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Newsletter N.

13 15/2/2011

The Abertzale Left in the Parliament of Catalonia

Mr. Alfons Lpez Tena: It is an honor for us to make easer to voice their concerns to those not being allowed to do it.
The Parliament representatives by Catalan Solidarity for the Independence, Mr. Toni Strubell, Mr. Alfons Lpez Tena and Mr. Uriel Bertran, with Mr. Txelui Moreno, the Abertzale Left spokesman, have appeared in a press conference after the meeting held this morning with members of the Abertzale Left. The Parliament representative by Catalan Solidarity for the Independence, Mr. Alfons Lpez Tena stated: It is an honor for us to make easer to voice

their concerns to those not being allowed to do it, so, the first purpose of appearing here is to facilitate the Abertzale Left to address Catalan media from the Parliament of Catalonia, the seat of national sovereignty of Catalan nation. Mr. Uriel Bertran explained that, as Catalan and Basque people are sharing the same dominating state, the links are becoming stronger and selfdetermination turns into an aim for both peoples. Mr. Bertran also requested the end of the political apartheid and that the Abertzale Left be allowed to have and institutional representation. On his side, Mr.Toni Strubell has mentioned the period of more than twenty years he has lived in Euskal Herria and he emphasized that it is very important to make easer to voice their concerns to those not being allowed to do it because of the strong links binding personally him to the Basque people. Finally, Mr. Txelui Moreno thanked the opportunity granted by Catalan Solidarity for the Independence to addressing Catalan media after holding the meeting and has taken the opportunity to send the best wishes to Catalan people. About the meeting held in the morning he explained that they have analyzed the Basque and Catalan policies and that they have shared the steps and initiatives implemented by both organizations. A main step, he said, must be that of the legalization of the Abertzale Left because beyond the electoral interest it is an irreversible scenario of peace and no violence gathering together those initiatives that may happen in a future in peace and democracy.

Speech by the Abertzale Left, Txelui Moreno, in the Parliament of Catalonia

Good afternoon, First of all, we want to thank Catalan Solidarity for the Independence for having held a meeting with us, the Abertzale Left, and for being allowed to address all of you and the Catalan public opinion from this press room of the Catalan Parliament.

We have just met the representatives of Catalan Solidarity for the independence. We have analyzed Basque and Catalan political situation, and also the political scenario mainly determined by the request from a large variety of members of Basque and Catalan societies to legalize the Abertzale Left.

The Abertzale Left has been always interested in sharing its appraisal about the political situation with different Catalan political, labor union and social agents. Now, we are sharing the different steps taken and the initiatives implemented last months, specially the initiative to legalize ourselves, in compliance of the Parties Law. We think that legalization is an important step towards the political and democratic normalization in Euskal Herria. An important step towards a scenario in which rights will not be violated and all democratic rights and liberties will be fully recognized. The majority of Basque society and its political, labor and social organization consider it to be in this way. Beyond the electoral interest, the legalization of the Abertzale Left is a major progress towards an irreversible scenario of peace and no violence. So, we welcome the different initiatives being a progress towards the political and democratic normalization. We want, from the Parliament, to emphasize and welcome the initiative put forward last week by tens of Catalan public figures belonging to Catalan political, social and cultural life in favor of a different prison policy for Basque prisoners.

The Abertzale Left has implemented a Democratic Process with no backward step. We are doing our best so as the violent confrontation will belong to the past and to start a stage in which the confrontation and ideas and projects will be exclusively political. No doubt that a positive and constructive attitude by the Spanish state would help to accelerate the creation of this scenario.
So, we mention and welcome again all these initiatives promoting and supporting the creation of a new scenario in Euskal Herria, the creation of a new future in peace and democracy. Finally, I want to thank again Catalan Solidarity for the Independence to allow us to address the Catalan society from the Parliament; to thank all of you, the journalist from different media, for having attended this press conference and lastly, we take this opportunity to send our best wishes to Catalan people.
Parlament de Catalunya, 15 de febrero de 2011

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Relacions Poltiques Internacionals de Solidaritat Catalana per la Independncia

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