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Ex 11 Moderator: Good day, everyone.

I will be the chairperson for today's debate between Team A,

representing the Green Party, and Team B, representing the Right-Wingers. Our topic for today is the
issue of deforestation and whether we should limit it severely or support multinational enterprises
involved in logging for profit.

Each team will have three speakers, and they will speak in the following order: Team A, Team B, Team A,
Team B, and so on. Each speaker will have two minutes to present their arguments. After both teams
have presented their arguments, we will open the floor for a discussion. The goal is to reach a consensus
on future government action.

Team B, please present your arguments in favor of supporting multinational enterprises involved in
logging for profit.

Team B Speaker 1: Thank you, Moderator. The right-wing perspective on this matter acknowledges the
economic significance of logging. Multinational enterprises play a crucial role in providing jobs and
stimulating local economies in regions where logging occurs. They create employment opportunities for
many individuals, which is essential for reducing unemployment and poverty.

Moreover, these enterprises also contribute to the global supply of wood products, which are essential
for various industries, such as construction and manufacturing. Restricting these enterprises may lead to
supply shortages and higher prices, negatively affecting both businesses and consumers. We believe in a
balanced approach that allows responsible logging practices to continue while ensuring the protection
of our forests through sustainable management.

Team B Speaker 2: Thank you. Another point we'd like to emphasize is that multinational logging
enterprises are often better equipped and have more resources to implement sustainable logging
practices. They can invest in technology and research to minimize environmental impact and reduce
waste. By allowing these enterprises to operate, we can encourage them to adopt more
environmentally friendly practices over time.

Additionally, the profit motive can drive innovation. If we limit logging for profit, we may hinder the
development of more sustainable and efficient logging methods. Our position is that we should work
with these enterprises to set high environmental standards, encourage responsible practices, and
ensure that our forests are managed in a way that benefits both the economy and the environment.

Team B Speaker 3: Thank you. Finally, we must consider the role of property rights and the rule of law.
Restricting multinational enterprises from logging for profit may infringe upon the rights of private
landowners who depend on these activities for their livelihood. It is essential to respect property rights
and the contractual agreements that landowners have entered into. We believe that a regulatory
framework, rather than a severe limitation, is the right approach to balance economic interests with
environmental concerns.

In conclusion, Team B contends that we should support multinational enterprises involved in logging for
profit while implementing responsible and sustainable practices, respecting property rights, and
maintaining a balance between economic and environmental interests.

Moderator: Thank you, Team B, for presenting your arguments. Now, Team A, you will have your turn to
present your case for severely limiting deforestation.

Ex 12

Here are some arguments in favor of the motion, along with potential defenses against

1. Transparency and Accountability:

 Argument: Requiring individuals to publicly declare their political affiliations promotes
transparency and accountability within the academic community.

 Defense: This transparency helps to avoid potential biases in teaching, research, and
administrative decisions, fostering an environment of trust.

2. Avoiding Conflicts of Interest:

 Argument: Publicly declaring political affiliations can help identify and mitigate potential
conflicts of interest in academia.

 Defense: This can prevent situations where individuals may use their positions to further their
political agendas, ensuring academic integrity.

3. Fostering Inclusive Discussions:

 Argument: Knowing the political affiliations of staff and students can help create a more
inclusive and diverse academic environment.

 Defense: This information can encourage open dialogue, allowing for a wider range of
perspectives and experiences in academic discussions.

4. Encouraging Civic Engagement:

 Argument: Requiring declarations of political affiliations may encourage individuals to become

more politically engaged and informed.

 Defense: This can lead to a more politically aware and active campus, promoting democratic

5. Preventing Hidden Bias:

 Argument: Public declarations can help reveal any hidden biases that may affect the academic

 Defense: Identifying these biases can lead to proactive measures to address and rectify them,
creating a fairer environment for all.

6. Protecting Against Extremism:

 Argument: Public declarations can help monitor and prevent extremist ideologies from
infiltrating the academic environment.

 Defense: This can safeguard the academic community from any ideologies that promote hate or

7. Facilitating Informed Choices:

 Argument: Knowing the political affiliations of instructors can help students make informed
choices when selecting courses.

 Defense: This can lead to a more personalized education and allow students to choose courses
aligned with their values and interests.

Ex 14


1. Taxation:
Reducing Taxation:

 Economic Growth: Lower taxes can stimulate economic growth by providing individuals and
businesses with more disposable income to invest and spend.

 Competitiveness: Lower corporate taxes can attract foreign investment and promote the
competitiveness of domestic industries.

 Incentive for Savings and Investment: Reduced taxes can incentivize people to save and invest,
which can contribute to long-term economic stability.

 Fiscal Discipline: Lowering taxes can encourage governments to control their spending and
become more fiscally responsible.

Maintaining/Increasing Taxation:

 Sustainable Public Services: High tax revenues are essential to maintain high-quality public
services, including healthcare and education.

 Income Equality: Progressive taxation can help reduce income inequality, as those with higher
incomes pay a larger share of their earnings in taxes.

 Social Safety Nets: Adequate tax revenue allows for the creation and maintenance of strong
social safety nets, ensuring that vulnerable populations are protected.

 Public Infrastructure: Taxation provides the necessary funding for infrastructure projects, which
benefit the overall economy and society.

2. Healthcare and Education Costs:

Making Healthcare and Education More Expensive:

 Private Sector Investment: Encouraging private investment in healthcare and education can
improve the quality and innovation in these sectors.

 Reducing Demand: Higher costs may reduce unnecessary demand for healthcare services and
reduce overcrowding in public education.

 Reduced Burden on Public Finances: Shifting some costs to individuals can relieve the burden
on public finances.

Making Healthcare and Education More Affordable/Accessible:

 Social Equality: Ensuring that healthcare and education are affordable for all promotes social
equality and equal access to opportunities.

 Economic Efficiency: Publicly funded healthcare and education systems can be more
economically efficient, as they eliminate the profit motive.

 Preventative Healthcare: Affordable healthcare can encourage individuals to seek preventive

care, reducing long-term healthcare costs.

 Human Capital Development: Accessible education is crucial for developing a skilled workforce,
which is vital for economic growth.


Common People and Politics:

Influence on political decision-making varies across countries, but common methods for citizens to
participate include:

1. Voting: Participating in elections is a fundamental way for individuals to influence politics. Citizens can
vote for candidates and parties that align with their views.

2. Activism and Advocacy: Engaging in grassroots movements and advocacy organizations can amplify
citizen voices and draw attention to specific issues.

3. Petitions and Protests: Signing and organizing petitions, as well as participating in protests, can
pressure governments to take action on specific issues.

4. Civic Education: Investing in civic education helps citizens understand political processes and become
more informed voters.

5. Engaging with Elected Representatives: Communicating with elected officials through letters, emails,
or meetings can influence their decisions.

6. Joining Political Parties: Becoming a member of a political party allows for direct involvement in
shaping the party's platform and selecting candidates.

7. Legal Challenges: Citizens can bring legal challenges to policies they disagree with, often resulting in
court decisions that impact government actions.

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