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Action Plan to Develop New City In North Kalimantan Signed

After I read the news from the "Jakarta Post" website I learned how much information.
On Wednesday, several governments signed an agreement to develop Tanjung Selor in North
Kalimantan as a new independent city (KBM), which was previously regulated in the 2015-2019
National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN).

The RPJMN plan involved several cities, namely 10 cities between Padang in West
Sumatra, Palembang in South Sumatra, Pontianak in West Kalimantan, Banjarbaru in South
Kalimantan, Maja in Banten, Makassar in South Sulawesi, Manado in North Sulawesi, Sorong in
West Papua, Jayapura in Papua and Tanjung Selor.

The event contained an Agreement on the Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No 9/2018

action plan on the development of Tanjung Selor signed by President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo in
October 2018 covering several government institutions as well as the North Kalimantan
provincial government and the Bulungan district government.

The development of the new city aims to control the sustainable urbanization of
metropolitan cities in Java and the signing ceremony is a sign of the central government's
commitment to accelerate the development of Tanjung Selor. Tanjung Selor is in a strategic
position because it is close to the borders of Indonesia and Malaysia. This is also the location of
integrated industrial estates and ports of Tanah Kuning. Coordination among related institutions
is important to ensure efficiency and effectiveness so that there are no repetitions of work by
various government ministries or agencies

Meanwhile, the regional government has the task of completing various paper works,
adjusting regional spatial plans (RTRW) and spatial detail plans (RDTR) and handling other
related permits.
North Kalimantan Governor Irianto Lambrie welcomed the signing of the agreement,
and said that the Inpres indicated the seriousness of the central government to spread
development throughout the country. The governor of North Kalimantan said that it was a
breakthrough and should be followed up to accelerate development throughout the country so
that development is not only concentrated in Java spread throughout Indonesia evenly

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