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1. provide pieces of evidence to affirm the presence of climate change.

 Through the combination of direct observations and reconstructions on past climate

changes, geoscience researchers have been able to understand the various natural
forces playing a role in climate change on Earth. These include solar or sun (light) ,
Earth's reflectivities, sun-orbiting elements, volcanism, ocean temperatures and tides,
the accumulation of greenhouse gases, and much more. Earth's geologic records reveal
that over the last three million years the climate has shifted slowly and suddenly, as the
planet has undergone intermittent ice ages and warmer periods. Geological data also
indicate that for the past 800,000 years, average temperatures and greenhouse gas
concentrations in the atmosphere have had a clear association. Temperatures typically
have risen with rising greenhouse gasses, as both greenhouse gasses and temperatures
have rising dramatically over the past 150 years. Droughts worldwide are becoming
increasingly long and serious. With rising temperatures, the mountain and polar regions
have less snow, and snow is melting faster. Permafrost melts into the atmosphere and
absorbs methane, a strong greenhouse gas. The sea level is also rising, affecting coastal
and estuarine ecosystems.
2. discuss the implications of climate change
 The climate change affects people and the environment directly by the increased water
and hunger crises, especially in developing countries. And risks to safety by increasing
weather and heat waves. Also an economic impacts of climate change-related
secondary damage treatment. A risk of spread of pests and pathogens is growing. And a
limited adaptability and speed adaptability to flora and fauna loss of biodiversity as a
result of increased CO2 concentrations, acidification of the ocean due to increased
levels of HCO3 in the water. Also the need of adaptation for all areas (for example,
farming, forestry, energy , infrastructure, tourism, etc.).

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