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In mid1930’s media scholars found the first theory on Media Effects and the Media
Behaviors. During second world wars media plays a vital role in both United States and
Germany to made influence in the people’s mind. The Germany Hitler’s Nazi used film
industry for Propaganda and they produced lots of movies about their achievements
which made a great impact in Germans mind. Later the United States also used its own
Hollywood and produced films like “Its Happened one night”, “It’s a wonderful life” and Mr.
Smith goes to Washington” to portrait Germany as Evil force which also made impact in
Americans Mind. Here media audience accepts the messages directly without any


The media (magic gun) fired the message directly into audience head without their own
knowledge. The message cause the instant reaction from the audience mind without any
hesitation is called “Magic Bullet Theory”. The media (needle) injects the message into
audience mind and it cause changes in audience behavior and psyche towards the
message. Audience are passive and they can’t resist the media message is called
“Hypodermic Needle Theory”.

Both theories are deals with impact of media messages in audience mind and how
audience react towards the message without any hesitation.


In 1930, Newly formed mercury theater and Orson Wells join together and created a fake
news bulletin about aliens invasion in american city called Grover’s Mill, New jersey. They
broadcast this news bulletin in between the radio program called “The War of the Worlds”.
The “Panic Broadcast” was reached merely 12 million American people and one million
were seriously believed. Due to this broadcast the whole country was in chaos.


The magic bullet theory is based on assumption of human nature and it was not based
on any empirical findings from research. Few media scholars do not accepting this model
because it’s based on assumption rather than any scientific evidence. In 1938, Lazarsfeld
and Herta Herzog testified the hypodermic needle theory in a radio broadcast “The War
of the Worlds” (a famous comic program) by insert a news bulletin which made a
widespread reaction and panic among the American Mass audience. Through this
investigation he found the media messages may affect or may not affect audience.

“People’s Choice” a study conducted by Lazarsfeld in 1940 about Franklin D. Roosevelt

election campaign and the effects of media messages. Through this study Lazarsfeld
disproved the Magic Bullet theory and added audience are more influential in
interpersonal than a media messages.



In 1944 Paul Lazarsfeld, (1901-1976) an American Social Researcher, Bernard

Berelson (1912 – 1979) and Hazel Gaudet was introduced The Two-Step Flow of
Communication in the book called “The people’s choice: How the voter makes up
his mind in a presidential campaign. New York: Columbia University Press”.
Theory Introduction:

The purpose of the study was focused on Presidential election Campaign and the people
decision-making process towards the campaign. All three researchers were wanted to
find out practically whether the mass media messages affect direct influence in voting
decision among the people. Unexpectedly they found the media messages (like radio and
newspapers) are very less influence then an informal, personal communication on voting
behavior. Based on this researched data, The Two Step Flow Communication Theory of
Mass Communication was developed by Katz and Paul Lazarsfeld.

Opinion Leader:

Opinion Leader is a leader for a certain group who gives details and information to lesser
active persons in the group. In office, the managing director is an opinion leader and in
public, a political leader is an opinion leader. They interpret the information to their own
group. But one thing the Opinion leader is a leader only for their own group not for all.

In Public, Political leader is an opinion leader. Here few people are not influenced by the
leader and their political views and thought. These people won’t support opinion leaders
and isolated from the population.

Katz and Paul seems “the flow of media messages from radio and print to opinion leaders
and then the leaders leads the messages to lesser active users in the population”.
Through this transformation of message, the leaders may add their opinion on the actual
content which may affects the low active users. In some cases the Opinion leaders are
filtering the actual content ensures the information is needed by the people. Mostly the
opinion leaders are selective and they pass the messages to the group. (Low-end media
users: Poor, Worker and People who are not affordable for getting information directly)


The Opinion leaders have enough voice only in structured social groups not in an isolated
individual in the population.


Carol watching News in ANB Channel they flash the headlines with “Research reveals
some toys are leads the children’s aggressive and Violent”. That day Carol calls her little
son and went for shopping and carol warn her son some toys are not good and made skin
allergy which leads her son to avoid those toys.

 Opinion leader: Mom

 Audience: Her Son

 Added information in actual content: Skin Allergy


 Researchers found substantial evidence that initial mass media information flows
directly to people on the whole and is not relayed by opinion leaders.
 The two-step hypothesis does not adequately describe the flow of learning.
Lazarsfeld and his associates in the 1940 election study were unable to determine
the specific flow of influence.
 Today most of the advertising researches are based on this theory. Especially
opinion leaders role in the society as well as in home to which helps to improve the
market with less efforts.



Expectancy violation is a communication theory which tries to explain the

unexpected behaviors of human beings while interacting. The theory is based on
the uncertainty reduction theory where the vagueness on the behaviors of the
others is reduced through interaction. The theory was developed from the
Nonverbal expectancy violation model by Judee.K.Burgoon which described the
personal space possessed by a person and how people responded to its violation.
People expect or predict a particular behavior while interacting and the violation to
these expectations can be perceived positively or negatively which is characterized
by the relationship between the people.

Expectancy violation theory:

Expectancy violation theory emphasizes on an individual perception of the

interaction in a particular situation. People while communicating will create an
expectation of how the other will react. Violation to this expectation can cause to a
perception that will be positive or negative. People behave differently according to
the cultural values they grow up in and this influences the reaction of the people

Expectancy violation theory also is dependent on the personal space. The

personal space is the boundary we keep and freedom is given to the people whom
we are close with. Particular personal space is expected from the people whom
they interact with according to the relationship they have with them. The theory
explains that people tends to protect the personal space when they experience a
violation in the expected behavior.

There are two types of expectancies

 Predictive – predictive expectancy is defining the communication and interaction

happening within a particular environment or a context
 Prescriptive– people displaying behaviors appropriate to the existing environment

Expectancy in people is determined by three factors

 Interactant characteristics – this includes age, sex and other personality traits of
the person make the listener creates an expectation of behavior
 Interpersonal characteristics – this character deals with the relationship that the
person has with the listener
 Environment – the context refers to the cultural influence and also the social
situation. All these factors lead to an expectation in behavior and the listener can
conceive the violation from the expected behavior as positive or negative. For
instance if we expect a gym instructor to be rough and but while interacting the
listener will be surprised of his calm and gentle behavior. The unexpected behavior
however caters to whether the communication should continue or not. The
positivity perceived by the listener can pursue the communication while negativity
to the listener can hinder the communication further


Expectancy violation theory pictures the expectancies more negatively and

vaguely. The studies have proved that the vagueness of the people provides a
space for sharing more about themselves and thus the uncertainty is reduced.

The expectancy violation theory can be applied in the study of various

interpersonal relationships. Positive violations can be effectively applied in various
sectors of organizations which could in turn increase profit and productivity.


Two students from high school published a creative article in newspaper

commenting on the behaviors of their teachers and other students. After being
called to the principal’s office, both expected a suspension due to their
inappropriate accomplishment. Principal to their surprise was in a merry mood due
to the big win in Basketball tournament by the school team. The principal after
reading the article in daily, selected them for the school editorial team. This
reaction was unexpected and positive which made the students to use their
creativity productively.


Sandra Ball-Rokeach and Melvin DeFleur proposed the “Dependency

theory” in 1976. The theory is combined with several perspectives like psycho
analytics & social system theory, systematic & casual approach and base elements
from Uses and Gratification theory but less focus on effects. Media Dependency
theory is one of the theories, first of its kind which regards audience as an active
part in communication process. The dependency theory is expanded from the
theory of Uses and Gratification.
According to this theory, there is an internal link between media, audience
and large social system. The audience learning from the real life is limited, so they
can use media to get more information to fulfil their needs. An extensive use of
media generates dependent relation in audience. Also Media can able to create
dependence relationship with target audiences to achieve their goals by using its
media power.

The degree of dependence is directly proportional to:

 Individual: The media have ability to satisfy the audience needs. An individual will
become more dependent on media, if the medium satisfy his/her needs. Otherwise
the media dependence will become less
 Social Stability: The audience reconsider their beliefs, practice and behaviours
when strong social change, conflicts, riot or election which will force to re-evaluate
and make new decisions. During this period media dependency is dramatically
increased, because there is a strong need for information, support and advice
 Active audience: In this communication process, the active audience chooses the
media dependence on their individual needs and other factors such as economic
conditions, society and culture. If alternative source fulfil the audience needs, then
it will reciprocally decrease the media dependence

Process of Creating Dependence:

 Media attracts individuals by offering the content which is able to fulfil the audience
needs for understanding, entertainment and information
 There is much difference in the level of strength in Dependence relationship.
Cognitive motivations encourage the individuals to maintain the level of attention
and Affective motivation serves the individuals to enhance the level of satisfaction
 Both Cognitive and Affective motivation are intensifying the audience to higher
level of involvement to enable the information process


In 2011, Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami hit Eastern Japan very badly. Due
to this natural disaster the whole communication were blocked and others could
not know the exact effects of tsunami in Eastern Japan. During this period, Peoples
information needs were dramatically increased and they were all more depend on
media than any other.

Critics of Media Dependency Theory:

 It describes the media role during social changes and crisis

 Theory is more flexible and descriptive
 Power of media dependency is not clearly described
 It’s difficult to prove scientifically or experimentally


The Uses and Gratification theory discusses the effects of the media on
people. It explains how people use the media for their own need and get satisfied
when their needs are fulfilled. In other words, it can be said that the theory argues
what people do with media rather than what media does to people. Also, this theory
is in contradiction to the Magic Bullet theory, which states that the audience is
passive. This theory has a user/audience-centered approach. Even for
communication, say – interpersonal, people refer to the media for the topic to
discuss among themselves. By referring the media, they gain more knowledge and
exposure to the world beyond their limited eyesight.

There are several needs and gratification for people. They are categorized
into five needs.

 Cognitive needs
 Affective needs
 Personal Integrative needs
 Social Integrative needs
 Tension free needs
Cognitive needs:

People use media for acquiring knowledge, information, facts, etc. Among
the audience, some have the thirst to acquire intellectual and academic
knowledge. This is not a very common phenomenon. Different people have
different needs. For example, quiz programs on television give on factual
knowledge; to know about current affairs people need to watch the news regularly;
search engines on the internet are also very popular since people can browse for
any topic easily under the run with no time restriction.

Affective needs:

It includes all kinds of emotions, pleasure and moods of the people. People
use media; say television, to satisfy their emotional needs.
The best example would be when people get emotional or sometimes even
they cry for a sad scene while watching the movie/soap opera.

Personal Integrative needs:

This is the self-esteem need. People use media to reassure their status,
gain credibility and stabilize. So people watch television and assure themselves
that they have a respectable status in society. For example, people watch
advertisements in the media like jewellery ads, furniture ads, apparel ads, etc. and
buy these products so that they can change their lifestyle. Hence the media helps
them to do so.

Social Integrative needs:

It encompasses the need to socialize with family, friends and relations in

society. For social interaction nowadays, people do not seem to gather socially
during weekends instead they have turned to social networking sites on the
internet such as Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr etc. to satisfy their needs.
Another example is people may start watching a particular programme, not
because they have any self interest, but because their neighbour/friend watches it
such that both the parties may have something in common to discuss.

Tension free needs:

People sometimes use the media as a means to escapism from the real
world and to relieve from tension and stress.
For example, people tend to relax while watching television, listening to the
radio, surfing the internet, etc. In fact, media has the power to grab audience mind
since it makes them feel connected with the situation and characters emotionally.
Note: The needs are specific in nature to the individual and how the media
satisfies the need is subjective. For example, some people may watch the news to
relax while others may get tensed or agitated by the same. The media is the same,
but people use it for different needs.
On television, most people watch reality shows nowadays not only its
popular, but because of the following reasons:
 It is more realistic.
 It provides entertainment.
 It is more interesting.
 There are new concepts cropping up every now and then.
 Viewers can participate as well in many ways while sitting at home.
 Controversies are extensively covered.
 Sensationalism brings in more viewers.

Criticism of Uses and gratification theory:

 The uses and gratification theory does not bring into consideration the power of
 It is more audience-oriented study.
 Positive point of the uses and gratification theory is it focuses attention on
individuals in the mass communication process.
 It mainly focuses on people’s selectivity on media content rather than its
unintended effects in their minds.
 Researches of this theory conclude the results are subjective rather than objective.



All About Theories for Communication. Retrieved from

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