digital modulation is implemented
in a backscatter tag using a commodity electronic
First, let's define the incoming signal from the component, ADRF5300-EVALZ SPDT switch. The RF
transmitter as a continuous wave. switch can route the high-frequency signal along various
transmission paths. On the backscatter tag, the RF switch
(1) connects the antenna to RF load with varying impedance
and switches between them. By alternating between the
Where is the amplitude of the incoming signal, is RF1 and RF2 ports, the backscatter tag conducts FSK
the frequency of the incoming signal. modulation, effectively adjusting the reflectivity over time.
The backscatter tags adjust over time so that is or
roughly resembles a sine wave to alter the frequency of the
reflected signal .

| | (2)

Where is the frequency modulation from the tag. So, the

backscatter signal from the tag leads to

| |
(a) (b)
As a result, the backscatter signal is frequency Figure 3. (a) Fabricated 2x2 element array antenna (b) S-
shifted by from , and attenuated by | |. Parameter simulation result of the array antenna.
Table 1. Antenna array 2x2 element specifications
Backscatter Tag Reader
No. Antenna Parameter Value
1. Frequency range (resonant) 23.1 – 24.7 Oscilloscope
(24 GHz)
2. Bandwidth 1.6 GHz
3. Gain 13 dBi
4. HPBW 36)
5. Radiation pattern Directional
6. Substrate material Taconic
7. Dimensions 20x20 mm
Figure 4. Experiment setup for evaluating the 24 GHz
The RFC port of the switch is connected to a microstrip 2x2 backscatter tag system
element array antenna operating at 24 GHz. Figure 3 and
Table 1 illustrate the antenna's detailed specifications and
simulation results, respectively. At the same time, the RF1 Tag Frequency Hormonic signals
and RF2 ports of the RF Switch are connected to a 50 Ω-
matched ground connection and an open connection,
respectively. The transition rate between reflection and
absorption governs the modulation frequency of the tag. A
low-power microcontroller afterward controls the RF
switch; in this case, we use an Arduino Nano. The Arduino
Nano is utilized to control the RF switch's signal state and (a)
speed of the RF switch. After evaluating the performance
Tag Frequency
of the Arduino Nano, this microcontroller can generate a
clock frequency of up to 16 MHz, meaning that the
frequency modulation of the tag can be set to a maximum
of 16 MHz.

3 Evaluations and Discussions

The experimental setup for evaluating the mmWave Figure 5. Recoded IF data from radar module for (a) 2
backscatter tag system is depicted in Figure 4. We are kHz (b) 8 kHz frequency modulation scenario.
utilizing a commodity 24 GHz Distance2Go radar module
from Infineon for the system's reader, which can produce Figure 5 shows the IF frequency signal that was captured
Continuous Wave (CW), process the received signal within by the radar. The IF signal is the result of the mixing
its internal components, and display it in Infineon GUI. The process of the received and transmitted signals.
radar is configured to use a single transmitting and Furthermore, any peak magnitude observed in the IF signal
receiving antenna to simulate an omnidirectional reader. corresponds to the signal from the FSK backscatter tag. In
The radar has a maximum transmission power of 10 dB this experiment scenario, we set the frequency modulation
(written on the software) and utilizes the entire 250 MHz at a single frequency at 2 kHz and 8 kHz. Based on the peak
bandwidth of the 24 GHz ISM band. For the ground truth magnitude of the measured data, the captured IF data detect
of the backscatter tag frequency modulation, we measure peak magnitudes at the same frequency at approximately 2
the frequency modulation on the tag board with an kHz and 8 kHz. Regarding this result, the FSK backscatter
MDO3102 Mixed Domain Oscilloscope. tag successfully modulates its frequency/shifting the
carrier frequency from the incoming signal with the desired
Numerous experiments were conducted to evaluate the frequency, and is detectable by the reader. According to the
capabilities of the mmWave FSK backscatter tag system. data, there are a number of peaks in other frequencies; these
We evaluate the backscatter tag signal in an indoor peaks are harmonic signals caused by frequency
environment (Laboratory) and determine its frequency modulation of the tag.
shift using Arduino Nano. To analyze the FSK signal
modulation, we programmed the backscatter tag to
generate one or two different frequencies and compare it Tag Frequencies
with the measurement data from the oscilloscope. The
intermediate frequency (IF) signal was recorded using
Infineon GUI and processed raw data signal from the radar

This paper's copyright is held by the author(s). It is published in these proceedings and included in any archive such as IEEE
Xplore under the license granted by the “Agreement Granting URSI and IEICE Rights Related to Publication of Scholarly
Tag Frequencies

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4 Conclusion
Modulator Design for Passive RFID Tags in
This research presents the mmWave FSK backscatter tag Backscatter Communication Systems," 2022 IEEE
system for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The 22nd Annual Wireless and Microwave Technology
system's performance was evaluated by testing its ability to Conference (WAMICON), Clearwater, FL, USA,
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identification information by sending two distinct
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environments. The mmWave signal used in this system IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters,
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Due to the large bandwidth in mmWave, this backscatter
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This work was supported by Samsung Research Funding & 16-27, Sept. 2018.
Incubation Center of Samsung Electronics under Project
Number SRFC-IT2101-06

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